Powerful and romantic

Chapter 616 Visiting the Governor

Looking at Chen Dayong's expectant face, Xu Junran really didn't know what to say. After all, he was not clear about the situation in the city. Why did Secretary Chen suddenly show such affection for him, which was already beyond normal.

But the experience of previous life told Xu Junran that he didn't need to go too far at this time, as long as he accepted the other party's kindness lightly.So he smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Secretary Chen, please rest assured that I will work hard and live up to your expectations."

Xu Junran was vaguely aware of the situation in the city. When Zhu Zecheng and Xie Meijuan talked on the phone occasionally, they would tell Xu Junran that the city was in a very delicate state. Chen Dayong and Huang Qingyun, the two leaders of the party and government, were in control Some departments are at odds with each other, and the conflict is intensifying.The most important thing is that I heard that the city is discussing increasing the number of members of the Standing Committee of the Fule County Party Committee. For Xu Junran, the only thing he can do now is to be careful, so as not to fall into the trap.

"Hehe, the candidate for the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of your county has not been decided yet. What are your considerations?"

Xu Junran was stunned by Chen Dayong's words, he didn't expect Chen Dayong to bring this matter up at this time.

After thinking for a while, Xu Junran tentatively said: "Comrade Ye Youdao has worked on the political and legal front for many years, has rich experience, and is familiar with the situation in our Fule County. I think he is more suitable."

In any case, Xu Junran didn't want the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee not to be of one mind with him. Although most of the current Fule county committee members are his own people, Xu Junran is still unwilling to take risks. If there is a chance, in key positions, It is best to be your own person.

Chen Dayong nodded lightly: "I will mention it to Secretary Liu of the Organization Department."

Xu Junran was overjoyed.Since Chen Dayong can say that, it shows that he should be quite sure.

After thinking for a while, Chen Dayong asked again: "Comrade Xu Junran, how are you preparing for the publicity of government affairs you mentioned?" He is also very interested in this matter, after all, this is the first time in the world , if it can be done well, it is estimated that it will be the first in the whole province.Maybe I can still go to the Central Newspaper once.

Xu Junran said: "Don't worry, the secretary, the preparations for this matter are almost done. I plan to wait for the county people's congress to hold a meeting, and then formally carry out a pilot project in a township in our county."

Chen Dayong nodded and said, "That's right, the National People's Congress will be held in a few days. You have to pay attention to this. After all, Lin Wen's time in Fule County is very short, so make sure there are no problems." He is I'm really worried. After all, Lin Wen made such a fuss last time in the city. The majestic acting district mayor was defeated in the election of the National People's Congress. Although there are people like Huang Qingyun who are doing bad things , but it is also related to Lin Wen's own problems.This time, Chen Dayong didn't want any more problems.

Even if Chen Dayong didn't say anything about this, Xu Junran knew about it. In the past few days, he planned to have a good exchange with the leaders of the National People's Congress and the Political Consultative Conference, and share the work with everyone.Segmentation is responsible, each person is responsible for a township, keep an eye on it, and make sure that the elections of the congresses realize the intentions that have been set.

the next day.Huang Hai made out the detailed implementation rules for the disclosure of government affairs, and Xu Junran read them carefully.Modified some places.Let Huang Haina show it to Lin Wen again, and he also made some changes.Afterwards, Lin Wen put away the implementation rules, and planned to wait until after the National People's Congress, then discuss and finalize them in the Standing Committee, and then formally start implementing them.

On June [-], the Fule County People's Representative Conference was successfully held. At the meeting, Comrade Lin Wen was elected as the magistrate of the Fule County People's Government, and the candidates for other deputy county magistrates also fully realized their intended intentions.Xu Junran, as the chairman of the National People's Congress, also attended the meeting.

That night, Xu Junran had a meal with the newly elected county magistrate and deputy county magistrates to celebrate them.Naturally, it was mainly to help Lin Wen celebrate. You must know that Lin Wen was sweating before the election. If something goes wrong again, his career can be regarded as coming to an end. After all, Chen Dayong can support himself as a secretary once. Twice, but I will definitely not support him for the third time. If some people can't support the wall with mud, who will help you?

At the wine table, Lin Wen pulled Xu Junran and said emotionally: "Secretary Xu, without your help this time, Lao Lin will leave Maicheng again. What's going on in the future? In a word, if I, Lin Wen, discount it, I won't people!"

Xu Junran smiled and drank a glass of wine with him: "Old Lin, see you at work later."

Xu Junran didn't take this matter to heart. His vision is no longer limited to Fule County, so naturally he doesn't care about those things, although Lin Wen, the county magistrate, is logically regarded as his competitor. , but in Xu Junran's mind, he has to look further. The foundation of Fule County has been laid, and how far he can go next depends on his own ability. Now Xu Junran's eyes are already I saw the Shuangqi Municipal Party Committee.

Thinking of the news he heard from Ye Youdao's mouth a few days ago, Xu Junran couldn't help showing a smile. He didn't expect Li Dongyuan to come to Shuangqi City to work. From this point of view, he had to go to the city anyway. .Not only because of Li Dongyuan's current status, but also because of the personal relationship between the two of them, he also had to visit.

Not only Li Dongyuan, but also Chen Xingrui himself in the provincial capital.Unlike the relationship between Li Dongyuan and his relatives and elders, Xu Junran was really scratching his head about how to visit the governor.Because he didn't know about Chen Xingrui's situation, he was afraid that he would not accept the gift if it was too expensive, and he would not be able to take out the ordinary gift, so what should we do.

While sitting on the train bound for the provincial capital, Xu Junran was thinking about the issue of gift giving. The gift was too light and meaningless, and it was easy for Chen Xingrui to misunderstand that he looked down on him. Chen Xingrui treated him very well, even if He doesn't think so, and he should pay attention to it.But if the gift was too expensive, it would make Chen Xingrui feel like he was being bribed if he accepted the gift, so he probably wouldn't accept it.

And what Xu Junran is most worried about is that Chen Xingrui, who was originally a very pleasant visit, has an opinion on him. If that happened, Xu Junran would be unable to find a place to hit the wall, not to mention Xu Junran's interests and hobbies towards Chen Xingrui Waiting for things to know nothing about.If he was given something he didn't like, the visit would be greatly reduced.After all, this visit of mine has elements of gratitude in it, and the gift must contain such meanings. It should be meaningful, intriguing, and of extraordinary quality.

It's better to go to the antique market, Xu Junran felt that this thing should be found in the market, so after getting off the train, he took a taxi and went to the largest antique market in the provincial capital.

Of course, Xu Junran had never been to the antique market in the provincial capital, but he also had his own way, he specially picked out those objects that looked more comfortable.The price doesn't matter, as long as it looks comfortable, after all, he and Chen Xingrui are both in the officialdom, so if they really give that kind of valuable antiques, they will be criticized easily.

Pick and choose.Xu Junran finally chose an ancient painting, which is a landscape. Xu Junran didn't understand the specific age of the object, and didn't ask too much.

Finally, after talking about it, Xu Junran bought this thing for 500 yuan.

At this time, a middle-aged man next to him greeted Xu Junran and said, "Young man, let me see if your thing is okay?"

After leaving the booth, Xu Junran smiled and handed it to this person.

The man picked it up and looked at it seriously.Sighing: "I'm a step late! This thing looks old, but the workmanship is very modern. Most people probably wouldn't regard it as an ancient thing, but after my research experience, this thing is indeed It's something ancient, baby!"

After hearing what this man said, Xu Junran smiled and said nothing.I don't understand this thing myself, no matter what dynasty it is.It is only used as a gift, no matter how expensive it is.

"Boss, how about giving me this thing? I'll offer [-]." The man said suddenly.

"Ten thousand!" Xu Junran looked at the thing again, and suddenly became a little surprised. Did he pick up a mistake?You must know that in this era, 1 yuan is not a small sum. In the northeast of China in the mid-80s, a twist was only five cents, and a bottle of soda was only ten cents. 1 yuan is definitely a huge sum of money!

From the person's asking price, it can be seen that this thing should be more than this price, and without hesitation, Xu Junran shook his head and said: "Although I don't know the real value of this thing, I won't sell it." He took it. For this thing, Xu Junran left the market directly regardless of the regretful expression of the man standing there.

For Xu Junran, money is not a problem, as long as he can find a good thing, it will be worth it.

Before coming to the provincial capital, Xu Junran asked for the phone number of Chen Xingrui's home from Zhang Zhongjian. He stayed near the provincial government guest house and dialed the phone number of Chen's family. After Chen Xingrui's voice came from the microphone, Xu Junran respectfully He said respectfully: "Governor Chen, I'm Xu Junran from Fule County. I'm going to the provincial capital this time to do business. I would like to report to you about the government affairs disclosure work that we are carrying out in Fule County. Do you have time?"

Chen Xingrui is naturally very concerned about Xu Junran's situation. After all, although the relationship between the two seems to have nothing to do with each other on the surface, but because of the relationship with Mr. Cao, Chen Xingrui has no reason not to pay attention to Xu Junran, a young man.It's just that he is very clear that the water behind Xu Junran is deep, and he cannot easily touch it, so he spends most of his time silently watching Xu Junran. As Xu Junran continues to make achievements in Shuangqi City, Chen Xingrui is getting better and better. The more I feel, this young man is not simple.

In the materials in Chen Xingrui's hands, everything that Xu Junran has done since graduating from university is on it. The more he gets to know this young man, the more Chen Xingrui feels that the future of this young man is limitless. He is only in his twenties. It is no exaggeration to say that what Xu Junran lacks today is only qualifications and political achievements. As long as he is given a big enough stage, he may witness the rise of a rising political star. rising.

"Hehe, Comrade Xiao Xu, come here, I happen to be free today." Chen Xingrui said with a smile, he really wanted to chat with Xu Junran.

Xu Junran put down the phone, packed up, took his things, and came to the gate of the Provincial Party Committee compound.

After explaining my identity to the guard, making a registration, and showing the ID card and work permit to the other party, the guard room, which had already received a call from the governor, let people in.After all, this is the compound of the Provincial Party Committee, and senior officials of Songhe Province live in it. If an unknown person is allowed in, no one can bear the responsibility.

Chen Xingrui lives in the No. [-] building of the Provincial Party Committee, next to the home of the top leader of the Provincial Party Committee. When Xu Junran arrived at the door, he found that Chen Xingrui had picked him up at the door.

"Governor, how dare you do that!" Xu Junran quickly walked a few steps and greeted Chen Xingrui.For the guests who come to visit, it is quite a big etiquette for the host to greet at the door.In particular, Xu Junran can be regarded as Chen Xingrui's subordinate, which made him even more flattered.

"Hehe, you don't have to be so polite, the old lady and I are the only two people in the house, come in and sit down." Chen Xingrui smiled and said to Xu Junran.

"Hello, Auntie." As soon as he entered the door, Xu Junran respectfully greeted the woman who was reading a newspaper in the living room. Newspaper work.

"Hehe, who is Xiao Xu?" Mrs. Chen, surnamed Li, stood up and smiled at Xu Junran: "I've heard of you. Last time I was in the capital, Vice Premier Cao's wife told me about you several times."

Xu Junran quickly smiled and nodded: "Aunt Cao has always been very kind to me, and I was often taken care of by her old man when I was in college."

Chen Xingrui also laughed: "Sit down, you are not an outsider, I have always wanted to see you."

What he said was the truth, after all, he was a cadre from Jiangnan Province, so he felt quite close to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran sat on the sofa, sitting upright, and said: "Governor, I have always wanted to visit you, but I was afraid of disturbing you."

Chen Xingrui said with a smile: "Comrade you, apart from the superior-subordinate relationship, we are still half fellow villagers. I have worked in Jiangnan Province for many years, and you are from Jiangnan Province. I still know a little bit. I have done a good job in Shuangqi City. I am principled and capable. Although I am not calm enough to deal with some aspects, but young people, if there are no shortcomings, then there is a problem. No one is perfect, and gold is not enough. Chi, as long as you don't lose money, you still have great potential."

Hearing his words, Xu Junran showed a thoughtful expression, Chen Xingrui had something in his words.


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