Powerful and romantic

Chapter 178 Report

From ancient times to the present, if an official wants to be promoted, the minimum thing he needs is political achievements.

Such things have long been common in China's thousands of years of history.At least in history, no matter whether you are a civil servant or a military general, as long as you want to be promoted, you have to do something to satisfy the superiors. Naturally, the civil servants are doing their best to build under their own rule, or make something like Wanminbiao. , and military generals are more powerful, and some generals even dare to forge their achievements and kill ordinary people as bandits, but they also want to make some glamorous political achievements for themselves. The purpose is naturally to get promoted and make a fortune.

It is an indisputable fact that Zhu Yiqun also likes political achievements. If the economy of Quanzhou can be developed and he can be promoted by his superiors, Zhu Yiqun doesn't mind supporting Xu Junran.

"Xiao Xu, tell me, what is your plan?"

Raising the plan in his hand, Zhu Yiqun said to Xu Junran: "This plan looks very good. If it is actually implemented, I still hope that I can say it from your mouth."

Xu Junran understood that he hoped that he could come up with something real, instead of fooling people with such an illusory plan.

After pondering for a while, Xu Junran glanced at Yang Weitian, and then said to Zhu Yiqun: "Mayor, my idea is to influence the overall situation through demonstration."


Zhu Yiqun raised his eyebrows, and asked with some interest: "Tell me, how do you make the point tell the face?"

He is very interested in Xu Junran's idea. After all, this so-called point-to-face is a relatively new way of thinking. If it can be done, I believe it will definitely bring some new ideas to Wude County and even the whole city. Variety.

Xu Junran nodded and said slowly: "First of all, we must vigorously develop the collective ownership economy of our commune, and then comprehensively promote the household contract responsibility system. Encourage the masses to start their own businesses and encourage the development of the individual economy. In this way, we can accumulate some original capital."

Zhu Yiqun and Yang Weitian looked at each other and nodded.Although Xu Junran didn't talk much.But every sentence is on the point, at least, his thinking is very novel.It makes people feel bright, and Xu Junran is also very thoughtful. At the beginning, it was only carried out in the Lijia Town Commune, and it will not affect other places.

"By the way, why doesn't your county have a district office?"

Zhu Yiqun suddenly remembered something and couldn't help asking with a smile.

Yang Weitian and Xu Junran looked at each other, saw a trace of confusion in his eyes, smiled and said: "That's right, Wude County is not a big place. Originally there were only two district offices, but Secretary Yan thought that this is really a big deal. It’s a waste of manpower, just apply to the city, no longer set up a district office, and let the county directly lead the work of the commune.”

Only then did Xu Junran suddenly realize that there is no district office in Wude County.It turned out to be because of Yan Wangsong.Thinking about it carefully, I admire Yan Wangsong a little. The district office actually has no effect on Wude County. Wude County is not a big place, and there are only a few communes in total.Setting up a district office is really meaningless except for making the work in the county easier and adding an extra layer of requests for instructions and reports.

Zhu Yiqun obviously just found out about this, and nodded thoughtfully upon hearing this.

"About the collective economy of the commune, my main idea is this." Xu Junran continued to explain: "The construction company will be an enterprise that we plan to develop in the long term. I think the construction industry will become a very important part of our country in the future. A well-developed industry needs construction when the economy is developing, so my plan is to start with a construction team first, then gradually expand the scale, and finally take the path of real estate development.”

"So confident?" Zhu Yiqun looked at Xu Junran and asked with a smile.

Xu Junran nodded: "Don't worry, I guarantee this."

In his previous life, he had seen too many large companies rising in the real estate and construction industry. Wouldn't it be easy for him to take a share of such a big cake.

Zhu Yiqun was somewhat skeptical, but when he thought that the construction team had indeed brought a large amount of income to the Lijia Town Commune, he had some confidence in Xu Junran's idea.He asked Xu Junran about his views on collective economy and individual private economy, and then he smiled and said: "You are very good, at least this blueprint has moved me, within the scope of my power, I will vigorously Support you."

He is telling the truth, as long as Xu Junran and the others can make achievements, it will be a good thing for Zhu Yiqun. After all, this is the political achievement under his leadership, and economic construction is indeed within the jurisdiction of his mayor. A credit.

"Xiao Xu and I came here today to ask for help from the city leaders, and our development also needs your strong support from the mayor." Yang Weitian said, holding a glass of wine and said politely to Zhu Yiqun: "Old leader, I need you to help us Wude County a lot in the future."

Xu Junran also smiled and said, "That's right, mayor, you can't go to the theater."

Because this is a private place, and Zhu Yiqun has a very close relationship with Yang Weitian, Xu Junran dared to speak like this.

Zhu Yiqun nodded unexpectedly, he didn't seem to be disgusted with Xu Junran's attitude, but said with a smile: "Well, if you have anything to say, just say it, and I will definitely help if I can."

Yang Weitian glanced at Zhu Yiqun in surprise. Xu Junran's words just now were a little rash, but Zhu Yiqun didn't seem to care. Could it be that Xu Junran is so important to Zhu Yiqun?

At this time, Xu Junran stood up: "Mayor, Secretary Yang, let me go out for the convenience."

With that said, he left the room, leaving room for Zhu Yiqun and Yang Weitian to talk.

After Xu Junran went out, Yang Weitian looked at Zhu Yiqun and said with a wry smile: "Mayor, you have to help me this time."

Zhu Yiqun frowned: "What's going on?"

He knew very well that Yang Weitian would not have said such despondent words if he hadn't had no choice. It was like a child who lost a fight outside and ran home to ask an adult for help.Yang Weitian had to go to the city to find him because of the appointment of a commune team, which was obviously like a child fighting to find his parents.

Yang Weitian reluctantly introduced the situation in Wude County, and finally said with a wry smile: "The adjustment of the Lijia Town Commune team this time is of great importance. We discussed it several times, but there was no clear result."

Although he didn't finish his sentence, Zhu Yiqun had already understood Yang Weitian's meaning after a long experience in the officialdom.The so-called no clear result should be that Yang Weitian was unable to control the situation in the Standing Committee, and his own will could not be implemented. This is why the so-called long-term consultations have no results.

To put it bluntly, Yang Weitian, the secretary of the county party committee, doesn't count for words in Wude County!

His face sank, Zhu Yiqun took Yang Weitian very seriously, and he also regarded Yang Weitian as the Secretary of the Wude County Party Committee as a powerful opportunity for him to expand his influence in the city. Being slapped on the face made Zhu Yiqun's face extremely dull, and his heart naturally became angry all of a sudden.

"You are the secretary of the county party committee, why can't you even appoint the secretary of the party committee of the commune? Do some people think that you can ignore the leadership of the party committee?"

Zhu Yiqun changed the subject and directly pointed the finger at Qin Guotong. In his mind, anyone in Wude County who has the ability to stumbling Yang Weitian and prevent Yang Weitian from carrying out his will will definitely not be the second choice except for the county magistrate Qin Guotong. .And Qin Guotong's backer was Zhang Jingmin, secretary of the municipal party committee, and he also had the confidence to challenge Yang Weitian, who he supported.

Yang Weitian shook his head quickly when he heard the words. Zhang Jingmin had already expressed his support for him. He didn't want to cause conflicts among the leaders of the municipal party committee because of this matter. Before that, Xu Junran had already hinted at himself that he wanted to control the affairs of Wude County within the scope of Wude County. Within the scope, it is purely about the matter and not about the person. Otherwise, Zhang Jingmin, the secretary of the municipal party committee, will be offended, and it will be difficult to do work in the county.Moreover, when meeting Zhang Jingmin just now, Zhang Jingmin was also very surprised by Qin Guotong's actions, which made Yang Weitian feel that there seemed to be something that he did not understand now.

"Mayor, Secretary Zhang has already expressed his support for our work. I made a special report to him before, so I came here to treat you to dinner."

Yang Weitian said to Zhu Yiqun very frankly.

Zhu Yiqun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, yes, you are doing the right thing."

Anyway, the party committee leads everything. As the secretary of the county party committee, as long as Yang Weitian enters the urban area for business, he must report to Zhang Jingmin, the secretary of the municipal party committee. This is an official etiquette. Afterwards, instead of going to see the secretary of the municipal party committee, he came here specifically to find himself, the mayor. On the contrary, he was easily criticized for saying that Zhu Yiqun and Yang Weitian were forming a gang and doing something like a small hill.

What's more, Yang Weitian was very cautious in his work. He reported to Zhang Jingmin in the municipal committee compound, but privately invited Zhu Yiqun, the mayor, to dinner. This made Zhu Yiqun feel that Yang Weitian was closer to him because he saw Zhang Jingmin It's for business, but eating with me and reporting to work is relying on personal relationships.

"What did Secretary Zhang say?"

After a pause, Zhu Yiqun asked Yang Weitian. He also had a lot to do with Zhang Jingmin's attitude towards Wude County. After all, Qin Guotong belonged to Zhang Jingmin. If Zhang Jingmin was determined to support Qin Guotong, he might not be able to We are going to confront him on the Standing Committee.

Yang Weitian replied: "Secretary Zhang also agreed with my opinion and agreed to adjust the team of Lijia Town Commune according to my plan, and emphasized that all work in Wude County must be carried out under the leadership of the party committee."

Hearing this answer, Zhu Yiqun's complexion did not improve, but he became slightly dazed.


Going to get an injection again, woo woo, sad reminder!Seeing that the chrysanthemum in front is about to burst!Brothers, let's work harder, everyone who has a monthly ticket, vote monthly, rush up!

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