Powerful and romantic

Chapter 162 Uncle

"Director Bai, it's hard for you."

"Brother, thank you for understanding."

For some reason, Xu Junran and Bai Sha felt like they hit it off, especially after Lin Li finished "praising" herself.

For the two daughters of the Lin family, Xu Junran felt that it was not enough to use the word "powerful" to describe them. On the way out from the police station, he listened to sister Lin Li's words of teaching younger sister Lin Yuner, and younger sister Lin Yuner's words of retaliation against her sister. , Xu Junran suddenly felt that he seemed to have entered a debate contest.

"Ahem, Secretary Xu, don't take offense."

Seemingly knowing what Xu Junran was thinking, Bai Sha, who had just introduced himself as the deputy director of the Planning Department of the Jiangnan Provincial Machinery Industry Department, whispered to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran smiled: "Director Bai, sister-in-law and Yun'er have a very good relationship."

After all, his mental age was already dozens of years old, if Xu Junran couldn't even see such a little thing, he would have lived in vain.

Lin Li was obviously worried that her sister would get into trouble, so she put on an attitude of San Niang teaching her son to others. In this way, on the one hand, others would blame Lin Yuner for not being good, and on the other hand, she didn't want Lin Yuner to be afraid because of this incident.And what about Lin Yuner?Just like the youngest daughters in most families, they always hope to use sharp counterattacks to show their sense of existence.From the bottom of her heart, she still loved her sister, otherwise she would not have mistaken Xu Junran for being a bad person, and would have sent Xu Junran to the police station.

It's just that Xu Junran looked sideways at the way the two expressed their feelings for each other.

Bai Sha smiled, he was a middle-aged man in his 30s, he looked a little refined, not like a person working in an agency.

"My mother-in-law passed away early, and Yun'er was brought up by my lover, so I have spoiled this child a bit, Secretary Xu, don't mind. Yun'er is actually a good child."

Anyway.Xu Junran was introduced by Jin Li, but ended up being sent to the police station. Although he wanted something from him, no matter what, the Baisha couple felt ashamed.

Xu Junran waved his hand lightly: "Bai Chu. I understand what you mean. I understand her. Really."

After a pause, Xu Junran said with a slightly sad expression: "I am also a child without a mother."

Baisha's expression changed, but he became closer to Xu Junran in his heart.

Lin Li taught Lin Yuner a lesson for a while.Then he turned around and said to Xu Junran: "Xiao Xu, I'm really sorry to have surprised you today."

She also knows that Xu Junran's identity is not simple. He can take the position of a deputy department with real power at such a young age. The most important thing is to let her little one with high eyesight pay attention to him, and call herself to ask for help. This Xu Junran is definitely not normal person.

I have known Jin Li for nearly 30 years.Lin Li knew that she was the one who lost her temper. Although Jin Li looked amiable, it was just her superficial disguise. Back then, so many well-known dandies in the capital courted her, and she picked Cao Junming after a lot of choices. Now today.Cao Junming seems to have become the most eye-catching new political star among the second generation of Reds in Beijing.It can be seen that Jin Li has a high vision.What's more, Jin Li said on the phone that this Xu Junran is just like her own brother.This made Lin Li have to pay attention to it.

Xu Junran smiled: "Sister Lin, my sister-in-law said, let me listen to you when I go to the provincial capital. I'm not familiar with the place here. Anyway, the hundred or so catties are here, so you can do whatever you want."

When Lin Li heard this, she looked at her husband and couldn't help laughing. Xu Junran's temperament was very suitable for their husband and wife.

"Wait, your name is Mrs. Jin Li?"

After Lin Li laughed, she keenly noticed Xu Junran's address just now, and asked in surprise.

Xu Junran nodded with a smile: "The sister-in-law of our dormitory."

"Are you Secretary Cao's classmate?"

Lin Li asked in surprise.

"Secretary Cao?"

This time it was Xu Junran's turn to show a puzzled expression.

Baisha nodded: "Don't you know yet? Comrade Cao Junming has been appointed as the deputy secretary of the Anfang County Party Committee of Yanyun Province."

Now Xu Junran was really surprised. He stopped and looked at Bai Sha and Lin Li: "Sister Lin, Director Bai, are you kidding me?"

Bai Sha and his wife exchanged glances, and finally said with a smile: "This matter is true. My father-in-law called and mentioned this matter the day before yesterday. I guess you have not heard about it. The appointment was not long ago."

At this moment, Xu Junran thought of many things.

Different from the joy of Lin Li and others, besides joy, Xu Junran was more concerned about the impact of this matter.Because according to his memory, it took Cao Junming two years to go to the local office, and he was not the deputy secretary of the county party committee at the beginning, but served in the central ministry. He did not expect to go directly to the local area this time. In relation to the article, after Cao Junming came into the sight of the higher-ups, his status was much higher than in his previous life.

"Hehe, I really haven't heard of it." Thinking in his heart, Xu Junran said with a smile to Lin Li and his wife.

After a few polite words, they finally returned to Lin Li and Bai Sha's home.

"Sit down, I'll go shopping." Bai Sha smiled and said a few words to Xu Junran, then turned and went out.

Lin Li went to the kitchen to wash the rice, only Lin Yuner and Xu Junran were left in the room.

Blinking her big eyes, Lin Yuner looked at Xu Junran: "Well, big villain, are you a college student?"

Xu Junran smiled, and glanced awkwardly at the little girl sitting opposite him. He just learned from Baisha's mouth that this girl is only 11 years old this year, because her mother passed away during a dystocia, and she has been with her sister and brother-in-law since she was a child. grown up.

Although there was a little bit of connection with him, but no matter what, Xu Junran felt uncomfortable when he was called a villain by a girl in his teens, and even made a fool of him.

"Why didn't you answer my question?" Lin Yun'er tilted her neck, looked at Xu Junran and asked again, her eyebrows twitched from time to time, indicating that she was in a bad mood right now.

Her figure is very slender, although she is only 11 years old, she is much taller than the average 11-year-old girl. She sits on the chair opposite Xu Junran, rests her cheeks with her hands, and looks at Xu Junran without blinking.

Sighing, Xu Junran couldn't fight against a child anyway, so he nodded helplessly: "Yes, I graduated from Jinghua University."

"Jinghua University! Are you still human?" Lin Yuner gasped, in her little heart, those who can go to university are all very powerful people, and those who can go to Jinghua University, a nationally famous school, are not human!

"Hey, little girl, what are you talking about?" Xu Junran glared at her. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't get angry with this little girl he knew so well.

Lin Yuner stuck out her tongue when she heard the words, looked at Xu Junran and asked with a smile: "My sister said that Jinghua University is full of geniuses, not human beings."

Xu Junran's face was full of helplessness, he had nothing to say about the tough words of the Lin family sisters, and looked at Lin Yun'er pitifully: "You can call me Brother Xu, I'm not a bad person. You should also know this?"

Lin Yuner tilted her head, looked Xu Junran up and down for a long time, and finally shook her head: "No, you are too old, you are obviously an uncle."

"I'm not as old as you think." Xu Junran snorted, he was only 21 years old, how could he be an uncle in this girl's eyes?

After a pause, Xu Junran continued to say to Lin Yuner: "Call me uncle again, be careful and I will let your sister fix you later."

After finishing speaking, Xu Junran couldn't help laughing himself. He was dozens of years old mentally, how could he know as well as this little girl?Thinking about it, it should be because I didn't have children in my previous life, and I like children very much.

But it's a pity that his threats didn't have any deterrent effect in Lin Yuner's eyes. The little girl looked at Xu Junran with a smile, and slowly uttered a sentence: "But, you look about the same age as my brother-in-law!"

At that moment, Xu Junran only felt that there seemed to be two horns growing on the forehead of the little girl in front of him, yes, devil's horns!

Baisha is 39 this year, he is as old as him, Lin Yuner, what eyes do you have!

Besides, I have been running back and forth between the county and the commune for more than a month. Although I look a little old, I don't look like a 40-[-]-year-old man. This girl is clearly finding fault.

"I'm only ten years older than you!" Xu Junran stared at Lin Yun'er.

It has to be said that Bai Sha's description of Lin Yun'er is not excessive at all. Perhaps because she lost her mother since childhood, this girl has received more love from her father and sister. This little sister-in-law came to raise her as a daughter.On the one hand, this made Lin Yun'er a lot of care, and on the other hand, it made this girl a little lawless. In later generations, she would be called eccentric, but in today's world, she is a complete problem child.

Usually in school, because she is too beautiful, Lin Yuner has very few friends, it is like Fenghuang can’t be friends with Xiaoji, so she looks happy, but in fact she is very lonely, this kind of loneliness is because there is no The reason why people want to be close to her.

Moreover, a ten-year-old child always hopes that others will treat her as an adult, but unfortunately, in the eyes of Bai Sha and Lin Li, she is just a child.Now it's hard for Xu Junran to appear as an outsider who treats himself as an adult, and without knowing it, Lin Yuner feels a little close to him.

Hearing Xu Junran's angry words just now, Lin Yuner blinked her big beautiful eyes, rested her cheek with her right hand, thought for a while, then shook her head helplessly at Xu Junran, and said in an old-fashioned tone: "But, to me Come on, that's uncle!"

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