Powerful and romantic

Chapter 70 Men's Friendship

(' (Today's update is ahead of time, because Chen Guang has to go to the hospital for a physical examination. His eyes have been hurting for the past few days, and his eyes are full of red bloodshot eyes. It's terribly scary. There are a bunch of small white bubbles under his eyelids. Sitting in front of the computer The code words are simply excruciatingly painful. I really can’t stand it anymore. I decided to go to the hospital for a physical examination. Please bless me! Finally, I still ask for collection and recommendation tickets! Thank you friends who have given rewards, thank you! )

"What? You went to see Huang Zixuan!"

Sitting in the office of Jinghua University, Cao Junming looked at Xu Junran in surprise.

After Xu Junran came out of the Central Propaganda Department, she came directly to Cao Junming's office. Lin Yuqing is still resting in the guest house. Last night's "exercise" caused her serious injuries. It is estimated that she will not be able to go out within a day or two.

After Cao Junming heard that Xu Junran went to find Huang Zixuan, he stood up from his seat in surprise and looked at Xu Junran in disbelief.

"Junran, are you crazy? What are you doing with that guy?" Cao Junming's face was gloomy, and he just scolded Xu Junran.

For four years in college, he treated Xu Junran like his own younger brother. Naturally, he didn't have much affection for that guy Huang Zixuan. If it wasn't for the fact that their family backgrounds didn't allow them to have that life-and-death conflict, I'm afraid Cao Junming would have found him a long time ago. Huang Zixuan settled the score.

Sometimes, the yamen also has the distress of the yamen.After ordinary people have conflicts, they can fight with their lives, just to have a good time.But if there is a conflict between the yamen, unless everyone's status is very different, it is possible for one person to be trampled to death by another person. Otherwise, the yamen at the level of Cao Junming and Huang Zixuan, except for hating each other terribly in their hearts, there is basically no way to do it. not much.

Fighting like Cao Junwei is just a child's game in the eyes of adults. The competition between Cao Junming, Huang Zixuan and Huang Ziqi brothers is more reflected in how far everyone can go in their official careers in the future.

In this place of Huaxia, power comes with dignity.

The old man of the Cao family may be of a lower rank than the old man of the Huang family, but the difference in power between the two is not much.Moreover, the supreme leader now obviously trusts Mr. Cao more, so Cao Junming is not afraid of Huang Zixuan.

However, this does not mean that Xu Junran can fight Huang Zixuan.

Frowning tightly, Cao Junming fixed his eyes on Xu Junran, waiting for his explanation.

Xu Junran chuckled and comforted Cao Junming: "Brother, don't worry, I didn't suffer."

Cao Junming reached out and knocked on his head: "Tell me the truth, what's going on?"

Xu Junran shook his head lightly: "It's not a bad thing anyway."

After thinking for a while, he said to Cao Junming: "By the way, brother, you don't have to send the article I gave you to the newspaper office, but send it to our school magazine. What do you think?"

Cao Junming hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Well, let's write our names."

Xu Junran knew that Cao Junming and himself co-authored it to protect himself. After all, if such an article that advocates reform and opening up and the development of the private economy is published, he can only guess what kind of reaction he will have.

Rereading the file of life only brought Xu Junran a goal in the general direction, but he didn't know exactly what kind of game would happen in it.

Rebirth does not mean smooth sailing.Xu Junran has been an official for so many years, so he is well aware of this fact.You know that the stock will fall, but you may not necessarily make a fortune. You must know that there are many accidental factors in the rise and fall of a stock, and even when to buy it is knowledge.I just know that reform and opening up will be the general trend of China in the future, and I know that in the next few months, the wind direction at the top will inevitably change from the current conservatives gaining the upper hand to the reformers gaining the upper hand.However, within these few months, some things may not develop in the direction I hoped, and may even implicate myself.Therefore, what Xu Junran has to do is to try to make himself look stronger.

Cao Junming sighed. He had read Xu Junran's article, and of course he knew how risky it would be if it was published.

After hesitating for a while, he still decided to persuade Xu Junran. Cao Junming's character is like this, and his stability is unimaginable.

"Xiao Liu, elder brother understands your thoughts. As a man, no one can bear such a thing. I also understand that you hope to make a career as soon as possible. But look at the current situation. Aren't you a little too anxious? You are engaged in rice field fish farming, and you are going to open a company in Pengfei City, which is already enough to show off the limelight. But compared with the article you are going to post, it is a trivial matter, you Do you know if this article is published, what will the outside world think of you?"

Cao Junming said meaningfully to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran smiled: "I understand, I must say that I want to practice capitalism and follow the capitalist economic path."

Cao Junming nodded: "Yes, this article will definitely cause an uproar. You wrote so well that there are many things and contents that only a limited number of people can write. It's nothing more than usual. In today's world At a critical moment, when such an article is released, you will definitely be pushed to the forefront and bear considerable responsibility."

After hearing his words, Xu Junran remained silent for a long time. He knew that what Cao Junming said was the truth, and it was all for his own good.However, Xu Junran is also confident that this article will definitely bring him unimaginable benefits. After all, with the weapon of foresight, he is theoretically invincible.

What's more, this has to be coordinated with another plan.

"Brother, you believe me, this article, history will prove that we are right." Xu Junran slowly raised his head, looked at Cao Junming and said seriously.

Cao Junming shook his head and smiled wryly for a while, before finally nodding his head and saying: "Okay, let's do it this way, let's show the limelight together, and if there is something, we will also bear it together."

Now he is thinking very simply, since this matter is unavoidable, then he will go crazy with Xu Junran once.Anyway, the old man is also a member of the Reform Party, so it is not too much to write such an article by himself. The most important thing is that with his big light bulb attracting the attention of others, maybe this turmoil will not affect Xu Junran After all, compared to Xu Junran, who has no family and a simple background, he, a well-off Ya Nei, is a better attraction point of firepower.

Cao Junming didn't know that the decision he just made was the right one in his 30-year life journey, because it won't be long before he will get the joy and satisfaction he has never had in his life for this choice, and it will also make him feel good about himself. Xu Junran had a new understanding of his choice.

But now, he is just an elder brother who is worried about his younger brother, and what he hopes is to be able to share troubles with his brother and help him.

Although good people may not have good rewards, at least, good people are relatively more at ease.

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