Powerful and romantic

Chapter 676 Trouble is coming!

Director He met with several bosses whom Chang Xian introduced, and reached several cooperation agreements. After a busy day, Xu Junran didn't have time to rest until evening.

However, instead of returning to the Provincial Office, he returned to Xie Meijuan's residence in the provincial capital.

For her own affairs, Xie Meijuan is also very concerned about the investment promotion activities in Incheon County, because this is a major event related to Xu Junran's future development.

"How is it? Today's situation is okay?" Xie Meijuan asked Xu Junran, reaching out to hand a cup of hot tea to Xu Junran who had just sat down.

Xu Junran reached out to take the teacup, nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, to be honest, I didn't expect to attract so many people to come and see. Most of the idle land in our county has been contracted out these days. They were all frightened by the contract money."

Xie Meijuan laughed and said, "This is a good thing, it shows that this policy of your Incheon County is very popular."

Xu Junran nodded: "Yes, we must have foresight in everything we do, at least we must be fully prepared. The household contract responsibility system is a good policy. As long as we can give full play to our subjective initiative, we will We can do this well. I think many of the investors this time participated with the idea of ​​giving it a try. What we need to do in the future is to find ways to keep these people in Incheon.”

Unlike other people who only see the good situation, Xu Junran has been thinking about a problem. Land contracting is a fluid job. It is not a one-off lease, but to let the leased land in turn promote the development of the countryside. He hopes that people from these provincial cities can bring some new and advanced knowledge and technology to the countryside.

Xie Meijuan nodded with a smile and said: "I think you are thinking too much. First of all, Incheon County provides them with an opportunity to start their own business. Whether it succeeds or not is their business. Even if it fails, it is for them There is no such thing as hurting muscles and bones. After all, the provincial capital is different from the impoverished areas in Incheon County. People in the provincial capital spend tens of thousands of dollars on business, which does not affect the lives of many people. However, the people in Incheon County If the peasants can get a few hundred yuan and give the whole family hope of survival, it will be considered as a helping hand to the poor."

Xu Junran was taken aback when he heard Xie Meijuan's words.Then he laughed, nodded and said: "It seems that Director Xie has improved after working in the provincial capital. This level is good, and he is better than me. I didn't expect this. You can."

Xie Meijuan blushed slightly, stretched out her hand to knock Xu Junran and said, "You just like to talk nonsense."

Xu Junran put his arms around Xie Meijuan and said, "I'm serious, you can see so deeply, which shows that you really understand my thoughts. Incheon County is too poor, tens of dollars. Even a few dollars for every Every farmer is very important. Don't look at our land contract is only a dozen yuan per mu, but if the money is allocated to the farmers, it will really have a huge impact on their families. Don't say that they may enter the contractor's pocket The income from working on the land, I hope that in addition to the income from land contracting, farmers will be trained again. Let them have certain skills to become workers, and their family conditions will be improved a little by then. .”

Xie Qingyan understood what Xu Junran meant. Since she came to work in the provincial capital, her knowledge has increased a lot, and she understands that many things cannot be considered as she did when she was in Fule County.

Smiling, she said to Xu Junran: "I think you, Incheon County, should think about other ways. You don't have to rely on the land to make a living, but you can also develop other things."

Xu Junran nodded approvingly: "For the farmers in Incheon County, the most important thing at present is to get out of poverty alleviation funds. Only by being able to support themselves can we continue to develop our investment promotion work. I have also designed a lot of projects , such as the cultivation of agricultural and sideline products, etc., if it develops, it can lead to an industrial chain, and a large number of people can benefit from it. For example, if the industrial chain of tourism, processing industry, and native product processing industry is formed, it can bring farmers In addition, the construction of large-scale enterprises such as smelting and foundry should be accelerated, and all aspects of work should be worked together. I believe that the economic level of Incheon County can be greatly improved. I plan to remove poverty-stricken counties within the next year Hats, there's still a lot of work to do."

"Hehe, you are so powerful, you can definitely do it."

Xie Meijuan said to Xu Junran with a coquettish smile, in her heart, Xu Junran is an omnipotent existence, as long as he wants to do, there is nothing he cannot do.

At the same time, in the compound of the Songhe Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is holding an enlarged meeting.

Zhu Huan, the vice-governor in charge of attracting investment, held a stack of documents in his hand, and said to other members of the Standing Committee: "This year, our Investment Expo is generally very good, and all cities have achieved good results, especially in Danjiang City. , their Incheon County has come up with a land contract policy. According to what we have obtained, this practice of contracting large areas of land has been highly praised by investors. In the past few days, it has reached a Multi-million dollar lease contracts."

In fact, some other leaders of the Songhe Provincial Party Committee already knew about this matter. The leader of the Provincial Party Committee glanced at the people around him and asked indifferently: "This matter is not bad, Governor Fang, what do you think?"

Fang Zhongyuan, who had been silent all this time, smiled. Of course, he had heard Xu Junran's report on this matter a long time ago. He glanced at the leader, and he could vaguely guess what the secretary was thinking. The struggle of class liberalization ideas has been debated endlessly. Since the matter of Incheon County started from the land, it is a relatively new way. It is estimated that the secretary also turned a blind eye to it in his heart.

With a chuckle, Fang Zhongyuan asked Zhu Huan, "Comrade Zhu Huan, do you think there are any pros and cons to this land contract?"

Zhu Huan is a very interesting existence in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. He has a good relationship with the top leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and the Governor. He is probably a centrist.At the provincial and ministerial level, although the imprint of factions is obvious, in many cases, everyone's actions are far less clear-cut than those at the grassroots level.The reason is very simple. After all, they are all big shots who have reached a certain level. Whoever does not have the support of top bosses, if the fish dies and the net is torn apart, it will not benefit anyone.

political matters.Compromise and exchange have always been the mainstream, and struggle is just a way to gain benefits.

When Zhu Huan heard Fang Zhongyuan's question, he was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "In the long run, this is indeed a way to attract investment. The hot investment attraction situation in Incheon County has proved it. We can use this method to Attract idle funds from society."

He's not stupid.The relationship between Xu Junran and Fang Zhongyuan in Incheon County is not a secret in the province. Tan Xin was warned by Zhu Huan that day. How could Zhu Huan himself take the initiative to speak ill of Xu Junran at this time and make the governor resent him? Woolen cloth.

What's more, judging from the meaning of the head of the provincial party committee, it seems that there is no intention to hold anyone accountable, and he clearly agrees.

Sure enough, the leader listened to Zhu Huan's words, smiled and said: "The central government has no clear policy on this matter. But since it is derived from the household contract responsibility system, it is still in line with the requirements of the superior. So my opinion It is because we do not express our position for the time being, neither support nor oppose, let nature take its course, and let practice test this matter. What do you think?"

Fang Zhongyuan nodded and said: "I think it's okay, let's just use Incheon County as a pilot and let them toss around to see if they can come up with something famous. After all, our province is lagging behind in the development of reform and opening up. Brothers have a lot of provinces."

Several other members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee nodded one after another. After all, they have reached their level of being officials.Not only should they consider the interests of their own faction, but they should also consider how to develop the local economy. Otherwise, after the term expires, they will leave a devastated place and they will not be able to afford to lose that person.

Songhe Province itself is a relatively backward province. Compared with the coastal areas, its economic development is far behind those developed areas. If it cannot seize all opportunities for development and develop, it will be difficult to catch up with other areas in the future. It was even more difficult.

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee in charge of propaganda work hesitated and asked, "What instructions does the secretary have for the propaganda work?"

The secretary smiled and looked at Fang Zhongyuan: "Governor, what's your opinion?"

Fang Zhongyuan was very calm: "Since I don't support or oppose it, I just let nature take its course. Didn't it allow a hundred schools of thought to contend and let a hundred flowers bloom? Our province should also have such a mind when it comes to economic development, allowing the comrades below Figure out your own way."

The secretary nodded: "Yes, this formulation is good."

The first and second leaders have no objections, and the other members of the Standing Committee will not jump out and sing against the two leaders without knowing the taste. Soon this matter is settled like this.

There is a reason for the Minister of Propaganda to ask this question. Recently, provincial TV stations, radio stations, and newspapers have sent requests to interview about this matter in Incheon County. If you don't agree, now, it should be no problem.

In fact, the propaganda department Yu Xu Junran is also very interested in this matter, especially the news media, who have long wanted to report on this topic that the citizens are most concerned about.

In the past two days, many wealthy people in the province would ask, "Do you plan to invest in Incheon?"

Looking at the sums of money, the people in Incheon County who came to attract investment were surprised. Such a large amount has never been done before in Incheon County's finances. Except for the poverty alleviation funds received every year, this is the largest an income.

For the matter of the money, Xu Junran specifically explained to Liu Chang, the head of the county finance bureau, that no one is allowed to embezzle even a penny. The money is all the income from the farmers renting land, and they must be distributed to the farmers. hands.Even if Bai Lin, secretary of the county party committee, wanted to use the money, he couldn't do it.Xu Junran has made up his mind that the money will be handed over to the masses.

With the deepening of the Investment Promotion Expo, the investment promotion group in Incheon County has now become the focus. They have to do a lot of explaining work every day, and many people's voices are hoarse. There are a lot of people who contract the situation, and it makes her very excited every day.

Different from the bustling booth in Incheon County, the investment promotion and negotiation work in other counties of Danjiang City was not satisfactory. It's a headache. When I came to attract investment this time, the city has high hopes for many projects. In order to participate in the investment promotion expo, Danjiang City allocated a large amount of funds for preparation work.It's been the fifth day, but I haven't had a decent result yet.

Just as he was thinking about something, Mayor Bei Chaoqun called: "Comrade Tan Xin, how is the situation of the China Merchants Fair?"

"Mayor Bei, there is no progress. There are only two small projects with more than [-] yuan signed. There is no progress in the big projects." Tan Xin had no choice but to tell the truth.

"What happened. You have to take it seriously! By the way, isn't the situation in Incheon County very good? I have answered a lot of calls from the province, and they are all asking about this. I heard that Incheon County Bian even the deputy county magistrate went to the battle to give an explanation in person, and this matter can be regarded as an achievement of our city. After returning, the municipal party committee will listen to the report on the situation of this investment fair." Speaking of this, Bei Chaoqun said meaningfully: "Tan Comrade Xin, the opinions in the province are neither for nor against, you have to understand it carefully."

After hanging up the phone, Tan Xin frowned. It's hard to understand whether she supports or disagrees. It's hard to say whether she agrees or disagrees.She started to have a headache about this matter.

"County magistrate, something has happened!"

Xu Junran was sitting and resting in the lounge when Liu Huaqiang came in with a nervous expression holding a newspaper.

Frowning, Xu Junran said in a deep voice: "Why panic, the sky is falling and there is a tall man holding it up, look at you. You don't look like an office director at all!"

With a wry smile on his face, Liu Huaqiang didn't care about Xu Junran's scolding at all, and said helplessly, "County magistrate, take a look at this."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and handed Xu Junran the newspaper he was holding just now.

Xu Junran felt a little surprised in his heart, he knew Liu Huaqiang's character, although he was a little timid.But it is still reliable at critical moments, otherwise I would not be able to entrust him with important responsibilities, but now I am in such a panic, it seems that something in this newspaper must have touched Liu Huaqiang's nerves.

After taking the newspaper and looking at it, Xu Junran frowned all of a sudden.

This is a newspaper in the capital of Huaxia. The name is very simple. It is called "Beware of the Landlord Class's Counter-offensive Reckoning". , criticized the land contracting in Incheon County, and believed that it was a retrogression of history. The land that had been allocated to farmers was once again contracted to a large number of individuals, and then these people hired farmers to work. This is clearly The landlord class revived again.

Because it is a newspaper in the capital, it naturally aroused Liu Huaqiang's nervousness. After all, compared with the big newspapers in the capital, Incheon County is too small. Stinky Incheon County was finally established.

"Hmph, it's really boring."

Xu Junran quickly finished reading the newspaper, snorted and threw the newspaper on the coffee table in front of him: "These people are really courting death!"

In his view, this is clearly someone who intends to make irresponsible remarks on reform and opening up through his own affairs. There are a lot of purposes, and I am afraid that the ultimate goal is still aimed at the matter of reform and opening up.

This can be seen from the editor's note above.

"County magistrate, what, what should we do about this?" Liu Huaqiang said to Xu Junran with a wry smile.He was really a little anxious. After all, this matter has gone to the capital. For the cadres of Incheon County, the capital is a place that is out of reach. This kind of bad thing, if any big leader in the capital reads the newspaper and is dissatisfied with the work in Incheon County, he can make a phone call and let all these people go home to farm.

Xu Junran showed a smile, comforted Liu Huaqiang and said, "You, don't worry so much, it's nothing serious."

"But..." Liu Huaqiang wanted to say something, but Xu Junran gave him a stare: "It's not that exaggerated, please calm down."

Xu Junran understands Liu Huaqiang's worries. After all, he has worked at the grassroots level all his life. In his eyes, the biggest officials he has ever seen are the mayor or the secretary of the municipal party committee. In his eyes, every high-ranking official in the capital cannot be offended. Now being named and criticized by major newspapers in the capital, in Liu Huaqiang's view, it is undoubtedly a disaster.

It is estimated that Liu Huaqiang is not the only one, but other people who know the news should be a little restless.

Xu Junran's fingers tapped lightly on the coffee table, but he began to analyze in his heart. Who exactly wanted to make a fuss about this matter? Don't they know that doing this against themselves is tantamount to provoking a certain senior in the capital? dude?

Or, some changes have taken place in a certain situation in the capital at this time, and the conservative forces are preparing to formally wage war on the reformers?

He had to think about it. Now is a very critical time. The end of the 80s is like the darkness before dawn. The reform and opening up encountered the greatest resistance. This resistance comes not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Many people do not understand the reform. , making them a rather powerful alliance.

Perhaps, today is a start!

Xu Junran's eyes suddenly became sharp.


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