Powerful and romantic

Chapter 653 The helpless county magistrate

Bai Lin looked very old. Xu Junran had carefully observed his partner, and found that Bai Lin seemed to be aging very quickly in the past year.

"Is the county magistrate okay?" Bai Lin asked calmly after glancing at Xu Junran.

He knew very well that if there was nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, it was impossible for Xu Junran, the county magistrate, to come to his office as the secretary of the county party committee for no reason. He must be looking for him for something.

Xu Junran was not polite either, and after he sat down, he told Bai Lin about He Changsheng's situation and his requests, and also told Bai Lin about the investment promotion this time, and finally said to Bai Lin very seriously: "Secretary , My idea is whether we should consider, special treatment for special circumstances, first let him enter the Beitaohua Town Development Zone for production, and then let him mobilize other businessmen to invest here. Besides, this industry can be regarded as a sunrise industry, Once it is done, an industrial chain will be formed in the future, which can stimulate the production of agricultural and sideline products in our county."

Bai Lin didn't speak for a long time, then nodded after a while and said, "Isn't this matter unnegotiable? In this way, you tell the China Merchants Bureau and make a report. Let's go to the Standing Committee for a while. If there is no problem, we can discuss it." no problem."

As soon as Xu Junran heard Bai Lin say that there was no problem, he knew that this matter was not a big problem. Bai Lin was not a fool, and he also understood that the land in Taohua Town was there. After a long time, no one would invest in it, and it would be a waste to leave it alone. Now someone is willing to invest in it, no matter what, it is a political achievement.Xu Junran is very clear that as long as Bai Lin and himself agree on this matter, even if Wang Meng has some opinions, it will not constitute a threat at the Standing Committee, and more importantly, once a resolution is formed at the Standing Committee.Even if he had an idea in his heart, he didn't dare to make any small moves in the dark. After all, the Standing Committee had already reached a resolution, and it would be a mistake to make trouble.

Thinking of this, Xu Junran nodded to Bai Lin and said, "Okay, I'll do this right now."

He was about to get up and leave when there was a knock on the door of Bai Lin's office, and then Deng Wenbing, the director of the county party committee office, walked in and saw that Xu Junran was there.He smiled and said, "I'm sorry, you two leaders continue to chat, I'll wait for a while."

Xu Junran smiled: "If there is anything to avoid, we have finished talking. Director Deng, if you have anything to say, tell Secretary Bai, and I will leave immediately."

Deng Wenbing said: "The thing I'm reporting is the petitioning of the people in Taohua Town yesterday. It's better to be in time than to come by coincidence. You just happen to be the county magistrate Xu, so why don't I report to the two leaders together!"

Bai Lin glanced at Xu Junran, and asked in surprise, "Appeal? Why petition?"

Xu Junran sneered secretly in his heart, and thought to himself, just pretend, how could you not know about such a big scene?But since Bai Lin is willing to pretend to be confused while pretending to understand.I don't want to point it out, so I pretended to be confused, and continued to say lightly: "It was yesterday morning. Hundreds of villagers from Taohua Town gathered at the gate of the county committee compound. It was all because of the demolition of Taohua Town. The matter of the dead came, asking the county party committee and the county government to uphold justice for them, asking the developer to compensate for pensions and burial expenses."

Bai Lin frowned, and said after a long while: "There are such things? Haven't we dealt with them once? County Magistrate Xu. How do you know about this?"

Xu Junran said: "I happened to pass by, so I asked about it. These people demanded 10 yuan from the demolition company. The situation was very tense at the time. Director Deng and many others were present, in order to avoid the emotional agitation of the masses and cause a bigger I agreed to their request, and these people left."

Bai Lin didn't express anything after hearing Xu Junran's words. Instead, he glanced at Deng Wenbing, who hurriedly said, "Secretary, the county magistrate, it's all because we didn't do our job properly, which is why the masses made such a fuss." Here comes the matter. After County Mayor Xu calmed down the emotions of the masses yesterday, I immediately sent comrades from the Letters and Calls Office to Taohua Town for further understanding, and negotiated with the construction company, and finally we reached an agreement. The construction company paid 5 Yuan, our government also pays 5 yuan, so the matter is settled like this.”

Xu Junran listened quietly to Deng Wenbing's words, but his brows gradually frowned. He felt that something was wrong. This matter was clearly the responsibility of the construction company, and the construction company should bear the responsibility. Why did Incheon The county party committee and the county government want to take responsibility?This is not a question of money, but also a question of responsibility. Could it be that Deng Wenbing doesn't even understand this?He was about to say this, but Bai Lin spoke just right: "How you negotiate compensation is up to you, but there is one thing you must promise me, and they won't be allowed to petition everywhere for this matter, shit It is a big matter, and it will have a very bad impact if it makes a fuss."

Deng Wenbing nodded quickly, and said like a chicken pecking rice: "Okay, yes, yes, we have told the petitioners and asked them to write a letter of guarantee that they will not petition again before cashing out their pensions."

Coming out of Bai Lin's office, Xu Junran felt very uncomfortable. He never thought that the matter of life and death was a big deal in Bai Lin's heart. He didn't know what was a big deal in his heart. ?And Deng Wenbing, the director of the county party committee office, took the abnormal action to take responsibility for the construction company. Could it be that Bai Lin really had something to do with the construction company?

But what Xu Junran never expected was that when he returned to the county magistrate's office, he was shocked by a piece of news.

"What did you say? He Changsheng left?" Xu Junran looked at Guan Bo in front of him in surprise. He was actively seeking investment for He Changsheng, but this guy actually patted his ass and left!

When Guan Bo and Liu Huaqiang reported the news to Xu Junran with wry smiles on their faces, Xu Junran was stunned for a long time before gritting his teeth and furiously said to Liu Huaqiang: "I told you before, we must do the work of He Changsheng well." , how do you work? How do you give me all the people to run away?"

Liu Huaqiang murmured and replied, "I don't know how many times I have worked for him. He promised on the surface that it was nothing, but I didn't expect that he was still brooding about the last time he was arrested."

Xu Junran couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "I managed to get through the work of Secretary Bai. The government has already agreed to his request, but he took us for a joke. This Xiangjiang people are really, the mainland is not Xiangjiang. It's not that I want to do whatever I want. It can be done! Now that it is done, don’t be too concerned about face. You have to be chic and face-saving. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Forget it, it’s going to rain, mother is going to get married, if he wants to leave, let him go It is our remote and backward area, so he is regarded as an individual. If it is changed to the southeast coastal area, there are so many small businessmen like this, who would care about him? Let alone begging grandpa and grandma to keep him like us .”

Seeing that Xu Junran's face softened a little, Guan Bo smiled and nodded, "The county magistrate is right, it's in our place."

Xu Junran thought about it.Ask Liu Huaqiang: "Did the Public Security Bureau fine him?"

Liu Huaqiang shook his head and said, "It's nothing. If I don't use your name to demand someone, the Public Security Bureau will definitely punish me severely."

Guan Bo snorted coldly and said, "If we had known this would be the result, why would we go after him?"

"Yes, yes. However, although he was not punished, the crime was enough for him. Dozens of clients were locked in a big house. There was no place to sit, some were squatting, some were standing, and the inside was smoky. It was suffocating. I managed to find him from the crowd, and after I brought him out, the director asked him to register. I said if I did the registration, why would I come here? The director got angry when he heard what I said. He didn't make a sound, so he had to obey me. It's no wonder that He Changsheng has lingering fears. Once he is arrested, it's like a flock of sheep being driven into the sheepfold. How can there be human dignity? There is nothing wrong with the county's anti-pornography campaign. It can't be too much, if the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if it is really clean 20 years ago, who will invest in you?" Liu Huaqiang also said indignantly, he felt that this He Changsheng was really It's so dishonest, to run away so quietly, it's really a waste of the county magistrate's painstaking efforts.But some measures in this county are indeed suspected of being overkill.

Xu Junran also felt that what Liu Huaqiang said was not unreasonable.On this issue, he also felt that the Public Security Bureau had gone too far.If the leaders of a region don’t give top priority to caring about people’s livelihood and economic construction, but blindly engage in image projects, or pay attention to the construction of spiritual civilization all day long, it means that this place will be destroyed. There is more and more lack of vitality, and it is definitely not possible to walk on one leg, which will inevitably lead to abnormal development of society.However, if this situation is to be reversed, it must be done by external forces, or those with greater power can change it. Otherwise, no one below can move. The scrambling in action undoubtedly contributed to the leadership's wrong decision-making.

Whether it is the image project in the county or the construction of spiritual civilization, if you say it is important, you can indeed give a lot of important reasons, and if you say it is not important, you can also find unimportant reasons.For the same thing, decision makers have different personal inclinations and different degrees of importance.Because of this, decision-makers have a huge space. In this space, if personal authority is not restricted, personal consciousness will be transformed into collective decision-making, and it will become a major decision related to local development and people's livelihood.

In fact, Xu Junran also understood that Bai Lin's proposal to create a demonstration county of spiritual civilization was out of concern for the construction of spiritual civilization in the county, but he did not consider the actual situation in the county.Like the big cities of later generations, once there are such spiritual civilization construction activities, it is necessary to increase the intensity of anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities. Generally, the Political and Legal Committee takes the lead, and the Public Security Bureau implements a comprehensive inventory of the entertainment industry. Some hotels and entertainment venues should be closed. Those who need to be closed for rectification will close their doors.The bosses of many hotels could no longer work, complained, and tens of thousands of girls were driven away. The service chain related to house rental, catering, clothing sales, and cosmetics stores was greatly affected. The merchants and hawkers also withdrew and tried to develop elsewhere.With the loss of these consumer groups, fiscal revenue has plummeted. The impact of anti-pornography and anti-illegals on the economy is obvious to all. Everyone knows it, but no one is willing to say it, because from the central government to the local government, the anti-pornography and anti-illegals campaign is to eliminate social ugliness. To have objections can only show that there is a problem with your political consciousness.

Although Xu Junran agrees with Liu Huaqiang's point of view in his heart, he still has to keep a certain distance from him on the surface, especially he cannot easily agree with him verbally.At his level, you have to be very cautious in what you say and do, and you can't take your emotions out and be a little careless.They will spread rumors, and once they reach the ears of the leaders above, he will definitely have an idea.What the people below are most afraid of is that the leader has ideas about themselves. Once you have ideas, it means that you will be put into another book.Thinking of this, he let out a long sigh, and said mockingly, "Forget it, let's go. Put up the army flag. There is a person who pays the grain. He is the one who left, and there are people who come after him."

After the matter of attracting investment came to an end, Xu Junran was very depressed.In order to win He Changsheng's entry into the development community of Taohua Town, he actively tried to win over Bai Lin.I just talked about Bai Lin's side, but He Changsheng withdrew again, which really made him feel like Zhu Bajie looked in the mirror - he felt that he was not human inside and out, he couldn't do without reporting to Bai Lin, and the report made him unable to open his mouth.

Xu Junran knew that Bai Lin did this in the spirit of Duan Shijie, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and now Duan Shijie is also engaged in the construction of spiritual civilization in the city.Bai Lin did this in Incheon County just to respond to the old leader.

In desperation, Xu Junran had no choice but to tell Mayor Bei Chaoqun the whole story as if he had the courage to bite the bullet. Unexpectedly, Bei Chaoqun said surprisingly: "This is simply nonsense. I have said it before, don't go too far They just don’t listen, and continue like this. Don’t say that new merchants are afraid to come, because they are afraid that the old ones will be difficult to retain.”

Xu Junran had long heard that Bei Chaoqun did not agree with Duan Shijie's idea of ​​creating a national spiritual civilization demonstration city.After hearing these words, I realized that he not only disagreed, but also had quite a big difference with Duan Shijie.It's no wonder that Bei Chaoqun is a local cadre and the top leader of the government. He pays more attention to economic construction and local protection.Duan Shijie is a cadre from outside and the secretary of the municipal party committee, so he pays more attention to superstructure and ideology.Xu Junran knew that as a county magistrate, it was best not to get involved in the differences between the top leaders of the party and government.Although on this issue, he was still inclined to Bei Chaoqun's idea.After hesitating for a while, Xu Junran still agreed: "The mayor is right. If this continues, the fiscal revenue this year will definitely decline."

Bei Chaoqun's face was very ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "Not only will the decline be, the extent of the decline will definitely not be small. This anti-pornography anti-violation is required by the superiors, what should be swept must be swept, and what should be beaten must also be beaten, but it cannot be passed. It’s too much, if you drive all the ladies away, who will rent your room, eat your food, buy your clothes, and live in your hotel? In this way, a whole industrial chain will be broken. Of course, this does not mean that We need to rely on pornographic services to develop the economy, but we can't make it too clean. What time is it now? Where is it not like this? Ladies also have to survive. If you drive them away, you will lose a huge consumer group. , Transferring an industrial chain to another place, even if we get the national spiritual civilization demonstration city in the future, what's the point? Isn't that empty?"

Xu Junran kept nodding his head while listening. He felt that Bei Chaoqun's words were right, and he fully agreed with these points.Prostitution and whoring are undoubtedly an ugly phenomenon in society. The government cannot let it go, but it cannot be regarded as a scourge. It is just the sand brought up in the process of social development, which will not change society and shake the great good of stability and unity. situation.

Not to mention anything else, Xu Junran is very clear that the main contradictions in the future society will be concentrated on employment issues, pension insurance issues, minimum living security issues, high housing prices, and government issues.All of these really involve the vital interests of the common people.If a prostitute and a prostitute are paraded at the same time, and the audience is allowed to spit, the first to drown is not the lady, but the corrupt official.

He used to think that he was the only one who realized the root of the problem, but Bei Chaoqun had already seen the contradiction in Duan Shijie's measures to create a national spiritual civilization demonstration city.It seems that at any one time or under any circumstances, there is never only one wise man, nor can there be only one sober one.But of course Xu Junran can't say bad things about the secretary of the municipal party committee in front of Bei Chaoqun, but he can think so. He can't express his thoughts, but he has to express his attitude, otherwise, Bei Chaoqun will definitely think that he doesn't agree with his views , Xu Junran deliberately smiled and said: "The mayor is really far-sighted and hits the nail on the head. No wonder the people below expect you to be the secretary. If you take charge of Danjiang City, it will definitely make Danjiang City develop faster."

After hearing Xu Junran's words, Bei Chaoqun smiled slightly, revealing an inscrutable smile, glanced at Xu Junran, and asked meaningfully: "I mean Comrade Xu Junran, do you think this sentence is appropriate?"

Xu Junran smiled, and sat opposite Bei Chaoqun: "Mayor, what others say may be inappropriate. There is nothing inappropriate about what I said."

After finishing speaking, he also said to Bei Chaoqun meaningfully: "We are a family, what do you think?"

Bei Chaoqun reached out and tapped on the desk a few times, then nodded lightly: "Hehe, yes, a family."


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