Powerful and romantic

Chapter 684 The Difference Between Humans and Beasts

Xu Junran is not familiar with Dong Wenbin, but once when he was having dinner with Chen Xingrui, he met Governor Dong. Then the deputy governor.

When he got up the next morning, Xu Junran looked through his phone book, found the number of Dong Wenbin's office and dialed it.

This is what I asked for from Fang Zhongyuan a few days ago.

Dong Wenbin's secretary is called Wu Yin. He feels that he has become very busy these days. Originally, there were not many people coming and going in Governor Dong's office. Unexpectedly, he has received more and more calls in the past two days. , Many people came here specifically to inquire about the reservoir.

He was even more surprised when he received Xu Junran's call, because Governor Dong seldom told others the phone number of his office. Except for a few leaders of the provincial party committee, most calls were made to his secretary's office, but Today, the governor went to a meeting and cleaned his office. Unexpectedly, the phone rang anyway. Could it be the leader of the province?

But today is the expanded meeting of the Provincial Party Committee, and the leaders have all gone to the meeting.

Thinking of this, Wu Yin still picked up the phone: "Hello, who are you?"

Xu Junran was also taken aback on the phone. He didn't expect that it wasn't Dong Wenbin who answered the phone. The voice should be the secretary. He smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Xu Junran, the magistrate of Renchuan County, Danjiang City. I want to talk to Dong Sheng long."

Since he wanted something from others, Xu Junran's posture was very low. As the saying goes, the king of hell is easy to see, but the little devil is hard to deal with.This secretary is not someone who can be easily offended.What's more, as the secretary of a deputy provincial leader, Xu Junran didn't want the other party to feel that he was domineering.

"Xu Junran?" When Wu Yin heard this name, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed immediately.He has an excellent memory. Generally, Wu Yin will firmly remember the name and position of someone he has met once. After all, no one in the officialdom can predict his future. Maybe he just met today.It will become an opportunity for tomorrow's cooperation.Wu Yin is no stranger to the name Xu Junran. When Chen Xingrui was still in Songhe Province, once a few leaders of the province were having dinner outside. It happened that Xu Junran came to the provincial capital for business. Chen Xingrui called Xu Junran over. At that time, Wu Yin Because I met Xu Junran once.What impressed him the most was Governor Chen's secretary Zhang Zhongjian's enthusiasm for Xu Junran.

For Wu Yin, Zhang Zhongjian is undoubtedly a model in the minds of those who are secretaries of leading cadres in Songhe Province.A pen from the provincial government.In the eyes of many people, the growth of Zhang Zhongjian, the deputy director of the General Office of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, is a story that can be written into a novel.

certainly.Zhang Zhongjian's eyes are higher than the top, and he is also famous in the province.It was the first time Wu Yin saw him being so enthusiastic about a county-level cadre.

So Wu Yin had an immediate impression of the name Xu Junran.

Later he heard that this Xu Junran had a good relationship with Governor Chen and the current Governor Fang, and he was a very powerful character.Now I heard that it was Xu Junran who called. For the sake of the two Governors, he felt that Governor Dong would definitely take this call seriously.Thinking of this, Wu Yin said in a low voice: "Hello County Mayor Xu, Governor Dong is currently having a meeting with the Provincial Party Committee. I will report to him when he comes back. Do you have anything to do?"

Xu Junran also knew that his words should not be false.He smiled and said, "There is something I want to report to Governor Dong, please tell Secretary Wu."

The two had met before.It's just not familiar, but Xu Junran suddenly remembered Wu Yin's name.

"Okay." Wu Yin agreed happily.

Xu Junran said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone naturally. He had already left the door by himself. It was up to the other party to give him a chance.

Dong Wenbin has been really busy recently. The higher-ups decided to build a reservoir. In all fairness, it is a big opportunity for the development of the province. There are too many aspects involved. Recently, I have to meet many people every day. Not long after returning to the office from the meeting in the province, Secretary Wu Yin walked in and said, "Chief, just now Comrade Xu Junran, the magistrate of Incheon County, Danjiang City, called and said he wanted to report to you about the work."

"County magistrate?" Dong Wenbin was stunned for a moment, and then remembered who Xu Junran was.

If the secretary told himself about this matter just because a county magistrate called to report to him, Dong Wenbin would definitely hold Wu Yin accountable, but if the county magistrate was Xu Junran, Dong Wenbin would remember Wu Yin in his heart. One merit, after all, there are many county magistrates in Songhe Province, but one like Xu Junran is the only one.

"Xu Junran came to the provincial capital?" Dong Wenbin raised his eyebrows and asked the secretary.

Wu Yin nodded: "Yes, he said that he only arrived last night, and he came here to report on work to you."

Dong Wenbin chuckled, what kind of report is probably true for the reservoir project in his hands, but he also knows that this is a normal thing, Xu Junran caused a big disturbance in the province some time ago, the matter of land contracting There was a lot of trouble, and Dong Wenbin naturally heard about it. Now that Xu Junran came to the provincial capital again, as the saying goes, if he didn't come because of the reservoir, he wouldn't believe it if he killed Dong Wenbin.

Glancing at Wu Yin, Dong Wenbin asked, "What are your plans for tonight?"

Wu Yin took out a small notebook and read it. After a while, he raised his head and said, "The leader of the Water Conservancy Department invites you to dinner tonight."

"In this way, push away the dinner at the Water Conservancy Department and say that I have something to do."

Dong Wenbin thought for a while and said to Wu Yin: "Let Xu Junran make arrangements to have dinner together in the evening." No matter what, for the face of the two previous governors, it is impossible for Dong Wenbin to avoid seeing Xu Junran, let alone now Chen Xingrui holds such an important position in the Central Organization Department, Fang Zhongyuan alone is enough for Dong Wenbin not to neglect Xu Junran, not to mention that after today's Standing Committee, Fang Zhongyuan specifically asked him to help take care of the younger generation.At first I thought it was the nephew of the Fang family, but I didn't expect that it was Xu Junran who came to the door.

After Xu Junran received the news from Wu Yin, he frowned, but it was a bit troublesome. It's really not easy to find places to eat in this provincial capital. It's easy to invite ordinary people to dinner, but to invite a deputy provincial leader to dinner It's time to choose a location, and the party that is too messy will not work.A place that is too obvious, a place that is not distinctive, or a place that is too luxurious, it is best to be a place that is relatively quiet and the environment is not tacky.

It seems that this matter needs to be arranged by someone.

Turning his head to Liu Huaqiang, he said, "Old Liu, please make arrangements. We will invite the leader to dinner tonight and find a similar place."

Liu Huaqiang was taken aback when he heard the words, although he knew that Xu Junran had a deep network in the provincial capital.But he still asked curiously: "County magistrate, what kind of leaders are you inviting to dinner? High-ranking?"Otherwise, both the county magistrate and the provincial governor will use the same dishes.It's strange to be able to get things done.

Xu Junran chuckled: "Vice-provincial."

Liu Huaqiang's face changed when he heard this. As Xu Junran's confidant, he naturally knew the reason for Xu Junran's trip to the provincial capital this time. Since he is a deputy provincial leader, it must be Dong Wenbin, who is in charge of the deputy governor. Unexpectedly, Xu Junran was a deputy county magistrate.Not only is he like a fish in water among the department-level cadres, but he can even invite the deputy governor to dinner, which is really admirable.

After thinking about it, Xu Junran said again: "Prepare a gift, uh. Just follow the most common kind, buy some fruit or something."

After all, the Mid-Autumn Festival is almost here.After all, it is necessary to prepare a gift for others.

China has a long tradition of giving gifts on holidays, so that later generations have evolved a gift-giving economy and a holiday culture. "If you are not clean, you have to watch the New Year; if you are clean, you have to watch the festival." The words are not casually said. Festivals are a big test for the integrity of cadres.After all, everyone knows that, relatively speaking, holiday sex has a more irresistible allure than usual.

Strictly speaking, there are three main types of income in institutions: white income—the income on the salary table, which is protected by law.Gray income - the inconspicuous extra income obtained by taking advantage of work and position, which is commonplace in the power department and the powerful, and it is commonplace and common.Black income—it is also income related to work and positions, but the amount is large, and not everyone who wants to be black can get black.

Xu Junran is well aware of this kind of thing, and he knows that it will not take many years for reasons such as "human relations" and "customs and habits" to become excuses for corrupt officials to wantonly collect money. This is undoubtedly against socialism. The great irony of social and cultural life.Under the situation of reform and opening up and rapid economic development, some leading cadres have unknowingly relaxed the transformation of their world outlook, distorted their views on power, caused ideals and beliefs to decline, and selfish desires have rapidly expanded.It is a very good folk tradition to celebrate the New Year. Under the advocacy of some leading cadres' decadent ideas, they forget about "honesty" and "propriety" with peace of mind, so that the cultural dregs of feudal society quickly rise. Rong.

Of course, it hasn't reached that point yet, but some eating and drinking are still inevitable.

Dong Wenbin was tall and tall, he looked like an athlete, when he showed up at the hotel with his secretary, Xu Junran rushed to greet him.

"Thank you, chief, for coming." Xu Junran stretched out his hand and said with a smile to Dong Wenbin.

Dong Wenbin showed a kind smile to Xu Junran: "You are good, the work in Incheon County is impressive, and you have lived up to Minister Chen's expectations of you." He mentioned the name of the old leader Chen Xingrui, and his intention was naturally very simple. He was telling Xu Junran that he He is not an outsider.

Asking Dong Wenbin to sit down at the head, Xu Junran said modestly: "The chief is over-reputed, it's just a superficial opinion. Our Incheon County is a poor place, if we don't burn the boat to develop the economy, there will be no chance for development."

"Hehe, yes, it's good to have such an idea. If the chief official of a place does not have the aura to be willing to cut himself for the development of the masses, then this official is not a good official. By the way, the Provincial Water Resources Department will There is a research team that wants to go to your Incheon County to take a look, when you go back, why not go back with the research team.”

Dong Wenbin's words immediately changed the expression on Xu Junran's face, and all the speeches he had prepared fell silent.Dong Wenbin already knew what he was here for, and the intention of sending a research team from the Water Conservancy Department to Incheon County was also very clear.Just to see if Incheon County is suitable for building reservoirs.

Looking at Dong Wenbin gratefully, Xu Junran stood up and drank a glass of wine in one gulp: "Thank you for supporting the development of poor areas in the province!"

Dong Wenbin chuckled: "It's not all because of you. Before that, the relevant departments in the province have been investigating the situation in various parts of the province, and your Incheon County is naturally one of them. I have read the information, and Incheon County can A medium-sized reservoir was built. This time, the research team from the Water Conservancy Department only went on a field trip. The main purpose was to see where the reservoir should be built."

What he said was true. Incheon County had already been included in the selection target before, but Fang Zhongyuan's reminder only made Dong Wenbin strengthen his confidence.

Xu Junran quickly nodded his thanks. After all, although Dong Wenbin helped Fang Zhongyuan and Chen Xingrui in this matter, no matter what, this relationship has to be managed by himself, and the officialdom can not only be maintained by background. It can give face to the background behind you.But you can't give it every time. Whether you can develop in the officialdom mainly depends on your own ability.this ability.It includes not only the ability to develop the local economy, but also how to build your own network of relationships.

"Okay, let's have dinner, let's meet for the first time, tell me about the land contract."

Seeing that Xu Junran wanted to say something else, Dong Wenbin smiled and said.

One meal lasts until evening.Before leaving, Xu Junran asked Liu Huaqiang to hand over the prepared fruits and local products to Dong Wenbin's secretary, and said with a smile: "There is nothing to give, the local products are mountain products I brought from the county, and the fruits. It's a guest house." I bought the apples from a roadside stand. I personally picked the apples. Uncle Dong, you have helped us a lot in Incheon County this time. Don’t mind your kindness. When we get rid of poverty and become rich in Incheon County, I will definitely ask you, a great benefactor. turn up!"

Glancing at Xu Junran, Dong Wenbin chuckled: "Not bad, very good, you are a good boy!"

After finishing speaking, he waved to Wu Yin: "Xiao Wu, take it, let's go."

At his level, gifts and so on are not very important, especially for a cadre with great ambitions like Dong Wenbin, who is already a deputy provincial cadre in his early 40s. It is pure nonsense to say that he has no political ambitions. After all, what can attract him is no longer beauties and money, but power!

Therefore, Xu Junran didn't give gifts at all, but simply prepared a small gift, but Dong Wenbin took a high look at it.You must know that Xu Junran promised him that once Incheon County got rid of poverty and became rich, he would definitely invite Dong Wenbin to come over.What's this?This is bare-naked-naked achievements!

Watching Dong Wenbin and his party leave, Liu Huaqiang asked hesitantly: "County magistrate, can this work? Our county also distributes some welfare coupons during the festival. This is the deputy governor. You can take that Fool him with some mountain goods, in case..." He was mainly worried that Dong Wenbin would cause trouble for Incheon County in the construction of the reservoir.

Xu Junran laughed. During the holidays, the phenomena of wantonly giving gifts, distributing money and goods, eating and drinking with public funds, and traveling with public funds are relatively concentrated and quite common.Gift givers are very popular, either to connect with feelings, or to buy and sell officials.Some of them took the opportunity to embezzle during the gift giving of public funds.Some units distribute welfare, bonuses, souvenirs or coupons to cadres and workers indiscriminately, and even higher-level leaders have a share.Some leaders and powerful figures were full of banquets, and some caterers delivered banquet orders.Some people who use each other's power "walk" with each other on holidays, you invite me, I invite you, spending public funds and forming personal friendships.In some wealthy units, collectively relieve greed, show the leadership's concern for subordinates, and "harmonize" the relationship between superiors and subordinates.Some sycophants invite superior leaders or management personnel to go out for "investigation", all travel expenses are covered, and some even give "pocket money" to buy "souvenirs".The unit organizes tourism activities by itself, and the expenses are reimbursed with public funds.A small number of people with positions and powers travel with their wives and families at public expense.

Although this kind of thing officially became popular in later generations, it has gradually appeared in today's China. At least in Liu Huaqiang's opinion, if Xu Junran invited Dong Wenbin, the deputy governor, to dinner today, he should choose a high-end place , and get some good wine, at the very least, invite a few important people to attend. At that time, everyone will drink and exchange cups, and wait until they are happy and almost drunk, and then they go home. Before leaving, Incheon County will send some more gifts, so that Dong Wenbin can be satisfied.And if Governor Dong is satisfied, the affairs of Incheon County will be much easier. After all, in this year, there is no one who eats and does nothing.

But Xu Junran refused, because he felt that there was no need for him to do that. If he really did that, he would be looked down upon by others. After all, he is also a dignified son of the capital, not to mention his status. The most important thing is that he Among the things he did, he gave people the impression that he was an idealist. Although Xu Junran scoffed at this in his heart, if he was really allowed to do bribery that violated his principles in front of Dong Wenbin, Xu Junran refused to agree no matter what.

In this world, some things can be done, and some things cannot be done even if killed.

If people do not have their own persistence, then they are really no different from animals.


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