In the 80s, there were no good cars at the grassroots level. Most of them were broken jeeps or motorcycles. Qi Santai’s car was a Beijing jeep, but it was much newer than Xu Junran’s. I heard that It was sent by an old comrade of Qi Santai in the army.

When the car was approaching the boundary of Changqing Township, something happened.Due to a spring rain a few days ago, this small section of the mountain road was very muddy. It happened that a tricycle collecting peanuts was coming in front of it. In order to avoid the road, the car of the county party committee kept to the right. After a sway, the car went out of the rut , I slipped on the slope by the side of the road, the tires slipped, the machine hummed dryly, it couldn't work hard, and there was no way to come up again.

At that time, the driver was sweating in a hurry. He scolded the mother of the car and the mother of the road, and immediately went to the village to find someone while scolding.Not long after, a large group of ordinary people came here with picks and shovels on their backs. Some repaired roads, and some lifted cars. They used several large bundles of corn stalks from the people on the roadside to pad under the cars to prevent slipping.After all, there are many people and strength, and the car was quickly rescued from danger.During the process of lifting the truck, a person who looked like a village cadre called the peanut collection truck from an unknown village and told the driver to leave quickly, but the man said, I have to lift the secretary's truck up before leaving.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of Qi Santai's mouth: "The rural people are honest, and they are very kind. If this is in the city, let alone if we can find so many people to carry the car, even if there are people on the side, ten There are also things that have nothing to do with oneself and hang on high."

Xu Junran didn't speak, but he smiled wryly in his heart. It is estimated that Qi Santai has never seen the scene of an old man falling to the ground and no one dared to help him after 30 years.Many people are not because they don't have a kind heart, but because they don't know whether the people who are helped will rely on themselves and use themselves as cash machines if they help out with kindness for a while.

On the one hand, the loss of morality is due to the loss of people's hearts, sometimes.It is also because the rescued people do not leave good excuses for those who want to help.

When he arrived at the gate of the township party committee, Qi Santai frowned all of a sudden, and said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Xu Junran's face was also not very good-looking, because what appeared in front of him and Qi Santai was a large group of teams waiting to be greeted, including the gongs and drums team, and flags and so on.The leader is Ge Dazhuang, the deputy secretary of the Changqing Township Party Committee and the head of the township, and behind him is the leader of the party and government team of Changqing Township.

When he went out in the morning, Xu Junran had already asked Qi Santai, knowing that he did not notify him of his visit this time, but he waited until Changqing Township.There has been a welcome team of so many people here, which means that either someone from the county party committee tipped off the news, or Ge Dazhuang didn't pay attention to the county's strict regulations not to welcome people indiscriminately.

"Xu Junran, are you in Changqing Township going to commit a crime against the wind?" Qi Santai's tone was stern.

Xu Junran had no choice but to wryly smile, this is the sorrow of the leader.No matter how mediocre the relationship between himself and Ge Dazhuang was, even fighting openly and secretly in private, in the eyes of the leaders above.The person in charge of Changqing Township is Xu Junran. If there is any problem, the first person the leaders will hold accountable is also Xu Junran.

"Secretary Qi. I really don't know what's going on with this matter." Xu Junran looked at Qi Santai helplessly, and sincerely explained.

In fact, Xu Junran didn't have any dislike for this kind of welcome and send-off.No matter what you say about this kind of thing above, it is impossible to change it below.Because if you welcome it.At most, the leader would scold him a few words, but if he didn't greet him, if he was remembered by the leader, it would be a big trouble.

Taking a deep look at Xu Junran, Qi Santai snorted: "Forget it, tell people to disperse immediately, what should I do."

Xu Junran nodded, got out of the car and came in front of the crowd.

Seeing Xu Junran getting out of Qi Santai's car, Ge Dazhuang and the others were obviously taken aback. They thought the secretary was not there, but they didn't expect to come back with Secretary Qi.

"Secretary Xu, you are back." Ge Dazhuang and others came over to say hello.

Xu Junran nodded noncommittally, and said seriously to Ge Dazhuang: "Old Ge, what are you doing? Playing the piano indiscriminately! Secretary Qi repeatedly ordered that this kind of thing is not allowed, why are you still disturbing the people like this? The secretary said, everyone will leave immediately Lose!"

The expression on Ge Dazhuang's face was very embarrassing, Xu Junran scolded himself fiercely in front of all the leaders, which made him very embarrassed, but he didn't dare to reply.

After a while, the welcoming crowd dispersed, and the leaders of various departments also left. Xu Junran didn't stay long, turned around and boarded the car again.

"Secretary, they're all gone." Xu Junran said to Qi Santai.

Qi Santai nodded: "Let's go, let's go to Changfa Village."

The destination of their trip was Changfa Village in Changqing Township. Before the planting of fruit trees in Changfa Village, someone was doing it. After Xu Junran took this place as a pilot project, he gave him some policy support. There are quite a few of them here. Started to plant trees on the barren hills.

Arriving at Xu Aiguo's home in Changfa Village, Xu Junran was surprised to see his orchard. He never thought that he planted so many, grew so well, and earned so much.Xu Aiguo is an old demobilized veteran who once served as the branch secretary of Changfa Village.As things in the village became more and more difficult to manage, he simply resigned and built a house on a small hillside in this ravine. That year was 1980.

In the autumn of this year, there happened to be a foreigner who came here to sell fruit tree species.At that time, no one in Changqing Township dared to do such a risky thing.Because the people in Changqing Township know that the Huamin Commune in the east was eager to make political achievements the year before last, and without any foundation, it forced the common people to plant fruit trees, and thousands of troops marched into battle.As a result, not only was there no success, every family left a pile of firewood, basically no income, but owed more than 100 million yuan to the Linxian cannery.The common people did not pay back the fruit money, and complained to the township cadres all day long: "If you want to cry, plant fruit trees, you will lose two big pigs a year!" Thus, the people of Huamin Township infected Changqing Township People "plant fruit tree phobia".

Later, the outsider ran several ditches, but did not sell a single fruit sapling.This day, Xu Aiguo warmly received him when he didn't even have food in his mouth.The two talked together, and the man stayed and taught him techniques.He successfully planted it once, recovered his investment and made a fortune that year.With the money, he stripped tile-roofed houses and built a building, which attracted the attention of the people in Changfa Village. Some people followed suit, but the benefits were not as good as him, and Xu Aiguo became famous far and wide.

Originally, this matter caused an uproar back then. After all, although the reform and opening up had just started in [-], this kind of behavior of planting fruit trees was seen by many people as deviant and taking the road of capitalism. Fortunately, Xu Aiguo was in the village It had something to do with it. The secretary of the brigade at the time was his junior. He used a tactic of stealing the tree and turning it into a collective enterprise, which allowed Xu Aiguo to escape from the county's inspection.

Afterwards, things were very simple. After the limelight in the early 80s, planting fruit trees was no longer an unspeakable thing, and Xu Aiguo justifiably started his own fruit tree planting.

Walking around the orchard, Qi Santai got a lot of talk from this, and habitually immediately published high-level remarks, eloquently.He talked about the "three rural" issues of "rural areas, agriculture and farmers" to the second step of deepening rural reforms, the industrialization of agriculture, and the great significance of fruit tree planting for rich counties and people.Finally, I emphasized to Xu Junran that your Changqing Township must use its resource advantages to vigorously develop fruit tree planting.Xu Junran's heart moved slightly, he finally understood the real purpose of Qi Santai's inspection today, he couldn't help but nodded in agreement, deeply moved in his heart.

Before, Xu Junran reported to the county that he wanted to promote fruit tree planting in Changqing Township, but although the county magistrate Wang Changlin was very interested and said it well, he had no actual support at all, on the contrary, he was silent Qi Santai, who was so loud, came to inspect it specially, and gave him support.

Some people seem to stand with you, but they may not actually stand by your side when encountering things.And some people seem to be unapproachable and unkind, but they can give you enough trust and support at critical moments.

After seeing the orchard, go inside to see the scenery.Qi Santai was very happy and said to Xu Junran: "It's much better for you to be a secretary here than in other towns. Think about it, what's worth seeing in a farmland and forest network in other towns in our county! In the mountains, there are seven steps, one scene, one slope and one painting. In late spring, the trees and grass on the mountain are in the period of rejuvenation, a piece of tender green with yellow tips, under the sunshine, blown by the spring breeze. Looking around, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, picturesque and refreshing.”

It was rare to hear such rhetoric from the mouth of the always rude county party secretary, Xu Junran and the others walked and watched with great interest.It was only later that Xu Junran found out that these words were said to Qi Santai, who was then secretary of the county party committee, when a major leader of the provincial party committee came to Changqing Township for inspection.

When Qi Santai came to a few scattered farmers, he wanted to go in and have a look, but Xu Junran didn't stop him. Although he was afraid that the common people would say something inappropriate, Xu Junran had nothing to worry about, and he was fearless.The furnishings in these mass houses are simple and smoky, and the clothes of men and women are relatively tattered and out of shape.For the arrival of the secretary of the county party committee and the secretary of the township party committee, he showed enough surprise and curiosity.When Qi Santai said a few nice words, they were very grateful, but they couldn't make any sense.

Walking out of the hut, Qi Santai sighed heavily, and patted Xu Junran on the shoulder: "Little Secretary Xu, there is a long way to go!"

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