Powerful and romantic

Chapter 158 Jin Li's Relationship

"Sister-in-law, what do you say about this matter?"

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Junran rode a bicycle to the experimental base of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. He said it was an experimental base, but in fact he selected a production team, and then carried out a pilot project of fish farming in rice fields. After all, this matter is just beginning. Come on, Xu Junran is not sure if he can do it well, so it is better to be on the safe side.

The reason why Xu Junran didn't promote it in the whole commune was because Xu Junran had discussed it with Li Qiankun. There are good and bad things about this matter. Although economic construction is now advocated, the common people below are still hesitant about the policies of their superiors. Attitude, some older folks are afraid that the tail of capitalism will be cut off because of this matter of raising fish in rice fields.In that turbulent era, if a person was labeled as a capitalist roader, his life would be over. Therefore, Xu Junran and Li Qiankun did not dare to promote it rashly in the whole commune. In his speech, he praised the Lijia Town Commune. If he had known this, Xu Junran would definitely expand the scale.

Now, there is no such solution. After all, the time for stocking fish fry and planting rice has passed, and we can only wait for next year.

In fact, Xu Junran had a secret in the rice field fish farming in Lijia Town Commune. He was afraid of being criticized, so he simply delegated the power to each production team and asked each production team to do this in the name of the collective.

The advantage of doing this is that the responsibilities are shared equally, leaving people speechless.

The reason is very simple, the so-called cutting the tail of capitalism is aimed at the individual, not the collective.The paddy field fish farming in Lijia Town Commune is done by the production brigade.At that time, all the harvest will be owned by the production team. Everyone has paid enough public grain, and the rest will be collective.

To be honest, this approach was approved by the captain and branch secretary of the production team below. After all, everyone is afraid of taking risks, but this way, there is no need to worry.

Chinese characteristics.Once something is involved in a collective decision, there will be [-]% that there will be no punishment. That sentence is well said, the law does not blame the public.

"Are you going to see Huyan Aobo?" Looking at Xu Junran, Jin Li was slightly surprised.

Xu Junran nodded: "Yes. The stationery factory's equipment. I want to ask him to help find it."

Unexpectedly, Jin Li shook her head: "You are wrong."


Looking at Jin Li with some puzzlement, Xu Junran didn't understand what she meant, so he went to see Huyan Aobo by himself.Asking him for help was a little presumptuous, but it wasn't a mistake.

Jin Li smiled and explained: "It's not that you can't ask him for help. Your elder brother told me a long time ago that Secretary Huyan can be trusted. What I mean is that you don't need to trouble Secretary Huyan for such a small matter. Turn around I'll just give you a call."


Xu Junran was even more surprised, unexpectedly Jin Li's answer was this.

Jin Chengyou went to the fields with a few people from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences this morning. Although fish farming in rice fields is not a sophisticated technology.It is definitely not something that a few farmers can figure out after just doing some research. There are a lot of requirements for water quality, soil and other aspects.

Jin Li originally planned to go, but Xu Junran rushed over early in the morning and said he needed to find her, so he delayed.

"Sister-in-law. Do you have a solution?"

Xu Junran looked at Jin Li, and asked in surprise, he never thought that Jin Li would have a way.

Jin Li gave Xu Junran a blank look: "What do you mean, you think your brother can help you. Sister-in-law, I can't do it?"

Xu Junran laughed, touched his head but didn't speak. For four years in college, if Cao Junming took care of him like a father and brother, then Jin Li took care of Xu Junran like a mother, and often secretly assigned units Welfare fruit or something, bring it to Xu Junran.

"I'll go to the county seat with you later, and call my classmates in the provincial capital."

Jin Li thought for a while and said to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran nodded: "Sister-in-law, who is your classmate?"

"It's called Lin Li, and their old man is the deputy director of the Ministry of Machinery Industry." Jin Li replied to Xu Junran, "Her husband is a deputy director of your Jiangnan Province Machinery Industry Department, named Baisha."

Only then did Xu Junran remember that in May of this year, the Ministry of Machinery Industry, the Ministry of Agricultural Machinery, the State Administration of Instrumentation Industry, and the State Administration of Complete Machinery and Equipment merged into the Ministry of Machinery Industry.This department is mainly in charge of civil machinery, telecommunications, and ships. It was not until 2008 that it was changed to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

It seems that the key to solving the problem in my trip to the provincial capital this time depends on Director Bai.

Jin Li told Xu Junran: "You don't have to be polite to her, Lin Li is my child, and their old man has a very good relationship with your elder brother's, they are our own."

Xu Junran was relieved a lot by saying that he was one of his own. According to Jin Li's statement, it seems that Minister Lin should also be from the Cao family.

Xu Junran rode a bicycle and took Jin Li back to the commune compound. He didn't dare to take Jin Li for a few hours, because even if he got to the county town, he would have to get tired.The people from the commune office were asked to find a walking tractor, and Xu Junran and Jin Li entered the county seat on the tractor.

The two of them didn't go to the county party committee office, but went directly to the post office. Jin Li made a call, and after explaining a few words, asked for the address, and wrote it down and handed it to Xu Junran.

"This is their home address, you can just go there in a few days. You can tell her what you want, Lin Li is very happy."

She still had something to do, so after helping Xu Junran to make a phone call, she went back on the tractor. Xu Junran asked Jin Li to greet Li Qiankun, saying that she had something to do and would not go to work for a few days.Jin Li agreed, then turned and left.

Taking the address Jin Li gave him, Xu Junran was going to visit the county party committee to meet Yang Weitian.

"Brother Xiao, is Secretary Yang here?"

Coming to the door of Yang Weitian's office, Xu Junran asked Xiao Honghua who was writing.

Xiao Honghua nodded: "Director Hu of the County Finance Bureau is inside."

Frowning, Xu Junran didn't say a word, but remembered that the deputy director of the Finance Bureau who was offended by him, Hu Gang wanted to add his relatives to the construction team to eat, but unexpectedly he refused.Recently, I heard that the director of the county finance bureau has been transferred to another county. Qin Guotong and Yang Weitian have broken their wrists several times in order to be the director of the finance bureau.

Could it be that this Hu Gang is the director of the County Finance Bureau that Yang Weitian plans to promote?

Thinking of this, Xu Junran's expression couldn't help becoming serious.He has a habit that Xu Junran will find a way to find out about anyone who has been in contact with him. After he had a bad fight with Hu Gang, Xu Junran asked Tu Wenyong's wife Fang Yuan to inquire about Hu Gang. , Fang Yuan works in the organization department of the county party committee, so she is relatively well informed.After her inquiries, Xu Junran had an intuitive understanding of Hu Gang.

He came from a mediocre background. He worked as an accountant in a county brewery before, and was very good at making money. Later, he somehow got through Qin Guotong's path and was transferred to work in the county finance bureau.The most important thing is that this person is very good at changing the direction of the wind. After Yang Weitian became the magistrate of Wude County, he quickly joined Yang Weitian, and after Yang Weitian became the secretary of the county party committee, he regarded himself as Yang Weitian's direct descendant.

Such a person, Xu Junran does not think that he is the right person to be in charge of Wude County's finances.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and Hu Gang walked out with a smile all over his face. He was obviously taken aback when he saw Xu Junran, but he still greeted him with a smile.

"Secretary Xu, hello."

Xu Junran pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth: "Hello, Chief Hu."

Just as Hu Gang was about to speak, Yang Weitian came out from the inside. Seeing Xu Junran was taken aback, he immediately said, "Xiao Xu is here, and I just happened to be looking for you."

After a pause, he said to Hu Gang: "Old Hu, I will consider your opinion."

After finishing speaking, Yang Weitian said to Xu Junran: "Come in, I have something to discuss with you."

Hu Gang glanced enviously at Xu Junran who followed Yang Weitian into the office, and then turned and left the county committee compound.

At this time, in Yang Weitian's office, Xu Junran looked at Yang Weitian with a surprised face after hearing Yang Weitian say a few words: "Secretary Yang, are you kidding?"

Yang Weitian was taken aback: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Xu Junran smiled wryly and said, "What do you want me to say? The appropriation of 5 yuan has not yet been issued, and the city will deduct 5000 yuan, and you will take another [-] yuan away from you. I don't think there is anything wrong with this matter." Appropriate place. Secretary Yang, aren't you embarrassing me?"

Yang Weitian sighed, and said apologetically to Xu Junran: "I know that this matter is really difficult for you, but you also know that our county is a poor county, and the finances are already tight. We finally got funding, and everyone is staring at it. Above the Standing Committee, the county magistrate meant to lend it to the county for use first, and let your commune wait a few months before setting up a stationery factory..."

"County magistrate?" Xu Junran couldn't help but snorted when he heard Yang Weitian's words. He never thought that Qin Guotong was still wicked and dared to count his own money.

Looking at Xu Junran's expression, Yang Weitian knew that he must be uncomfortable. After thinking for a while, he said, "Unless the leaders of the city speak up about this matter, otherwise..."

Although he didn't finish his words, the meaning behind his words was already obvious. This is an unspoken rule in the officialdom. Unless the leader speaks up, even he can't refute Qin Guotong's opinion.

Xu Junran also understands that Yang Weitian has done his best to let Qin Guotong keep 5 yuan for himself. He is the secretary of the county party committee, and he cannot cover the sky with one hand in the standing committee. If he really turned against Qin Guotong because of the [-] yuan , and really not worth it.

However, being calculated like this for no reason, Xu Junran suddenly felt an unknown fire in his heart.

"This matter, I will never let it go!"

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