Powerful and romantic

Chapter 634 The end of the honeymoon period

"Old Liu, Secretary Liu of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has worked in our county for many years?"

Xu Junran's words made Liu Huaqiang slightly taken aback.

"Yes, the county magistrate, anyway, Secretary Liu came earlier than me. I came to work in our county in [-]." Although Liu Huaqiang didn't know why Xu Junran suddenly wanted to ask about Liu Xiaoguang, he still told him what he knew. The situation has been told.

After listening to Liu Huaqiang's introduction, Xu Junran didn't say much, but slowly picked up the teacup.

The leaders had already served tea to see off the guests. Of course, Liu Huaqiang would not stay any longer, so he got up and said goodbye tactfully.

Seeing the back of Liu Huaqiang leaving, Xu Junran lit a cigarette and started smoking.

In the smog, Xu Junran frowned, thinking carefully about what Liu Huaqiang said to him just now.

Liu Xiaoguang is not a cadre from Incheon County. He is an educated youth from other provinces. He is 52 years old this year.He started as a grassroots commune cadre in Incheon County, all the way to his current position. The old leader who promoted him at that time has already retired to the second line.Originally, he didn't have much backing in the county party committee, but he was very close to the former county magistrate, so naturally he didn't have a good relationship with Bai Shan, the secretary of the county party committee.

This is a cadre with qualifications but no background.

Xu Junran made such a definition for Liu Xiaoguang.In his opinion, such a person is the best one to win over. After all, as long as he shows enough strength, for Liu Xiaoguang, that is the reason that can attract him to join him.

The only thing that surprised Xu Junran was Sun Yazhou, head of the organization of the county party committee.

Sun Yazhou is actually related to Liu Xiaoguang, and the son of the Sun family married the daughter of the Liu family.

This made Xu Junran never think that the reason why the two became allies was because of this relationship.No wonder Sun Yazhou, the head of the organization, would rather offend Bai Lin, the county party secretary, than support Liu Xiaoguang. It's really because the relationship between them is too close to be separated.

In China's political system, the Minister of Organization has a special position. Generally, he is one of the standing committee members of the party committee. According to regulations, he is supervised by the party committee at the same level or the party committee at the higher level.But in general.The relationship between the party secretary and the organization minister is very strong, and this kind of supervision is often weak.As for the discipline inspection committee under the leadership of the party committee at the same level, there is no way to supervise him.As the higher-level organization department, it often cannot supervise so many officials in actual work.In this way, a vacuum of power supervision by the organization minister has been formed.

And due to the lack of a supervisory mechanism, once the organization minister loses self-discipline.It is possible to spread the phenomenon of flattery, gift-giving, and soliciting connections. During the transformation period, state-owned assets were even given to people as personal gifts. Individual organization ministers became "official wholesalers" in the political system, weaving the township party.The result is that in the appointment and promotion of cadres, it is not the survival of the fittest, but the anomaly of the survival of the fittest—those who are not in the same boat will go down, and those who are good at exploiting will go up.

Xu Junran is very clear that a problem with the head of the organization will do infinite harm to a region.He can use his network to select cadres, and these cadres eventually become a community of interests, so he often checks a large area.But the Minister of Organization has a problem, which is not only his personal problem.It's more of an institutional issue.Our party committee is not only the decision-making and executive department of power, but also the supervision department of power.A power structure without supervision will inevitably lead to corruption, which has been proved by the experience of many countries.If even the officials who selected officials were killed, the clean government ecology of the officials they selected would be suspicious.

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It must be admitted.In the early days of the founding of China, the organization department did not show its importance and particularity.Because the selection of cadres at that time was more based on the judgment of the leaders on the subordinates, not the inspection of the organizational department.But today, the composition of the cadre team has undergone great changes, and the evaluation and appointment of cadres has become more and more institutionalized. Therefore, the role of the organization department in the review, evaluation, and appointment of officials has become more and more obvious.Among them, the importance of the organization departments at the provincial, city, and county levels is the most important, and the organization minister plays a pivotal role in it. In addition to the current trend of becoming more and more obedient to the top leader, the organization minister's justice and To a large extent, it determines the operation of the entire organizational department.

With the party committee in charge of the overall situation, the heavy responsibility of inspecting and selecting cadres naturally falls more on the head of the organization department.The crux of the problem is whether the inspected cadres can truly reflect reality and represent public opinion. If the organizational department has corruption when inspecting cadres, some officials selected through this channel will be doubtful.If there is a problem with the selection of officials, what will happen to the officials he elects?The seriousness of the problem can be imagined.

Therefore, the position of organization minister has always been very important. Not only the party committee pays attention to it, but Xu Junran, the county magistrate, also pays attention to it.

Conversely, in order to ensure the leadership of a team by the party committee, generally speaking, the party secretary can influence the higher-level government to arrange the positions of team members, that is, the director of the office and the head of the organization.But in Incheon County, it seems that Bai Lin, the secretary of the county party committee, does not have much prestige in front of Sun Yazhou, the head of the county party committee organization.

In this way, maybe this is a good opportunity.

Thinking of this, Xu Junran stretched out his hand and dialed the phone number of Liu Xiaoguang's office: "Secretary Liu, I'm Xu Junran."

Straight to the point and revealed his identity, Xu Junran smiled and said to Liu Xiaoguang on the phone.

Seemingly surprised by Xu Junran's sudden email address, Liu Xiaoguang's voice raised a few pitches from the low voice when he started answering the phone, and asked with a smile: "What instructions does County Magistrate Xu have?"

Although the Commission for Discipline Inspection handles the case independently, Xu Junran is the second-in-command in Incheon County no matter what. No matter how old Liu Xiaoguang is, it depends on who he is targeting. Facing Xu Junran, the powerful county magistrate, he dare not show anything Veteran airs.

"Hehe, it's like this, Secretary Liu." Xu Junran smiled lightly, and said slowly: "Tomorrow I'm going to the countryside to investigate and see how our county roads are being built. Do you have time? If you have time, the Commission for Discipline Inspection will be established A working group, please visit me in private."

Such an obvious show of favor, if Liu Xiaoguang couldn't understand what was going on, he would be a fool and an idiot.

The new county magistrate made it clear that he wanted to buy him off.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoguang became slightly excited.The eyes holding the microphone also became a little hot.

After decades of ups and downs in the officialdom, Liu Xiaoguang is already familiar with this situation. For him, an old man in the officialdom, Xu Junran's approach is to express goodwill to himself. The key is whether he has the opportunity to catch this life-saving straw!

"I happen to be fine tomorrow." Liu Xiaoguang suppressed the excitement in his heart, and calmly said to Xu Junran.

"Okay, I'll send a car to pick you up tomorrow." After Xu Junran said this, he hung up the phone.

Put down the phone.Liu Xiaoguang's mood immediately improved. He heard some discussions about the situation of the new county magistrate Xu from his friends in the municipal party committee. It is said that he has a good background. Since Xu Junran was able to get such a large sum of money from the province this time, he can It can be seen that Xu Junran should be a very capable person.The situation in Incheon County is very difficult for me now. If the current situation is not changed, it is hard to say whether I can keep my current seat.

In addition, a very important reason why Liu Xiaoguang is optimistic about Xu Junran is that he heard the thoughts of his in-law Sun Yazhou. Sun Yazhou has several acquaintances in the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and only a little news came from him.Before this County Mayor took office, Secretary Li of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee sent him to the office of Municipal Party Committee Secretary Guo Hongtao in person. That is to say, his background should not be underestimated.

At least.If he relies on Xu Junran's big ship, Liu Xiaoguang can guarantee that he can keep his current position.

In the standing committee meeting in the morning, Liu Xiaoguang knew exactly what Bai Lin was planning.He planned to take advantage of the fact that the new county magistrate didn't take much care of things.It would be really like that to replace certain positions in the county that did not belong to his faction with his own people.Those who opposed Bai Lin, such as myself and Sun Yazhou, would be in trouble.

Tapping the table with his hands, Liu Xiaoguang felt that Xu Junran's current strength was too weak, but he had nowhere to go. If he didn't invest in Xu Junran, he would be dead. Bai Lin would definitely not let him go.And it may be a way to go to Xu Junran's side, and there may be a glimmer of life.

Life and death, wealth and honor, just this time!

Feeling helpless in his heart, Liu Xiaoguang felt that he had failed, but some things were not based on his own thoughts.

The car bumped on the dirt road leading to the countryside. Wang Xiaolong was driving the car, Liu Huaqiang was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and Xu Junran and Liu Xiaoguang were sitting in the back seat.

The two of them were on their way to Qingshan Township. Xu Junran proposed to go down there to check the preparations for the construction of roads in various villages and towns.

Since both of them had their own concerns, at the beginning they just talked about the local conditions and customs in Incheon County. Xu Junran was happy to hear it, and Secretary Liu was also very happy when he said it. Both of them were smart and did not involve other things. matter.

"Major Xu, this time we can get more than 100 million funds to build roads, which will definitely make a big difference in the county roads in our Incheon County." Liu Xiaoguang said to Xu Junran with a smile.Liu Xiaoguang was also secretly surprised by Xu Junran's relationship with Xu Junran for getting so much money to build roads, which was one of the reasons why he planned to invest in Xu Junran.

Xu Junran smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The funds are still too little, we can only repair the poorer roads, and there are still many roads that cannot be repaired for the time being!" Judging from the estimated costs, there is a huge gap in funds, and Xu Junran can only It may be that clever women work hard to make arrangements for cooking without rice, and first transform an important section of road in each town.

"It's not bad. Many people in our county have tried to build roads, but due to various reasons, they can only let it go!" As a leading cadre who grew up in Incheon County, Liu Xiaoguang can say something about the situation in Incheon County He is very familiar with it. He saw that many leaders had sworn oaths at the beginning of their tenure, saying that they would repair the road, but the results were nothing. This young man named Xu Junran was different. It's coming, and there's even a highway project.

"Old Liu, since the superior has arranged for me to be the county magistrate in Incheon County, benefiting one side is what I should do. I really want to bring this impoverished Incheon County to development, and I need your help!" Xu Junran looked at Looking at Liu Xiaoguang, he said earnestly, his words already contained a hint of solicitation.

Hearing Xu Junran's words, Liu Xiaoguang's expression turned pale. He had already made up his mind, so he didn't avoid Xu Junran's topic anymore, and said with a smile: "Magistrate Xu is at the helm. As the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, I will definitely follow you closely. Keep your footsteps and work hard to do a good job of waving the flag and shouting.

Xu Junran laughed, looked at Liu Xiaoguang seriously and said, "With the help of the county magistrate, I believe that Incheon County will have a better tomorrow."

Xu Junran smiled and waved his hands and said, "There is a long way to go, let's work hard together."

The two have basically reached an alliance, so there is no need to say anything else.Xu Junran also knew that for someone like Liu Xiaoguang, it was impossible for him to really let him follow him with all his heart.I believe that in the next step of development, as long as he sees his own strength, it is not impossible to surrender sincerely.

In the next few days.Together, the two visited several towns in Incheon County. Generally speaking, because Xu Junran delegated power to the deputy county magistrates, the deputy county magistrates were worthy of Xu Junran's kindness and cared about this job very much.Everyone was busy from morning to night, and Xu Junran was finally satisfied with the preparation work.

It must be said that Xu Junran's decision at the beginning was correct. He handed over the funds for road construction to the deputy county magistrates. Not only were the deputy magistrates very happy, but also the leaders of those towns were very grateful for the delegation of authority from the county magistrate. Everyone when repairing roads.He also highly praised the new county magistrate.In this way, Xu Junran's reputation among the people in Incheon County also increased.

"Secretary, County Mayor Xu has been wandering below with the work team of the Commission for Discipline Inspection for the past few days."

Inside the county party secretary's office.Deng Wenbing said to Bai Lin respectfully.After all, he is the director of the county party committee office. Sometimes the secretary cannot hear the news. If he hears, he will tell Bai Lin as soon as possible.Played the role of an ear and eyes.

Bai Lin frowned: "Is there any problem?"

To be honest, he was quite satisfied with Xu Junran, the county magistrate.After all, no matter how you say it, since Xu Junran took office in Incheon County, he has never been against him, and he has done several major things, allowing himself to show his face in front of the leaders of the municipal party committee.

Deng Wenbing smiled wryly: "Well, secretary, you don't know. Now there are rumors that county magistrate Xu has only been here for a few months, and he has done something we couldn't do in the past few years. If he came to be the secretary of the county party committee , our Incheon County has already realized the four modernizations."

With a look in his eyes, Bai Lin nodded: "The people below are talking nonsense, don't worry about it."

As he spoke, he said to Deng Wenbing, "You go first."

After Deng Wenbing left, the expression on Bai Lin's face suddenly became ugly.

It's not that he doesn't care about those rumors. For any cadre, the most annoying thing to say is what will happen if someone else does his job. Especially for a county party secretary like Bai Lin, someone said that Xu Junran must be the county party secretary. It was better than him, which made Bai Lin very unhappy.

After half-closed his eyes and thinking for a long time, Bai Lin felt that his attitude towards Xu Junran was a little too good recently, which made some people in the county forget who is the one who counts in Incheon County. Do you think you are a sick cat?

Originally, Bai Lin's idea was that he could make a fortune by taking advantage of Xu Junran's work, but now that the situation continues, the prestige of the county magistrate will soon be greater than that of the county party secretary, but Bai Lin doesn't want to see the situation.

"Even if you have a background in the province, this Incheon County is not up to you as a young man." Bai Lin secretly made a decision in his heart that he had to sound the alarm for Xu Junran.

Two days later, Xu Junran was investigating the road construction in another township when he received a call from Bai Lin: "County magistrate, this morning the joint inspection team of the county party committee, the county people's congress and the CPPCC conducted a spot check on the road renovation work in Qingshan town , found a lot of problems, you come back, we have a meeting."

What Bai Lin said made Xu Junran a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, who didn't know what the secretary suddenly sang.

At the Standing Committee meeting in the afternoon, when Bai Lin criticized the government's recent work, Xu Junran finally understood that he co-authored this Secretary Bai because he saw that his prestige in the county was getting bigger and bigger, and he couldn't sit still. Living.

With a wry smile in his heart, Xu Junran knew that work must be considered and dealt with from a political point of view, and that he must master many very delicate balancing strategies that cannot be put on the table and make many compromises that are contrary to legal principles and wishes, otherwise he may become a teacher. He died before he was successful, and his work was not effective, so he fell first under the attacks of various forces.

But he never thought that such a conflict would come so soon.

However, Xu Junran also understands that the most important feature of a successful politician is the proficiency in compromising skills, and a successful politician will never put his own political destiny as a desperate bet.A man who does not know how to use the tactics of compromise smoothly and smoothly will never become a statesman.

In a situation like today, the test is how to compromise.

Looking at Bai Lin's eloquent attitude, Xu Junran couldn't help but think of an article he had read, which said that when the reform and opening up came to a certain point, institutional reform and economic system transformation, the people with the strongest sense of crisis were not young people, but 50 For people of many years old, their concepts and skills are far from being able to adapt to the needs of the changing and competitive modern society. Therefore, under the pressure of this sense of crisis, quite a few people begin to use the power in their hands Make arrangements for the back half of your body with social relations.Some powerful or high-ranking government officials almost all have unexplainable close relationships with several enterprises.

At this time, Xu Junran understood that the honeymoon period between himself and Bai Lin was completely over.


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