Powerful and romantic

Chapter 66 Men and Women

(' "You can take it as a dream."

"I know you are worried that I will pester you. Don't worry, I know who I am. I have a bad reputation. Few people in the county think highly of me. I won't drag you down. No matter what happens in the future, I will Stay honestly in Pengfei City, and I won't embarrass you."

In the early morning, the words that were obviously heartbroken but deliberately considered not to make him have bad thoughts were like the sunlight shining on his face. It might be uncomfortable at the beginning, but it made Xu Junran feel very comfortable. Quickly feel the warmth contained in it.

Slowly lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling above his head, his eyes lightly swept over the woman curled up in his arms, he believed that if it was not driven by the impulse of alcohol, neither she nor himself would have committed the crime of last night. that kind of error.

Maybe Xu Junran can strategize in politics, but in terms of emotions, his experience is really poor.All he can do is try his best to make everyone around him happy, and do his best to make every woman who walks into his life happy.

Lin Yuqing's sleeping posture is not good-looking, hanging on Xu Junran's body like a koala, her hands and feet are pressed on the man's body, as if she is afraid of losing this man, her head rests on the man's shoulder, Long loose hair covered her face.

Xu Junran knew that this woman really slept peacefully, because she said on the way to the capital that she was a person who was afraid of being alone and liked to sleep curled up.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Xu Junran carefully picked up his fingers, and gently drew circles on the woman's smooth shoulders.

"Move again, believe it or not, I will bite you?" Lin Yuqing didn't open her eyes, but changed into a more comfortable position, and then slowly uttered a surprising sentence from her mouth.

Xu Junran was stunned for a moment. It's like when you have a closer relationship with a person, and then you expect to have a deeper communication with her, but you suddenly find that the other person has a side that you don't know. How could he She didn't expect that Lin Yuqing, who seemed to be full of vigor and femininity, would actually have such a vigor to wake up.

"Don't you think our posture is a bit inappropriate?"

Xu Junran's deep voice made the woman in his arms open her eyes again, but before he could continue to say the second sentence, the woman stretched out her hand and pulled up the quilt, covering both of them inside.Obviously, she hasn't had enough sleep yet.

And all of this was caused by some bastard who begged her four times last night and kept "farming" until two or three o'clock in the morning.

Now Lin Yuqing doesn't want to say anything, she just wants to have a good sleep.

However, she obviously underestimated the concentration of a man whose desire was provoked after being suppressed for decades, in the face of a stunner who makes people's blood pumping.

For Xu Junran, since someone is willing to bury both of their bodies under the quilt, of course he will not refuse to leave his light kiss on the fair skin that he kissed countless times last night, even though this light kiss may be It will make the woman on her body a little reluctant.

He twisted his body impatiently, the woman seemed to dislike such contact very much.

Xu Junran lowered his head, leaned close to the woman's ear and said softly, "Just now, you seemed to say you were going to bite me?"

Lin Yuqing calmly answered his question without even raising her eyelids: "Yes!"

Obviously, she is not even in the mood to talk to Xu Junran now.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't even have the strength to raise her hand now, she would definitely have kicked this good-looking little man out of bed.

Xu Junran obviously knew that he would not receive any effective resistance, so he touched the woman's head with his chin, and the other hand simply stroked the woman's smooth and fair skin even more excessively, and said with a smile in his mouth: "You Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuqing did not resist, but slowly raised her head, frowning slightly, and tried her best to resist the evil hand that gradually brought her to the brink of collapse.

The two looked at each other, and Xu Junran actually saw a trace of grievance in those beautiful eyes.

Could it be that she was really angry?

After all, it was her first time. Although both of them drank alcohol, in this day and age, when a woman sleeps with a man, it means entrusting her whole life to this man.However, both of them knew that there was probably no result between them.


After being stunned for a while, Xu Junran could only utter these three words.

If you do something wrong, you must apologize and make up for it. This is an eternal truth.

Unfortunately, he didn't get an answer.

Lin Yuqing just glanced at Xu Junran, then rested her head on his chest without saying a word.

Xu Junran was stunned.

Could it be that she is really angry?

"I'm sorry, I know it was my fault yesterday, and I will take responsibility." Xu Junran said again.

Lin Yuqing trembled slightly when she heard these words, and then said in a low voice, "I didn't ask you to be responsible."

Xu Junran was a little at a loss, if a woman is occupied by you, especially when this consciousness is not as open as it is decades later, but she just tells you that she doesn't need you to be responsible, change it to any man I'm afraid they won't be happy.What's more, this woman is obviously the first time.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Xu Junran even stopped the movement of his other hand on Lin Yuqing's body, and asked seriously.

He is not the kind of irresponsible man. Now that a relationship has occurred, he must be responsible to the end. No matter whether this happened by accident or because of other things, this is a man's responsibility and there is no way to escape it. Did not intend to escape.

"What should I do? I asked you, and I said no, why didn't you stop?" The woman snorted dissatisfied, but asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

Xu Junran was stunned, and immediately understood what was going on.

Lin Yuqing was complaining that she asked for too much last night?

Barely controlling his expression, not letting himself spoil the serious atmosphere with laughter, Xu Junran still couldn't help but said: "Haven't you heard that when a woman says no, she always does it? What's more, I see that you seem to be enjoying it very much, thinking that you like me to come again two times."


Lin Yuqing immediately became dissatisfied, and snorted coquettishly: "I won't even let my sister off, let others do such a shameful thing, I won't eat popsicles until I die."

Xu Junran smiled, as if thinking of something lovely, the hand that had stopped moved again, and the other hand gently raised the woman's head, stared into her eyes, and said seriously and affectionately: "Since If you have the first time, you don't care about the second time, right?"

Turning Xu Junran's eyes blankly, Lin Yuqing lowered her head, and Xu Junran let out a contented groan after a flutter in the quilt.

Sometimes, once you start, you can't stop.

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