Powerful and romantic

Chapter 700 Justice of the law

After finishing the meal, Xu Junran drove Liu Qiang back, but he didn't care much about it, he said hello himself, and Liu Qiang naturally knew what to do.However, he was determined to replace Du Jun, the director of the Letters and Visits Office. After all, Du Jun didn't even know whether the victim was the grandson or son of the old man who committed suicide.

Not long after, the Incheon County Intermediate People's Court ruled in the first instance that although the victim was not an official worker of the Second Construction Company, there was an actual labor-employment relationship. should be compensated.The court ruled that Danjiang No. 5 Construction Company should bear all the medical expenses of the victim, and additionally compensate [-] yuan in lost wages, living expenses and other expenses.

No leader of the second construction company appeared in the county court from the beginning to the end, but only the project manager in charge of road construction in Incheon County appeared in court. In the court, the project manager took a tough attitude and said that he would appeal to the end.Not long after, the Incheon County Procuratorate filed a protest against the county court's first-instance results to the Danjiang City Procuratorate, arguing that the county court had blurred the facts.In the judgment, the hidden dangers caused by the victim's failure to comply with the safety regulations were avoided. There were problems in the identification of the subject's responsibility, and the judgment result was unfair.

You must know that there are actually many loopholes in the laws of China in this era. After all, most of the workers were in state-owned or collective enterprises at that time, and no one in state-owned enterprises would make it difficult for employees with work-related injuries. Can count as work-related injuries.There are not many industrial injury disputes, and the law is not complete.It was not until [-] that the Ministry of Labor promulgated the "Trial Measures for Work-related Injury Insurance for Enterprise Employees", which standardized the identification of work-related injuries.Therefore, the reason for the procuratorate's protest is quite sufficient.

And the final result of this matter.It was the Municipal Procuratorate who protested to the Municipal Intermediate Court. Finally, before New Year's Day in 1989, the Danjiang Intermediate Court made a ruling to revoke the judgment of the Incheon County Court.Send back for retrial.I have to say that it took less than two months from the first judgment to the reaffirmation, which is already very fast.

During this period, the old man who committed suicide kept running to the county party committee and county government, although he was stopped every time he just reached the door.But the old man still persevered, and even stopped Bai Lin's car once. Bai Lin just said that he would help solve the problem, but not long after, the old man was arrested by the county public security bureau. The reason was naturally that disrupt social order.

When Xu Junran found out about this, it happened that Zhang Xibin invited him to dinner once.

Ever since Zhang Xibin became Xu Junran's side in relation to Wang Meng's matter, he has had more contacts with Xu Junran.After several contacts, Xu Junran got to know this person well, and knew that he was just a little rough.He was not bad, so he simply put Wang Xiaolong in the Public Security Bureau. From Xu Junran's point of view, with Zhang Xibin's cultivation and Zhang Fei's relationship in the provincial capital, it would not take a few years.I can lift Wang Xiaolong up by myself.

Today is December 12th. At this time, there is no Christmas tradition in China. Zhang Xibin dragged Xu Junran to his house for dinner. He said that relatives in the country brought some pheasants, so he insisted on dragging Xu Junran. For a drink, Xu Junran couldn't refuse, so he let him come, but Xu Junran didn't go by himself, he simply called Liu Xiaoguang and Sun Yazhou, and the four ordered some side dishes and a few bottles of wine.Sit at home and drink it.

"County magistrate, come, let's go."

Zhang Xibin picked up the wine glass and said to Xu Junran with a smile.

Xu Junran nodded: "I said, Lao Zhang, let's drink alcohol. It's almost New Year's Day, and this year's Chinese New Year is also early. Your county bureau should be more vigilant. Don't make any mistakes during the double festival. I won't There is no way to explain it to the city, but you also have no way to explain it to the county party committee and county government."

Zhang Xibin drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, magistrate, I, Lao Zhang, promise not to cause you any trouble."

Both Liu Xiaoguang and Sun Yazhou laughed. They were naturally happy to see Xu Junran's growing power. After all, everyone could see that in today's Incheon County, Xu Junran was the real caller.

When he was happy after drinking, Zhang Xibin touched his head, talked about the case some time ago with a smile, and said to Xu Junran with a smile: "County magistrate, I heard that you greeted Lao Liu? Can those people in the court handle it?" What's the matter? If a case is solved and sentenced, it means that it has not been sentenced, and it will be called back for a retrial. If you want me to say, it's better for my old Zhang to ask a few people to investigate the second construction. I don't believe it. Where can the ass be clean."

As he spoke, he shook his head and said, "That old man is really stubborn. The people from the county bureau told him not to sue. It's his son's fault. Whether the second construction company loses money or not depends on their mood. You don't know, his son was already off work at the time, but he was doing private work with the construction company's machine, and that's why the accident happened. Of course, the second Jian’s side is also trying to shirk responsibility, after all, it’s said that the private work was done by a certain family member of Erjian’s leader.”

Zhang Xibin has never had any scruples when speaking, especially in front of his own people, he has always said something.

When Xu Junran heard this, he frowned: "What's going on? Didn't you say you won the lawsuit?"

He really didn't pay much attention to this matter. As a county magistrate, he was too busy with other things in the county. How could he have time to pay attention to such a small case? When he first learned that the lawsuit was won, Xu Junran was quite happy. , Later, I didn't continue to take care of this matter.

Zhang Xibin shrugged: "He won the lawsuit after he stopped your car, but later..."

After speaking, he told Xu Junran the ins and outs of the old man's lawsuit. Xu Junran always had a smile on his face, but he stopped drinking, and he didn't look as happy as before.

Sun Yazhou and Liu Xiaoguang looked at each other, and told them intuitively that this matter might cause trouble again.

Three days later, Xu Junran, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, and Liu Qiang, deputy secretary of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee, came to the People's Court of Incheon County.

For the sudden visit of these two big shots.Everyone in the county court was very surprised. Liu Qiang, the secretary of the political and legal committee, came to inspect it. After all, he was the leader in charge, but Xu Junran, the county magistrate, came here for the second time after taking office.You must know that he only came to the court once after taking office, but since then, Xu Junran has never been here once.But today, Xu Junran not only came, but also took Liu Qiang along.

Is there something wrong?

The leaders of several county courts had the same thought in their minds, and looked at Xu Junran who was sitting in the middle of the meeting room with some anxiety.

Now that the two standing committee members of the county party committee have arrived.Naturally, all the county courts were dispatched. All the leaders who could attend the meeting sat in the conference room. Xu Junran sat in the middle, and beside him was Liu Qiang who also looked puzzled.

Liu Qiang spoke first, and put forward some requirements for the work of the county court, and then several cadres of the county court talked about the work of the court.

In the end, Liu Qiang said with a smile: "Next, we ask County Magistrate Xu to give you important instructions."

Naturally, everyone didn't dare to be negligent and applauded one after another, but it was just what they were thinking in their hearts.But no one knew, after all, everyone knew that Xu Junran had paid attention to the case some time ago, but now that it turned out like this, the county magistrate might scold him soon.

Xu Junran tapped the microphone.He showed a smile: "Comrades, do you think that Secretary Liu and I are here today because weasels are giving New Year greetings to chickens, and we have no good intentions?"

Immediately, someone couldn't help laughing, Xu Junran's words were a bit wrong, could it be that he and Liu Qiang are weasels?

But the person who laughed immediately shut his mouth. After all, he was the county magistrate, and he wasn't someone who could be laughed at casually.

"As the saying goes, if you are not in charge of the family, you don't know how much money you pay. I didn't study law. I can't talk about giving instructions to the work of the people's court." Xu Junran opened his mouth slowly, which made all the audience feel a little different He said with a smile: "The ancestors told us that we must be good at listening to other people's opinions. Tolerance is great. You can choose to listen to everything I say as a layman. If there are others, I will be crowned and I will change them." ,how?"

Although he said so, the cadres of the surrounding courts did not dare to neglect. They straightened up one by one, picked up the pens in their hands, and prepared to record them in their notebooks. After all, this is the habit of Huaxia meetings. Leaders speak , the people below will always take some notes.

Xu Junran was very satisfied with everyone's attitude, and said lightly: "The main topic of our meeting today is to emancipate the mind and the new orientation of judicial work in the new era. This topic is very good. Reform and opening up, a hundred schools of thought contend, all kinds of new The emergence of new thinking ideas has impacted our social structure, social outlook, and historical outlook. Our party can be said to be experiencing an unprecedented new situation and undergoing a painful transformation. The term "new era" is very accurate, especially for our With the rapid economic leap in Incheon County, all kinds of problems that have never been encountered before will be in front of our eyes, and your judicial system is also facing difficult challenges."

Then, he glanced at the president of the court, and continued: "How should the judicial system face this challenge? I think that if we follow the old methods and old experience, it will not work? From the most simple point of view, In the past, if a case was in dispute, you might be able to report it to the county party committee or the political and legal committee. After all, we are the people's court led by the party. But now, with the continuous progress and development of society, do you still follow the old method? Waiting for instructions, waiting to see the mood of the leaders, I think if such a situation really occurs, it means that there is a serious problem with the concept of our judiciary, because you have lost your own judgment of right and wrong, and put judicial justice It is very wrong and a very dangerous behavior to change the criterion of reality into someone's preference!"

Xu Junran's voice gradually became serious, and when he slapped the table for the last time, the teacup vibrated with his movements, making a crisp sound.

The entire court meeting room fell into a dead silence. Everyone knew that County Magistrate Xu was in a bad mood, and he came here to throw a fit today.

Liu Qiang blinked his eyes, and frowned slightly, what Xu Junran said just now seemed to have something to say.

Seeing that everyone was frightened by him, Xu Junran took a sip of tea from his teacup, took a breath and continued: "Our ancestors once said that the most difficult thing in this world is not how to conquer the world, but how to conquer the world. How to defend the world. The reason is very simple. When fighting the world, you only need to think about victory, but to defend the world, you have to think about everything. What is legal justice? Is it absolute fairness? I don’t think so, the law I think there is a slant in fairness, and this slant is aimed at the weak."

"We want to create a harmonious society. What is a harmonious society? I think it is people-oriented. It is based on the masses. This is reflected in the judiciary, which is fairness and justice. In other words, orphans are not food for the rich, and widows are not. It is not the food of the strong, in order to prevent the strong with millions of assets from eating the weak with only a few hundred dollars, there is a law, and what you all have to do is to maintain this fairness!"

Xu Junran finally laughed: "As for me, I just thought of what I said and said something wrong, please forgive me. But anyway, there is only one central idea, and that is our people's court, and we must strive to achieve judicial fairness Fairness. Only in this way can we protect the economic development of our Incheon County!"

After he finished speaking, everyone in the meeting room applauded. Although the county magistrate Xu had a lot of criticism in his words, his support for the work of the court was obvious.

After the meeting, Xu Junran smiled at the president of the court: "I didn't mean to criticize anyone when I came here today. I just hope that you can understand that the court is a place to maintain fairness and justice, and your work is very important. You must work hard to achieve these two things. Point, if someone violates the fairness and justice of the law, you can go to the political and legal committee or the county committee. As for me, I will give you a promise here. As long as you don’t bring up unjust, false or wrong cases, even if you go to the capital, I will dare to sue you. With you!"

Everyone laughed together, and all the leaders of the court felt very excited. After all, Xu Junran's attitude just now showed that he sincerely supported the justice of the court.

Liu Qiang chuckled: "The county magistrate is right. As long as we don't engage in unjust, false or wrongly decided cases, we will have the confidence to speak wherever we go. Not only the county magistrate dares to accompany you, but I, the secretary of the political and legal committee, also dare. We have a reason to go everywhere. The world."

Finally, Xu Junran introduced a middle-aged man beside him to Liu Qiang and said, "This is Bai Luming, a reporter from the Beijing Legal Daily. He heard about the case in our county some time ago and thought it was very meaningful, so he came here to find out more. After all, the treatment of migrant workers has become a problem in many areas."

When he said that, Liu Qiang and others quickly greeted Bai Luming politely. After all, they were reporters from the capital, and they did not dare to neglect them at all.

Naturally, Xu Junran would not say that this Bai Luming was invited from the capital through the relationship of the three Chu Wentians in the dormitory.

Seeing the back of Xu Junran leaving the court, Liu Qiang smiled meaningfully, whispered a few words to the president of the court beside him, and got up and left the court.

Not long after, the People's Court of Incheon County reopened the case against the Second Construction Company, and the verdict came out within a week. It is a heavy punishment!

This time, the Municipal No. [-] Construction Company did not appeal again. The reason is very simple. Just the day before the trial result came out, Huaxia Legal Daily published a report discussing how to ensure the protection of rural vulnerable groups in the process of economic construction in the new era. Interests.In the article, taking the case of Incheon County as an example, it is believed that regardless of how the work-related injury was caused, the principle of no-fault compensation should be implemented, because it may be an unimportant matter for an enterprise, but for a rural family, But it means that the pillars of the house have collapsed.How to further protect vulnerable groups in the development tide of reform and opening up has become one of the key points of discussion in Beijing for a period of time.

It is an unattainable honor to be published in the capital's newspapers, but for the city's second construction company, this time is undoubtedly a nightmare.On the day the article was published, Secretary Lin, the top leader of the Provincial Party Committee, received a call from the capital. After being scolded by the old leader, Secretary Lin put down the phone and called Danjiang City, calling Bei Chaoqun and Duan Shijie. A leader of the party and government scolded bloody head, the meaning is very simple, if the work in Danjiang City can be done well, continue to work, if not, Duan Shijie and Bei Chaoqun go home and sell sweet potatoes.

The old secretary who was born in the military was not polite at all. Bei Chaoqun and Duan Shijie put down the phone and met, and they quickly reached an agreement. The Second Construction Company must take full responsibility for this matter, otherwise the leaders in the province will not agree. It's easy to explain, if the leaders of the province can't explain to the leaders of the central government, it is estimated that the two of them will be the ones who will be taken out to explain in the end.

As for why the Legal Daily suddenly paid attention to a small case in Incheon County, Duan Shijie and Bei Chaoqun both thought that the perpetrator was probably Xu Junran, but anyway, Incheon County handled this matter properly, but it was in Incheon County. They had been praised several times in the newspapers, so they couldn't say anything more. After all, since Xu Junran had the ability to recruit reporters from the Legal Daily to praise the Incheon County Court, he also had the ability to recruit reporters to criticize the Danjiang City Intermediate People's Court and Procuratorate.

"This brat, can't he be more peaceful?" Duan Shijie thought happily when he heard that the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction gave Bei Chaoqun a severe reprimand.

Everyone in Danjiang City knows that the deputy mayor in charge of urbanization is Bei Chaoqun's confidant.But Duan Shijie knew very well that after this incident, the deputy mayor would be transferred to sit on the bench in a short time.


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