Powerful and romantic

Chapter 21 Individual Economy Needs Development

(' "Mayor, I'm sorry."

Leaving Long Yinyue's study, Xu Junran came outside the ancestral hall, just in time to see Yang Weitian and Li Youde talking about something with a happy face.

Yang Weitian looked up at Xu Junran, smiled and said, "Xiao Xu is not bad, let's go back."

Xu Junran nodded, turned to Li Youde and said, "Grandpa, I will ask someone to send you the specific precautions in the past few days."

Li Youde looked at Xu Junran kindly, and said, "Don't worry, you go back to the county and prepare well, the commune has me."

Looking at their appearance, Yang Weitian couldn't help but feel deeply moved in his heart, no wonder Xu Junran was so confident in handling this matter, not to mention anything else, the people in Lijia Town Commune have always been known for their brutality in Wude County, but for Xu Junran This person with a foreign surname is like his own family, which is really surprising.

Xu Junran did not tell Yang Weitian how to resolve the dispute between Dawangzhuang and Lijiazhen, but only said that Lijiazhen is willing to give up a part of the water source, as long as Dawangzhuang guarantees that four-tenths of the canal's water source will be given to Lijiazhen. , Yang Weitian, as the county magistrate, will serve as a guarantor in this matter.

As the county magistrate, Yang Weitian naturally has the right to make a small car. Although it is only one of the three jeeps in the county, sitting in it gives him a sense of accomplishment.

In particular, the settlement of the water canal dispute that had plagued Wude County for many years made Yang Weitian feel better, and he even temporarily forgot that the little guy next to him was promoted by the old secretary Yan Wangsong.

Glancing at Xu Junran who was sitting next to him, Yang Weitian asked, "Xiao Xu, you said that you are sure to solve the food problem in Lijia Town Commune, are you sure?"

This is Xu Junran's original words, but he didn't explain it to Yang Weitian in detail.

Xu Junran was silent for a while, and said to Yang Weitian: "County magistrate, I have stayed in the capital for four years, and more than once I remembered the scene when I was a child, the folks in Lijia Town would rather their children not have enough to eat, and would give me a bite. "

Yang Weitian was speechless. He also came from that turbulent era. Of course, he understood how much courage and determination it took to save a mouthful of food for other people's children at that time.After all, in those days, food meant human life.

"Don't worry about the old secretary, I will explain to him."

Xu Junran was silent for a while, and then said to Yang Weitian.

After all, he spent half his life in the officialdom in his previous life. Of course, Xu Junran knew that he was too close to Yang Weitian today, and people might think that he belonged to Yang Weitian.

Unexpectedly, Yang Weitian shook his head calmly: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about this matter, as long as it is good for the people in Wude County, I believe the old secretary will not have any objections."

He glanced at Yang Weitian in surprise, but Xu Junran didn't expect him to say that. After all, in a sense, the old secretary Yan Wangsong can be regarded as his political opponent. This kind of thing of saying good things for opponents, after decades The various officialdoms that Xu Junran has experienced are simply inconceivable.

Then Xu Junran couldn't help laughing in his heart. He still likes to look at officials in the 80s from the perspective of his previous life, but he forgot that in this era, officials are not as keen on political achievements and struggles as later generations. Different differences, but more, but because of their different political ideas.But fundamentally speaking, the cadres in the early 80s possessed a passion unmatched by later generations. They didn't mind giving up a lot of things in order to benefit the masses.

Of course, there will be one or two black sheep, but I have to admit that the officialdom in the 80s was much cleaner than the later ones.

Just like the Yang Weitian and Yan Wangsong in front of us, if they were placed in their own era, the two would probably be fighting against each other. After all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. As long as there is a struggle for power, it is impossible to be safe.What's more, the secretary of the county party committee and the county magistrate, who is the leader in the entire county, has always been a constant topic.

However, in Wude County in the 80s, although Yan Wangsong and Yang Weitian did not agree with each other's views, they did not use any means to calculate each other. What happened later.

"County magistrate, where do the cadres of our county party committee eat at noon?" Xu Junran thought for a while and asked Yang Weitian deliberately.

"Eat?" Yang Weitian was startled, then shook his head and said, "Our small place, how can there be any place to eat? Everyone eats in the cafeteria."

Xu Junran snorted, nodded and said, "When I was in school, there were many snack bars around the school, and the business was very good."

"Oh?" Yang Weitian became interested: "Have private restaurants started to exist in the capital?"

Xu Junran laughed in his heart. You probably would not have imagined that within a few years, private enterprises would spring up all over the country like mushrooms after a spring rain.

"Yeah, isn't the country encouraging self-employment now? Some of our college classmates even graduated and went to Lingnan Special Zone."

This sentence, Xu Junran is not lying. Among his college classmates, three or four of them have gone to Pengfei City in Lingnan. As the first special economic zone in China, there is no doubt about its development potential. As the saying goes, as big as the heart is, the stage is as big as it is.

"SAR." Yang Weitian muttered these two words in his mouth, but the expression on his face was yearning.As a young cadre in his early thirties, with ideals and aspirations in his heart, he naturally had the desire to boost the economy of Wude County, and when Xu Junran talked about the development of the outside world, Yang Weitian was even more excited. My mind became active.

"Xiao Xu, tell me, how about setting up a factory in our county?" Yang Weitian suddenly said to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran was taken aback, but he didn't expect the county magistrate Yang to have such a radical idea. He just mentioned a snack bar to him, which originally meant to guide him to develop a small commodity economy, but this person's thinking was too fast. He even thought of engaging in a collective economy. Although this matter does not violate the regulations, it will definitely be a minefield in the next few years, and it may be treated as a typical case by the higher authorities.

Shaking his head, Xu Junran was about to refute him, but was stunned.

He remembered one thing. In his previous life, an old classmate of his adoptive father once visited his adoptive father. It was already 2010. That uncle Zeng once mentioned a matter, that is, in the early stage of the construction of Pengfei City, a large number of buildings were urgently needed. Workers, because they are all small projects for building dormitories and houses, large state-owned enterprises disdain to do it, and small enterprises do not have that ability. Later, it seems that a businessman from Xiangjiang took over the project and made a lot of money .

If this is the case, can the folks in Wude County earn this money?

Thinking of this, Xu Junran didn't say it right away, but said to Yang Weitian: "County magistrate, I think you should discuss this matter with Secretary Yan. After all, it is not a trivial matter to set up a factory! "

Seeing Yang Weitian nodding with a serious expression, Xu Junran had already made up his mind, no matter what, he had to convince Yan Wangsong first, and let Wude County get the first pot of gold.

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