On August 1982, 8, the No.25 Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing.In his speech, the second generation of leaders put forward the brand-new proposition of "building socialism with Chinese characteristics" for the first time.

He pointed out: "Our modernization drive must proceed from China's reality. Whether it is revolution or construction, we must pay attention to learning and drawing on foreign experience. However, copying the experience and models of other countries has never been successful. This is In this regard, we have learned many lessons. Combining the universal truth of Marxism with the specific reality of our country, walking our own path, and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, this is the basic conclusion we have drawn after summing up long-term historical experience.”

"Many cadres at the grassroots level are now exploring the combination of advanced experience and Chinese characteristics. A commune in Wude County, Quanzhou City, Jiangnan Province, took the lead in proposing the idea of ​​'crossing the river by feeling the stones', and they are planning to implement Collectively owned enterprises, I think this is very good. Dare to try, and don’t be afraid of failure. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, how many times have we failed? As long as we maintain our socialist essence, anything that is conducive to the development of the people and the liberation of productive forces , we all support it.”

Next, the person in charge of the Central Committee made a report entitled "Comprehensively Create a New Situation in Socialist Modernization".The report announces that we have completed the arduous task of setting things right in terms of guiding ideology, and have achieved major victories in setting things right in practical work on all fronts, realizing a historic and great transformation.

He also stated that the general task of our party in the new historical period is to unite the people of all ethnic groups in the country, rely on themselves, work hard, gradually realize the modernization of industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology, and build our country into a highly civilized and highly democratic society. socialist country.By the end of this century, the general goal of my country's economic construction is: on the premise of continuously improving economic benefits, strive to quadruple the annual gross output value of industry and agriculture in the country, that is, increase from 1980 billion yuan in 7100 to 2000 yuan in 28000. About [-] million yuan.Make the people's material and cultural life reach a well-off level.The congress adopted a new party constitution and elected a new Central Committee, Central Advisory Committee and Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Xu Junran didn't know these things, because he was at this moment.I'm so busy.

On August 16th, I accompanied Zhou Deliang and Jin Chengyou to investigate the actual situation of Lijia Town Commune.After inquiring about the specific situation of Lijia Town Commune in detail, Jin Chengyou immediately stated that the rice field and fish farming pilot project could be carried out in Lijia Town Commune.

Because it's a pilot project, it's enough to get the land from Lijia Town.next thing.It is how to make this experiment successful and promote it throughout the county.

Zhou Deliang, the head of the Provincial Party Committee, naturally wouldn't stay in Wude County for too long. He left here the next morning to attend a meeting in the capital.On the contrary, Jin Chengyou couldn't wait to get up, and directed the disciples of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences to live in the ancestral hall of the Lijia Town Commune, and planned to set up camp here.

Xu Junran didn't dare to be negligent, so he contacted the leaders of the commune and asked Li Qiankun to get some rice and send them over.After all, although Lijiazhen is poor, it can't make the experts from the capital unable to eat. If that's the case, Xu Junran will be ashamed to see Cao Junming.

"Jun Ran, this is the number of people from each production team going to Pengfei City, take a look."

Sitting in Xu Junran's office.Li Qiankun handed Xu Junran a stack of lists. Today is August 25th, and the construction team will leave for Lingnan soon.

Xu Junran lowered his head, glanced at the list, and said to Li Qiankun: "Uncle Qiankun, there will be people coming from Pengfei the day after tomorrow, please ask each household to prepare and gather at the commune, so don't fall behind."

Li Qiankun nodded: "That's no problem, I've already notified you. By the way, there's a meeting in the county this afternoon, so you go for me."

"A meeting?" Xu Junran was taken aback, raised his head and asked in surprise.

Li Qiankun nodded: "Yes. The team in the county has been adjusted, and it will be officially announced today."

Xu Junran frowned, and then remembered that he was really busy and confused recently, how could he forget such an important thing.

Not long after Zhou Deliang left Wude County, news came from the city that the candidates for the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee had changed.Then, within a week, the municipal party committee officially issued a notice that Comrade Yan Wangsong would no longer serve as secretary of the Wude County party committee, and the work in the county would be presided over by Yang Weitian, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate.At the same time, Li Dongyuan, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the County Political and Legal Committee, was transferred to the Provincial Public Security Department, and the post of Secretary of the County Political and Legal Committee is waiting for appointment by superiors.

As for what Li Qiankun said, it should be that the city officially announced the arrangement for the Wude County Party Committee team.

"Uncle Qiankun, if you don't go, is it appropriate?" Xu Junran asked Li Qiankun after being stunned for a while.

Li Qiankun is the secretary of the party committee. If he doesn't go, wouldn't it appear that he doesn't pay much attention to the county leaders?

Li Qiankun shook his head and said indifferently: "I don't have time. The construction team is about to go to Lingnan. There are too many things to do. I greeted County Mayor Yang and he agreed."

Only now did Xu Junran nod his head, since he had already greeted Yang Weitian, it was nothing.

Today's Lijia Town Company has a much higher status in Wude County than before. The top leaders of the provincial party committee have inspected the place, and also agreed to conduct a pilot project of rice field fish farming here. Regarding the matter of the construction team, no objection was given, which made the entire Wude County and even the Quanzhou Municipal Committee have to wait and see.

Yes, wait and see.Because everyone is not sure what the provincial party committee means, whether it is against or in favor of it.If it is opposed, it will be dealt with if it is dealt with, but what if it is agreed?At that time, if Secretary Zhou remembered the matter of Wude County and was dealt with by the Quanzhou Municipal Committee, who would take responsibility?

In the officialdom, the most difficult thing to figure out is the mind of the superiors. If one is not handled well, it will be a disaster.

"By the way, you go to the old secretary after the meeting and tell him that the construction team is leaving, so it's better for him to stay here." Li Qiankun suddenly stopped when he turned to go out, and said to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran nodded and agreed: "Okay, I'll tell the old man."

After Li Qiankun left, Xu Junran rubbed his head with a headache. He didn't feel it at first, but now he suddenly felt that there were so many things.It's really annoying to have to worry about everything by yourself.

Standing up, Xu Junran packed up his things and looked at the time. It was time for him to leave, otherwise he would not be able to make it to the county committee at noon.

When Xu Junran walked in the meeting room of the Wude County Committee, there were not many people inside. After greeting several commune leaders he was familiar with, Xu Junran found a seat in the back and sat down. Anyway, he came to meet the occasion , it's better to keep a low profile.

"Secretary Xu, you're here."

When Xu Junran sat down, a man beside him greeted him.

Xu Junran raised his head, but laughed.The person next to him is Hu Gang, the deputy director of the County Finance Bureau, and I have a relationship with him.

"Hu Ju, why are you sitting here?" Xu Junran asked Hu Gang in a low voice.

Hu Gang chuckled, pointed to his mouth and said, "I just finished drinking, so I dare not move forward."

Looking at his flushed face, Xu Junran couldn't help but shook his head. Drinking alcohol during work is common at the grassroots level.This is the case with grassroots work. There are many trivial things, and it is normal to talk about work at the wine table.

"Secretary Xu, I heard that the construction team of your commune is about to start?" Sitting next to Xu Junran, this Hu Gang was not polite, chatting with Xu Junran as if he was familiar with him.

Xu Junran nodded: "I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow." It's not a secret, and he doesn't need to be mysterious.

Hu Gang looked at Xu Junran enviously, gave a thumbs up and said, "Secretary Xu is educated, and you came up with the idea of ​​building a construction team?"

Xu Junran frowned, but did not answer him.There is no definite conclusion on the matter of the construction team. The reason why everyone has not objected is that the leaders of the provincial party committee have not made a statement. As for the cadres at the grassroots level, all they know is that the construction team Some people paid some wages in advance, and the country people are simple. No matter what kind of enterprise, since the wages are paid first, in their opinion, it should not be too bad.

However, what does it mean that Hu Gang found himself?

Xu Junran thinks that he doesn't have the face to let a deputy director of the county finance bureau take the initiative to find him. You must know that the most important thing in this officialdom is a seniority ranking. It stands to reason that he has not been a deputy secretary of the party committee for a long time. Except for Yan Wangsong and Several cadres on Li Dongyuan's side were not familiar with other leaders in the county at all.Not to mention, if Hu Gang and Xu Junran remember correctly, he should be promoted by Yang Weitian, because the director of the County Finance Bureau seems to be very close to Qin Guotong.

"Hu Ju, you can't say that. I don't have that ability personally. It's all figured out by everyone. I'm just helping to find a few acquaintances in the capital. After all, I went to university there, and I always have some classmates. "

Xu Junran smiled calmly, but did not acknowledge Hu Gang's words. He knew very well that since Hu Gang mentioned this topic, there must be more content behind it.

Sure enough, Hu Gang obviously didn't take Xu Junran's words seriously, and smiled and said: "Little Secretary Xu just likes to be modest. I heard that your construction team pays wages very happily. I have a brother-in-law, and this guy is in his twenties. , not doing business all day long, can you help me and let him go to Pengfei's side as well?"


Xu Junran's expression sank immediately, and he looked at Hu Gang and asked calmly: "Hu Ju, I wonder what your brother-in-law will do? Carpenter or bricklayer?"

The smile on Hu Gang's face froze immediately, and he said with a dry smile: "Secretary Xu was joking, of course he won't do this kind of rough work."

Xu Junran still had a calm face: "Then what is he going to do?"

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became awkward.

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