Powerful and romantic

Chapter 33 Special Zone

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"Then I'll call you Xiao Xu. I'll be Gao Pan, and I recognize you as a college student brother."

Feng Yuan is also a smart person, so she and Xu Junran became relatives.

She works in the organization department, so she is naturally well-informed. Although Xu Junran's appointment has not yet been issued, is there any possibility that the county magistrate and the county party secretary have reached a consensus?What's more, Xu Junran is a freshly graduated college student. As a person who has worked in the organization department for several years, Feng Yuan knows how much favored college students are.Not to mention anything else, Quanzhou itself is not a culturally developed place. In other cities, there are at least hundreds of college students, but Quanzhou is not good. In total, there were two people who were admitted to college that year, one Still staying in the capital, only Xu Junran was willing to return to his hometown.

Based on this alone, Feng Yuan dared to conclude that Xu Junran's future in Quanzhou was limitless.

Of course, this is not only her own judgment, but also thanks to her aunt who is the deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.

"Sister Feng, you're welcome. You are Brother Tu's lover, so naturally you are my sister-in-law. Of course we are a family." Xu Junran said with a smile.

Many friends, many paths, such a simple truth Xu Junran certainly understands, not to mention that he is still in the organization department, and building a good relationship with the person in charge of the official title will be beneficial to his future development in Wude County, at least in the future if there is If there is any trouble, you can also know a little news in advance.

Not one enemy can be ignored, nor any little character.

This is Xu Junran's officialdom philosophy.

He is very clear that even with the big killer of rebirth, he may not be smooth sailing in the officialdom, at least before he steps on the peak of power, he will definitely encounter all kinds of troubles. If he wants to overcome these difficulties, he must Keep weaving a web, a web of interests, as long as you make yourself an indispensable part of a web of interests, then even if you meet a top yamen like Huang Zixuan, you won't be caught like your adoptive father was in his previous life.

If you want to stand firmer, you have to stand taller.

"You two, can you not speak bureaucratically?" Tu Wenyong looked at his daughter-in-law and Xu Junran who were polite there, and couldn't help but said, "They are not outsiders. Although Xiao Xu has only been here for a few days, but I think this kid is good, and he is a friend worth making. My daughter-in-law, don't put on that air, okay?"

After speaking, he said to Xu Junran again: "Xiao Xu, Brother Tu thinks you can do great things in the future! As long as you don't dislike my buddy, you can talk about anything in the future."

Feng Yuan frowned, her husband is good in every way, but he doesn't know the seriousness of his words, and he has only known Xu Junran for a few days, how can he talk like that?

Unexpectedly, Xu Junran was very happy, nodded and said: "Well, since Brother Tu said so, I will not be polite."

As everyone knows, in his previous life, Xu Junran has seen too many villains who talk about honey and swords, and naturally he has also seen those shameless people who stabbed knives in the back. Of course, he can tell whether Tu Wenyong is sincere or false when he said this.

After decades of ups and downs in the officialdom, if Xu Junran didn't even have this ability to know people, his life would be in vain.

She glanced at Xu Junran in surprise. Feng Yuan did not expect that her husband would get along with this upstart in the county so quickly. In her mind, Xu Junran, a graduate of a prestigious university, is a new upstart in the county's officialdom. He is the kind of person who is difficult to get along with, and Xu Junran's politeness with him at the beginning also proved Feng Yuan's guess.But it's a pity that she guessed the beginning of the story correctly, but failed to guess the end. Xu actually gave her a surprise.

"Sister-in-law, I'm a straightforward person, and I like to make friends with people like Brother Tu, don't you mind." Xu Junran smiled at Feng Yuan.

Feng Yuan also thought about it, and nodded with a smile: "I'm being hypocritical."

After exchanging pleasantries, several people sat down separately. At this time, Lin Yuqing had already served the food and wine. It could be seen that she and Feng Yuan were also old acquaintances. It should be that Yuan Xiaoh brought them here to eat.

At this time in the early 80s, restaurants were not a popular industry at all. Everyone usually had to pay by ticket when buying things. How could they have enough money to treat guests to restaurants?Except for those wage-earning workers or government personnel who can come to have a meal when they have time, there are not many people at other times.

Not to mention the farmers in the countryside. At this time, the commune was still in the era of production teams, and everyone was earning work points. It would be considered good if they didn’t owe anyone in the team all year round.

"Sister of the Feng family, you haven't seen my sister for several days." Lin Yuqing finished her busy work and cooked six home-cooked dishes before sitting down at the table.

Feng Yuan smiled slightly, and held Lin Yuqing's hand without any pretensions: "You are just too strong. If you let me say, let my aunt help you introduce a job, I have to suffer here by myself."

After listening to their conversation, Xu Junran was a little surprised. He originally thought that Lin Yuqing and Feng Yuan were not familiar, but now it seems that the relationship between the two is very unusual.

Tu Wenyong smiled and said, "Your sister-in-law's father lived in Yuqing's village when he went to the countryside."

Only then did Xu Junran nod his head. It turns out that there is still such a relationship. No wonder the two of them are so close. The relationship between the educated youth and the local farmers has always been talked about.

Several people chatted while eating, and Feng Yuan and Tu Wenyong asked Xu Junran about the capital from time to time. Hearing about the changes in the capital, several people couldn't help but feel deeply moved.Among the few people here, except for Lin Yuqing, they are all people in the system. Even the innocent Yuan Xiaoh is also in the agency to understand how much the current society has changed. As for Feng Yuan who works in the organization department People who live in China clearly know that today's China is in a period of great change.

"Xiao Xu, I saw a report about that special zone in the newspaper a few days ago. You said, can that place in Pengfei City really develop? That's Zizi!"

Tu Wenyong suddenly said to Xu Junran.

Feng Yuan's complexion changed, and she stretched out her hand to tug on Tu Wenyong.What the husband said is a bit exaggerated. If this was put in the past, he would have been labeled as a capitalist roader.

Xu Junran smiled, waved his hands and said to Tu Wenyong: "Brother Tu, remember that Pengfei's development is just a pilot project of the central government. We must still take the road of socialism, but we must take the road of Huaxia itself. It doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat. The central government is paying attention to what the surname is, and the most important thing is for the common people to get benefits. Households still contract production to groups, as long as we can develop the economy in our county, we can do it.”

Listening to Xu Junran's words, Feng Yuan's eyes suddenly brightened.

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