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In the 80s, the term full-time deputy secretary did not yet exist. The so-called office meeting of the secretary was actually similar to the standing committee.

There are more than a dozen people in a team, but there are seven or eight of them with the title of deputy secretary. The office meeting of the secretary is more lively than that of the standing committee. It seems that the Secretary's Office Meeting in Wude County is like a vegetable market every time. The deputy secretaries quarrel and then bring the resolution to the Standing Committee for a while.

As for Xu Junran's appointment, that's how it was approved.

"Jun Ran, let me ask you again, are you really willing to go down to the grassroots?"

Looking at Xu Junran sitting in front of him, Yan Wangsong sighed and asked him seriously.

I watched this child grow up from a young age, watched him grow from a boy to a young man, and I personally sent him away when he was in college.Originally thought that after graduating from university, he would leave this poor village like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate, but he never expected that this child would resolutely return to the poor Wude.And now, he had to watch this young man start a dangerous job.

Yan Wangsong really regretted it.

Unlike idealists like Yang Weitian, Yan Wangsong is more pragmatic. He clearly knows that once the matter of the Lijia Town Commune is exposed, Xu Junran, an advocate, will inevitably bear considerable pressure, and may even be crowned With the big hat of taking the capitalist road, at that time, even the king of heaven and Lao Tzu will not be able to save him.

But at this moment, Yan Wangsong has no other way. Common people have problems eating. If an official doesn't come up with a solution, is he worthy of being called a parent official?

Therefore, this road, he can only watch Xu Junran break through and try.

And he had already made up his mind that if his superiors blamed him, at worst he would leave Yang Weitian alone and shoulder the responsibility alone, saying that he instructed Xu Junran to do this, at least he had to keep Xu Junran.

Naturally, Xu Junran didn't know that Yan Wangsong had made the worst plan, and he showed a confident smile on his face: "Grandpa Yan, don't worry, I have planned to return to Wude County since the time I was in college. It is my wish to go back to work in Lijia Town."

Sighing softly, Yan Wangsong said helplessly, "Since you have already made up your mind, let me tell you something heart-to-heart."

Looking at Xu Junran, he rolled a dry cigarette, and then introduced to Xu Junran the current situation of the Lijia Town Commune.

Xu Junran took out a small notebook and recorded it bit by bit. He knew very well that although he grew up in Lijia Town, the current Lijia Town Commune is not covered by the Li family alone, and there are still some disharmonious factors. Otherwise, Yan Wangsong would not have introduced the situation to himself so carefully.

Finally, Yan Wangsong looked at Xu Junran: "If you go to take office in the afternoon, I won't go there. When the deputy takes office, it's not good for either me or County Magistrate Yang to go. Minister Fu will send you there."

Xu Junran nodded: "I understand, Secretary Yan."

Yan Wangsong paused, thought for a while and said, "Go to County Magistrate Yang for a while, he has something to tell you."

Xu Junran agreed, and then got up to say goodbye and leave.

Expressing determination is something that people who don't understand anything will do. Instead of talking about hype at this time, it is better to really make achievements.

Bypassing the county party committee compound, Xu Junran came to the four-story building of the county government.The conditions in Wude County are not good. The county party committee and the county government actually work together, but they are divided into two buildings. These two buildings are still old buildings from the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and they are much older than Xu Junran. .

Yang Weitian's office is on the easternmost side of the third floor. It's not very big. Like Yan Wangsong, he is a frugal cadre.In other words, the cadres at this time were all about the same, no matter whether they were good leaders or not, at least the style of hard work and simplicity was still there, unlike later generations, where a unit of dozens of people was stunned to build an office building with tens of millions.

One of the reasons is that the conditions are not allowed. The more reason is that there are not so many tricks in people's minds.

Xu Junran clearly knew that in a few years, when Huaxia's economy develops and the government has money in its hands, some people's minds will start to move, causing many serious problems.But those are too far away for him, and now Xu Junran is thinking about how to fire the first shot of the Lijia Town Commune.

"Hi, I'm looking for County Magistrate Yang."

In front of the signboard of the county magistrate's office, Xu Junran greeted a man who was packing up documents politely.

"Hello, hello, are you Comrade Xu Junran?" The man was probably in his early thirties, with a gentle appearance, he greeted Xu Junran enthusiastically.

Xu Junran was taken aback, and then he heard the other party introduce himself. He is Xiao Honghua from the county government office, and he is now working as a correspondent for Yang Weitian.

After exchanging greetings with this overly enthusiastic Xiao Honghua, Xu Junran smiled wryly. This guy really has always been like this. When Yang Weitian was the secretary of the municipal party committee in his previous life, Xiao Honghua was already the director of a certain bureau in Quanzhou. When Xu Junran met, he was so familiar with each other, as expected, it's easy to change the country and hard to change the nature.

"By the way, I should call you Secretary Xu now. I heard that the county officially appointed you as the deputy party secretary of the Lijia Town Commune, right?" Xiao Honghua didn't feel that he was an ordinary correspondent at all, and Xu Junran now They are cadres at the deputy department level, there should be a difference between the two of them, and they treat Xu Junran very enthusiastically but without losing their sense of proportion.

Xu Junran understood that this was the principle of the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister. Even though Xiao Honghua was just an ordinary clerk, he happened to be the county magistrate's correspondent.So even if he is the deputy secretary of the party committee of the commune below, he still dares to discuss friendship with his peers.

For Xiao Honghua's attitude, Xu Junran didn't feel disgusted, this is human nature.

What's more, Xiao Honghua is still a good person. At least according to Xu Junran's understanding, this person's conduct is acceptable. The director of the District Management Committee and the director of the Municipal Finance Bureau are all units related to money bags, but Xiao Honghua has no problems at all, which shows that this person can still control himself.

Therefore, Xu Junran also intends to make friends with him.

"Brother Xiao, you are polite, and you can talk about anything in the future. In Lijia Town, my words still have a bit of weight."

Xu Junran smiled and said to Xiao Honghua.

Many friends have multiple paths, so there is no need for me to be so rigid. If a person in officialdom is too rigid, he will not be able to go very far.

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