Powerful and romantic

Chapter 497 New Deal Ideas

Xu Junran is a smart person. He knows that his biggest advantage in politics is that he has a longer-term vision than ordinary people. From the county magistrate Wang Changlin's focus on industry and the design of the "Project of Caring for the People and Enriching the People", Xu Junran has some ideas about major policies. think.

Xu Junran knows the truth of the three fires when a new official takes office, especially in the officialdom.The little reptile assumes a new role, and will never follow the old rules. He will definitely use his brains and come up with some new tricks.Why do we have to come up with something new?It's very simple. If the previous boss did what the new boss did, the new boss will do the same. No matter how well he did it, the credit goes to the predecessor. How can he show the innovative spirit of the new boss?How to show the outstanding achievements of the new boss?Without the spirit of innovation and outstanding political achievements, it is obviously not good for continued promotion.That's why when a new official takes office, he has new thinking and new measures. Everything has to be overthrown, breaking the old framework, and creating a new situation. All of this is due to official thinking and official habits.

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It is not so easy to bid new benefits. There is a lot of knowledge in it, such as land enclosure development. The previous boss may not have the conditions and is only satisfied with the renovation of the old city in terms of municipal construction. The new boss is here, with a Ph. Having stayed abroad, he made big moves, saying that he was always tossing and tossing in the old city. The speed of this kind of municipal construction is far behind the requirements of the development of the times!This is a manifestation of narrow vision!In order to prove his broad vision, the new boss launched a land enclosure campaign, expropriating all the land around the city, and engaged in large-scale planning, with an industrial area in the east, a residential area in the west, an administrative area in the south, and a commercial area in the north.Walking into the planning bureau and looking at the schematic diagram, you will be overwhelmed with emotion and sincerely admire: this fire is really burning well!

Xu Junran had seen many such things in his previous life, and some newspapers often reported in disgust, saying that in some places, as long as the leadership is changed, the newcomers want to make achievements quickly.When he took office, he had to do something else, and did a lot of stupid things like "Secretary Zhang repaired Secretary Li's chopping".Often the words are conclusive, which arouses the righteous indignation of some intellectuals, and then criticizes them verbally and severely denounces them.

At first Xu Junran thought that these people were really passionate and righteous, but later, with a deeper understanding of the truth, he gradually realized that this statement was either the instruction of the former leader to the reporter, or the pedantic views of some scholars.It cannot be denied that "Secretary Zhang repaired well and Secretary Li made mistakes".But you can't generalize, and don't let "Secretary Li correct" "Secretary Zhang's wrong things", and say that they are all the dirt on Tai Sui's head, and no one can touch them.because.People who say this kind of thing are not on the stage, and they don't hurt their backs while standing and talking.

The highest official in a place does not think about how and what he does, then he is definitely not a sober leader.Due to the limitations of history and reality, it is impossible for everyone to make correct decisions.If the previous leader repaired something, if the next leader feels that it has affected the development plan.So what's wrong with picking it off?In this respect, there are actually many examples contrary to their imagination.

Not to mention anything else, during the founding of the country, the leaders of Huaxia judged that a third world war would definitely happen in the next ten years.The result of this is that the people of the whole country do nothing, dig air-raid shelters, store food, and engage in class struggle when they have nothing to do.They even moved all the military enterprises to the valleys.After decades of tossing, the country has lost hundreds of millions!The results of it?Say nothing.On the contrary, it delayed the development of the country.

It was not until the second generation of leadership came to power that the old strategy was changed and the focus of work was shifted to economic construction, and the lives of the masses were improved.

Not to mention anything else, when Xu Junran was the deputy mayor in his last life, he encountered a very interesting incident. At that time, an oil field was discovered in his place, and the country decided to build an oil refinery on the spot.But the secretary of the municipal party committee at that time was a farmer, and he had a deep love for the land.When the provincial leaders asked the secretary of the municipal party committee to arrange the construction of an oil refinery, he resolutely pushed back, saying that the construction of the oil field had already made the greatest sacrifice, and the construction of an oil refinery would take up a lot of arable land. ?As a result, this project was easily taken away by the neighboring provinces, and the oil flowed to the small water town. Oil was produced here, and money was made there. Over the years, that county has become a prefecture-level city.Later, when the leaders of the previous municipal party committee and municipal government mentioned this matter, they all thought that the old party secretary had done something stupid.

In the final analysis, some things cannot be easily judged right or wrong based on one's own preferences. After careful consideration and careful investigation, a decision can be made. After all, as a leader, one thought may determine the fate of countless people.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Xu Junran has been planning what the new party and government team of Changqing Township headed by himself will do in his mind since the first day he took office.

At the beginning, Xu Junran's idea was that in order to seize cash, and also for the continuity of the work of the next party and government team, he must continue to follow the path drawn by his predecessor and do a good job in township enterprises.Even if you want to do something else, you can't act too hastily, and make corrections as you go. It's not too late to adjust your thinking after working for a year or so.However, after investigation, Xu Junran discovered that the township enterprises in Changqing Township were not as prosperous as they seemed at all. Not to mention anything else, most of the enterprises were in a state of loss, which made Xu Junran frowned for a long time. Xu Junran, who is in the cold winter, knows very well that when state-owned enterprises across the country are in trouble, the suspension of production of enterprises and factories will suddenly bring out all kinds of potential conflicts. If it doesn't work out, people will go to the government to make trouble every day.

This is something Xu Junran absolutely does not allow to happen, and he also knows that if he doesn't act early, he will definitely fall into this quagmire.Xu Junran clearly realized that the new team could no longer follow the old path, and had to develop its own characteristics.

Rectifying mineral resources, promoting fruit tree planting, and developing agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry are the development directions Xu Junran has set for Changqing Township.

As a person with the gift of foresight, although Xu Junran didn't know much about the situation in Songhe Province in his previous life, he can be sure that a county like Fule County, which is dominated by heavy industry, will face a big problem in the next ten years. The predicament is that with the decline of the old industrial base in Northeast China, the entire county will probably fall into the shackles of development due to the decline of several large factories.

The foundation of agriculture must be laid well before the 90s!

Xu Junran secretly made up his mind.

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