Powerful and romantic

Chapter 691 Aunt Arrives

"Brother, they..."

Cui Xiuying hesitated for a moment, and just about to speak, she saw Xu Junran wave her hand lightly, motioning her to keep quiet.

Those few people didn't notice Xu Junran and Cui Xiuying who were sitting behind the grass, they sat down on their own, and they kept talking.

"Brother, do we really want to use this money to invest in that Peach Blossom Town?"

Someone asked the leading man.

The man smiled, lowered his voice and said, "What are you afraid of? The surname Wang has already agreed, and we can apply for a loan after investing this money. By that time, it will be sooner or later that you and my brother will be popular and drink hot food." thing?"

Xu Junran is so shrewd, after only listening to a few words, he already understood what was going on, but he never thought that this Wang Meng would be so courageous that he would dare to make such things as fake investment to boost his political achievements. Could it be that he is not afraid that something will come out, and he will take off his official hat?

The so-called fake investment actually appeared in the country as early as the period of the Republic of China. At that time, people in China worshiped foreign countries and favored foreigners. The state also took special care of those foreign companies investing in China, and always gave them a lot of preferential treatment.Of course, these benefits naturally also include those stipulated by the unequal treaties of the great powers.Generally speaking, foreigners help in such matters, and the method is relatively simple. Someone first transfers money to a foreign businessman, and then the foreign businessman takes the money to form a joint venture with a domestic company.After the joint venture, due to the injection of foreign capital, it can enjoy many generous policy protections of the state, and various taxes and fees will be reduced or exempted in accordance with relevant policies.

Xu Junran remembered that he once read a record, which said that there was a business owner in the south at that time, he asked someone to find a British businessman, and signed two contracts with the other party, one real and one fake.It was clearly stated that the owner's firm was capitalized by the British.And hung the British Union Jack in front of the firm.In this way, in order not to offend the British, those warlords would naturally stop asking the boss for money.Anyway, with so many commercial firms, it doesn't matter if there is one less boss, so why bother to offend the British.However, the boss secretly signed a contract with the British, which stated that the British did not need to inject a piece of ocean, and the boss would spend a lot of money to send it to the UK every year.The purpose is to let the British businessman admit that his firm is a joint venture.

Although the boss sent a lot of money to the British every year, compared with the previous frequent extortion by warlords and bandits, he paid a lot less, and also ensured that the business would not be disturbed.Over the past few years, the boss's business has grown bigger and bigger in the melee of warlords.

After decades, Xu Junran didn't expect it.I even encountered such a thing.

However, it seems that Wang Meng's plan is not to rely on foreign-funded enterprises to deceive people.Instead, they intend to engage in a fake joint venture to deceive the leadership.

If this kind of fake joint venture can be implemented, then there will definitely be a company in Incheon County that agrees to help Wang Meng do this. The benefit for that company is naturally that it can pay a large part of taxes and fees.As for Wang Meng, he should find a way to raise part of the funds.The money can be handed over to the crooks first, and then they can find a company that injects capital from abroad, and they will use the funds to form a joint venture with a company in Incheon County.

After the "joint venture" is successful, the company in Incheon County will definitely not say no to transferring the original capital out, or simply using the joint venture as an excuse to borrow money.Because he has already got benefits.The scammers got valuable loans, and Wang Meng completed the task of attracting investment in this incident.Maybe it will be because of this incident.In the eyes of Incheon County and the higher-level leaders, he has lost the name of a capable person.The most important thing is that Xu Junran can guarantee that the so-called investment of these people will not be carried out at all. Their purpose is probably to fool the masses.

And the instigator of all this is Wang Meng.

Xu Junran never thought of it.Wang Meng still has such a skill, he can think of using such a fake investment to fool people, he is considered a talent.

After stretching out his hand to pull Cui Xiuying, Xu Junran said in a low voice, "Let's go."

Cui Xiuying also knew that Xu Junran must be busy, she nodded, and obediently picked up the fish caught by the two of them.

The two of them stood up, and the group of people on the other side of the grass realized that there were other people here. After looking at Xu Junran and Cui Xiuying, he felt relieved. These two young people were more like intellectuals, and they should have nothing to do with officials.

Taking the bus to the city, Cui Xiuying also knew that Xu Junran might be in a bad mood, so she smiled and made him happy, pointing to the net pocket under her feet and saying, "I caught a big fish!"

Seeing her happy look, Xu Junran's mood improved a lot, and he didn't allow himself to think about Wang Meng's affairs for the time being, and nodded with a smile: "Well, it's not bad, how about you cooking tonight?"

Cui Xiuying tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, because you are so sincere, I will reluctantly agree to you. How about braised in soy sauce? How about steamed?"

After she finished speaking, she was waiting for Xu Junran's answer, but unexpectedly, Xu Junran kept looking at her, raised her head to look at the man's startling eyes, Cui Xiuying couldn't help but blushed slightly, and looked down. Said: "You...you are a villain..."

Seeing her cute look, Xu Junran couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't have any bad thoughts. I was thinking that this fish monster is pitiful, why don't we let it go. Tonight, you will replace it and let I ate."

While saying this, Xu Junran slowly moved his mouth to Cui Xiuying's ear.When she said the last few words, her mouth had already connected with Cui Xiuying's ears.

Cui Xiuying's face turned even redder, and she couldn't help shouting coquettishly: "This is a public place, there is... something... Let's go home and talk about it?"

Xu Junran was even more mischievous, blowing the wind towards the little girl's neck.

While talking, Cui Xiuying endured the strange wind blowing towards her neck from Xu Junran.

After a while, Xu Junran smiled slightly, listening to Cui Xiuying's seductive and shy words, he stopped teasing the little girl.But at night, I'm afraid I won't let her go.

the next day.Cui Xiuying had to leave. It was very simple. When she called the dormitory and said she couldn't go back, her roommate told her that the director asked her to call back.After calling the director, the director was very kind, just asking if Cui Xiuying was free today.

A teacher has such a good attitude towards students, Cui Xiuying really has no way to refuse.You must know that the director's evaluation in the department is very good. Although she wanted to spend more time with Xu Junran, she was not very good at refusing, so she had no choice but to agree.

After Cui Xiuying left, Xu Junran lay on the bed and recollected the graceful body of the little girl last night, and finally became excited again.

He shook his head with a wry smile.I was really in a hurry, everyone left, and I still wanted to do those things.Now I'm the only one left at home.Looking at the quilt propped up below, how can this be solved.

Afterwards, Xu Junran withdrew those thoughts that were not suitable for children, and recalled what he heard yesterday. Although he acted nonchalantly in front of Cui Xiuying, Xu Junran took this matter very seriously in his heart. After all, it was related to a fortune If the huge amount of investment is really a smoke bomb created by Wang Meng as those people said, it will really become a big scandal in Incheon County.

Xu Junran pondered for a while.Then he called Liu Huaqiang: "Old Liu, do you have someone you can trust in Taohua Town?"

Liu Huaqiang was stunned when he heard the news.Immediately reacting, he nodded and said: "There are a few good people in the office. They all admire you, the county magistrate, and wanted to report to you several times, but I didn't agree to them. County magistrate, you have something to do. "

Xu Junran nodded and said, "I heard that there is a large investment in Taohua Town recently. Do you know which company in the county is cooperating with this matter?"

After thinking for a while, Liu Huaqiang replied, "I haven't heard of it. What's the matter?"

Xu Junran said: "Old Liu, find some trustworthy people to help me investigate this matter."

Liu Huaqiang hummed. Although he didn't know the purpose of Xu Junran asking him to investigate that matter, since it was Xu Junran's confession, Liu Huaqiang would agree unconditionally.

"Are you in a hurry? If you're in a hurry, I'll go and find out in person." Liu Huaqiang said.

Xu Junran calculated the date, and Wang Meng said that investment would be brought in within three days, which should be next week, and the investor Wang Meng was looking for would go to Incheon County.

If you want to make a fuss about this matter, you have to wait for the investor to sign a contract with the company in Incheon and withdraw the funds.That time is estimated to take at least a week, so Liu Huaqiang should have plenty of time to investigate.

"One week, but it must be kept secret." Xu Junran said slowly, since Wang Meng committed suicide, don't blame yourself for being rude.

Liu Huaqiang said: "County magistrate, don't worry. I will definitely get things done."

Xu Junran returned to Incheon County early the next morning. After dealing with some trivial matters at hand, he leaned back in his chair and lit a cigarette.

Unexpectedly, Wang Meng was so courageous that he dared to engage in fake investment under the situation of repeated orders from the state.If the matter is brought to light, even if Wang Meng can't lose his official position, then his official career will definitely not go any further. Not only that, he might even be held accountable.

However, Xu Junran guessed that Wang Meng's actions were due to a sudden illness. A member of the Standing Committee of the County Committee and also the Secretary of the Party Committee of Taohua Town, in all fairness, he had a lot of power in his hands, but he had to make such a bad move. I'm afraid it was also because Xu Junran was in the county. The things involved in it made Wang Meng realize the current situation. If there is no economic achievements, it is impossible to get the approval of the superiors.

The most important thing is that if Wang Meng still wants to maintain his authority in Taohua Town, he must show his results as soon as possible, otherwise Taohua Town will have to do what Xu Junran did sooner or later.Once that happens, Xu Junran's influence will inevitably enter Peach Blossom Town.So even if he knew that doing so now would be extremely harmful, he could only grit his teeth and continue.This is like many criminals, the advantage comes first, even if he knows it is against the law, he will do it anyway, because everyone has a fluke mentality.

How to find a way to solve this problem, Xu Junran has already made a conclusion in his heart, since Wang Meng wants to act, then he will simply let him go, and just expose him after he sets up the stage, and then we will see how Wang Meng ends up.

Now that this matter has been handed over to Liu Huaqiang, it is useless for Xu Junran to think too much here, and wait for the results of the investigation to come out.Think again.

Looking back, Xu Junran had to think about the economic development of Incheon County.

Today's Incheon County, taking the opportunity of land contracting, has attracted a large number of investors to move in.However, the problem also exists, that is, the industrial structure is relatively monotonous, except for some small and medium-sized township enterprises, there are no industries that can be sold.Although a construction company has been established, compared with the whole county, a leading industry has not yet been formed.

How to get the maximum investment and establish the industrial system of Incheon County is the most important problem Xu Junran needs to solve now.

While thinking about what to do, the phone on Xu Junran's desk rang.

"Sir. Do you need any service?"

A somewhat ambiguous sentence made Xu Junran frowned, and then his face changed, revealing a surprised smile.

"Xiaorou. Why do you have this phone number?" Xu Junran asked in surprise.

The voice over the phone was Wang Xiaorou.

Before Wang Xiaorou could speak, the phone was snatched by someone, and Sun Jingyun's voice sounded: "Little nephew, hurry up and pick me up."

Xu Junran laughed: "Auntie, are you here too?"

Sun Jingwen said: "We are in the city, we will drive there in the afternoon."

Xu Junran nodded, but he was happy in his heart. He was thinking about asking them to come over to help invest, but he didn't expect to come directly.But he also knew that Wang Xiaorou should be coming to see him.Most likely, Sun Jingyun came here for a stroll.

"Well, I'll wait for you at the county government." Jokes are jokes.How could Xu Junran have the time to go to the city to pick them up.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the internal line in the guard's room called in, saying that someone claimed to be the county magistrate's aunt.

Xu Junran didn't dare to neglect and hurried downstairs, as expected, two beauties, Sun Jingyun and Wang Xiaorou, were standing beside the car, waiting for him.

Wang Xiaorou was wearing casual attire.She looks youthful and full of vigor, while Sun Jingyun wears a pair of black-rimmed eyes, which is both literary and playful.

"Welcome." Xu Junran greeted him and said with a smile, he hadn't seen the two of them for a long time.

Sun Jingyun still complained a few words: "This road is really difficult to walk, and there is still a section of dirt road. You can see that the raised dust has messed up the car."

Xu Junran glanced at the gray-colored car, and said with a smile: "Our new road in Incheon County is under construction, and it will be finished soon. I can take you to see it later."

Sun Jingyun curled her lips and said, "Whether you want to fix it or not is your business, it has nothing to do with me, why should I go to see it. I am accompanying someone to see my lover."

Hearing her words, Wang Xiaorou couldn't help but blush for a while, even though Xu Junran had a thick skin, he also blushed a little at this time.

"Auntie, you are here to cause trouble for me, aren't you?" Xu Junran looked at Sun Jingyun helplessly, and said with a smile, "Be careful, I will introduce you to a boyfriend..."

When Sun Jingyun heard this, her face blushed slightly, and to cover up, she said, "Go and see your office." After speaking, she walked towards the office building.

Sun Jingyun walked in the front, so no one saw her blushing.

However, Sun Jingyun herself knew why she blushed.A few days ago, when Sun Jingyun learned that Wang Xiaorou was going to Danjiang City to find Xu Junran, her heart suddenly tightened.She knew that although Wang Xiaorou seemed to be enthusiastic about everyone, she was very conservative in her heart.The reason for all this is naturally because of Xu Junran.

She didn't know why, but she just felt that this was not good, and she didn't know why, when she thought of Wang Xiaorou spending time with Xu Junran, she felt uncomfortable, so she just made an excuse to see Xu Junran, and followed her.

On the way here, Sun Jingyun finally figured out why she insisted on coming.Once she figured it out, Sun Jingyun was secretly startled.No, did I fall in love with Xu Junran?

He is his nephew!

Thinking of this in her heart, Sun Jingyun felt that her whole mind was in a mess. It's not that she didn't know the relationship between herself and Xu Junran. This gap in identity made her have to hide her feelings. But thinking of how many times he had saved her back then, Sun Jingyun felt that her whole body was in a state of confusion.

I'm not his aunt!

Such a thought flashed through her mind, and Sun Jingyun glanced at Xu Junran in a strange way.

Since she was a child, she knew that she was not Elder Sun's biological daughter. Being an adopted daughter made her an outsider in the Sun family, but it also allowed her to get the most love among her brothers. But now, Sun Jingyun suddenly felt that she seemed to be This identity should be given up.

Of course Xu Junran and Wang Xiaorou didn't know what was going on in Sun Jingyun's mind, so they had no choice but to follow her as soon as they saw her walking in. Xu Junran smiled and said to Sun Jingyun: "Auntie, don't worry, I'll take you to my office .”

A few of them walked inside, but the guard next to him was already dumbfounded, and just stared at Xu Junran and the others with wide eyes.

Naturally, I met Lin Yuqing before, and knew that County Mayor Xu was capable and good at his work, but he never expected that in just a few months, there would be another beauties coming to him, and there were two of them at once. It seems that County Mayor Xu He is really a capable person.But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he might be thinking too much. Didn't you see that beautiful woman called the county magistrate a nephew just now? It seems that he should be a member of the county magistrate's family, but all these relatives are so beautiful, and they even drive cars , it seems that the county magistrate has a big background, it's not groundless.


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