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Zheng Yucheng knew Wang Weida too well, and he knew very well that although Wang Weida was not the kind of person with a small belly, he was definitely not the kind of person who would act rashly and call someone a brother at the first meeting.

In Wang Weida's words, he was able to get to where he is now because of his own vision. The experience he summed up is that if he wants to do his job well, he must be good at making emotional investments around him, because work requires contact with people. , and when contacting people, no one can guarantee whether there will be hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the people they contact.

This was what Wang Weida said to Zheng Yucheng when he was drinking too much. He regarded Zheng Yucheng as his true friend, because Zheng Yucheng knew Wang Weida when he was at his worst.

In Zheng Yucheng's eyes, Wang Weida also interpreted his life motto with actions, which is how he usually comes here.

But today, in front of Zheng Yucheng, Wang Weida broke his usual code of conduct, and behaved extremely abnormally during his contact with Xu Junran.

But Zheng Yucheng is also a smart person, so he won't expose it at this time.

Now that the matter has been discussed in this way, everyone naturally began to eat and drink.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Xu Junran raised his wine glass, not to everyone, but to Baisha alone.

The wine glasses in Minzu Hotel are quite special. They are not the usual big glasses outside. They are usually packed in fours and twos. Most people will get dizzy after drinking less than three glasses.The wine glasses in Minzu Hotel are all small wine cups. A bottle of white wine can pour four glasses, and a glass is two and a half. In other words, Xu Junran and the four of them can finish a bottle of wine with one glass.

There is the same amount of wine, how much to drink depends on your own ideas.

Baisha also knew what Xu Junran meant.This time when he came to the provincial capital, he put in a lot of effort in helping to build a bridge. Xu Junran was borrowing flowers to present Buddha.

After having a drink with Baisha, Xu Junran toasted Zheng Yucheng and Wang Weida one by one.

This is considered social etiquette, after all, among the few people present.Xu Junran is the youngest.It was he who begged these people for help, so naturally he had to do it first.

Wang Weida's face was flushed from drinking, and his mood was also very high.He smiled at Xu Junran and said, "Junran, as an older brother, I admire you as a talented scholar who can live a good life in the capital, but you must come back to our Jiangnan, you boy! You are a character, I admire you! "

As he spoke, he raised his thumbs up to Xu Junran, his admiration was beyond words.

Just now Baisha told several people about Xu Junran, so he naturally mentioned it.Most of Xu Junran's classmates stayed in the capital and became cadres of the central government. He was the only one who gave up his good life and work in the capital and returned to the countryside to serve his elders in his hometown.

Xu Junran smiled: "Brother Wang, you are welcome, I am just not used to life in big cities outside. Besides, I grew up in my hometown, where would I go if I don't go home?"

Wang Weida shook his head, waved his hands and said, "You don't have to be modest, I've been running around all these years. I've also met a lot of talented people. These people say it's for the future if they say it nicely. Forgetting their roots, they left the countryside one by one, got urban hukou, and wished they would never go back to their hometown for the rest of their lives. I don’t even look at them when grandchildren like this are placed in front of me.”

What he said was the truth, and even Baisha and Zheng Yucheng nodded in empathy. They are middle-aged men who came from hard times. After going to the mountains and going to the countryside, they have a deep affection for the countryside. , and now it can be regarded as a small achievement, so I admire those who are willing to take root in the countryside.For people like Xu Junran who are willing to give up city life, they are naturally also willing to make friends.

In this day and age, idealists are always easily accepted and respected.

Xu Junran also had to admit this, he also knew what Wang Weida said was true, in fact he also understood some of Zheng Yucheng and Baisha's thoughts, although he had the idea of ​​making friends with him, he also didn't have the mentality of wanting to help the countryside.

Those who have been educated youths have special feelings for the countryside.Xu Junran did not know how many people like this he met in his previous life. When they were young, they worked as educated youths in the countryside. Some of them left for some reason and returned to the city, while others chose to stay.But whether they are those who left or those who stayed, their feelings towards the countryside have not changed. If they have the opportunity, they will reach out and help their fellow villagers in whatever way they can.

Such situations were common in the late 80s and 90s.

"Xiao Xu, tell me, if there is anything I can do to help, just ask."

Bai Sha looked at Xu Junran and asked with a smile.

Xu Junran thought for a while, and said to Baisha: "Brother Bai, I really need your help. If this graphite is mined, it will be sold with your help in the Machinery Industry Hall."

Bai Sha nodded when he heard the words: "This is not a problem, the Industry Department still has some connections."

The problems of sales and workers were solved, Xu Junran was very happy, and he toasted a few people with a glass of wine.

When several adults eat, they will naturally not drink endlessly like the social gatherings outside. Almost all of them are a little drunk. Baisha asked Wang Weida: "How is it?"

Xu Junranwen immediately understood, stood up and wanted to go outside to pay the bill, but Zheng Yucheng glared and said, "What are you going to do?"

Xu Junran smiled: "It's nothing, I'm going to the bathroom."

Who is Zheng Yucheng, who can become the manager of the Minzu Hotel? He is definitely a good-looking man. Looking at Xu Junran's appearance, he can guess what he is going to do. He waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it, today's meal is my brother's."

After finishing speaking, he asked Wang Weida: "Do you want to do some activities?"

This is the dialect of Jiangnan. It can be regarded as a kind of after-dinner entertainment. After all, everyone is very happy after eating. Go shopping in brothels, and some people go to smoke opium.But after liberation, with various movements, there is no such place now. The activities Zheng Yucheng mentioned are mostly a few people gathering at a table, playing mahjong or something.

When he was a leader in his previous life, Xu Junran often went through such occasions. After all, when he reached a certain position, some entertainment was unavoidable. Under the teaching of his adoptive father, Xu Junran never went to places where dirt and evil were hidden. , That is to eat and drink, and then sing, play cards and so on.

Now Xu Junran doesn't have that kind of thought, but after all, Baisha and Zheng Yucheng are in the lead, so it's hard for him to say anything.

Unexpectedly, after Wang Weida heard Zheng Yucheng's words, he glanced at Xu Junran, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm quite tired today, let's find a quiet place later, drink a cup of tea, and chat, we are quite tired."

Zheng Yucheng is also a smart person, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll ask someone to arrange it, let's drink tea."

He got up first, and Wang Weida and Xu Junran followed behind him. When they came to a room, Zheng Yucheng waved his hand and arranged for someone to clean up a room for them to rest. He took out a pack of cigarettes and handed a pack of cigarettes to each of them. Gen, said with a smile: "Let's take a rest for a while."

They were all old smokers, even Xu Junran took the cigarettes and lit them for himself.

Wang Weida smiled, got up and said to go to the bathroom, Zheng Yucheng hesitated, his eyes swept over Wang Weida and Xu Junran, got up and said, "I'll go with you."

After the two left, Bai Sha whispered to Xu Junran: "Jun Ran, can this be done?"

What he said was naturally about the graphite cutting factory. After all, Xu Junran originally planned to build a stationery factory, but now he hastily switched to a cutting factory. Baisha was worried that Xu Junran was not prepared enough.That's why I asked.

Xu Junran's eyes swept over Bai Sha, looked at the half-closed door, smiled but did not speak immediately, but said to Bai Sha meaningfully: "Brother Bai, as long as you make some things, you don't have to worry about it." result."

Naturally, he would not tell Baisha that he had already seen the intention of Zheng Yucheng and Wang Weida to win over. There are some things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, just like Xu Junran seems to outsiders to be a fledgling passionate college student who is dedicated to serving the country, but who can Do you know that under the immature face of these 20s, there are wise eyes that can see through the warmth and coldness of human feelings?

The two of them were talking, and on the other side, Zheng Yucheng and Wang Weida were also communicating.

While going to the toilet, Zheng Yucheng checked that there was no one around, and whispered to Wang Weida: "Weida, tell me, what's going on?"

Wang Weida smiled mysteriously, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Brother, let me tell you a word, build a good relationship with Xiao Xu, and you will know the benefits to our brothers later."

The expression on Zheng Yucheng's resolute face became very serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Let me tell you, this Xiao Xu's identity is not simple, don't worry about it, if something happens, I will turn my back on you."

He knew that Wang Weida was good at making money, and he was afraid that he would have some perverted thoughts about Xu Junran.

Wang Weida smiled, nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother, I know what to do."

Zheng Yucheng sighed, he didn't know how much Wang Weida listened to what he said, no matter what, he said what he had to say, if Wang Weida really wanted to kill himself, he couldn't blame himself.

When the two of them returned to the lounge, Xu Junran and Baisha had almost finished smoking a cigarette. They chatted for a while, and Xu Junran saw that it was getting late, so he offered to leave.

Zheng Yucheng stayed a few words, seeing Xu Junran's resolute attitude, he didn't say anything, but told Xu Junran to come to play often when he had the opportunity.

After all, it was the first time they met, and although the conversation was good, it hadn't reached the point of confiding in their hearts.

When I came to the lobby of the Minzu Hotel, it was the time of dinner, Xu Junran glanced at it, but frowned all of a sudden.

"Why is she?"

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