(' Until Xu Junran and Yuan Xiaoh left the hotel, Lin Yuqing didn't dare to come out to see anyone again.

After entering the back room and saying goodbye to her cousin, Yuan Xiaoh left with Xu Junran and complained helplessly, "Brother Xu, why do you have to tease your cousin, really."

Xu Junran smiled, raised his wrapped hands and said, "Little girl, my brother is sick, if you say that about me, I will be sad."

Yuan Xiaohan gave Xu Junran a supercilious look, and said no more, she also knew that if Xu Junran hadn't been present in today's incident, Lin Yuqing might have something serious to do. With her cousin's staunch temper, what would happen if she was really caught by others? If it doesn't work out, it's going to be a dead end.

Thinking of this, Yuan Xiaoh couldn't help but shudder.

As for Xu Junran who was injured after stopping all this, Yuan Xiaoh, who was walking beside him, could not help showing a sweet smile with her eyes rolling.

Which girl is not pregnant?

Especially in the face of a man who showed heroism in front of him twice and three times.

In this era, wits and heroes are the most exciting existences.

After sending Yuan Xiaoh back to the beer manufacturer's dormitory, Xu Junran turned around and walked towards the restaurant again.

Things have to be completely resolved, otherwise, after a long time, accidents are still easy to happen.

"Why are you back again?"

Seeing Xu Junran turn back, Lin Yuqing, who was packing up her things, asked in surprise, her face turned red unavoidably.

Xu Junran was also a little embarrassed. After all, there was such an intimate contact between the two of them. Although it was a matter of haste, it was still a little embarrassing.

"Sister Yuqing, I have something to tell you."

Xu Junran calmed down his emotions and said to Lin Yuqing.

Lin Yuqing thought for a while, nodded and said, "Hello, I'll clean up, you sit down first."

Xu Junran found a place and sat down, watching Lin Yuqing tidy up the tables and chairs in the restaurant and close the door, it seemed that he didn't plan to do business today.

After a while, Lin Yuqing packed up everything and sat down opposite Xu Junran. She changed into a big red coat and looked very gorgeous.

"Junran, thank you for today's matter." Before Xu Junran could speak, Lin Yuqing spoke first.

Xu Junran knew that she was talking about the fact that he rescued her today.

With a slightly serious face, Xu Junran said to Lin Yuqing: "Sister Yuqing, do you think today's business is over?"

Lin Yuqing was taken aback, then smiled wryly: "I understand what you mean, Qin San will have to come in a few days."

She is different from Yuan Xiaoh. Yuan Xiaoh grew up under the protection of her parents. She belongs to the kind of flowers in the greenhouse. She is self-reliant again, and her understanding of human nature is much higher than that of Yuan Xiaoh, so of course she understands Xu Junran's worries.

"I don't plan to continue to open this restaurant." Lin Yuqing looked at her restaurant, and said with a smile: "Go back and pack up, and go to other places to see if there is any work."

Xu Junran was taken aback, but he did not expect Lin Yuqing to have such courage. Women who have the courage to venture outside in this era are really rare, and it can be said that they are aliens in the eyes of others.

After thinking about it, Xu Junran said to Lin Yuqing, "Sister Yuqing, do you know Pengfei City?"

Lin Yuqing was startled, and then nodded: "I know, is it the special area you mentioned to Feng's sister when you were eating?"

"It's a special economic zone." Xu actually smiled and corrected Lin Yuqing's mistake, looked at her seriously and said, "What do you think you can do if you go out to work?"

Xiumei frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about Xu Junran's words. After a while, Lin Yuqing lowered her head helplessly, and said with great emotion: "Yes, what can I do? I don't have a high education, and I don't have any skills. It seems that apart from I can cook some home-cooked food, but I don’t have anything to sell, and I really don’t know what to do when I go outside.”

Raising her head, she looked at Xu Junran: "I'm afraid you didn't come to me today to ask me about this matter, did you?"

After all, she has experienced too much since she was a child. Although Lin Yuqing has no education, she is not stupid.

Xu Junran smiled slightly: "Sister Yuqing, if I said, I can let you work in a government department or become the boss of a company, which one would you choose?"

When she said these words, Xu Junran suddenly had an aura that made Lin Yuqing a little stunned. She had never seen this kind of aura before, even when she faced Qin Shousheng just now, Xu Junran didn't show it. With such an aura, this is a kind of confidence that everything is under control.

At this moment, Xu Junran's eyes gave people an irresistible spirit.

"What are you?" Lin Yuqing looked at Xu Junran very puzzled. She didn't understand how a fresh graduate would have the confidence to say such a thing.

A confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Xu Junran put his fingers on the table and tapped them one after another, with neither light nor heavy force, making a sound just right.

"Sister Yuqing, don't worry about where my confidence comes from, you just need to tell me your choice."

Xu Junran still replied slowly.

He was not in a hurry, because he knew that Lin Yuqing would definitely choose the answer he guessed.

Sure enough, after Lin Yuqing thought about it for a while, her expression suddenly became very calm: "I'll listen to you."


Xu Junran was slightly taken aback, unexpectedly, Lin Yuqing did not choose as she guessed, but threw the ball to herself again.

For Xu Junran, it doesn't matter how Lin Yuqing chooses. What he wants to see is whether Lin Yuqing is malleable, because the huge plan in Xu Junran's heart needs to be carried out by one person in Pengfei City, and this person, You must be able to completely obey your own orders, or in other words, you must have the kind of keen psychology that does not belong to this era.

"Do you trust me that much?" Xu Junran asked Lin Yuqing.

Lin Yuqing showed an indifferent smile: "Do I still have to choose now? The folks in the village think that I am Baihuming and Kefuke's relative. In addition to today's incident, maybe the county will have to spread the word about me in a few days." Tell me about this vixen seducing you, a high-achieving university student, do I have any other choice?"

Xu Junran remained silent. Lin Yuqing's words were not wrong. In this era, the conflict between conservative thinking and open thinking is the most intense. Anyone who has such rumors is basically unable to gain a foothold in the county. up.

Sometimes, spitting can also drown people!

This point is the same whether it is now or decades later.

(Thanks to Xiaofeng and Xiaoyu. No watermelon skin, Yanyu Hongchen concubine gave a reward with a smile, thank you for your click and support. Please vote for your recommendation while reading the book. The click is very good, but there are not many recommendation votes. If you have this kind of free vote, please vote!)

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