On April [-], [-], Changqing Township, Fule County, Shuangqi City, Songhe Province held a party congress. Xu Junran, secretary of the township party committee, made a work report to the meeting on behalf of the party committee, and elected nine party committee members, five Member of Disciplinary Committee.The conference went smoothly, but Xu Junran knew that there were many things in it that could not be understood by outsiders.

In each group, there is a gap between them. In fact, there are two supporting roles, one is Yan Shun and the other is Li Tian. Both of them performed very successfully.As soon as the shortlist of candidates was announced at the meeting, they were the first to stand up and implore the delegates not to elect them.The two publicly stated that their qualifications and experience were not enough to be candidates, and Yan Shun even said that I was being promoted by the leader to push the duck into the air.To be this candidate is just to catch the ducks on the shelves, please don't vote for me.For this naked statement, the representatives of the audience responded with warm applause.

In the end, the result of the vote was, of course, that almost all the candidates were elected.Then, Xu Junran continued to preside over the meeting, and elected the secretary of the party committee, the deputy secretary, the secretary of the discipline inspection committee, and the deputy secretary.These are nothing more than playing with democracy with a mixture of fiction and reality.From the success of the party congress, Xu Junran saw that things were not as complicated as they analyzed.Therefore, there is some confidence in holding a good people's congress.

In the end, Xu Junran was also tired of this kind of formality, but after all, there was nothing he could do. This was China's national conditions, and no one could change it.

According to legal procedures, township people's congresses must be held for three days to be considered legal.But no township would be that stupid, and it usually ended in one day. Fortunately, the county people's congress also acquiesced in this practical and Chinese national conditions.

Before the meeting, Xu Junran convened another meeting with the members of the township party committee.

Ge Dazhuang is now [-]% concentrated, and all his thoughts are on this People's Congress, even more so than Xu Junran.The meeting begins.He was the first to speak: "Secretary Xu, I suggest that we must do a good job in organizing this meeting. On the day of the meeting, I think we can send cars and people to go to each village early in the morning to gather all the representatives. Pull here."

Xu Junran thought for a while, then nodded: "This is fine."

But what Ge Dazhuang said next made Xu Junran frown together, and Ge Dazhuang continued: "We can also arrange police officers from the police station to stand guard outside the venue, causing a certain amount of psychological pressure. And the representatives of each village in the venue Sit together. The secretary of the village party branch sits among them, and then sends representatives from the township to be sandwiched between the village representatives. They work together to monitor the representatives' words and deeds and the process of drawing and writing ballots."

Xu Junran suddenly became a little dissatisfied. The party branch secretaries of each village were also representatives of the National People's Congress.Most of the deputies in those townships are also people who are closely related to the township party committee and government leaders. To put it bluntly, Ge Dazhuang's method is to send people to the people's congress deputies to monitor them.

Unexpectedly, before Xu Junran had time to express his opinion, Zhao Wenwu, Fan Shulin and others all expressed their agreement. Even Xu Junran's number one confidant, Huang Hai, agreed with Ge Dazhuang's opinion.

Xu Junran was very surprised, he didn't understand.How on earth do these people think, don't they know that it is wrong to do so?

Seeing that Xu Junran was hesitant, some smart people soon understood what was going on. Fan Shulin was old.He smiled and said to Xu Junran: "Secretary, other villages and towns are doing this, and the effect is quite good." Listening to his words, it seems that this is a successful and mature experience.

Xu Junran shook his head helplessly.Shen Sheng said: "For this National People's Congress, we must carry out strict organization. I have no objection to sending someone to pick it up. But I don't agree with any kind of surveillance, let alone comrades from the police station getting involved. What is that? , are we the bastards of the Kuomintang who are deceiving their ears and stealing their bells?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment. They didn't expect Secretary Xu to say that. Xu Junran smiled and explained why he did so: "First of all, in view of the chaotic situation of the last general election and the serious consequences caused, Changqing Township Most of the cadres will not fail to learn from experience and lessons. This time everyone’s mentality has become calm and turned to normal. This work can only be tight inside and loose outside. Create a democratic and harmonious atmosphere. Second, the police station personnel should not be allowed to stand guard outside the venue. It is sufficient to have two comrades on duty. Adhere to positive education, there is no need to monitor deputies to the National People's Congress. There is no sign that anyone is planning to elect others or bribe elections. We are a society where the people are the masters of the country, so there is no need to be so nervous, we must trust our masses!"

Now that Xu Junran has said so, the rest of the people will not say anything more, after all, he is the leader and the one who calls the shots.It’s just that Ge Dazhuang, the head of the township, has a bad complexion and a weird expression. In all fairness, he doesn’t believe that this will work, and he is also worried about losing out in the votes, because the head of the township is currently acting as the head of the township. He is not sure whether he can be elected or not.

Xu Junran also knows this little thought, and he also understands that Ge Dazhuang definitely disapproves of his methods, but since you, Ge Dazhuang, don't speak up, Xu Junran doesn't want to make any changes.

Later, in order to prevent some unnecessary ideological confusion, Xu Junran specially organized a meeting to expand the party committee before the meeting.At the meeting, Xu Junran emphasized that the Secretary of the National People's Congress is in charge of the overall responsibility, and all procedures at the National People's Congress must be carried out according to his own requirements, and he must be consulted for any questions that are unclear or incomprehensible. Work can begin later.If any comrade does not act according to this requirement, no matter if there is no problem, Xu will hold him accountable unceremoniously.This requirement has well controlled the words and deeds of all team members.

For Xu Junran, this is something he has no choice. After all, no matter how he fights with Ge Dazhuang, it will not be put on the table. Compared with the election, it is a problem that can be ignored. Otherwise, once these problems affect When it comes to the election, if it spreads to the county party committee and the county government, he will become the target of public criticism.After all, in the officialdom, there are some unspoken rules that everyone knows well, but once they are put on the table, these unspoken rules are not easy to use.

On April [-], the National People's Congress was held as scheduled. As the first person in charge, Xu Junran personally served as the director of the Election Committee. He first organized a party briefing for the representatives of the participating party members, and briefly talked about the following points: First, The time and conditions are ripe for Changqing Township to hold the Eighth National People's Congress. The party committee is determined to hold this meeting well, and there must be no mistakes.Anyone who has any non-organizational activities will be resolutely investigated and will never be merciless.The second is to achieve "two manifestations" and "two guarantees" through this National People's Congress, and implement "two educations" for the deputies of this session of the National People's Congress: that is, to reflect the strength of the Changqing Township Party Committee and the government. Unity, integrity and selflessness reflect the combat effectiveness, appeal and cohesion of party organizations at all levels in Changqing Township; ensure that the township party committee's careful arrangements and work intentions for this National People's Congress are realized, and that the county party committee's personnel arrangement intentions are fully elected.Through this National People's Congress, we should conduct an education on democracy and the legal system for our township people's congress representatives, and conduct an education on the awareness of participating in and discussing state affairs.The third is to take into account the actual work. The principle adhered to by the whole meeting is: be strict with the law and simple with the matter.

Finally, Xu Junran asked the secretary of the Party branch of each village and the person in charge of the Party branch of the bureau to record the content of his speech and convey it to every representative attending the meeting.

"Secretary Xu, can this work?"

Before the meeting officially started, Huang Hai followed Xu Junran and asked worriedly. He was really worried about Xu Junran. Although he also hoped that the unlucky Ge Dazhuang would not be elected, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with Xu Junran's official hat was related, as Xu Junran's confidant, Huang Hai had to worry about Xu Junran.

Xu Junran smiled, and said flatly: "Do your best and obey the destiny."

To be honest, he has no idea in his heart. After all, he still doesn't have a thorough understanding of the situation in Changqing Township. But now, Xu Junran can only hope that the deputies to the National People's Congress will not let him down.

But fortunately, the meeting was unusually smooth, and Ge Dazhuang was elected as the township head with a full vote. For the first time, he showed admiration for Xu Junran.The inspectors of the county people's congress are also very satisfied.When the news reached the county seat, Zhu Zecheng called Xu Junran specifically: "Secretary Xu is really amazing. We used to hold these representatives in our hands, for fear that they would turn around, and the candidates would bring a few cigarettes to the various delegations to solicit votes. What about you?" At first, it turned out to be educating them through meetings, overwhelming them in every way, clever, really clever!"

Xu Junran finally breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered the government officials to rest for a few days. He also planned to rest and go back to the county seat to pay homage to several financial departments, so as to raise funds in the future.But before Xu Junran set off, two calls were connected. One was a notification from the county party committee office that a meeting of township party committee secretaries would be held at the county party committee guest house at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.The other one was Wang Xiaolong who called him from the county seat, saying that he and Cui Xiuying had discovered something interesting in the Hongxing Coal Mine.

The moment he put down the phone, Xu Junran felt his hands tremble slightly. He knew very well that Changqing Township, which had been quiet for several months, was about to have another disturbance.


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