Xu Junran is very clear about the truth that any official who wants to develop in his official career must have outstanding achievements.

Whether it is the county government or the county committee, they are actually very concerned about Xu Junran. After all, although the secretary of the Changqing Township Party Committee is not a member of the county committee standing committee, Xu Junran represents the power of a party of princes. Xu Junran actually has no idea how to stand in his heart. , Now the plan is just to have a look first.

"Secretary Xu, the county magistrate invites you to his office." Before the meeting started, Xu Junran was stopped by Director Qi of the county government office.

"Ah, okay, I'll go over right away." Xu Junran was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly in agreement.

No matter what he thinks in his heart, on the surface, Xu Junran must pay enough attention to Wang Changlin, the county magistrate. After all, he is the county magistrate and the leader of the reformist party. What I respect is the power and identity in his hands. , not him.

When he came to the county magistrate's office, Xu Junran knocked on the door before he walked in. Wang Changlin was looking at the documents and found that it was Xu Junran who came in. He stood up and stretched out his hand enthusiastically and said with a smile: "Comrade Xu Junran is here, welcome, welcome."

Xu Junran smiled slightly: "I'm bothering you, magistrate."

Wang Changlin waved his hand: "It's nothing, I just want to talk to you too."

Obviously he sent someone to call Xu Junran, but in the end Xu Junran wanted to apologize for disturbing him. This is officialdom, and the relationship between superiors and subordinates is sometimes so delicate.

"Comrade Junran, there have been a lot of things going on in Changqing Township recently." Wang Changlin came to sit next to Xu Junran, and he was not polite, and said to Xu Junran straight to the point.

Xu Junran's heart moved, and he immediately understood what Wang Changlin meant. Changqing Township was just like what Wang Changlin said recently.No matter good or bad, a lot of things really happened. From the very beginning when I proposed to set up a large farmers’ market, then people died near Majia Village, and a worker from a talcum powder factory fainted while selling blood in the city. Every incident has something to do with Changqing Township. In fact, Xu Junran also knows about the matter that he proposed to expand the area of ​​fruit tree planting in the township.In fact, it also caused a lot of criticism. Some people said that they were following the old path of capitalism.

Thinking of this, Xu Junran said to Wang Changlin sincerely: "County magistrate, it's because I didn't do my job well and caused trouble to my superiors."

Whatever it is.Start self-criticism first, and lower your posture a little bit. Xu Junran is not a fool who doesn't understand anything. If Wang Changlin was really dissatisfied with him, he wouldn't call himself here at this time. He could have been in a meeting Criticize yourself from time to time, or simply use yourself as a typical criticism at the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee.Now he quietly called himself to his county magistrate's office.Obviously, the magistrate Wang had other plans.

Sure enough, after hearing Xu Junran's words, Wang Changlin waved his hands and said, "You're not right. First, you just arrived in Changqing Township not long ago. You are not familiar with many situations. Even if something goes wrong, it has nothing to do with you. Our party pays attention to seeking truth from facts. Whoever is responsible should be responsible, and you should not take it for others. Second, it is impossible not to offend others when doing work. If you are really good at dancing, it may not be a good thing. Let me say, you Comrade is very capable. I think the few ideas you put forward in Changqing Township are very good. Although some people in our county are still very conservative in their thinking and cannot see the opportunities for rural work in the tide of reform and opening up, but you It's different, you are a person who has studied, and your studies at the Beijing Party School have made you see farther than ordinary people, I am very optimistic about you, Comrade Junran!"

After the eloquent words, Wang Changlin spoke highly of Xu Junran, which made Xu Junran both happy and helpless.

It is a good thing for anyone to be praised by the main leaders of the county party committee and the county government, but Xu Junran also knows that the purpose of the county magistrate Wang may not be that simple, to put a high hat on himself for no reason is to say that he is nothing As shown in the picture, even if Xu Junran was killed, he would not believe it. After all, Wang Changlin was not Yan Wangsong or Yang Weitian back then. The reason why Xu Junran went smoothly in Wude County was because he did a lot of things, but a large part was because Xu Junran has a good personal relationship with the leaders in the county.

And this is exactly what Xu Junran didn't have in Fule County.

So Xu Junran is very happy with Wang Changlin's praise on the surface, but deep down, he doesn't take it seriously, but because of Wang Changlin's status as the county magistrate, Xu Junran can only smile and nod: "County Your honor is too high, it is only under the leadership of the county party committee and the county government that the work of our Changqing Township can proceed smoothly."

He's not an idiot either, no matter what, let's talk to the leader first.

Seeing Xu Junran's statement, Wang Changlin smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously. He looked at Xu Junran and asked, "For the next step in your township, Comrade Junran, do you have any plans?" Surprisingly, he didn't ask After Xu Junran took office in Changqing Township, he asked Xu Junran what plans he had for the work in Changqing Township.

Xu Junran is so shrewd. Hearing that Wang Changlin didn't mention the current situation in Changqing Township at all, he knew that he must have learned about it from other sources. It was Ge Dazhuang or some other leaders of Changqing Township who were closer to the county magistrate.This is also normal. If Wang Changlin has no control over the towns below, then Wang Changlin's past few years of keeping a low profile will be in vain.

However, Xu Junran didn't want to talk to him about his future plans, because for Xu Junran, the next step in the development of Changqing Township actually depends on whether his ideas can be successfully implemented in the township.Now that he is talking too much, Xu Junran is not sure that he will be able to make it happen, not to mention that once the words are spoken, if there is any mistake, it will not end well.When Xu Junran did things, he was not fully sure that he would not open his mouth easily.

But having said that, in the face of such a shrewd person as Wang Changlin, Xu Junran must not be able to answer with official articles from the Party Congress and the People's Congress, and he didn't want the other party to know his inner thoughts, so Xu Junran had an idea, and simply said: "County magistrate, my idea is just four sentences, keep up the pace, lead the team well, come up with ideas, and do it well!"

Wang Changlin was stunned immediately, and he didn't speak for a long time. The sixteen words of Xu Junran sounded a little fake at first, but after careful consideration, they had another meaning, which even made Wang Changlin This leader who is used to the world has to admire Xu Junran's precision in thinking.

These four sentences are very straightforward. No matter what you do, as long as you are in the officialdom, it is very important to understand the intentions of your superiors, and it is equally important to handle the affairs of the team. In the final analysis, if you want to be promoted, you must think of ways to develop , Make political achievements, only in this way can we continue to advance in official career.

Looking at Xu Junran, Wang Changlin didn't say a word for a long time, and finally he said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad!"

This conversation didn't last long. After all, there will be a meeting later, so after Wang Changlin chatted with Xu Junran for a few words, he let Xu Junran leave, but after Xu Junran left, he wrote what Xu Junran just said in his notebook. A few sentences were repeated several times.The reason why Xu Junran knew this was because Wang Changlin repeatedly mentioned these words in the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and many other occasions, but at that time, he didn't say these words. It was Xu Junran who said them in the first place.

The meeting went smoothly, and the talents of the township party committee secretaries were fully displayed.Not only in formal meetings, he has a solemn expression, but when he speaks, he is careful, passionate and wonderful.And when it comes to the wine market, everyone has endless jokes.Xu Junran didn't have any idea about it. He didn't experience this kind of official entertainment once or twice. The grassroots work in the countryside is like this. It is sometimes really difficult to be as solemn and formal as in the city.

On the day the meeting ended, Wang Musheng, director of the County Township Enterprise Bureau, specially invited party secretaries of each township to dinner. Everyone knew that township enterprises were not the focus of the meeting, but they also knew that the Township Enterprise Bureau wanted to make a difference.So in order to be afraid that the top leaders below will slow down the development speed, first reward the princes from all walks of life.Xu Junran found this very interesting, the treat was good, no matter what, he had no work pressure anyway, and it was not a grand banquet, so he was happy to have a drink with him.

The place to eat is in the hotel of the County Party Committee Guest House. The reason for choosing this place is not only because the food here is the best in Fule County, but also because it is relatively quiet.

When he walked into the box, Xu Junran saw three people coming from the township enterprise bureau at a glance, Wang Musheng, the director, and two other women. Xu Junran vaguely remembered that Xie Meijuan had told him that there were two female deputy directors in the township enterprise bureau , are all famous wine barrels.

For such cadres, Xu Junran is actually a little disgusted, he can speak freely, and he can say whatever he wants anytime, anywhere.He also forced everyone to tell jokes, and anyone who didn't tell would be fined with a drink.But in today's scene, he is not the master, nor does he intend to be the main character, so he is naturally happy to watch the excitement.

"Secretary Xu, what's the matter, is it a bit unexpected?" Xu Junran was drinking with his head down alone, when a voice rang in his ear.

Xu Junran turned his head and saw that it was Tang Fangyuan, Party Secretary of Dongfang Township who was sitting next to him, a man in his 30s who looked very simple and honest.

"Hehe, what does Secretary Tang mean by this?" Xu Junran didn't dare to neglect, and asked calmly.He's not a kid, so naturally he won't easily tell others what he thinks.


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