Powerful and romantic

Chapter 155 A Different Feeling

What is a good person?

This is not a precise definition.

Xu Junran has never defined himself as a good person. He is very clear about one thing. If he wants to develop his official career, he must harden his heart, otherwise he will face those unknown enemies, and the opponents will emerge endlessly If he is a bad person, he will definitely be taken advantage of by others.

Officialdom is like a battlefield, and there is no room for slack and hesitation.

In fact, Xu Junran also understands the problems existing in state-owned enterprises. Over the years, state-owned enterprises have indeed made great contributions to economic development.Just like the Wude County Brewery, it can be said that if the brewery did not help the county finance from time to time, the Wude County finance revenue would have collapsed long ago.

But even so, this cannot be a reason for the brewery to remain unchanged after the restructuring.

"Secretary Yang, do you understand what a market economy is?"

Looking at Yang Weitian, Xu Junran asked directly.

Yang Weitian was taken aback. Although he was a little unfamiliar with the term market economy, in recent years central and local documents have talked about reform and opening up. This year, the government report even proposed the development of a planned commodity economy. Xu Junran's words should be related to this There are relationships?

After hesitating for a while, Yang Weitian shook his head and said tentatively, "You are doing theoretical research. Is this market economy the same as commodity economy?"

It was only then that Xu Junran remembered that at this time, the term market economy had not been formally proposed in China, and what everyone knew was the planned economy.

Looking at Yang Weitian, Xu Junran explained seriously: "The so-called market economy, also known as free market economy or free enterprise economy, is an economic system in which the production and sales of products and services are completely controlled by the free market. Guided by the free price mechanism of the country, rather than by the state as in a planned economy. In a market economy, there is no centrally coordinated system to guide its operation, but in theory, the market will work through the supply and Needs generate complex interactions. This leads to self-organizing effects. Proponents of a market economy often argue that the self-interest that people pursue is actually the best interest of a society."

In the end, Xu Junran concluded: "All in all, the advantage of a market economy is to use various means to make the market the main body of operation and to adapt to the needs of the outside world. Instead of relying on the state to deploy everything like the planned economy we are doing now .”

Yang Weitian was stunned, for him.He had never heard of what Xu Junran said, just like a student listening to a teacher's lecture for the first time, he became a little confused.Because what Xu Junran said was completely different from what he had learned all along.

"Then what is the relationship between the market economy you mentioned and the commodity economy?" Looking at Xu Junran, Yang Weitian suddenly asked.

Xu Junran laughed: "When the commodity economy continues to develop and the exchange of commodities is mainly allocated by the market, this kind of socialized commodity economy where resources are allocated by the market is a market economy. To be precise, the commodity economy will eventually develop into market economy."

Speaking of this, Xu Junran looked at Yang Weitian: "Secretary Yang, it's not that I'm cruel. If we don't reduce the burden on the brewery, then even if I can turn the newly established liquor factory into a profit, there is still no way to change the brewery. The fate of loss. Enterprises are enterprises. The government is the government. If the government and enterprises are blindly separated, problems will arise sooner or later.”

Yang Weitian remained silent. He also knew that Xu Junran was right, but it made him determined to give up the large number of workers in the brewery.Still very uncomfortable.

He sighed helplessly. Xu Junran also understood Yang Weitian's thoughts. The problem of state-owned enterprises will always be common in China in the next few decades. "Breaking the big pot of rice" is the loudest reform slogan in the early stage of reform and opening up. It is also the main task in the first stage of state-owned enterprise reform. "Breaking the big pot of rice" has two meanings, one is to change the distribution system, and the other is to change the employment system. But with the continuous deepening and development of the reform, the current situation has changed. It has become increasingly clear that the reform of "breaking the big pot of rice" will eventually develop in the direction of establishing a "big pot of rice", which is just a pot for cooking.

The two of them remained silent for quite a while, and when Yang Weitian was about to lose patience, Xu Junran said slowly, "Secretary Yang, let me come up with a solution, see if it works."

Yang Weitian hurriedly said, "Say it, say it."

He knew very well that since Xu Junran was able to persuade Zhang Jingmin and Zhu Yiqun to agree to his establishment of this liquor factory, it was obvious that the two leaders saw the benefits at their fingertips. Even if he opposed it, it would be difficult to change the leaders' thinking. In his eyes, political interests are probably more important than those workers' issues.

Xu Junran pondered for a while, and said slowly: "The original workers of the brewery, if they want to work in the liquor factory, they must pass the induction assessment. There is no way to change this. But I can change the way. The factory produces beer and liquor at the same time. The workers deduct part of their wages every month, and then use this part of their wages as shares to reinvest in the production and operation of the factory."

"Shares?" Fresh words came out of Xu Junran's mouth one after another, which surprised Yang Weitian.

Xu Junran explained the origin of the shares to him, and finally said: "The advantage of this is that everyone has become the boss of the factory, and if they are lazy, the benefits of the factory will be dragged down, and the employees will also suffer losses. In this way, Everyone’s enthusiasm for work can be greatly improved.”

"What about the retired workers?" Looking at Xu Junran, Yang Weitian suddenly asked.

Xu Junran shook his head: "Pensions will be paid as usual, but the treatment will definitely not be as good as before. And I want to thoroughly investigate, all retirees who do not work in the brewery but are affiliated with the name of the brewery will stop receiving benefits. Also, the office Idle people, either work in the workshop or leave, I will not keep any of them."

Seeing that Yang Weitian was still talking, Xu Junran said in a deep voice, "Secretary Yang, our contract in Lijia Town is to turn the brewery into a profit, not to shoulder this big burden for the county party committee and the county government. Workers give state-owned enterprises Work, the state pays them wages, distributes houses, and provides benefits during festivals and festivals. As a result, they retire, and let their children and grandchildren continue to work. The working class is the master of the country, isn’t the peasant class? Does that mean that they should also be given to those people? Elderly farmers also get pensions?"

Yang Weitian was stunned immediately, he didn't expect Xu Junran to say such a thing.

Xu Junran was puzzled a long time ago. Even if it is a socialist country, how can workers still receive welfare housing with their wages, and receive money after a month of retirement.The same is the master of the country, and the peasants will suffer hardships.What's even more ridiculous is that officials claim to be the public servants of the people, but in the end they are supported by the people for basic necessities of life.Some civil servants even have the face to say that I work hard and work hard every day, why should I not be allowed to enjoy it.Xu Junran really wanted to ask these people, is it a doctor's bounden duty to treat patients?Is it a bounden duty to be an official to serve the common people?Why should we cry bitterly and tiredly?

After hearing Xu Junran's words, Yang Weitian was silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "I can't accept your actions. But since it is the instruction of the superior, I will carry it out."

After a pause, he said earnestly to Xu Junran: "I understand your thoughts, but don't forget that under the current circumstances, your actions may cause great controversy."

Xu Junran nodded: "I understand, so I didn't say to ignore the retired workers of the enterprise. It's just a problem of iron rice bowls, which will not exist in the future. If you want to work, you have to show the appearance of a job. The government can't As long as people’s livelihood issues are encountered, we must do it; it is also very important to improve the system and guide public opinion. Many people’s livelihood policies and systems are not perfect, or even have no constraints. We should help the poor, not the lazy.”

"Help the poor, not the lazy."

In a word, Yang Weitian's face changed immediately, and he smelled an unusual smell from it.

"What this young man advocates may bring many different changes to Wude County." Thinking in his heart, Yang Weitian suddenly sighed.He felt that he couldn't keep up with Xu Junran's train of thought.

After bidding farewell to Yang Weitian, Xu Junran left his office. He knew that it would take some time for Yang Weitian to digest what he said, because this view was nearly 20 years ahead of this era. At the time of the scale dilemma, I finally realized the disadvantages of this approach.Socialism is not egalitarianism. In the end, the big pot of state-owned enterprises will be a heavy burden on the country to pay for the entire working class.

As for the subsequent restructuring and layoffs and other issues, although some people's interests have been damaged, it is beneficial to this country.

What Xu Junran has to do now is to carry out the state-owned enterprise restructuring at the Wude County Brewery in advance.

He believes that Yang Weitian will understand, because he is a thoughtful leader, and only a thoughtful person can think and weigh the pros and cons.If the brewery continues to develop in accordance with the old ways of the past, the final outcome will be unimaginable.

"Brother Xu, wait a moment."

Just as Xu Junran walked out of the county committee compound, a soft voice came from behind.

Turning his head, seeing a beautiful figure walking towards him quickly, Xu Junran smiled.

"Why are you here?"

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