Although the matter had some twists and turns, it finally calmed down. After all, seeing Xu Junran's resolute attitude, it was hard for the Sun family to say anything more.Everyone knows that although this little guy looks easy to talk, he is actually very stubborn in his bones.

The work in Incheon County will continue, and Xu Junran has returned to the county, focusing on developing the county's economy.

Xu Junran had just returned to work that day when Tan Mingfu, the deputy magistrate in charge of state-owned enterprises in the county, called to complain.

"Major Xu, something has happened! Something big has happened! The workers of the county liquor factory are making trouble, and they have already blocked Yuejin Road!"

Tan Mingfu was crying when he spoke. After all, in this era, corruption is a very big thing. As the deputy county magistrate in charge, such a big thing happened under his hands. If nothing else, the county party committee will definitely not spare him. , might have to take off their hats.

"What's going on? Why would good workers block the road?" Xu Junran was shocked when he heard the news. Incheon County is no different than before, since the road was opened.More and more people are coming to Incheon County.This incident will definitely have a bad impact on the developing Incheon County, and it may have a serious negative impact.

"Major Xu, the thing is like this. Although the profitability of our county liquor factory has been very good in the past few years, due to the poor management of the factory and the sluggish sales in the past two years, it has now reached a very difficult point. " Tan Mingfu said with a wry smile.

Xu Junran frowned: "This kind of thing is caused by the market, how can it be so troublesome to block the road?"

"You don't know the county magistrate. A few days ago, there was an employee's child who went to junior high school and had no money to pay the tuition. As a result, the man in that family went to sell blood. He fainted in the hospital and almost killed himself. The employees I got excited all of a sudden, and asked the county to come up with a solution..." Tan Mingfu said helplessly.

Xu Junran was speechless. These workers really maintained their sense of ownership, knowing that something happened and they went to the government.

Thinking of this, Xu Junran couldn't help but sighed, he could do this now, but after 20 years, he would no longer have this advantage.

But since this matter happened in his own jurisdiction.Xu Junran definitely couldn't sit idly by. After thinking for a while, he said to Tan Mingfu: "Old Tan, you should stabilize the mood of the masses first, and I'll be right there."

Put down the phone.Before Xu Junran could catch his breath, the phone rang again.

"Hi, I'm Xu Junran."

"Magistrate Xu, I'm Bai Lin. What's going on? I heard that people from the liquor factory have blocked Yuejin Road?"

As the head of the county party committee, Bai Lin was most concerned about this kind of corruption. After all, if something happened, he would be most responsible.

"Don't worry, the secretary. I'll rush over to deal with this right away." Xu Junran said hastily.At this time, he and Bai Lin had the same idea.

Bai Lin nodded: "Okay, this matter must be resolved thoroughly, and no major incidents will be caused!"

After putting down the phone, Xu Junran called Liu Huaqiang and Wang Xiaolong.He drove towards the Yuejin Road on the side of the winery.

It was not the first time to deal with such a matter, Xu Junran was not too anxious.For him, this kind of ** is actually easy to deal with. After all, if it wasn't for these workers, they really couldn't survive.Surely there will be no trouble.As long as they can solve the survival problem of the winery, they are not a problem.

The problems faced by state-owned enterprises in this period.In fact, it is how to transform. Workers who are used to eating from the big pot need to reposition themselves and the status of the company in society when the market economy is approaching. Xu Junran believes that this will be a big problem for the many troubles caused by this. Long and arduous task.

When the car drove to Yuejin Road, Xu Junran saw people from the Public Security Bureau on the side of the road maintaining order. The deputy county magistrate Tan Mingfu was talking to the troublemakers there. Tian **, deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau, got up.

Xu Junran is quite clear about the origin of this farmer. He used to be the director of the Taohua Town Police Station. As for whether it is Zhang Xibin or Liu Qiang, Xu Junran is not clear, but Liu Qiang has no idea after Zhang Xibin became a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee. It didn't take long for the Standing Committee to propose Tian ** as the deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau, and Xu Junran was sure that he must belong to Liu Qiang.

The reason is very simple. In the officialdom, no one is promoted for no reason, especially the position of deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau is such an important position.As long as Liu Qiang is not an idiot, he will understand that Bai Lin's decision to let Zhang Xibin join the Standing Committee of the County Committee is undoubtedly to increase his control over the county bureau. If Liu Qiang does not respond at this time, his influence in the political and legal system will become more and more The lower it is, after all, everyone knows that there are already two leaders who have the final say in the political and legal system of Incheon County.

"County magistrate, why did Mrs. Tian bring so many people here?"

Wang Xiaolong and Xu Junran have known each other for a long time, and they can speak freely. After looking at the surrounding situation, he whispered to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran frowned, looked around, and found that there were indeed many police officers from the Public Security Bureau here.

"Old Liu, go ahead and tell me to ask Mrs. Tian to remove them. We are dealing with ordinary people, not enemies. Why are there so many police officers?"

Xu Junran said coldly, and gave Liu Huaqiang an order.

Liu Huaqiang saw that Xu Junran's face was not looking well, so he hurried over and whispered in Mrs. Tian's ear. Mrs. Tian hesitated for a moment, but asked someone to order him to continue.

When Xu Junran got out of the car, someone had already seen him. In addition, Tan Mingfu shouted so loudly. As soon as the workers heard that the county magistrate was coming, they rushed over in a hurry. In their thinking, it was very simple, speaking to reflect the situation Naturally, they want to find the most official person. The county magistrate Xu Junran is very famous in Incheon County. Everyone knows that he is a county magistrate who has a way. When he heard that he was coming, the first reaction was to talk to the county magistrate. react to the situation.

Xu Junran didn't dodge either, he just opened the door and got out of the car, into the crowd.

Wang Xiaolong guarded Xu Junran, and Liu Huaqiang squeezed over. He was very concerned about Xu Junran's safety, and now he was closely tied to the interests of the county magistrate.Liu Huaqiang's current power and status all come from Xu Junran's new appointment to him. If something happens to Xu Junran, he, Liu Huaqiang, the director of the county government office, will definitely be the first to suffer.

Generally speaking, this situation can still be controlled. After all, although many people have been evacuated, the Public Security Bureau still has enough people here to maintain order.Mrs. Tian is not a fool, even if he is not from Xu Junran, he can't let County Magistrate Xu have an accident here.Otherwise, he will be the chief of the bureau.

Xu Junran didn't say much to these people either. The workers surrounded him with a lot of chatter, and they couldn't understand what these people were trying to express at all.

Reaching out to take the horn in Tan Mingfu's hand, Xu Junran climbed into the car and stood on the roof.Said to the workers: "Comrades, I am Xu Junran, the magistrate of Incheon County."

There was a commotion from below. Even if the workers had never met the county magistrate, they had all heard of his name. From the flax factory to the road construction, Xu Junran gave the impression of two words after he came to Incheon County: hard work !

So the workers had a better impression of him than Bai Lin, the county party secretary, which was why Bai Lin didn't dare to come over but asked Xu Junran to settle the matter.

Compared with Bai Lin, who is governing Incheon County day by day.Xu Junran, the county magistrate who has been working hard after taking office, has a better prestige among the masses.

Xu Junran also understands this, so he came here today to solve the problem.

"County Xu. You have to help the winery."

"County magistrate, our winery has been wronged!"

"County Xu..."

Hundreds of people started talking in a mess, basically they couldn't hear anything clearly.

Xu Junran smiled wryly, and said loudly with a loudspeaker: "Master workers, you can tell me if you have any requirements. As the county magistrate, I am also the representative of the county party committee to deal with this matter. I am here today to solve the problem. But in Before that, I hope everyone can disperse and make way, if we have something to say, how about going to the factory building of the liquor factory?"

Yuejin Road is the main passage leading to the outside of the city, Xu Junran does not want this matter to become a trouble affecting the development of Incheon County.For him, it took him a lot of hard work to bring Incheon County to the current situation. If anyone dares to destroy this good situation, he will be the first to refuse.


Tan Mingfu also persuaded the workers outside, but the workers did not move.

Xu Junran frowned. He was actually very dissatisfied with this matter. Even if these people had no way out, it was due to the poor management of the factory. Xu Junran, the gate of the government, would not be angry, but blocking Yuejin Road was tantamount to tarnishing the image of Incheon County.Not thinking about how to solve the problem, but only thinking about threatening the government through such behavior, Xu Junran glanced at the workers who lowered their heads and dared not look at him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Decades of big pot meals have made the former big brother of workers lose the motivation to move forward.

That's right, that's what Xu Junran thought. The big pot of rice ruined the aggressiveness of these workers.

What is a big pot of rice?

The big pot of rice is an image metaphor for the phenomenon of egalitarianism in distribution. It includes two aspects: one is that enterprises eat the "big pot of rice" from the state, that is, regardless of whether the company is operating well or badly, whether it is profitable or losing money, wages are paid as usual. The effect is out of touch. The second is that employees eat the "big pot of rice" of the enterprise, that is, within the enterprise, no matter how much the employees do or how little they do, whether they do good or bad, it will not affect their personal wage distribution. There is serious egalitarianism in wage distribution.

After all, the workers in Huaxia, in the past few decades, have gotten used to whether their work is good or bad, as long as they go to work every day, and then do things, they can get a monthly salary.As for whether what they did was useless or not, no one cared at all.Because the profits and losses of enterprises are the responsibility of the national government.

This is the advantage of socialism, but it is also a phenomenon that does not conform to reality.So that in the next few decades, there will always be debates about the quality of this system.

It must be admitted that under the highly centralized planned economic system, the problem of extreme egalitarianism has not been fundamentally resolved.In order to completely eradicate this malady and stimulate the vitality and efficiency of individuals, enterprises, and the country, in the late 20s and early 70s, Huaxia was based on summarizing various forms of joint production contract responsibility systems that appeared in rural areas.Implement the agricultural production responsibility system throughout the country.Subsequently, the pilot project of enterprise expansion began.By 80, 1987% of the state-owned enterprises across the country had implemented various forms of contract management responsibility system, and the reform of the factory director (manager) responsibility system as the main content was also widely carried out within the enterprise.

However, even if such reforms are implemented, there is still no way to change the status quo.That is, after years of big pot meals, workers have become accustomed to a life where they can receive wages as long as they go to work, and even their sons take over from Lao Tzu.In the eyes of the workers, it should be.

In fact, the distribution system before the reform was mainly based on grade wages and seniority wages.In other words, the higher the level, the higher the salary.The older the seniority, the higher the salary.For example, if a factory manager is not as senior as an engineer, his salary will not be as high as that of an engineer.The theoretical basis of this distribution system is as follows: the higher the level of a cadre, the heavier his responsibility.Therefore, according to the distribution principle of "more work, more pay", the wages will be higher.Of course, this level corresponds to responsibility.It is bold.The level's description of responsibility is not precise, but it is also impossible to achieve mathematical precision.

The seniority wage is based on Marx's theory of surplus value.A person took part in the work.The value he created must be more than the value represented by his salary.for the surplus value.The longer a person has worked and the older his qualifications, the more surplus value he has created for the society. Therefore, according to the distribution principle of "more work, more pay", he should get a higher salary.

As for workers of the same level in all walks of life, they all receive the same wages. In fact, it cannot be said to be egalitarianism.

For example, a worker working in a low-income textile factory earns the same salary as an oil worker in a high-income industry at the same level. In theory, it cannot be considered egalitarianism.Because, in a public ownership society, the means of production are owned by the whole people, and everyone has equal rights.Therefore, workers in the textile industry also have a share in the high income of the oil industry.Oil workers also contributed to the losses in the textile industry.The level salary system eliminates this difference to a certain extent and realizes equal rights in dividend distribution.

Of course, more problems appeared in the reform of state-owned enterprises. For example, the policy of "ranking seniority based on seniority" was later broken. This short-sighted and anti-traditional cultural theory eventually led to an unfair distribution system.Because, as far as all living beings are concerned, people's intelligence and abilities are actually not much different.True geniuses are a minority.Human social practice is also a source of human knowledge and ability.Therefore, "seniority ranking" is based on this social experience, the older the seniority, the richer the practical knowledge.Breaking the "priority ranking" is only meaningful to a small number of people. Therefore, it can only be judged according to the individual. Once it is a universal system, it is inconsistent with common sense.And the direct result of this thinking is the assignment according to post.The amount of post salary has nothing to do with the person's qualifications, nor with the person's knowledge. As long as you have the qualifications to work in this post, you can work in this post and get the corresponding remuneration.But this distribution system can basically be regarded as a brain-slapping decision.That's not to say that no thought was put into developing this mechanism, but that it didn't work at all.Because the difference in responsibilities between one post and another post cannot be measured, the distribution according to post becomes the distribution that only widens the gap, and has no direct relationship with the construction and development of the enterprise.As a result, instead of motivating employees of state-owned enterprises, such a distribution mechanism has dampened their enthusiasm for work, or it has only become an excuse for some people to "start small things."

And the problem of breaking the big pot of employment mechanism will have even greater social impact.The original intention of breaking the big pot of employment mechanism is to accommodate leaders who are not strong. When they are unable to lead employees and develop enterprises, they can be allowed to fire employees and "reduce staff to increase efficiency."However, survival is the most basic human right.When the society has not yet established a complete security system, making an employee of a state-owned enterprise unemployed is tantamount to saying that because he is not competitive, the society can no longer accommodate him, and he can only fend for himself.This of course creates huge social problems.Therefore, although the big pot of state-owned enterprises is broken, the big pot of social security must be established, otherwise, people will be forced to exercise natural power.

Of course, this is all for later. The problem that Xu Junran has to solve now is how to feed these hundreds of people so that they will not affect the development of Incheon County.

Seeing that the workers did not leave because of the persuasion of himself and Tan Mingfu, Xu Junran thought for a while and said, "Comrades, everyone should know me. I have been in our county for so long, have I, Xu Junran, fulfilled what I promised? I promise everyone here that as long as you leave, I promise to solve the problem of the liquor factory!"

"It's County Magistrate Xu."

"It's the county magistrate Xu from the province."

"I heard that he really did little."

"He solved the matter of the flax factory, and now everyone in the flax factory is thinking of him well."

It has to be said that Xu Junran's previous actions in Incheon County successfully allowed him to lay a very good foundation among the masses, and at this most critical moment, helped him successfully convince the workers of him.


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