Powerful and romantic

Chapter 3 Someone You Can't afford!

(' When Xu Junran was falling into memories, his thoughts were interrupted by a loud shout.

"Li Huhu, what the hell are you doing?" The young man who had just been thrown a brick by Xu Junran came over with a stick, pointed at Li Yifeng and shouted loudly.

Li Yifeng chuckled, but hooked his fingers at the man: "Qin San'er, if I don't beat your bird eggs out of shit today, I, Li Huo, will not hang around on Wude Street in the future!"

Xu Junran on the side frowned when he heard this, no wonder his adoptive father shook his head whenever he mentioned Uncle Huzi's temper in his previous life. The name of the tiger, those criminals will tremble all over.

"Brother Huzi, forget it." Xu Junran said slowly, he didn't want to get into a fight on the first day when he returned home, since his status is different now, he should be more cautious in doing things.It was a helpless move to save people just now, and now that he has a solution, he naturally doesn't want to cause trouble in vain.

"It's okay, I haven't paid attention to these grandchildren." Turning his head and saying something to Xu Junran, Li Yifeng stared at Qin San: "Qin San, let me tell you, I will take care of today's matter." It’s fine if you challenge me at ordinary times, the old man will beat me up at most, but if you dare to touch Junran today, believe it or not, Li Jiazhen will fight with you, Qin Jiazhai!”

The next moment, Xu Junran couldn't help but patted himself on the forehead, thinking that this guy could really make a big banner out of tiger skin.

Sure enough, after Li Yifeng finished speaking, Qin San was stunned.

Blood fighting is a rule handed down from the ancestors in Wude County. Wude folk customs are tough, and clans often fight with weapons, causing heavy casualties. Blood fighting is the most cruel, meaning to wash away one's shame with blood!Once the blood fight starts, it will definitely not stop unless one family dies.

As a native of Wude County, Qin San certainly knows what blood fighting means to a town family, and sneered: "Li Huo, who do you think you are? Still fighting blood? Why don't I believe you have such a great ability?" ?”

Even though he said that, he obviously didn't have the confidence he had just now.

Li Yifeng smiled, and pointed at Xu Junran: "Qin San'er, don't pretend to be confused with me there, see, this is the first college student in our Lijia Town, and also the champion of our Wude County, tell me about me If Grandpa knew that you wanted to play him, would he risk his life with your Qin family?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head, blinked at Xu Junran and said, "That kid's name is Qin Shousheng, he's from the Qin Family Village, and his father is Qin Guotong, the deputy magistrate of the county."

Only then did Xu Junran suddenly realize why, with Li Yifeng's character, he even put on a fight with the other party to make sense. It turns out that there are also the yamen clan in the county. Every big clan in Wude County has its own prominent figures in the county. Naturally, he is the head of the Qin family, and his status in the family is similar to that of Li Dongyuan of the Li family.

However, Xu Junran remembered something about Qin Guotong. This was an anecdote that his adoptive father told him back then. His original intention was to let him restrain his children, not to offend people who shouldn't be provoked, and make mistakes that shouldn't be made , so as not to implicate yourself.

Thinking of this news, Xu Junran looked at Qin San with a hint of pity. This man will lose his head in more than half a year, and now he is still so arrogant. It seems that God wants to kill people, it must be People are crazy first.

"Brother Huzi, forget it, let's go home." Xu Junran said again, with a very firm attitude.

Li Yifeng was taken aback for a moment, but nodded immediately. For some reason, although he hadn't seen Xu Junran for four years, Li Yifeng felt that this younger brother who grew up behind his butt had a kind of behavior that made people have to listen to him. This kind of majesty is conveyed through his eyes, making Li Yifeng feel as if he is facing the little devil's grandfather who bullies him all day.

Qin Shousheng over there looked at Li Yifeng and Xu Junran dully. He never thought that Li Huhu, who couldn't even bring back ten cows from a fight, would be able to fight against a young man younger than himself. After saying that, I stood behind that person honestly. Could this be a dream?

Xu Junran looked at Qin Shousheng: "County Qin is my leader. Let me advise you, this world is so big that you can't imagine it. It is impossible for the Qin Family Village to protect you forever. Even if it can protect you for a while, it will protect you for a while." You will never live forever. Think more about your father, so you can take care of yourself."

Qin Shousheng was startled, opened his mouth to say something, but didn't dare to speak.What Li Yifeng said just now reminded him of who the young man in front of him was. He also knew about the college student in Lijia Town. After that Xu Junran, it is estimated that just like what Li Yifeng said, the old people of the Li family dared to initiate the second bloody fight after the founding of Wude County!

Snorting coldly, and glancing at Xu Junran, Qin Shousheng said loudly: "Today, I will give face to the champion, Li Huhu, just wait for me!"

Putting down the scene, he turned around and left with his gang of younger brothers.

Li Yifeng was furious, and was about to chase after him. Lu Rui reached out to hold his hand: "Brother Huzi, forget it, there's no need to argue with him."

After speaking, he looked at the mother and son who had pulled their son to hide behind him and Li Yifeng, Xu Junran smiled wryly and said, "Let's go, don't stay here any longer."

The mother raised her head and glanced at Xu Junran, as if she wanted to keep this young man in her heart: "Thank you, I will definitely repay you."

Xu Junran waved his hand: "It's okay, go home early, your son's injury is not serious, just go to the health center to get some anti-inflammatory drugs, don't eat indiscriminately." The current medical conditions are not good, and many people in rural areas believe in those barefoot children indiscriminately. According to the doctor, if you don't go to the hospital when you are sick, you will know that you will take medicine indiscriminately and often leave sequelae, so Xu Junran told the woman.

The woman nodded in embarrassment, but said nothing.

Xu Junran glanced at their patched clothes, sighed, fumbled in his pocket, took out three dollars, and asked Li Yifeng, "Do you have any money there, Brother Huzi?"

Li Yifeng was taken aback for a moment, then carefully took out two dollars from his trouser pocket, and muttered: "You are a bad person."

Xu Junran smiled, and handed the five yuan to the woman: "Auntie, you can take this money to see a doctor for your son, and buy some food to make up for it."

The woman was startled, and just about to refuse, Xu Junran stuffed the money into her hand without any explanation, turned around and pulled Li Yifeng away.

Looking at the banknotes in her hand, the woman couldn't help but shed tears, bowed to Xu Junran's leaving back, and then turned to leave.



Walking on the road in Wude County, Xu Junran looked at the sullen Li Yifeng, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, I'm not happy that there was no fight? Or are you not happy that I gave away your private money?"

Regardless of whether it was the previous life or the present life, Li Yifeng and himself were as close as family members, and Xu Junran didn't want to make him feel bad because of this matter.And he also remembered that his adoptive father probably never met Qin Shousheng in his previous life.Because the adoptive father stayed in the capital until October and returned to Wude County, and later adopted his 12-year-old self after the crackdown.But in this life, I chose to leave the capital immediately after discovering the rebirth.

Li Yifeng sighed: "It's been a long time since I saw that Qin San was not pleasing to the eye, and finally I have a reason to beat him up this time, and you still refuse to let me, I'm really aggrieved. Those few dollars are no big deal, at most I... ……”

Xu Junran was about to speak, but Li Yifeng stopped suddenly, patted himself on the head, and after a long while, with a mournful face: "Junran, my good brother, this time you have to help brother! "

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