Powerful and romantic

Chapter 421 The Curtain Opens

Under the halo of the golden lamp, Xu Junran lay down on the desk and scribbled. This is the house that Xie Meijuan rented for him. Although the layout is a little crude, there are still everything that should be there. Xie Meijuan also planned to buy a color TV, but was rejected. Xu Junran refused, and his reason was very simple. Putting the relationship between the two of us aside, if you have a color TV in your room, doesn't it mean that I have it in my room.All women love to hear these words, especially women who have just had an intimate relationship and are in love.

In fact, Xu Junran has another consideration. After all, he has just established himself in Fule County. If he behaves too extravagantly, it will be easy for people to criticize him as alienating from the masses. Therefore, Xu Junran thinks that he should keep a low profile.

What Xu Junran is writing is "The Development Outline of Changqing Township's Economic Reform". A lot, and this article is the top priority of Xu Junran's preparation work, so he racked his brains for several days.

"Take a break, you've been writing all day." Xie Meijuan brought Xu Junran a glass of water, and said softly to her little man.

The last few days were the happiest time in her life. She didn't have to go out every day, but just took care of Xu Junran. The two lived like a husband and wife. This made Xie Meijuan even have the urge to quit her job and focus on taking care of Xu Junran at home.

Hearing this, Xu Junran looked up at Xie Meijuan, and said with a wry smile, "Don't be in a hurry, I'm about to take office, so I have to show some achievements."

Xie Meijuan's expression darkened slightly, he knew that what Xu Junran said was correct, today is the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.There are still three days until the tenth day of the lunar new year. At that time, the county will hold a cadre meeting and officially announce the appointment of Xu Junran. At that time, I will not be able to stay with Xu Junran every day like now.Thinking of this, Xie Meijuan felt very uncomfortable for no reason.

Xu Junran seemed to know that Xie Meijuan was feeling uncomfortable, so he reached out and patted her hand, and said in a low voice, "Even if I go to Changqing Township to take up the post, I will come back to accompany you when I have time."

"Really?" Xie Meijuan's eyes lit up.Seeing Xu Junran ask seriously, for her, this is undoubtedly Xu Junran's promise.

Smiling, Xu Junran looked at the expectant woman, and said softly, "Yes. This is my promise to you."

Xie Meijuan finally smiled happily, like a blooming flower. For a woman, what could be more exciting than the promise of a lover?



In the large conference room of the county government, there were two, no.All township party committee secretaries, township heads, and town mayors all attended the event.

Xu Junran was sitting at the back, and beside him was the new township chief Ge Dazhuang with a serious expression. The appointments of both of them were officially issued this morning, and they had just finished talking with the organization department.They came to this meeting together.Xu Junran looked at the red-headed document in his hand, and then listened to the exchange of words between the leaders of the county party committee and county government on the stage, and suddenly felt a heavy burden on his shoulders.

For Huaxia, 1984 was a year of considerable changes.At the beginning of this year, the central government issued the "Notice on Rural Work in 15".Proposed extension of the land contract period should generally be more than 90 years.The supreme leader inspected Pengfei City and other special zones and wrote inscriptions, and Xu Junran also knew that the debate on reform and opening up would start this year and continue until the early [-]s, until the neighboring country in the north was completely disintegrated, and this kind of debate gradually died down .

It was as if at this moment, Xu Junran knew that today's expanded meeting of the county party committee was actually a confrontation between the reformers and the conservatives in Fule County.

Just the day before the meeting, the county magistrate Wang Changlin asked someone to call Xu Junran to his office, and showed Xu Junran this red-headed document. The meaning was very clear. Xu Junran, you are a talented student from the Central Party School. The spirit of the Central Committee is to carry out reform and opening up in rural work. You must carefully understand the spirit of the document and implement the intention of the central document in your work.

Xu Junran immediately understood that Wang Changlin was planning to use the big hat of implementing the spirit of the central government's instructions to suppress the limelight of the conservative faction in Fule County headed by Qi Santai, secretary of the county party committee. After all, he was planning to weaken Qi Santai. Tai's influence in the county.

Sure enough, the meeting was filled with the smell of gunpowder not long after it started. Lei Zhengyu, deputy secretary of the county party committee and director of publicity, took the lead. He believed that the reform and opening up work in Fule County had fallen into a state of stagnation. The spirit of the central government's directives is obviously inconsistent. The reason for this situation is inseparable from the mistakes of the leadership of the party committee. As for who is responsible for the responsibility of the party committee, it is self-evident.

It was Wang Changlin who was speaking on the stage. The usually gentle and refined County Magistrate Wang stood up at this moment, waving his hands unceasingly, as if to show that his words were more convincing. His voice was high-pitched, and his tone was like a martyr's sacrifice With the same impassionedness, he loudly recounted all the achievements of Fule County in the past few years to set things right, as if Fule County had made today's progress under the leadership of the magistrate Wang.

Xu Junran watched Wang Changlin's performance with cold eyes. In his eyes, what Wang Changlin said was Xiang Zhuang's sword dance, aimed at Pei Gong, and the ultimate goal must be Qi Santai, secretary of the county party committee, otherwise he would not be able to play such a trick Come.

Sure enough, just as Xu Junran guessed, Wang Changlin gave an impassioned speech for a long time, and finally got to the point.

"Comrades, the reform and opening up in Fule County is now in a state of near stagnation. Some of our leading cadres don't know what a market economy is or what the people's needs are. Comrades! When he visited Pengfei City in Lingnan, he gave an important speech. He wanted to liberate the minds of the people in Lingnan, be more courageous, and move faster! But looking back at our Fule County, not only did we not take any action to deepen the reform , On the contrary, there is a tendency to gradually retreat, comrades, I am very sad! As the county magistrate, I admit that I have made mistakes in my work, and I am here to conduct a review!"

Wang Changlin's face was excited, his eyes were sharp, and he bowed deeply to the cadres in the audience.

Xu Junran's expression changed immediately, he knew that the real sex was about to begin.


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