Powerful and romantic

Chapter 148 The City Committee Shocks!

After receiving a call from Qin Guotong, a young face quickly appeared in Zhang Jingmin's mind. He vaguely remembered seeing that young man when he went to Wude County a few days ago.It is said that this young college student surnamed Xu was the one who rescued Miss Sun's family. At that time, he didn't care about it. After all, compared with appeasing the anger of Sun's family, a fledgling doll really doesn't deserve his attention as the secretary of the municipal party committee. .

Even if there were rumors that Xu Junran was related to the big boss in the capital, Zhang Jingmin didn't take it to heart.

As a seasoned old fritter who has been used to watching various sports for decades, Zhang Jingmin originally thought that this was just rumors from the outside. If Xu Junran really had that ability and was valued by the big bosses in the capital, he would have been transferred to the capital long ago. up.Besides, some time ago, Zhang Jingmin thought about promoting Xu Junran. After all, saving Miss Sun's family can be regarded as keeping the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government from losing too much in front of the superiors, but the organization minister Huang Ziqi said in front of him, yes Xu Junran was very pessimistic, and Zhang Jingmin, who knew Huang Ziqi's background, had no choice but to give up.

However, Zhang Jingmin did not expect that this young man, whom he did not care about, would bring Quanzhou to the fore after just one month.

The moment he put down Qin Guotong's phone, Zhang Jingmin panicked, but he didn't lose his mind, and quickly called his old leader.

"Secretary Chen, I..."

Zhang Jingmin hadn't finished speaking when a deep voice said, "You have a talented person in the whole state."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Jingmin's heart sank, the old leader had something to say.

Sure enough, Secretary Chen said calmly: "Governor Lu is leaving, this time the central government's transfer order came very suddenly."

Governor Lu is naturally the backstage of Zhang Jingmin and Secretary Chen. Secretary Chen is not the top leader of the provincial party committee. The first secretary of the provincial party committee is naturally Zhou Deliang, who is a member of the Standing Committee of the provincial party committee at this time.Most of them will wear the title of deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, just like Chen Chulin, the organization minister of the provincial party committee, although he is in charge of the official title of the whole province, he is also the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee.

Zhang Jingmin opened his mouth, of course he understood the significance of this matter.Adjust the provincial party committee team at this critical time.It seems that some agreement has been reached, at least he knows that his backstage governor.At the beginning, it was firmly opposed to reform and opening up.

"Old leader, what should we do now?"

Still holding a trace of luck in his heart, Zhang Jingmin asked Chen Chulin. He knew that Chen Chulin had always been resourceful, and he was also his old leader. As long as Chen Chulin was still around, he didn't have to worry about his future.This is a good habit that Zhang Jingmin has developed over the years, that is, since he hugs one thigh, he will go all the way to the dark.Unswervingly follow behind the opponent, regardless of success or failure, since you have made a bet, you must stick to it.

Chen Chulin seemed to be very satisfied with Zhang Jingmin's attitude. He smiled and said, "Don't worry about this time. The Lijia Town Commune has helped you a lot."

Zhang Jingmin was stunned for a moment, then wanted to explain, and said with a wry smile: "Old leader, we don't know about the construction team created by that commune in the city."

Chen Chulin frowned.He directly interrupted Zhang Jingmin's words and said: "Old Zhang, I don't care what you thought about it before. The talents valued by the superiors must be taken seriously in Jiangnan Province. The construction team of the Lijia Town Commune is a socialism project with Chinese characteristics. Try. As the secretary of the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee, you have the obligation and responsibility to support their work. Although economic development is the work of the government, as the party secretary, you must play a leading role. Pay attention to methods, pay attention to strategies, Don't forget which way the wind blows from above."

Hearing these words, Zhang Jingmin was stunned immediately. He knew the meaning of Chen Chulin's words very well. After a while, he said cautiously: "But, if I change my attitude rashly, will it be too fast? Besides, before Let's talk to Governor Xia..."

The change he mentioned naturally refers to the fact that both Zhang Jingmin and Chen Chulin belonged to conservative forces and opposed reform and opening up.There were more than one disputes with the reformist Xia Qiushi.But if we rashly support the reform at this time, wouldn't it be suspected of being both first and second?

Chen Chulin sneered: "We have never opposed reform and opening up, but all work must be carried out under the leadership of the central government, not just a few people talking in plain sight."

Zhang Jingmin immediately understood, nodded and said, "Secretary Chen, don't worry, I know what to do."

Chen Chulin said earnestly: "Old Zhang, as the secretary, you must firmly grasp the issue of the appointment and dismissal of cadres, and let Mayor Yiqun do the work of economic construction. As the secretary of the municipal party committee, you must focus on grasping the big issues. Direction. Comrade you have good abilities, you should cherish your own future, understand?"

After a pause, he continued: "The central government means that the candidates for the governor should be selected from the current team members of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee. Secretary Zhou's opinion is very important. Governor Xia is likely to take over the post of secretary and executive vice governor. Comrade Palin's voice is the highest, and the province is discussing the candidate for the mayor of Jiangzhou..."

Chen Chulin had no intention of going on after he had finished speaking.

Zhang Jingmin quickly realized that the friendship between him and Chen Chulin had not lasted for a year or two. When they were in the Revolutionary Committee, the two were in the relationship between superior and subordinate. Chen Chulin, but at least Zhang Jingmin knew Chen Chulin's behavior and character very well. He knew that Chen Chulin belonged to the kind of ruthless character who didn't see the rabbit and didn't stalk the eagle. He always made decisions before acting.The current situation is obvious. The team in the province has changed, and the governor has been vacated. Xia Qiushi, the original executive vice governor, is most likely to take over the position of governor, and Qi Peilin, secretary of the Jiangzhou Municipal Party Committee in the provincial capital, is the new governor. The executive deputy governor is the most vocal person.

The crux of the problem lies here. Once Qi Peilin becomes the executive vice governor, his position as secretary of the municipal party committee will be taken over by the original mayor. In this way, the position of mayor of Jiangzhou, the capital of Jiangnan Province, will be vacated. The position of the municipal party secretary at the deputy ministerial level is very different, but don't forget that the Jiangzhou municipal party committee secretary is a member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee and is at the deputy ministerial level.What Chen Chulin meant was obvious. If he wanted to choose someone in Jiangnan Province to succeed the mayor of the provincial capital, then he must push himself hard.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jingmin's heart suddenly became a little excited.

He is a person who likes power, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the risk and become a rebel, fighting from the factory to his current position.As the saying goes, listen to the gong and listen to the sound, and listen to the sound.People in the officialdom must learn to distinguish the hidden meanings in the words of superiors and subordinates, otherwise you will not be able to improve at all.

Zhang Jingmin is not a fool. He heard a hint of implication from Chen Chulin's words. As the deputy secretary in charge of the party and the masses, Chen Chulin's meaning is already obvious. He can recommend you Zhang Jingmin to fight for the position of mayor of the provincial capital city government, but you also You have to be qualified to be recommended by others.

Zhang Jingmin, who is 54 years old this year, knows very well that this transfer of the provincial party committee team is his last chance in his official career.The central government has clearly raised the issue of rejuvenation of cadres, and a large number of veteran cadres have already resigned to the second line. The situation at my age is just the right time.If he gets promoted, he might be able to work as a deputy minister. If he can't be promoted, he will be the main hall for the rest of his life.

Things in the officialdom are actually very simple. Sometimes, whether to be promoted or not is just a matter of one sentence.

There is a lot of knowledge here. For example, Zhang Jingmin has been the secretary of the municipal party committee for a long time, and his qualifications are sufficient. If he is promoted, he will be the mayor of the provincial capital. Fighting for power, when you retire like this, you can at least get the treatment of a deputy minister.But what if he is not promoted?After the term of the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary is about to expire, it is not impossible to retire from the National People's Congress or the Political Consultative Conference. Maybe the cadres will become younger and retire just like Yan Wangsong.This kind of thing is very common in China's officialdom today. After all, the current situation in China's political arena is a bit complicated. Because of the turmoil, many old cadres were reinstated after being attacked, and those young cadres who were promoted , There is a situation in this officialdom, overcrowded!The most important thing is that the old cadres occupy leadership positions, but their bodies no longer allow them to continue serving the people.

Therefore, only a few veterans took the lead in retiring to the second line and giving up their positions to young people. This is the so-called rejuvenation of leading cadres.

Originally, Zhang Jingmin had no desire for his official career. He is 54 this year, and he has been the secretary of the municipal party committee for five years. In five years, he will be 59, and he is about to retire.There was no chance to climb up at all, but he never expected that this opportunity would suddenly appear now, which made him have to face up to his current situation.

If you work hard, you will have a chance to rise up.This was the choice before Zhang Jingmin, but what surprised him was that the key key to whether he could be promoted was actually in the hands of Xu Junran.To be precise, it all depends on Xu Junran's words. As long as Xu Junran mentions his name a little bit when he is interviewed by the central reporter, it is conceivable that Chen Chulin only needs to operate a little in the province for himself, and the mayor's The position cannot escape.

Power is a good thing, it can make people wake up completely from a certain state at once.

At this moment, Zhang Jingmin was suddenly curious about that young man named Xu Junran. He especially wanted to see this young man with his own eyes, to see what kind of person he was, who could do things that could change the fate of many people. .Such feelings filled his heart, prompting Zhang Jingmin to put down the phone, and shouted outside.

"Xiao Zhang, prepare the car and go to Wude County!"

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