Powerful and romantic

Chapter 628 The idea of ​​building a road

It has to be said that things in Huaxia are like this. As long as the superiors say something, the people below will not dare to disobey even if they have great abilities.

The policemen of the Incheon County Public Security Bureau, after receiving instructions from the County Party Committee Secretary Bai Lin and the county magistrate Xu Junran, arrested the liar in the shortest possible time.

It is said that when that guy was captured, he was messing around with two beauties in the house. Even if he was held down by the police, he still claimed to be a nobleman in the capital and clamored to take revenge on the leaders of Incheon.It's just that when Zhang Xibin said that there was no such person in the Cao family in the capital, that guy panicked.

In the end, when the results of the interrogation came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

This guy is really a liar!

According to his account, he was just a gangster in the capital city. He had met Cao Junwei by chance, and when he heard that the second child of the Cao family had made a fortune in business, he became interested.This person can also be regarded as a very clever character. He did not choose to impersonate the two sons of the Cao family, but the third generation.

Sure enough, in the remote counties in Incheon County and some other areas, this guy is like a fish in water and has reaped a lot of benefits.Nearly 30 in cash was found in his residence alone.According to this guy, he likes to keep his money where he can find it anytime, anywhere.

Zhang Xibin immediately followed Bai Lin's instructions and sent the money back to the county.Xu Junran advocated taking 10 yuan out of it, and paid the workers in the flax factory a few months' wages, which stabilized the mood of the workers.

Originally, some departments were thinking about recovering so much money this time, whether they could reach out for a share of the pie, but they didn't expect Xu Junran to save the remaining 20 after discussing with Bai Lin, and let out a message Go, whoever dares to move that money.Whoever he finds trouble with.

After all, he is the new county magistrate. Before finding out the details of Xu Junran, the people below dare not easily offend him. After all, who knows if there is a big background behind this guy? For no reason, it cheapened those who went to the theater.

The matter of the flax factory was finally resolved, and after a few days, Wang Xiaolong happily came to report to Xu Junran.

He is just an ordinary staff member, and the organizational relationship is very simple to operate.Now Lin Wen is in charge in Fule County, Xu Junran said hello, and the matter was settled smoothly.

Although the relationship between Xu Junran and his sister is somewhat inexplicable, Wang Xiaolong's admiration for Xu Junran has only increased, under the power of Xu Junran's example.Not only did Wang Xiaolong adapt to certain habits in the officialdom, but he also enrolled himself in night school, trying to enrich his cultural knowledge.Originally, Xu Junran planned to let him be the driver, but after seeing Wang Xiaolong was very excited, he simply asked him to be his correspondent and driver.

On the second day after Wang Xiaolong arrived in Incheon County, Xu Junran started to drive around the villages and towns. There are seven townships and three towns in Incheon County.They are Yunshan Town, Wushan Town, Taohua Town, Banqiao Township, Lushui Township, Qingshan Township, Jiangchi Township, Hongmu Township, Baifeng Township, and Yanjiang Township.If you don't know the situation in the county, you can't do your job well. Xu Junran intends to get involved as soon as possible. Liu Huaqiang will call him every day to report on the flax factory, and he can only be their backing.To help them solve some unnecessary troubles, the specific operation depends on the leaders of the factory.

Xu Junran also understands that in today's general environment, it is not easy for the flax factory to come back to life.But the problem is that if you don't solve this problem yourself, it will be within your tenure.The flax factory will definitely become a trouble that hinders his governance plan. Xu Junran doesn't like trouble, so naturally he won't let trouble turn from a small matter into a big one.

After half a month of investigation and investigation, Xu Junran finally had some understanding of the actual situation in Incheon County. After running around the ten towns in the county, Xu Junran still felt the importance of traffic. If the traffic problem in Incheon County is not solved However, it is simply impossible for the entire Incheon County to develop.

In all fairness, the township roads in Incheon County are not a big problem at all, and some small-scale reconstruction can be carried out on the original basis, just make do with it.However, the road leading to the city of Danjiang is not satisfactory, to be precise, that road is simply too bad.

Seriously speaking, Xu Junran also discovered that this Incheon County is actually quite unique. Apart from the fertile land and the planting of various crops, many places have their own resources, whether it is mineral resources or agriculture and animal husbandry. The resources are very rich.Moreover, it is also rich in rice, as well as mineral deposits such as coal, iron, copper, gold and stone, and is also rich in water resources.

"Secretary Bai. During this period of time, I have been walking in various towns and villages in the county. I feel that the most important problem in Incheon County today is to repair the roads. Without a good road, it will be difficult for Incheon County to develop. "Xu Junran took the time to come to Bai Lin's office, and said sincerely to Bai Lin.

"County magistrate, you are right. The roads in Incheon County are not good. Everyone knows about this, and they have made continuous efforts, but the results have had little effect. Now the province has finally allocated some funds and will grab them as soon as possible. Go. You probably don’t know yet. Every county sends a special person to guard the city. The main job is to listen to the news.” Bai Lin smiled wryly and shook his head, getting funds for road construction is definitely not as easy as Xu Junran thought, this In Bai Lin's eyes, the matter may be more difficult than reaching the sky.After all, the situation in the city is not rich, and there is no ability to build new roads for Incheon County. What's more, so many districts and counties in the city are waiting for money, and the city can only use limited funds to repair the old roads. Tinker.

"Secretary Bai, you said that if this province directly puts the name of our Incheon County on the allocated funds, will the money be in our hands?" Xu Junran looked at Bai Lin and asked in a low voice.

Hearing Xu Junran's words, the expression on Bai Lin's face immediately changed. If what Xu Junran said can be done, it will benefit the entire Incheon County. If the things that have not been able to be done are done in my own hands, that is a real political achievement.

Thinking of this, Bai Lin looked at Xu Junran, and asked eagerly, "Major Xu, what connections do you have?"

After what happened last time, his perception of Xu Junran has changed a lot.After all, everyone could tell that the county magistrate Xu had connections in the capital, so he was definitely not a simple role.Moreover, Bai Lin has come to understand that when Xu Junran came to Incheon County, most of them were gold-plated, so he couldn't offend such a person.

Xu Junran didn't care about his words, but continued to ask persistently: "Tell me first, can this money reach our Incheon County?"

That's all he cares about.If the money can't reach Incheon County, wouldn't it mean that I have to make wedding dresses for others?Xu Junran would never do such a thing.

Bai Lin laughed: "Don't you know the style of the city? It's certain that the geese have plucked their hair. If there is a lot of money allocated from above, some of the city's finances will definitely be kept, but if you If you have the ability to ask the Provincial Department of Finance to name and hand over to our county. I think 80% to [-]% of the money will reach the county." After saying this, Bai Lin was still a little worried and asked Xu Junran again Said: "Little County Magistrate Xu, you are from the province, so I shouldn't ask you that. But do you have such a connection? If you have such a connection, even if you get a total of [-], it's still good for us." Incheon County's contribution."

Xu Junran laughed, thought for a while and said: "If this matter is as you said, it will be much easier to handle. As for whether I can get the money, I can't guarantee it. When I go back, I will make a few calls to inquire about the province. Let’s talk about the situation inside.”

He didn't dare to take it all down.After all, this matter has not yet been written down, if I rashly agree to Bai Lin, it will be fine if the matter is done, if something goes wrong.He couldn't get things done, and he offended the county party secretary.That's not worth the candle.

Bai Lin also understood this truth, nodded with a smile and said: "Of course, no one dares to guarantee it. I see that your recent work is dedicated to this matter. If you can really repair this road It's clear, not to mention me, even the people of the whole county will thank you, the magistrate."

Xu Junran shook his head, sighed and said with emotion: "I really never thought about whether to thank you or not. I just want to do something for the people in Incheon County." To be honest, the visits these days made Xu Junran see After visiting too many poor families, the idea in his heart to lead everyone out of poverty and become rich became stronger.

After bidding farewell to Bai Lin, Xu Junran returned to his office, thinking carefully how he could find a way to build a road for Incheon County.This Bai Lin had already made it clear before that as long as he had a way to get the province to transfer the money directly to Incheon County, at least a large part of it should be in his hands.Although it will be partially retained by the city's finances, at least it is better than nothing, and it is much more effective than sitting in an office all day long.

One by one, he thought about the people he knew in the province. The one who could help the road construction was of course Chen Xingrui, the governor.However, Xu Junran couldn't go to him for this matter. After all, because of such a trivial matter, the Minister of Labor would really make a fuss out of a molehill, and even feel like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.In desperation, Xu Junran recalled his classmates one by one, but found in vain that he didn't have that many connections in Songhe Province.After much deliberation, Xu Junran felt that Fang Zhongcheng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Governor of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Government, who could play a role in this matter, was also Fang Jie's father.

Thinking of this, Xu Junran called Fang Jie.

The phone call with Fang Jie was connected immediately, Xu Junran smiled and said, "Young Master Fang, what have you been up to lately?"

Hearing it was Xu Junran's voice, Fang Jie laughed loudly and said, "Brother Xu, you are now a big official in the frontier. How about it, it's not easy to be a parent official?"

He was just teasing Xu Junran. After all, in the eyes of people like Fang Jie who know Xu Junran's details well, Xu Junran was not too surprised to become the county magistrate of Incheon County from the Secretary of the Fule County Party Committee. After all, Xu Junran was really too young. Well, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. At this time, cooling down his official career is actually a kind of protection for him.

Xu Junran chuckled: "My life as a parent officer is not easy. The road conditions in the county are so bad that I'm about to fall apart."

"Oh?" Fang Jie raised his eyebrows when he heard Xu Junran's words, and with a slight smile, he figured out something. It seems that there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall. Xu Junran must have something to do to find him, otherwise he would not be able to call this call.

Think here.Fang Jie asked Xu Junran, "Brother Xu, are you busy? Are you planning to build roads in Incheon County?"

Xu Junran laughed: "You guys are really smart. It's like a roundworm in my stomach. You can even guess that I want to build roads."

Fang Jie also laughed: "There are too many people in the province asking for road repairs. The province only has that little money, and it's hard to transfer it to anyone!" The phone in my old man's study kept ringing all day long, and most of them were trying to build connections and ask for road repairs.

"Fang Jie. To be honest, have you heard anything?" Xu Junran asked Fang Jie.

Fang Jie thought for a while before answering Xu Junran: "I think you should come forward to find our old man personally about this matter. He has mentioned you several times."

Hearing Fang Jie say this.Xu Junran immediately said: "I'd better go to the province."

Fang Jie nodded with a smile and said, "Building roads is not a trivial matter, and the old man can't make a decision, but we can still get some news."

Hearing that Xu Junran asked for leave to go to the provincial capital to understand the road construction situation, Bai Lin said happily: "You should go and do a good job this time. If you can really do it, you will have made a contribution to Incheon County."

Xu Junran understands Bai Lin's inner thoughts, if this is really done.It is also a great political achievement for Bai Lin, of course he is happy to see it achieved.After all, he, as the secretary of the county party committee, also has credit for what he, the county magistrate, has accomplished.

When Xu Junran went to the provincial capital this time, he not only brought Wang Xiaolong, his secretary and driver, with him.Liu Huaqiang, the director of the office, was also called. This matter needs Liu Huaqiang's help to run around.

Because he had done road construction in Jiangnan Province, Xu Junran knew very well that building a road these days is not as simple as he imagined, so he will not talk about the various procedures.The funds for road construction alone are astronomical, according to the situation in Incheon County.The cost of one kilometer of road is no less than 1 yuan. If you don’t drill a hole, it will take [-] kilometers. If you want to drill a hole, it will only take [-] kilometers. To drill a hole is to get through two mountains, so the cost of excavation is also very high. , it seems that the road can only be repaired on the original basis!

Bumping on this rotten road, Xu Junran carefully observed the condition of the road surface. Generally speaking, the road is still wide, but the problem with the road surface is serious. The road is not bad at one point or two, but the whole thing is already rotten.In order to transport things out of Incheon, the number of large trucks driving here has increased significantly.It would be easier to just pave the original road with a layer of asphalt, but when he thought that the entire distance could be shortened by [-] kilometers just by opening two mountains, Xu Junran felt unwilling.

Political promotion is actually a change of circle.People go to high places, and water flows to low places. This flow is a natural law.Generally speaking, an official who has worked in a position for several years, works hard, has some achievements, and if there is no fault, he will always get a chance to be promoted.Every time a political level rises, the composition of the surrounding circle will naturally change.As the political status increases, the position in the circle will naturally be different. On the one hand, he becomes a member of the previous circle, but on the other hand, he is the core of this circle.

Xu Junran knew very well that if he could accomplish this, he would quickly form a circle of his own in Incheon County.

The foundation of a politician is his own team and power. As a politician who wants to make a difference, he must spend his efforts in this regard, so as to have the capital to realize his ideals.From scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong, from short-term rise to long-term hegemony, the stronger the foundation is, the more luxuriant the branches and leaves will be. This is the same principle since ancient times.

Xu Junran didn't know that in the provincial capital, Fang Zhongcheng thought about a lot of things when he heard his son mention that Xu Junran was coming to visit him.

In traditional Chinese culture, there has always been the term "noble person".The so-called nobles are those who have high positions and weights and can take care of themselves at critical times.And the nobles can't take care of themselves for no reason, it depends on their usual "work": let the nobles know themselves, understand themselves, and appreciate themselves.In this way, when the opportunity comes, it is possible to be your turn.Opportunity favors the prepared mind, so where does the preparation go?It’s not enough to just bury your head in business, otherwise, when the opportunity comes, you are not included in the list of backup cadres in the nobleman’s mind, so how can he recommend you?

A talented politician is very sensitive to interpersonal relationships. He knows who are noble people who will have a major impact on his future. He knows how to approach and win the favor of noble people. He also knows how to be in a new circle. Get a foothold and gradually improve your status and energy.

Fang Zhongcheng knew very well that relying on his relationship with the Chen family, he was very lucky to be able to be the current executive vice governor. If there were no accidents, his official career in this life would come to an end.

It stands to reason that a position at the deputy ministerial level is unimaginable for ordinary people, but Fang Zhongzhong is not reconciled. He feels that he should also have the ability to take on more important responsibilities.

However, taking on more important responsibilities not only requires his own ability, but also the help of noble people.

From Fang Zhongcheng's point of view, his nobleman is the little county magistrate Xu Junran.


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