Powerful and romantic

Chapter 185 Small Abacus


The first thing is to ask for a monthly ticket. The lead of 21 votes has disappeared, and half a month of hard work has been pulled to a starting line. Chenguang has nothing to say, but I can only say that I don’t have enough manuscripts. 82 After the needles are finished, the morning light will start to erupt. I implore everyone to vote for me.Second, there was no such thing as the head of the Southern Tour in [-], but I think it is best to call the head by that title, please don't pay attention to it.Finally, regarding the issue of Korean names, it is mainly for convenience. I have always been lazy in naming names, and I will pay attention to them later.As for Girls' Generation, ahem, don't you think some of them are pretty?Especially Jung Soo Yeon, hehe.

"Secretary Yang, do you think about that office again?"

This sentence, an hour later, was also mentioned again, but this time the person who spoke was Wang Fengju, deputy secretary of the county party committee and executive deputy county magistrate of the county government.

Wang Fengju is very interesting. He used to be the secretary of the party committee in the commune below. Later, because he offended someone who shouldn’t be offended, he was removed from the position of party secretary of the commune and sent to the education bureau to be the director. Let’s talk about it Zizi changed from a position of responding to everyone to being an idler on the bench.But Director Wang did a good job in education. Yan Wangsong later promoted him to the position of deputy magistrate of the county government. Although he was not a high-ranking deputy magistrate, he was still in charge of culture, education and health. But it's a real deputy director-level cadre.

It is such a person who usually does not show mountains or dews, and seems to be a dispensable existence in the county government. After Yang Weitian took office in Wude County, he was the first to take office in the past and became Yang Weitian in Wude County. first confidant.

It has to be said that Wang Fengju's move took a lot of risk at the time, after all, Yang Weitian was not considered the biggest force in Wude County at that time, no matter from which point of view.At least compared with Yan Wangsong and Qin Guotong, Yang Weitian was no better than the other two except for occupying the name of a county magistrate.

But under such circumstances, Wang Fengju resolutely voted for Yang Weitian's camp.

At that time, this incident was a joke in Wude County, and people said that the deputy county magistrate Wang was crazy because he wanted to find a backer.Let the two great gods not go to seek refuge.He happened to find Yang Weitian, didn't he know that Yang Weitian, the county magistrate, would pack up and leave at some point?

Three years later, no one can laugh anymore.

Wang Fengju jumped into the county government.Except for Qin Guotong, the most powerful deputy county magistrate, although he was not a member of the county committee standing committee at the time, his popularity within the county government was definitely not inferior to that of Qin Guotong, the executive deputy county magistrate.

The reason is simple, Yang Weitian has gained a foothold in Wude County. As the county magistrate, he has absolute control over the division of labor among the deputy county magistrates in the county government, and even Yan Wangsong will not interfere with him.And Yan Wangsong is not the kind of county party secretary who likes to interfere in government affairs.

Therefore, under Yang Weitian's constant adjustments, Wang Fengju gradually changed from the last deputy county magistrate in charge of culture, education and health to the real No. [-] figure in the county government, second only to Yang Weitian and the two standing committee deputy county magistrates.

such a change.This caused Wang Fengju's status in Wude County to undergo earth-shaking changes. Everyone knew that although he was not a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, he had almost the same influence as the members of the Standing Committee.After all, if Yang Weitian, the county magistrate, trusted him, his position in the county government would not be shaken, and the power in his hands would not change.

In the last adjustment of the county party committee team, although Qin Guotong became the county magistrate, Wang Fengju also became a member of the county party committee standing committee under Yang Weitian's recommendation.

Because only in this way, Yang Weitian can guarantee that his influence will not be weakened by Qin Guotong.

Originally, the executive deputy magistrate of Wude County was also a member of Yang Weitian, but when Xu Junran went to the provincial capital, the city suddenly issued a document. Sheng Zhushi, chief of the four comprehensive departments of the office, is the executive deputy county magistrate.

In this way, Wang Fengju's role is even more important to Yang Weitian.

With such a relationship, the two of them didn't talk so strangely. When Wang Fengju heard that Yang Weitian was going to set up that office, he immediately felt that something was wrong. He followed Yang Weitian's office directly after the Standing Committee meeting. The Standing Committee is just a motion, and has not yet been formally formed into a document, so there is still room for redemption.

Yang Weitian looked at Wang Fengju: "Old Wang, what's your opinion? Tell me."

He still trusts this confidant.

Wang Fengju smiled wryly, and said helplessly: "Secretary, I have no objection. I just think that we can take advantage of the current momentum and put more effort into the organization and personnel, which is better than setting up this economic development and comprehensive planning office. It’s not practical after all.”

His idea is very simple. Just now, Fu Zui, the head of the organization, has accepted Yang Weitian's favor. Coupled with the support of the leaders of the municipal party committee, Yang Weitian can take advantage of this opportunity to adjust the cadres and personnel in the county, and quickly expand his presence in the county. The influence of the county party committee and the county government controls the situation in the county today, instead of being suppressed like it is now.

It can be said that he was thinking about Yang Weitian, because Wang Fengju knew very well that his own interests were consistent with Yang Weitian's. As long as Yang Weitian could control the overall situation of Wude County, the power in his hands would not shrink, but would become stronger. More and more, and once Yang Weitian loses control of Wude County, the final result is that he, a general of the Yang family, will also be suppressed by others, and even thrown into the cold palace.

People in the officialdom, once they have power, cherish it very much. What they fear most is the feeling of losing power. This feeling of falling from the sky to the clouds feels uncomfortable, and even makes people feel like they want to suffocate. Wang Fengju suffered a lot. He got his current status only after receiving other people's eyes. He doesn't want to lose the power in his hand no matter what.

Yang Weitian didn't speak, just nodded silently, reached out and took out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked silently.

"Secretary, think twice."

Seeing that Yang Weitian didn't express his opinion, Wang Fengju said anxiously.

Gently exhaling a smoke ring, Yang Weitian flicked the ash slowly, and said to Wang Fengju calmly: "Old Wang, what do you think we need for the current economic development of Wude County?"

Wang Fengju was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know, I might be able to speak bureaucratically with others. But I'll tell you the truth. The above policy looks good, but I don't have much experience in actual operation. I don't know what to do. develop."

Nodding his head, Yang Weitian said with a smile: "You are a man, I like you for this. You can say one thing and say another, and you won't lie."

As he spoke, he sighed, and said with some regret: "It's a pity, many of our comrades. Now they have begun to learn to tell lies and clichés."

Yang Weitian tapped the table with his fingers lightly on the table in front of him, once, twice, very rhythmically.

When Wang Fengju heard Yang Weitian's words, he didn't say anything for a long time, but just lowered his head silently.I don't know what I'm thinking about.

He has been with Yang Weitian for more than three years. From the last deputy magistrate of the county government to the current deputy county magistrate, he has experienced too many things during this period. Wang Fengju knows exactly what Yang Weitian means.Who is it pointing at.

It has to be said that Yang Weitian's words were not wrong.

Among the cadres in Wude County today, such a situation has indeed occurred. With the improvement of their status and the change of the surrounding environment, some people gradually began to be corrupted by the power in their hands. They no longer pay attention to what they have done for the masses. How many things, but thinking about how much benefit you can get from certain things.

The starting point has changed, and the way and method of doing things will naturally change.

The ass decides the head. Although this sentence is vulgar, it makes sense.

A cadre whose mind is full of fighting for power and profit will naturally not have time to consider how to improve the living standards of the masses.

It's like Qin Guotong, who is serious about political struggle as if obsessed with it, but knows nothing about economic construction. After being a county magistrate for such a long time, apart from holding a few meetings, he also engaged in some superficial projects. Not thinking about how to get rich for those who live below the poverty line.

But such a person still steals high positions, talks about how to serve the country and the people in the conference room, and in the face of inquiries from his superiors, he keeps issuing military orders, saying that the county's economy will be boosted within a few years, really. It is an extremely speechless irony.

"Secretary Yang, what do you mean, this office is to change the economic development of the county?"

After a long time, Wang Fengju looked at Yang Weitian and asked tentatively.He is Yang Weitian's confidant, so he naturally has his own advantages, so he quickly thought of a possibility.

Yang Weitian smiled, and asked back, "What do you think the economy of our county needs to develop?"

After thinking for a while in embarrassment, Wang Fengju shook his head helplessly: "I don't know, maybe we should rely on those factories in the county?"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help laughing himself. There are only a few factories in Wude County. Except for the city, there are only three or four factories under the direct jurisdiction of the county. Except for the brewery, they are all at a loss. The state of the brewery, and the brewery, I heard that the recent efficiency is also very poor, barely maintain that's all.

Anyone who wants to rely on these few defeated generals to develop the economy of Wude County can see that it is a fool's dream. Wang Fengju is not an economic layman like Qin Guotong. Those who work have a clear understanding of the current situation in Wude County, so of course they know what a ridiculous thing they just said.

Sure enough, after Wang Fengju finished saying that, Yang Weitian shook his head lightly, and said with a smile: "You and I are not outsiders, and if others don't know, don't we know? The factories in the county don't give It’s good for the county government to cause trouble, and expect them to drive the county’s economy? Hehe, I might as well hope that the brewery can be brought back to life.”

"What do you mean?"

After hearing Yang Weitian's words, Wang Fengju asked in a slightly puzzled manner.

Yang Weitian smiled, and slowly spit out a person's name.

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