Powerful and romantic

Chapter 476 Secretary Xu is about to use a knife!

"The next step, the focus of work in the township is to do a good job in spring plowing and the construction of farmers' markets."

Xu Junran's words made everyone focus. After all, these are more realistic for grassroots rural work.

Looking at Ge Dazhuang, Xu Junran said calmly: "Major, the next step is to go to various villages to check the preparations for spring plowing and the construction of the farmer's market. You need to pay more attention."

Ge Dazhuang's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded: "Don't worry, Secretary, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

As they said this, Huang Hai's expression changed. He opened his mouth to speak, but he glanced at Xu Junran's expression, and finally didn't speak.

When the meeting was coming to an end, Xu Junran seemed to have mentioned it unintentionally, and asked Ge Dazhuang: "By the way, Lao Ge, I heard that the fluorite mines in our township have been contracted out now?"

Ge Dazhuang was stunned, nodded and said, "Yes, secretary, this matter was greeted by the county, and it has been contracted out for three years."

He was in a good mood. Since Xu Junran entrusted him with the work of the farmer's market, it meant that the work he had promised to Thunderstorm could be completed, and Mr. Lei would definitely not treat him badly, and he might get a lot of benefits.So when Xu Junran asked about the contracting of the fluorite mine, he didn't pay much attention and was very cooperative.

At this time, the contract responsibility system has only just started for a few years. Those who are capable of contracting minerals either have backgrounds or courage. Neither type is easy to deal with. No matter what Xu Junran thinks, Ge Dazhuang will He was not optimistic about his thoughts on the fluorite mine, so when Xu Junran asked him, Ge Dazhuang naturally knew everything and said everything.

Xu Junran nodded and said, "That's how I think about it. Can we get more contracting fees from several fluorite mines? And I'm also thinking about whether to integrate several talcum powder processing factories in the township. , Such scattered small processing workshops are not enough, it is necessary to form a large-scale and intensive operation."

The cadres in the conference room were a little dazed by Xu Junran's few words. Whether it was raising the contract fee for the fluorite mine or integrating the talcum powder factory, for them, cadres who deal with farmers all day long.They are all too advanced. From their point of view, every word Xu Junran says now is like an idiot's dream, not to mention the matter of increasing the contract fee of the fluorite mine.Just because of the idea of ​​integrating the talcum powder factory, everyone felt that the young secretary was out of his mind. Doesn't he know how many people's interests are involved in the talcum powder factory?If he does this, isn't he afraid of poking a hornet's nest?

Before the people here could react, Xu Junran continued: "In addition, I think the textile factory in the township needs to be rectified. It can't pay wages anymore, why are you dragging on? Do the workers have to Do you rely on government relief to support your family? Lao Ge, you ask someone to check the accounts of the textile factory. I think Tian Hu is very clever. Ask him to list the companies that owe the accounts of the textile factory, and I will find a way to get the money If you want to come back, there are people in our textile factory who have equipment, don’t we have to wait and eat?”

Everyone was stunned.Only then did everyone realize that Secretary Xu had already made up his mind.The most important part of today's meeting turned out to be the ending.Everything I said before was just foreshadowing.

At this moment, no one can say anything else. Those who just raised their opinions on growing cigarettes have been proven to have no ideas. As for the biggest opponent, Ge Dazhuang, it is difficult to say anything. After all, Xu Junran has already given him a just now. Eat sweet dates, let him be in charge of the construction of the farmer's market, such a big matter is entrusted to him, if Ge Dazhuang jumps out to oppose Xu Junran's opinion at this time, it is too unreasonable, you must know that everyone in the officialdom must abide by some Rules, as the so-called unspoken rules of doing things, clear rules to punish people, many things in the officialdom can only be done but not talked about, many things can only be said but not done, if you don’t understand the variables, you will stumble.

What's more, there is a rule of being an official in the official world: you can't be greedy for perfection in anything, you must leave room for others, you must let others get something, and you must also satisfy the self-esteem and interests of others as an official Demand; you let other officials have nothing, you push your colleagues into a hurry, and only leave them a way to fight with you, and you end up with nothing.

Therefore, everyone must abide by some self-evident rules. It seems that Xu Junran gave Ge Dazhuang face at the beginning of the meeting today and arranged for him to take charge of the oily work. The bait, if Ge Dazhuang is disobedient in the future, it means that Ge Dazhuang has disobeyed the rules. If Xu Junran takes any measures at that time, he will not be afraid of dissatisfaction and criticism if it is spread outside.

"Secretary Xu, I will do as you say." At this point, naturally no one would raise objections, and Ge Dazhuang was the first to raise his hand in agreement.Anyway, now is the situation where there is no way to recover, it is better to be more happy, and it seems that you know how to advance and retreat.

Others also agreed one after another. This is the benefit of working at the grassroots level. Under normal circumstances, as long as the opinions of the top leaders are not too outrageous, few people will raise objections.

Xu Junran nodded: "As for the fluorite mine, after I finish watching the spring plowing work in the township these few days, Township Chief Ge and Secretary Fan will accompany me for a walk."

Both Ge Dazhuang and Fan Shulin nodded in agreement. For them, this was a good thing, and naturally there would be no objections.

After the meeting ended, Xu Junran said to Huang Hai: "Old Huang, look for the information of the current contracting company for the fluorite mine, and I'll take a look." Since he was going to increase the contracting fee for the fluorite mine, Xu Junran naturally wanted to find out who the gods were Occupying this feng shui treasure land will save you from being caught and offended when the time comes.

Huang Hai naturally understood Xu Junran's thoughts, nodded and said: "Don't worry, Secretary, I'll ask someone to prepare it right away."

After a pause, he continued: "Secretary, you said last time that you asked me to check where the people who picked up the gold in our township picked it up. Do you want to keep checking?"

This is the job that Xu Junran entrusted to him in private. Although he thought it was a bit outrageous, Huang Hai still did it according to Xu Junran's words. He really didn't understand that Xu Junran had so many plans for the future development of the village at the meeting today. What kind of medicine is sold in Secretary Xu's gourd? Could it be that the young secretary feels that there are gold mines in Changqing Township?

Xu Junran nodded with a smile: "Of course, you have to finish this matter as soon as possible."

Since he intends to contract out the gold mine, Xu Junran must first find out the information about the gold mine, so that it will be beneficial to the contract.

Although Huang Hai didn't know what Xu Junran meant, but after all, it was the leader's confession, so he could only nod in agreement.

In the afternoon, Huang Hai personally sent the information over. Xu Junran looked at it. Now there are two companies contracting fluorite mines in Changqing Township. The main one is Shuangqi City, which became the Economic Development Corporation two years ago. , a local man named Sun Maorong was their employee, and he was stationed in his hometown as the mine manager.The other is the Binzhou Mining Company, which was run by an individual owner in Binzhou, the provincial capital of Songhe Province.The secretary sent by the township to the two large mines is called Chen Dashuan, the old branch secretary of Xinjian Village, who specializes in coordinating the relationship between the two mines.There were two locals, Sun Maorong and Chen Dashuan, but no one dared to go to the mine to find trouble, and the production in the mine had always been stable, but when it came to paying the contract fee, they had to grind their teeth. .

Xu Junran nodded with a sneer: "Clean up, call the head of Ge Township and Secretary Fan, let's go to the mine to see and meet these bosses!" What backstage, I have to pull my teeth out of the tiger's mouth.

Early the next morning, Huang Hai called everyone together. In addition to Ge Dazhuang and Fan Shulin, Huang Hai also called Ding Zida, the director of the township enterprise office, and Lao Li, the director of the finance office. It has something to do with the things I went there last time, and I can be regarded as the leader of the relevant department.Xu Junran had no objection. Most of the mines and enterprises in Changqing Township were concentrated in the north-central area of ​​the township. This was because of Ma Jubao's relationship back then, and he happened to take a look at some companies in the township.

"Old Huang, let's go to the textile factory first." Xu Junran sat in the jeep and instructed Huang Hai.

Huang Hai nodded: "Okay, Secretary."

A group of people came to the textile factory. Tian Hu had already brought people to wait here. The annual output value of the textile factory is only more than [-] yuan, which is not a large factory at all, and the annual output is far below the industry's minimum standard. If it weren't for the emperor's high mountain, I'm afraid it would have been shut down a long time ago.Fortunately, the common people see the price is low and the road is short, so they can compete with the products coming in from outside, and there is still a considerable share of the local market in the hometown, which can maintain production.Xu Junran got to know Tian Hu from the side. Although he is a bit of a jerk, he is not the kind of corrupt person. He usually likes things in the cup, but when it comes to factory issues, he is unambiguous. If he didn't work hard Using his own relationship to continue to give the factory loans from the bank, the textile factory has long been unable to sustain itself.

"Tian Hu, tell me, is it necessary to continue working in this factory?" Standing at the door of the factory, Xu Junran pointed to the factory full of grass and asked Tian Hu beside him.

Tian Hu was taken aback, and said with a wry smile: "Secretary, to tell you the truth, now we fucking work for the bank every day."

Xu Junran smiled: "That's right, the textile factory has not been fully equipped in the past few years, and the production scale has not expanded at all, but the debt owed to the bank has increased. You, the factory manager, are responsible!"

In a word, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.


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