Powerful and romantic

Chapter 139 Inspiration 1

After seeing off Yan Wangsong, he chatted with Li Dongyuan about the affairs of the county for a while. Li Dongyuan told Xu Junran that in the future, if something happened, he could go to the county bureau to find Liu Liu. He had expressed his opinion to Liu Liu in private, and Liu Liu could still be trusted.

Xu Junran nodded in agreement, and he also knew that if he wanted to stay in Wude County in the future, Liu Liu, the chief of the county bureau, would definitely want to make friends with him. After all, no matter what time it is, the public security political and legal front must have acquaintances to handle affairs.

Sitting in the room that originally belonged to Li Yifeng, Xu Junran took out a pen and wanted to write something, but hesitated.

Yan Wangsong obtained Zhu Yiqun's support at the price of his own retirement, and the person he supported was Xu Junran.

According to Yan Wangsong's thinking, after he retires, it is equivalent to handing over the power of Wude County to Yang Weitian. His purpose is very simple, that is, he hopes that Yang Weitian can try his best to promote Xu Junran, and when Xu Junran becomes a regular-level cadre in the future, with such With a relationship, Zhu Yiqun had to support Xu Junran.

I have to say that if Xu Junran is not a reborn person, Yan Wangsong's plan will be very successful. It can be said that it is a road to success. As long as Xu Junran does his current job step by step, his future will definitely be much brighter than now. After all, there is a main hall The leadership support at the top level is always stronger than it is now.

But in fact, Xu Junran can only sigh with emotion that creation tricks people.

Today's me, do I still need to care about Zhu Yiqun's attitude?

After Xu Junran asked himself, the answer was obvious, as long as he could do a good job in his current job, he would be able to become a leader in the future.

Speaking of the main and secondary contradictions in philosophy, Xu Junran is very aware of the situation he is facing now, Yan Wangsong is of course kind, and hopes that he can rely on Zhu Yiqun's big boat to lay a good foundation for his future career.But Xu Junran knew that he didn't need to think about that matter at all, he just wanted to make the economy of Lijia Town and even Wude County unique, not to mention others.Zhou Deliang, the top leader of the provincial party committee alone, would not treat himself badly.

According to the meaning revealed in Zhou Deliang's words, his article may have attracted the attention of many people. The reason why he did not find him is probably because he was not sure about the attitude of the higher authorities.on the other hand.But he didn't know if he was from the Cao family.That being the case, Xu Junran had to start various projects in Lijia Town Commune and even Wude County before other forces attacked or criticized him.Putting up the stalls, in this way, with achievements, becoming the focus, entering the speech of the old man, and waiting for the reform tide in the mid-to-late 80s, I will definitely become the pioneer of the reformist group. With such a hat on my head, Not afraid of poor career in the future.

have to say.The greatest benefit that Xu Junran's rebirth can bring is his grasp of the general direction. Although he may not know exactly what to do, his judgment of the overall situation is beyond the reach of ordinary people, which makes Xu Junran at least not go wrong direction.

After pondering for a while, Xu Junran took a pen and wrote a few words on the paper.Including rice field fish farming bases, construction companies and breweries, he hesitated, and he felt that these things alone did not seem to attract enough attention.After all, the above is to look at the real achievements. If I can develop the Lijia Town Commune within a year or two, it will be tantamount to setting up a banner for the reformists. With this first achievement, I will not be afraid .

However, apart from these things, what else can Wude County do today?

Frowning tightly, Xu Junran took a pen and gestured for a long time, but found that no matter what kind of business he wanted to start in Wude County now, he couldn't get around the most troublesome thing, and that was the traffic problem.

The roads in Wude County are too bad!

The development of transportation is related to the smooth communication between a region and the outside world. It is no exaggeration to say that the development of transportation in a region determines whether the economic development of this region can maintain a stable speed for a long time.But it is a pity that the traffic in Wude County is really hard to arouse interest.

Even the roads in the county are dirt roads that are staggering. Once it rains and snows, the roads in the whole county start to be muddy. You have to wear boots when you go out, let alone the communes and production teams below. Basically, if you go from the commune to the county seat, you have to walk for several hours with a tractor.

If you want to get rich, build roads first. This slogan has not been raised yet, but Xu Junran clearly knows that if you want to develop the economy, you must improve the traffic conditions.

"Fix the road!"

Xu Junran wrote these two words on the paper, and the next moment he couldn't help but smile wryly.

Easier said than done, it is not so easy to put it into action.

Especially in Wude County's current finances, if it wants to build a road, how easy is it?It's not that Xu Junran is not clear about this situation, but he also knows that if there is no road construction, Wude County will really have no development.

Fish farming in rice fields is certainly a good project, but the real profit comes from selling the products.There is also a brewery restructured into a liquor factory. If there is no good transportation, these things cannot be sold, not to mention, there is no way to turn them into money if they are piled up in their hands, but they are a burden.

However, the cost of building roads is really not low. Given the financial situation of Wude County, let alone building a road leading to the urban area, even the roads in the county have always been so foolishly repaired. The Transportation Bureau is a Qingshui yamen, and it would be good if the annual funds are enough for maintenance.

In an era when even using a pen is a luxury, how rich can the county finance be expected to be.

wait, pen?

Xu Junran's mind seemed to be struck by lightning, and he froze immediately.

In this era, long-term economic backwardness, one of the disadvantages of the planned economy system is that people have become rare items for some inconspicuous consumables in later generations.

Like, a pencil.

Perhaps no one believes that when children in the 80s went to school, they used writing brushes because they couldn't afford pencils.Not to mention the fountain pen, it must be used by people with status and status.This is because the pencil is a pure consumable, and it is obviously not suitable to be widely used in rural primary schools. After all, in rural areas where everyone has to rely on work points and food stamps to make a living, buying pencils for children to study Pencils are absolutely worthless.

In big cities, workers have started to let children study with pencils. After all, compared with the income of farmers who earn less than 100 yuan a year, the monthly wages of tens of yuan for workers can still afford those pennies. A pencil.

The most important thing is that there is a graphite mine in Wude County. Although the reserves are not large, Xu Junran knows that it should be able to support the operation of a small factory.Moreover, this graphite mine, if Xu Junran's memory is correct, is located in a hill not far from the Lijia Town Commune, which was discovered by Long Yinyue.

Graphite is naturally the most important raw material for the production of pencils.

In the previous life, in the 90s, someone in Wude County really contracted the graphite mine, set up a stationery factory, and made a small fortune. Later, because the graphite mine was almost exhausted, it was closed down. I bought that place, but it is said that I also made nearly a million profits.

"You don't need to have a million, tens of thousands are enough." Xu Junran thought silently, secretly thinking.

Road construction in this era is not as cumbersome as it was later. As long as there is enough money to buy road construction materials, Xu Junran can solve the rest. At least for labor, Xu Junran doesn’t have to worry about gaps at all. He just needs to let Yang Wei work together Order, all communes in the county will contribute their efforts.This is one of the advantages of the planned economy. You can concentrate on a construction project without having to consider labor costs, material costs, etc. like later.

It's just that this matter is still just an idea of ​​his. Xu Junran of the pencil factory felt that it was necessary to get it done before the liquor factory. know how to get it.

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice."

Sighing, Xu Junran slowly put down the pen in his hand, and smiled helplessly.

"Practice the avenue, put the people first, and benefit the world."

After writing these nine words in the notebook, Xu Junran shook his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

He knew very well that the path he chose after his rebirth was destined to be full of thorns.Whether it's the mountains in front of him, or the opponents hidden on the unknown road, as long as he is a little careless, he will be easily knocked down, but Xu Junran is confident that he will reach the final peak.

No matter what, since God gave him a chance to start over and make up for his regrets, Xu Junran didn't want to give up, nor did he want to miss it.In the previous life, the adoptive father spent his whole life full of grief. In this life, he must change this fate.

Lying on the bed, Xu Junran looked out of the window in a daze. He knew that starting tomorrow, he would face a new situation. After Li Dongyuan and Yan Wangsong left, within a period of time, the help he could get in Wude County was only Only Yang Weitian, whose foothold is not stable, is left. As for Qin Guotong, it is very likely that he will sit on the throne of county magistrate.

"Qin Guotong, enjoy the happiness that time is short." Xu Junran slowly closed his eyes, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

It shouldn't be long before the crackdown begins. I believe that after this meeting of the National People's Congress, the crackdown will officially start. At that time, I will have the opportunity to clean up the Qin family and his son.

Outside the window, a round of bright moon slowly climbed into the mid-air, and the watery moonlight sprinkled on Wude County. Tonight, Xu Junran was not the only one who couldn't sleep all night.

"Sister-in-law, do you want to stay here?"

Sun Yuxuan, who was surprised, looked at Sun Jingyun, who was calm in front of him, puzzled.

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