Powerful and romantic

Chapter 458 Murder is looming

Xu Junran didn't agree to Zheng Shouyi, he just said that he would find out about the situation, and he didn't agree to specific things at all.

For Xu Junran, this matter does not need to be considered at all. Based on what Zheng Shouyi said, Xu Junran would not go out to clear up that person called Bi Yuntao. This is different from Wang Xiaolong back then. Xu Junran treated people like Bi Yuntao I don't owe a little favor.

Some things are the bottom line, and after crossing, you must be punished.

The next morning, Xu Junran went to the county seat, first reported to Qi Santai about the latest work in the township, and then came to the County Public Security Bureau.

"Brother Xu, why are you here?" Xu Junran ran into Zhang Fei who was about to go out.

Xu Junran smiled: "Come ask Team Ye about something."

Zhang Fei said, "What's the matter? Is it the one from your village who died?"

Xu Junran shook his head: "No, it's about the brother-in-law of mine manager Zheng of Hongxing Coal Mine."

"Ah? You know that bastard Bi Yuntao?" Zhang Fei asked in surprise, "I'm in charge of this case!"

Xu Junran was taken aback, but he didn't expect that Zhang Fei was responsible for this matter. He just remembered that Zheng Shouyi had mentioned to him that the policeman in charge of the case at the county bureau was indeed named Zhang, but Xu Junran always thought that Zhang Fei was with him. Ye Youdao was together, but he didn't expect him to be alone.

Hehe laughed, Xu Junran said: "Well, I won't look for Team Ye anymore, tell me, what's going on with this matter?"

The two sat down in a small restaurant, ordered a few dishes, and ordered two bottles of beer, and then Zhang Fei started talking.

"Brother Xu, you don't know, this case is so fucking evil. I have picked up several people who greeted me within a few days after I received the report." Zhang Fei vomited bitterness to Xu Junran as soon as he opened his mouth. , but Xu Junran was a little surprised.

"You mean, someone pleaded for Bi Yuntao?" Xu Junran took a sip of wine and asked Zhang Fei. He was curious, what kind of ability did this Bi Yuntao have to make so many people come forward to intercede for him, a rapist? Era.If the crime of rape is confirmed, Bi Yuntao will lose his head.

Zhang Fei chuckled: "Brother Xu, let me tell you about this. The reason why Bi Yuntao is so unlucky this time is because he was tricked by someone."

"Did someone trick you?" Xu Junran became even more curious.He knows Zhang Fei's temperament, and he is not the kind of person who is aimless. If he said that, it would show that Bi Yuntao's case did contain some unknown inside information. If a woman doesn't know who Bi Yuntao is.How could you go with him?The most important thing is, Xu Junran knows, is it possible for a good and flawless woman to go to a chaotic place like a song and dance hall?

Zhang Fei chuckled.He said in a low voice, "Thunderstorm, you know him?"

Hearing Thunderstorm's name, Xu Junran was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that his problem would be involved.A thought flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but ask, "No. That woman was found by Thunderstorm? No, does he have such a big enmity with Bi Yuntao?"

Zhang Fei shook his head, waved his hands again and again and said, "Brother, where are you going? That little girl has nothing to do with thunderstorms, I checked."

Xu Junran was completely confused by him at this moment, looked at Zhang Fei helplessly and asked, "What's going on? Tell me quickly."

Zhang Fei showed a mysterious smile, and said, "It's because of you, Brother Xu."

Xu Junran was speechless for a while, why did he involve himself?Xu Junran believed that he had a problem with the thunderstorm. After all, he had forged a grudge against the thunderstorm when he saved Wang Xiaorou and his brother. However, Xu Junran asked himself that he had never had anything to do with a scum like Bi Yuntao. Otherwise, Zheng Shouyi wouldn't have had the same attitude towards him in Majia Village yesterday morning.But Zhang Fei's current expression is clearly serious, so could it really have something to do with him?

Seeing Xu Junran's expression, Zhang Fei knew that he couldn't play tricks anymore, otherwise Xu Junran would definitely lose his temper. He smiled and said, "Brother Xu, the farmer's market you run is now a hot topic in our county, and many people are talking about it." Said, if you can make a fortune there, you will definitely make a fortune. The thunderstorm is already moving its joints, and it wants to get a construction team to take over the project in that market. Do you know about this, Brother Xu?"

Xu Junran was stunned, and then remembered that Huang Hai had indeed reported this matter to him, but it was a few days ago. At that time, Xu Junran's idea was to delay it first, but Zhang Zhongjian took it away because of the farmer's market plan Give it to Chen Xingrui, Xu Junran changed his mind again, at worst, he would tell the county party committee that this matter has attracted the attention of the leaders of the provincial party committee, if some people in the county want to point fingers, they will take responsibility for what happened, anyway. I won't care.With the great bodhisattva Governor Chen Xingrui present, Xu Junran believed that even if some people wanted to reach out, they had to ponder whether they had the confidence to face the questioning of the leaders of the provincial party committee.

But Xu Junran hadn't had time to report the matter to the county party committee, but now he heard the news from Zhang Fei, he was really surprised.

"Zhang Fei, what's going on?" Xu Junran asked in confusion.

Only then did Zhang Fei explain to Xu Junran that this matter was quite serious. At first, the Changqing Township Police Station did not plan to transfer the case to the county because of Zheng Shouyi's relationship. The county public security bureau said hello, and the county bureau took over.Later, Zhang Fei checked secretly, and only then did he know that the thunderstorm was also involved in this incident. If the well-known dude in the county did not come forward, the victim would not have the courage to file a lawsuit with Bi Yuntao.

There has been a big conflict between Bi Yuntao and Leistorm recently, and the reason is because of the farmer's market run by Xu Junran. Leistorm can see the business opportunities and profits hidden in it, and Bi Yuntao can also see it, so he woos the construction team recruits everywhere in Leistorm. When he was alone, he got the news that Bi Yuntao was also engaged in this.

Originally, Thunderstorm didn't care about it. Although he and Bi Yuntao didn't have a good reputation in the county, because their backers were a coal mine manager and a member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, they had no contact with each other, and naturally they had no friendship. All of a sudden, Bi Yuntao wanted to intervene in the construction of the farmer's market, which would be like stabbing a hornet's nest. After several days of hard thinking, Thunderstorm finally made up his mind to clean up Bi Yuntao severely!

It just so happened that this bastard Bi Yuntao made such an incident in the song and dance hall. Lei Feng seized the opportunity, and after going up and down, he deliberately found the victim, saying that he would fully support their family to seek justice from Bi Yuntao. Let the case get to the point where it is now.

"You mean, Thunderstorm wants to take advantage of this to bring down Bi Yuntao?" Xu Junran looked at Zhang Fei in surprise, and asked in surprise.

Zhang Fei nodded: "Yeah, otherwise, why do you think that this thing has been spreading in the county recently? It's not that the guy from Thunderstorm is spreading it everywhere, he just wants to make Bi Yuntao smell bad."

Xu Junran showed a thoughtful expression, but he didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret in this matter. If he said so, then Bi Yuntao might really be doomed this time, but Xu Junran was a little curious that this guy Thunderstorm could Thinking of using such a method to deal with Bi Yuntao really surprised Xu Junran.

"Brother Xu, these two guys are not good birds, so don't get meddled in this matter. I've been suppressing this case recently, just wanting to see them bite dogs." Zhang Fei picked up a bite of food and ate it with a smile. Go down and say to Xu Junran.He has a jealous temper. Although he has to exercise at the grassroots level due to the pressure at home, and he can't cause trouble, but if he has the opportunity to teach scum like Bi Yuntao and Lei Tian a lesson, he doesn't mind watching these two fight each other.

Xu Junran smiled slightly: "I'm just asking, but Bi Yuntao probably doesn't know that the thunderstorm is playing tricks behind him?"

Xu Junran guessed this point, because if Bi Yuntao knew that his current situation was caused by the thunderstorm behind him, I am afraid that Zheng Shouyi would not have come to ask him to help him out. It is very likely that the thunderstorm played a trick on him. Keeping things in the dark, pretending nothing happened on the surface, but secretly making troubles.

Sure enough, Zhang Fei nodded and said, "It should be. I got the news from the victim and followed the clues to find out about the thunderstorm. It should not have been spread yet."

After a pause, he looked at Xu Junran in surprise: "You won't tell Bi Yuntao?"

Xu Junran chuckled, looked at Zhang Fei and said seriously, "Why not?"

"Why tell him that it's not good to let that bastard spend a lifetime in prison?" Zhang Fei was very surprised, looking at Xu Junran for no reason and asking, it was hard for him to understand what Xu Junran was planning. One must know what Zhang Fei's impression was Inside, Xu Junran is not the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong, so why is he suddenly helping that bastard Bi Yuntao to flirt?

Xu Junran shook his head helplessly, to let Zhang Fei calm down a little, and then said lightly: "You and I both know that Bi Yuntao and Thunderstorm are the same breed, and Bi Yuntao is a scumbag, so where can Thunderstorm get it? After Bi Yuntao, maybe someone else will catch a thunderstorm tomorrow, so instead of going on like this..."

As he spoke, a cold light flashed in Xu Junran's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "It's better to let these two bastards die together!"


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