Powerful and romantic

Chapter 436 Meet Qi Santai

The county town is still the same, but because spring is coming soon, the city seems to be a little more popular. Xu Junran walked on the street, looking at the streets with people coming and going, and said to the correspondent beside him: "Little Huang, just wait for me at the guest house in a while, and I'll go see a friend."

Xiao Huang is a relative of Huang Hai's family, specially assigned to run errands for Xu Junran.

Hearing what Xu Junran said, Xiao Huang quickly shook his head: "Secretary, my uncle ordered me to protect you!"

Only then did Xu Junran remember that Huang Hai said that this guy had not been discharged from the army for a long time this year, and it is said that he still has a few tricks.

With a slight smile, Xu Junran shook his head and said, "You don't need to bother, this is a county town, not in the wilderness, and you still protect me. Do you think an assassin can emerge?"

Xiao Huang's expression was a little anxious. On the one hand, he was thinking about his responsibilities, and on the other hand, he was thinking about his uncle's confession, asking him to listen to Secretary Xu in everything. This contradiction really made him not know how to choose.

Xu Junran looked funny, thought for a while and said: "Well, you wait for me opposite the county committee compound, and I will go to the county committee compound to see a friend."

The meeting held in the county today was about the construction of spiritual civilization. The person who presided over the meeting was Lei Zhengyu, the Propaganda Director of the County Party Committee. Xu Junran was not familiar with him. He had offended Lei Zhengyu's son, Lei Tian, ​​because of Wang Xiaolong's matter before, but it was obvious. Lei Zhengyu didn't know about it, and at the end of the meeting, he specifically told Xu Junran about the recent news that the Propaganda Department of the county party committee was planning to go to the Hongxing Coal Mine in Changqing Township to collect wind.

Xu Junran naturally agreed, he doesn't care about what's going on in the county right now, the most important thing for him now is to focus on building Changqing Township well.

Now that he has come to the county seat, Xu Junran has no reason not to come to see Zhu Zecheng. Although his current base is in Changqing Township, the county's major events are trivial.Also need to know something.

"Why are you here?" Walking to the floor of the organization department, she saw Xie Meijuan about to go downstairs. Seeing that there was no one around, Xie Meijuan glanced at Xu Junran charmingly, and said in a low voice.

Xu Junran hadn't seen her for almost half a month, and upon hearing this, he said, "Come to the county for a meeting."

After a pause, he continued to ask, "I won't leave at night."

Xie Meijuan's heart fluttered when she heard the words, she naturally knew what Xu Junran meant, as the saying goes, you know the taste by eating the marrow.This sentence is equally applicable to both men and women, especially for a woman like Xie Meijuan who has been empty for more than ten years.Ever since breaking through that level of relationship with Xu Junran, she wished that the two of them could be tied together, and she was also obsessed with that kind of thing. Xu Junran hadn't returned to the county for more than half a month.For Xie Meijuan, it is like living a life like a year.

Turning Xu Junran's eyes blankly, Xie Meijuan nodded lightly: "I'll prepare dinner tonight and wait for you to come back."

Someone came over at this time, and Xu Junran walked towards the inside while greeting the other party.

Zhu Zecheng was reading documents in the office, when he saw Xu Junran coming in, he said with a smile, "How about it, I heard that you have visited Changqing Township all over?"

Xu Junran also knew.Zhu Zecheng must have his own people in Changqing Township, otherwise this matter would not have reached the ears of the head of the organization of the county party committee. Hearing this, he smiled and nodded: "It's just wandering around."

Hearing Xu Junran's words, Zhu Zecheng praised: "It's incredible. It's incredible. You are worthy of a college student. You just know how to summarize. Then you can talk about it. How do you feel after you have been in Changqing Township for a long time?" He really liked it. curious.Xu Junran spent more than half a month visiting every natural village in Changqing Township, what kind of harvest will he get?

Xu Junran showed a confident expression, and said seriously: "Secretary, I grew up in the countryside, and during the more than a year of studying at the Party School in Beijing, I also studied some situations at the grassroots level in our country. I haven't worked in the county for a long time, but I have understood a truth. There are "four difficulties" for this township party secretary: one is that it is not easy to be a job, and it is not easy to let whoever wants to do it. The second is to be a It’s not easy. The organization has handed over hundreds of square kilometers of land and [-] to [-] people to you. Can the burden on your shoulders be lightened? Third, it’s even more difficult to be a good person. Who doesn’t want to do a good job? But the motivation is different. It is equal to the effect. In the past few years, why did the deputy directors of the two offices go to the township first? Everyone has an opinion and feels that it is not enough, but the leaders always think that 'a talented person can't be a handsome person', so they insist on putting them down I went to practice for a while before I was placed in the position of secretary, and some have not been corrected yet. For me, the county party committee is an exception. I am very grateful, because this is a great trust in me from the organization. Do this job well, be ashamed of the leaders at the top, and the people at the bottom! Fourth, it is not easy to sue a township party secretary. Mistakes in our work are always inevitable. Without protection, would we still dare to work?"

Zhu Zecheng nodded while listening, and at the end, he laughed loudly: "Good guy, you really know how to circle around, circle around, and circle around us! However, these four difficulties are also classics. Say, what are your plans?" He knew very well that Xu Junran couldn't say something that needed protection for no reason, and it seemed that this young man was planning to make some noise in Changqing Township.

Xu Junran smiled slightly, and told Zhu Zecheng his thoughts on the farmer's market, and finally said: "I plan to build this farmer's market in Xinhe Village, Changqing Township, so that the influence of the township party committee can be expanded, and the township party committee can be expanded. Drive the economy in the village."

Zhu Zecheng didn't speak for a long time, but just silently knocked on the table in front of him. After a long while, he took out a cigarette and lit it on his own. After taking a few puffs, he raised his head and asked Xu Junran, "What can you do with this matter except me?" , who else have you told?"

Xu Junran was taken aback: "You are the first one, I am just an idea, and the specifics still need to be perfected."

Zhu Zecheng nodded: "You are right to be so cautious. In my opinion, you should report this matter to Secretary Qi first."

Xu Junran was a little surprised when he heard this sentence, and then he understood what Zhu Zecheng meant. He was worried about Qi Santai's rebellious psychology. After all, what he did was equivalent to reforming the economic situation of Changqing Township. To put it bluntly, for Qi Santai who has a strong conservative mindset, Xu Junran's actions can be regarded as singing against him.

Looking at Zhu Zecheng, Xu Junran tentatively asked, "You mean, Secretary Qi will object to this matter?"

Zhu Zecheng flicked the cigarette ash, nodded helplessly and said, "This matter is indeed the case. If you ask County Magistrate Wang, I believe he will definitely agree with your idea."

Xu Junran immediately understood that the farmer's market he set up, in other words, was something that the reformers raised their hands to welcome and the conservatives frowned. This new thing is a good thing in the eyes of reformers Wang Changlin, but in From the perspective of the conservative Qi Santai, it may not be the smugness of Xu Junran, a college student.

"What should I do?" Xu Junran's expression became a little anxious, he didn't want to delay the business because of this.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Zecheng said, "Let's go, I'll go find Secretary Qi with you!"

He is planning to come forward and have a good talk with Qi Santai himself.

Xu Junran followed Zhu Zecheng, but he was thinking in his heart how to persuade Qi Santai to agree to set up this farmer's market. After all, the county government is easy to handle. If he tries to make such a reform by himself, the county magistrate, Wang Changlin, will probably support it with both hands. It was too late, only Qi Santai on the party committee side was more troublesome.

"Hehe, old Zhu is here, and Comrade Xu is here too." Entering Qi Santai's office, Qi Santai was drinking tea, seeing Zhu Zecheng and Xu Junran coming hand in hand, he couldn't help but said with a smile.

Zhu Zecheng said with a smile: "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. I am looking for the secretary today because I am asking for help."

"Oh?" Qi Santai raised his eyebrows in surprise. He knew what Zhu Zecheng said. It seemed that this old Zhu from the organization department had something to ask of himself.

After some polite greetings, several people sat down on the sofa, and Qi Santai looked at Xu Junran: "What difficulties did Comrade Xiao Xu encounter in Changqing Township?" He is very smart and knows how Zhu Zecheng is. When Changqing Township encounters something that cannot be solved, I believe it is impossible for Zhu Zecheng to come to him for help.

Xu Junran nodded, and without waiting for Zhu Zecheng to speak, he said directly, "Secretary Qi, I want to set up a farmers' market in our Changqing Township."

Zhu Zecheng was startled, and immediately became anxious in his heart. This Xu Junran was too reckless. Didn't he tell him that he had to report this matter to Secretary Qi step by step, otherwise Secretary Qi would definitely be dissatisfied. Looking at Qi San With Tai's gradually serious expression, Zhu Zecheng suddenly felt that things were going to be messed up.

Qi Santai's expression was serious, and now there was a thought in his mind, that is, did this Xu Junran say such things in front of him on purpose, after all, everyone in this county knew that he was very opposed to reforming these things of.

Xu Junran looked at Qi Santai's expression and said seriously: "Secretary Qi, the relocation of the three natural villages of our township Lianhe Village and Houtun Village will soon be over, and the location of the township party committee will become a big place by then. The population distribution center, Changqing Township has always had the tradition of a market, so I consider turning this market into a farmers’ market, which is convenient for those who want to buy things and can be managed in a unified way. In addition, it can also increase the number of people in our township. fiscal revenue."

"What, fiscal revenue!" Qi Santai's complexion suddenly changed, and a cold light flickered in his eyes! (To be continued. You are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)


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