Powerful and romantic

Chapter 663 Trouble

Human affection has several different meanings in Chinese culture.First, human feelings refer to the emotional reactions that individuals may have when they encounter various life situations.The second is that human affection refers to a resource that can be used as a gift when people conduct social transactions with each other.And third, human feelings refer to the social norms of how people should get along with each other in Chinese society.

In fact, Xu Junran also understood that if he made this call to Guan Bo, he would definitely owe him a favor.

And he understands better that Guan Bo is very happy to give him this favor.

One of the main motivations that prompt a Huaxia person to "be human" to others is his expectation of others' return.In a culture that pays attention to "the kindness of a drop of water should be reciprocated by the fountain", when the resource master bestows favors on others, although he can expect that the recipients will eventually reciprocate as soon as they have the opportunity.However, since favors are difficult to measure with objective standards, not only is the time for the other party to repay in the foreseeable future, but also the way the other party will reciprocate is also difficult to predict.Therefore, the resource dominator can only estimate the return he may make according to the power of the other party.The higher the opponent's status, the greater the power, and the more resources he has, the wider the level of return he may have, and the richer the way of return.Conversely, the lower the opponent's status, the less power, and the fewer resources he has, the more limited the possible returns he can make.

In China's relationship-oriented society, the social relationship owned by individuals is also a very important power.When resource dominators consider whether to give each other "favors", in addition to considering the price they pay and the possible rewards of the other party, they often also consider: Who are the people in the other party's network?How much influence do these characters have on you?If the other party "makes friends with all the dignitaries, and they have nothing to do with each other", and these dignitaries have direct influence on themselves, after considering their possible responses, the resource master may "see the Buddha's face instead of the monk's face."Agree to the other party's request; otherwise, the resource master is likely to reject his pleading.

All in all, resource dominators often consider the price they have to pay and various expected gains and losses when faced with a dilemma of favor, and weigh the pros and cons to decide whether to "be a favor" to give to the other party.If the price he has to pay is certain, and the person who appeals to him has a lot of power and a good relationship, the resource master does not care whether he is benevolent to the other party.Or reject the other party, and the absolute value of the expected return is far greater than the price paid, then he is likely to accept the other party's request.On the contrary, he is likely to reject the other party's request.In Chinese society, people who have no power, no power, and no social connections.When frustrated, I often lament that "the world is cold" and "humanity is as thin as paper", and this is the reason.

"County Guan, it's like this. I have a friend's relative who sells vegetables in our county vegetable market. I would like to ask you to help me find a stall near the vegetable market for them."

Xu Junran thought about it.Said to Guan Bo.

Rather than asking Guan Bo to investigate those illegal industrial and commercial office cadres with great fanfare, it is better to provide the Daniel couple with a stable source of income. After all, for them, good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil.Far less important than the fact that you can eat yourself.

Guan Bo was surprised that Xu Junran would call him to ask him to do something, so he nodded and smiled quickly: "Okay, then, I'll say hello to the Industrial and Commercial Office. County magistrate, ask that relative to go to the leader of the Industrial and Commercial Office and report my name Just do it."

Xu Junran nodded: "I'm sorry for the trouble, County Magistrate Guan."

Put down the phone.The two sighed at the same time, and couldn't help shaking their heads and laughing bitterly.

The power and status of the requester in the eyes of the resource dominator will affect whether the latter is willing to allocate the resources he owns in favor of the requester. Therefore, when individuals communicate with other people in their network, they often pay special attention to "Face" and "face effort".From the perspective of social psychology, the so-called "face" refers to the social status or prestige gained by individuals in society; An individual's deliberate behavior to show others in order to make others have a certain impression of himself.

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In Chinese society, an individual's social relationship is one of the important factors that determine an individual's social status.A society that pays attention to the law of human relations must be a relationship-oriented society.People not only judge the power of an individual based on his own attributes and the resources he can control, but also further consider the relationship network he belongs to.The larger a person's social network and the more powerful people in it, the greater his image of power in the eyes of others.Therefore, in Chinese society, we can not only see many people showing off their wealth, knowledge, status and other symbols of power with background, clothing, appearance, and behavior; we can also see some people showing off their interpersonal relationships.These are the so-called "face-saving efforts".

Xu Junran naturally disdains doing that kind of face-saving effort.For him, helping Daniel is just a trivial matter.

Guan Bo is the executive deputy county magistrate, and Xu Junran is very clear about the ambitions of this deputy county magistrate who was dispatched from the province.

As for Xu Junran, he has the confidence to control everything in his own hands.

When eating in the evening, Xu Junran specially asked Aunt Zhang to call Daniel and Xiaohua to his place for dinner. According to the seniority in the village, they were called Aunt Zhang, and he was also called Uncle after Niu Niu.Although they are about the same age, but their seniority is there, and Xu Junran's mental age has already passed his forties, so he naturally takes it for granted.

Niuniu sat beside Xu Junran with a smile on her face, eating the food that Xu Junran gave her, looking very happy.

Xu Junran looked at Daniel and said slowly: "Don't worry, things are not as bad as you think. Let Mrs. Zhang follow you tomorrow to get the vegetables and the car back."

Xiao Hua sobbed and said, "It's useless to come back. The vegetables that were confiscated by them last time were never brought back. Today's confiscated truckload of vegetables must have been taken home by those people."

While talking, thinking of the vegetables that she and her husband worked so hard to make, she couldn't help but said bitterly: "That's the autumn vegetables that Daniel and I worked so hard to save, and they're all gone now..."

Xu Junran's expression changed, and he felt a little heavy. He ate a few bites hastily, put down his chopsticks, and walked out.Mrs. Zhang couldn't help complaining to Xiaohua, "Crying. Crying, you know how to cry, and you lose your appetite. You..." You wanted to scold her again, but seeing her aggrieved appearance, she finally sighed and didn't go any further. Next say.

She never dared to tell these two people about Xu Junran's identity, she just said that she is now a nanny for others, and this is the male master of the family.

Mrs. Zhang is already 36 and seven years old.It's not good-looking, and an old lady in the countryside. After seeing the big cow and the little flower hanging on the wall in Xu Junran's house, he and Lin Yuqing took a photo together. Naturally, he would not suspect what the two of them had, and speculate about some people in the village with ulterior motives.Only now did they realize that it was all envy and jealousy. The life that this aunt lived was almost like a palace.

If Mrs. Zhang was just an ordinary rural woman, she would still retain her simple and kind heart from the countryside after she went to the city to work as Xu Junran's nanny.In her thoughts, county magistrate Xu and Miss Lin gave her family the happy life they have now.Then he can't cause trouble for magistrate Xu.

Therefore, when Daniel asked her if there was any way to solve the current troubles, she hesitated for a long time.

However, what Xu Junran said at the dinner table.Aunt Zhang gained confidence all of a sudden, and she said to the big cows: "Tomorrow, let's find a few more people and go get the vegetables back together, and ask the leader of the Industry and Commerce Bureau for an explanation!"

did not expect.Three days later, Daniel came to Mrs. Zhang.He told her that he had already contacted several farmers whose vegetable carts had been confiscated, and went to the county industrial and commercial bureau together to discuss the matter.

Aunt Zhang had no choice but to follow the crowd to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

It is impossible for a group of farmers to enter the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Judging by their attire, they do not look like big shots, so before entering the gate of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, a few uniformed security guards came out of the guard room to stop them down.

"What are you doing?" The security guard asked a group of farmers in a bad tone.

Daniu mustered up the courage to say what he wanted, showing that his group of people came to get back their vegetable cart.

The leader of the security guards was a tall, thin man with a pockmarked face, who looked very fierce. After hearing what Daniel said, he said coldly: "Get out of here! Don't even look at this place? I know you are now called What kind of behavior? It’s called besieging government agencies! Everyone is stupid. If you dare to act wild here, you will be arrested and thrown into the game!”

A large group of farmers looked at each other, and no one dared to speak. For them, this matter seemed to be different from what they had imagined.

Xiaohua also hesitated a bit, pulled Auntie Zhang's sleeve and said, "Auntie, let's go home."

Seeing the arrogance of those security guards, Mrs. Zhang remembered what the county magistrate had said last time that farmers should protect their legitimate rights and interests, and suddenly became energetic.She has been working as a nanny for Xu Junran's family for the past six months, and has met many leaders of various departments in the county. Which of these people is not polite to her?After all, the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's gate, even if he is a nanny, is also the nanny of the county magistrate's family. Today, he was reprimanded by a few guards and security guards. In front of the folks, Mrs. Zhang couldn't hold her face any longer. She walked to the front of the crowd, pointed at the tall guard and said, "I asked you to come out as a leader. We are reporting problems. Don't take a big hat on us. Tell us You, you can't scare anyone!"

"Hey! You're still a pretty boss!"

The tall security guard grinned, glanced at Mrs. Zhang, waved his hand as if chasing flies, and said, "Hurry up, get out of here, I'll catch you and take you to the police station later."

At this time, there are mature and prudent people who feel that being seen by others after a long time will not affect them well.Persuading: "Everyone go back first, and report problems through normal channels. You can't block government agencies."

The tall security guard glanced at Xiao Hua in the crowd, pointed at Xiao Hua with a smile and said, "Otherwise, let that big girl report to us, and report separately."

At this moment, the big bull in the crowd roared, rushed in front of the tall man, punched him in the face, and cursed in his mouth: "Dare to moles my wife, I will kill you, you bastard!" !"

The tall man yelled and was knocked down to the ground.

The security guards saw that their own people had suffered a loss, and immediately rushed towards the big cow. The vegetable farmers here also panicked, and the young ones also rushed forward, and a large group of people scuffled together.

This trouble.It alarmed the people in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and several uniformed people ran over from a distance, and Xiao Hua yelled in fright: "Da Niu, run quickly."

Daniel was throwing a security guard who was holding him to the ground, when he heard this, he shouted at Aunt Zhang: "Auntie, hurry up!"

Just as the commotion was raging, a car beeped behind the vegetable farmers. Xiao Hua glanced back, then grabbed Mrs. Zhang's hand in amazement and said, "Auntie. Uncle, why is Uncle Xu sitting in a car?" ah?"

Mrs. Zhang was stunned when she heard these words, and when she turned her head away, she found that Xu Junran had already got off the car and was looking at this side with a cold face.

Seeing Xu Junran looking towards him.Mrs. Zhang blushed immediately, but she became scared in her heart, fearing that county magistrate Xu would get angry because of her meddling in these matters and fire herself.

The few people who came out of the Industry and Commerce Bureau didn't pay attention to the cars behind the farmers, they shouted loudly at the farmers, and finally a few security guards pushed down Daniel, and the tall man who was punched by him was out of breath, regardless of the crowds around the compound. Full of onlookers.Pipa slapped Daniel twice, and cursed loudly: "Bastard, if you dare to beat me, I will make you squat in the fence for ten years."

Liu Huaqiang also got out of the car at this time.Seeing the expression on County Magistrate Xu's face almost as if it was raining, my heart suddenly jumped.He had a good relationship with Wang Hai, director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. The two of them had a classmate record in the county party school for a period of time, but Liu Huaqiang hadn't reached his current status at that time.As his status in the county continued to rise, his relationship with Wang Hai naturally became better and better.

Seeing that Xu Junran didn't intend to enter the door.Liu Huaqiang knew that the county magistrate Xu was angry, so he quickly walked up to the officials of the industry and commerce bureau and said loudly: "Call your bureau chief, the county magistrate Xu is here to inspect the work!"

In a word, everyone was stunned.

The security guards of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau who were showing off their power and beating people just now were dumbfounded, and the staff who were shouting and cursing at the farmers were also dumbfounded.

It was only at this time that they noticed that at some point, the No. [-] car of the county party committee had already parked at the gate of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

"Xu, county magistrate Xu!" Someone spat out these words, but his face was already pale.

Xu Junran snorted coldly, glanced at the people in the Industry and Commerce Bureau, and said coldly to Liu Huaqiang: "Old Liu, let's go back."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and got into the car without hesitation at all.

Seeing this, Liu Huaqiang sighed, knowing that Xu Junran was really angry this time, he shook his head at several people who recognized him at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, turned around and went back into the car.The car started and left the county industrial and commercial bureau directly.

When Wang Hai, director of the county industrial and commercial bureau, came to the door, he was about to cry!

The more he reaches a certain level, the more he understands how power works differently on different people.

Not to mention anything else, County Mayor Xu was pissed off, let alone the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, even Zhang Xibin, a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Director of the County Public Security Bureau, did he criticize himself on the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee this morning?

So at this moment, Wang Hai's face was extremely livid. Looking at the people watching the excitement around him, as well as those people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, he couldn't help shouting loudly to the security guard: "What the hell are you doing in a daze? When do you think this is? Do you dare to arrest the masses? Let me let them go! Let them go!"

As he spoke, he pointed at the tall man and cursed: "Apologize immediately! If I don't forgive you, get out of here!"

After saying these words, he put on an amiable face and said to farmers like Da Niu and Xiao Hua: "Folks, I'm sorry to make you wronged. Now, let's go inside and say what's the matter And requests, everyone can ask me.”

For the current plan, we had to stabilize these farmers first, otherwise, once county magistrate Xu asked about this matter, if he couldn't answer well, he might cause big trouble.After all, for Xu Junran, the county magistrate with background in the provincial capital, many cadres in Incheon County fear him even more than Bai Lin, the county party secretary.

Xiao Hua followed behind the crowd and asked Mrs. Zhang, "Auntie, Uncle Xu, are you a senior official?"

Mrs. Zhang nodded lightly and made a small gesture, but her heart was pounding. She didn't know whether the county magistrate would be angry at her for meddling in these matters.

Wang Hai kindly listened to the opinions of the farmers, and criticized him for his lack of meticulousness in his work.Although the Industrial and Commercial Bureau is its own system.But if the county party committee really wants to deal with the leaders of the county industry and commerce bureau, the city bureau will still respect the opinions of the local party committee.Not to mention the evaluation of the local party committee is an important consideration in promotion and transfer within the system.

Xu Junran didn't say anything either. After listening to his report, when he talked about those outside the door where those beating people had already been warned and punished, Xu Junran frowned slightly: "Just a warning?"

Wang Hai's complexion changed, and he said hastily: "The warning is only a preliminary punishment. We are still investigating their other mistakes. If more serious mistakes are found, they will be directly expelled if necessary, and handed over to the judiciary for accountability."

At this moment, he didn't care about the relatives of the leaders of the bureau among the security guards. If anyone had any objections, he could come to county magistrate Xu and discuss it.

Xu Junran nodded and said: "Although the peasants did it first, the reason is also because of your rough working attitude, which caused extremely bad influences afterwards. Now the task is to eliminate the bad influences. As for how to deal with it, it's up to you, Director Wang. Decided." Xu Junran originally wanted to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to meet Director Wang and talk about the issues involving farmers in the surrounding areas in the law enforcement. That's all, the only way is to ask those involved to pay more medical expenses to the farmers and settle the matter, otherwise, if county magistrate Xu really misses it, even the gods will not be able to save him.

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