Powerful and romantic

Chapter 200 Butterfly Function

Engage in the economy and focus on party building.

This is the goal Xu Junran set for himself.

In the next few years, no matter what he does, he will take these two things as the starting point, because only in this way can he accumulate enough political achievements and reputation in a short period of time, and quickly embark on the road to power.

Being an official is a process of penance, but also a process of testing and improving oneself.The Analects of Confucius said: "Being beneficial to the people is not a waste of money." Nan Huaijin extended this sentence as "It is easy to practice in the public office", which means that sometimes it is easy to do good things as a civil servant.Often when a matter is implemented after it is decided by the higher authorities, the impact is unimaginable.

Xu Junran remembers watching a movie in his previous life. It was about a man in the United States who suddenly could spin silk like a spider. He used this ability to go around and do a lot of good deeds.Xu Junran has almost forgotten the story in this movie, the only thing he remembers is a sentence in it.

With great power comes great responsibility.

This is especially true of being an official.

The ancients often said that the county magistrate who broke the family and the governor who killed the family, this shows that the higher the official position, for ordinary people, if they do not make good use of the power in their hands, the greater the damage will be caused.On the contrary, if we make good use of the power in our hands, more and more people can benefit and their lives will be better.

Xu Junran doesn't have much power in his hands now, but he will do his best to influence more people and change the lives and destiny of more people.

"Brother, do you really think that winery and beverage factory can do it?"

Looking at Xu Junran, Bai Sha asked in surprise.

Xu Junran smiled: "Brothers, let's just wait and see."

For him, Wang Weida has done Xu Junran a big favor by taking the position of deputy director of the machinery manufacturing plant. At least all kinds of machinery will be fine in the future. Bought through other relationships, this is the reason for interlacing like a mountain.

Seeing Xu Junran so confident.Bai Sha and the others didn't say much anymore. After all, although they were older than Xu Junran, when it came to knowledge, they were not as tall as Xu Junran who had stayed in the capital for four years. After all, Jiangnan was a place.The area is a bit bigger.But the economy and news are really too backward.

After chatting for a while, several people got up to say goodbye.Wang Weida and Zheng Yucheng came together in Zheng Yucheng's jeep. As the manager of the Minzu Hotel, although his rank is not high, the Minzu Hotel has several old jeeps, and no one usually uses them.

"By the way, Junran, later you find someone to drive a car to the hotel." Zheng Yucheng said to Xu Junran before getting into the car.

Xu Junran was taken aback.Cars in this era are not available to ordinary people, at least there are only three jeeps in the entire Wude County Committee.

Zheng Yucheng smiled: "I borrowed it from you. Anyway, this car is still idle in our hotel. It was eliminated by the provincial party committee."

He didn't lie, the leaders of the provincial party committee are now replaced with red flag cars, and this batch of old jeeps has been eliminated.Naturally, it was thrown in the ethnic hotel.

Xu Junran thought for a while and nodded. After all, I will run a lot in the city and the commune in the future, and I really need a means of transportation. The life of a train.He is really not used to it. With this jeep, at least it can be used for transportation.

"Then please trouble Brother Zheng." Xu Junran was not polite. Sometimes others are kind to him, to a large extent, it is a kind of investment. When people recover their investment.

At the end, Zheng Yucheng said in a low voice: "Yang Chaoke asked about your identity, and I said I didn't know you well, and I just came to eat."

Xu Junran nodded, Zheng Yucheng's answer is the best, there is no need to offend a front-line yamen in the province because of this matter.

Things went smoothly in the next two days. Xu Junran called Yang Weitian and asked him to send someone to pick up the goods. Wude County dispatched manpower, and it took a week to transport the machine that Wang Weida helped to get back. Also going back was the jeep that Xu Junran "borrowed" from the Minzu Hotel.

Before I knew it, it was already mid-October. Xu Junran called Pengfei City during the period. The development of the construction company in Lingnan can be said to be smooth. A group of men who have lived like snails in Jiangnan Province all their lives suddenly came to a They are all cities of opportunities, and the enthusiasm they radiate is unimaginable.What's more, with the help of Zeng Wenqin and Cao Junwei, although they can't get any big projects, just doing those small projects has already made Yan Wangsong, who accompanied the team, speechless. After all, even when he was the secretary of the county party committee, I never thought that one day I would be able to have such an income.You must know that the construction team of Lijia Town Commune is under the banner of collective ownership. In addition to the wages paid to workers every day, the rest is divided according to the shares. The money that Lijia Town Commune can get is a few After a month, I am afraid that everyone will be surprised.

Xu Junran was not surprised by this. At this moment, the place with the fastest development and the best opportunities in China is Pengfei City. As long as this opportunity is seized, the Lijia Town Commune will embrace a golden mountain.

At the same time, there were three things that surprised Xu Junran.

On September [-], the Central Committee and the State Council approved and forwarded the "Summary of Several Issues in the Current Trial Operation of Special Economic Zones", affirming the achievements of the trial special economic zone in the past three years. The "Minutes" emphasizes that more autonomy should be given to the SAR, that various taxes in the SAR should be treated preferentially, and that the formulation and improvement of economic legislation should be accelerated.

On September [-], the Central Committee issued the "Notice on Clearing Up the Issue of "Three Kinds of Persons" in the Leading Group."The notice pointed out that for the "three types of people" who follow counter-revolutionary groups to rebel, those who have serious gang ideology, and vandals and looters, they must be resolutely eliminated from the leadership team and transferred from key departments and key positions.For the "three kinds of people" who have been cleared out of the leadership team, we should strengthen their ideological education work, and give them the opportunity to correct their mistakes and abandon the old to make new ones.

On September 29, the State Council issued "Several Provisions on Cooperative Management of Urban Laborers" and "Supplementary Provisions on "Several Policy Provisions on Urban Non-agricultural Individual Economy".The next day, the State Council issued the "Interim Regulations on Several Policy Issues Concerning Urban Collective Ownership Economy".The above-mentioned documents pointed out that the urban individual economy is a necessary and beneficial supplement to the public ownership economy; the urban collective ownership economy is an important part of the socialist public ownership economy and one of the basic economic forms of our country.

Not only that, but at the same time that this document was released, the state also officially released the "Interim Regulations on the Contracted Management Responsibility System for Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People". On the basis of the socialist ownership by the whole people, in accordance with the principle of separation of ownership and management rights, in the form of contractual management contracts, the relationship between responsibilities and rights between the state and enterprises is determined, so that enterprises can operate independently and be responsible for their own profits and losses. Article [-] of the Regulations It stipulates: "To implement the contracted management responsibility system, we must take into account the interests of the state, enterprises, operators and producers, mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprise operators and producers, tap the internal potential of enterprises, ensure that profits are turned over to the state, enhance the ability of self-development of enterprises, and gradually improve worker life."

Xu Junran was greatly surprised by these three documents that almost ran through September!

Originally, he planned to use his foresight ability to first propose the concept of the contract responsibility system, but he did not expect that this matter had already been noticed by the higher authorities, and it was announced now.

If Xu Junran remembers correctly, in the original history, these documents were published over several years. For example, the regulations on the contract responsibility system were not officially announced until [-]. Now that they are published, it is obvious because of certain influences.

Xu Junran didn't know if the influence was due to him, but he could be sure that he might be quite busy in the future.

The graphite splitting and processing plant of Lijia Town Commune has officially opened, and it started in a very low-key manner. Only a few respected old people from Lijia Town and Mr. Yinyue appeared at the opening ceremony, and several leaders of the commune, in the words of Xu Junran Said, just started now, there is no need to be too high-profile, and if you mess up, there is no shame.

The issue of brewery restructuring has also been brought up on the table, and the county has already begun to discuss this matter. According to Yang Weitian, there will definitely be a clear answer before the end of October.

As for Xu Junran's other target beverage factory, he specifically visited Yuan Dejun. In Yuan Dejun's words, making beer is similar to making beverages. As long as Xu Junran gets the formula, he can produce beverages.

Xu Junran didn't have this formula, but he asked Zeng Wenqin to contact experts from the Lingnan Academy of Sciences and got a formula for a health drink. To put it bluntly, it was a health drink for senior leaders. The effect is naturally a matter of opinion for the beholder, but At least the reputation is good.

Xu Junran's idea is very simple, he wants to make the beverage factory in Lijia Town bigger and stronger, and turn it into a catering group.Although this matter seems absurd, as long as he checks it well and lays a solid foundation, Xu Junran feels that there is still hope.

"Secretary Xu, Secretary Feng, please go over there."

The office door was pushed open, Xu Junran, who was looking at the documents, raised his head, and saw a young man in his early twenties smiling at him.

The young man's name is Liu Ruyi, a very delicate name, and he is a junior high school graduate who has just been assigned to the Lijia Town Commune.

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