Powerful and romantic

Chapter 709 Not a simple person!

In officialdom, according to the kind of frankness mentioned in the book, he is a political fool.False words are said for the sake of doing real things well, and they are often used as condiments in doing real things. This is what some people say is true and false. False is required, false is true.

In the same way, when it is not their turn to contribute, even if they are full of golden ideas, those who are in politics must keep them secret; if in the business world, golden ideas are money, then in the political world, golden ideas are the future. and fate.If it is well said, golden ideas are golden ideas, but if it is not well said, golden ideas are bad doctrines.

Xu Junran was not sure what was going on with Mr. Guo. With Wang Meng's incident, he had a new understanding of the human heart, but no matter what he said, since Li Bin invited him here, he still had to observe and observe. of.

We must know that there are no problems that cannot be solved in the world, only people who cannot solve problems.

Thinking of this, Xu Junran picked up the phone and made a long-distance call to Lingnan.

"Brother Viagra, it's me." After the call was connected, Xu Junran said straight to the point.

Cao Junwei on the other end was stunned: "You boy, why did you think of calling me? Yuqing just went to the United States yesterday."

Xu Junran laughed: "I'm not looking for her. I have something to do with you."

"What?" Cao Junwei immediately became serious when he heard the words: "What happened? Do you need money or people? Just tell me the amount, and I will prepare it right away."

After a pause, he simply said: "If it doesn't work, you can just resign and go abroad, and Yuqing and I will be your assistants."

Politics is sometimes like playing mahjong. The people who really win money are those who take advantage of their luck and leave.There are [-] chances that you will lose.There are no winning generals in the casino.There is no permanent victorious general in the political arena.Shifting the battlefield when both reputation and career are in full swing is the best result of governing.

So in Cao Junwei's view, since Xu Junran called him to say something was wrong, something must have happened!

Xu Junran warmed his heart, no matter how long it has been, no matter what he has experienced, this is the real person of his own.Don't ask about right or wrong, don't ask about grievances, help relatives or not, this is your real relative.

"Brother Wei, where do you want to go." Xu Junran said with a smile: "If there is something to do, I will call the elder brother and the old man first, what do you think?"

Hear Xu Junran's words.Cao Junwei froze.Then he smiled wryly: "Oh, I was also troubled by recent events, why don't you talk about this capital city? I called the old man a few days ago, and he told me not to come back in a short time. The capital. Junran, tell me, is the sky changing again?"

He just said this to Xu Junran.If it were someone else, Cao Junwei wouldn't say it.

Xu Junran was silent.He is naturally aware of the current chaotic situation in the capital. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Chinese political arena at the end of the 80s was changing. Many big figures who called for the wind and the rain stepped down at this critical moment just because they were on the wrong team.

"Brother Wei, what the old man said is right, you'd better not go back to the capital." Xu Junran said solemnly to Cao Junwei after a long silence: "Not only that, you have to remember that there are some things that you can not touch. The few businesses I told you, absolutely don’t touch them, no matter how big the profit is. You and I know the future of the big brother. For his sake, or for yourself, if you want to make money, you can invest abroad with Yuqing , absolutely do not get involved in domestic industries, understand?"

Cao Junwei nodded: "I know, you and the boss are both people who do big things, and I don't dare to hold you back. Now the domestic business has basically been handed over to others. Didn't you tell us to collect cash last time? Taking advantage of this opportunity, I discussed with Yuqing and Hongda, and we integrated the industries in our hands, and basically gave up the domestic part. The rest are foreign investments.”

Destiny is often independent of human will. Sometimes, it is precisely one's own efforts that change one's own destiny and make one's destiny develop in a better direction, which is gratifying; but if it is because of one's own efforts, On the contrary, it made fate go to the opposite side, which is a tragedy.The normal path of progress is not based on opportunities or luck, but on yourself to seize every opportunity and work hard.Therefore, a weakness is a weakness, and you cannot think that a weakness is the foundation of your life just because a weakness saved you once, so it is a weakness that must be overcome.

Xu Junran doesn't want the fate of himself and the people around him to become a tragedy for some reason, so he must work hard to live a better life.

"By the way, Brother Wei, help me find someone." After chatting with Cao Junwei for a while, Xu Junran thought for a while and said.

"Who?" Cao Junwei was very surprised. Xu Junran called him and asked him to help him find someone. Could it be his rival in love?

Xu Junran told Cao Junwei all the information about Mr. Guo, and finally said: "This person is Guo Pengfei, who claims to be the general manager of Lingnan Huasheng Construction Company. He seems to have participated in the construction of the International Plaza. Please check it out."

Cao Junwei nodded: "I'll ask the people below to inquire about it later. What's the matter, did he provoke you? Where is he? Let me tell your second brother that in Lingnan, he is really not afraid of causing trouble. We will deal with him later. !"

Xu Junran rolled his eyes, even if this guy becomes the boss, he still can't change his playful temper.

"You don't need to think about it, just check it out for me, don't startle the snake." Xu Junran finally instructed Cao Junwei cautiously.

Cao Junwei laughed loudly: "Don't worry, Viagra, I will do things safely."

Xu Junran put down the phone and couldn't help showing a smile. Cao Junwei hasn't been to the United States much yet, so naturally he doesn't know what Viagra represents. When he knows, he will probably hate the name he gave him.

Cao Junwei's speed of handling things really impressed Xu Junran. Xu Junran called Xu Junran the first afternoon, and before the evening of the next day, Cao Junwei called Xu Junran back.

"I said brother, how do you know this guy?" Cao Junwei yelled into the microphone after the call was connected.

Xu Junran frowned when he heard this: "What's the matter? The surname Guo is very powerful?"

Cao Junwei sneered and sneered: "Awesome? This guy is a contractor at all. His hometown is in Nanyue, and he is not the big boss you mentioned in your information. I asked someone to inquire, and this person used to be a contractor. , I worked in the International Plaza for a while, and then I heard that he took the workers’ money and ran away, what’s the matter, he came to your Songhe province?”

What kind of person is he? When Xu Junran asked him to inquire about Guo Pengfei's information, Cao Junwei immediately felt that something was wrong, and when the information was investigated, he also understood.

"You're a liar after making trouble for a long time." After Xu Junran was stunned, he showed a wry smile helplessly.

After talking to Cao Junwei for a few words, Xu Junran hung up the phone hastily.Of course, he didn't forget to ask Cao Junwei to sort out Guo Pengfei's information and fax it to himself.

Sitting in the office, Xu Junran pondered over this matter. He always felt that there must be something strange about this matter.Because the reason is very simple, he doesn't think Li Bin is the kind of person who is easy to deceive. He has been a secretary for so many years with the head of the provincial party committee. Was it really that simple to be deceived by a contractor?

The so-called cheating actually has many meanings.

Taking the current situation as an example, Xu Junran can imagine several situations.

The word "cheat" now contains at least three meanings: first, Guo Pengfei knew that Li Bin was eager to attract investment, and he wanted to deceive Li Bin and get the maximum benefit from the investment. This can also be called cheating, but it doesn't matter, after all They really want to invest, and businessmen want to maximize their profits, which is also understandable.Second, they came here purely to cheat for food and drink. After being entertained by Li Bin, they patted their buttocks and left. It didn't matter, because they didn't lose much.The most terrifying thing is the third point. They use the name of investment promotion to defraud funds. If this is the case, the loss of Incheon County will be great.

And if it was true that Guo Pengfei was an out-and-out leather bag company, as Cao Junwei's investigation revealed, then no matter what kind of deception it was, it would not be good news for Incheon County.

What puzzled Xu Junran the most was how could Li Bin be fooled so easily?

Now, the most important thing for Xu Junran is to find out how this Guo Pengfei got from Lingnan to Songhe Province.But it's a pity that in order to monopolize this political achievement, Li Bin kept Guo Pengfei's identity quite secret, leaving Xu Junran no chance to contact him at all.

It's not good for Xu Junran to contact Guo Pengfei and others too obviously. If Li Bin feels that he wants to take credit for him, it won't look good on the contrary.

In desperation, Xu Junran had no choice but to ask Liu Huaqiang to pay attention to the whereabouts of Guo Pengfei and others, to see if there was a chance to have a good talk with Li Bin.

At noon that day, when Xu Junran was about to leave work, Liu Huaqiang came to his office in a hurry.

"Secretary, County Magistrate Li accompanied Mr. Guo and the others to come back from their investigation in Qingshan Township." Liu Huaqiang said to Xu Junran as soon as he entered the office.Although I don't understand why Secretary Xu pays special attention to the investors on Li County Magistrate's side these days, since it is what the leader ordered, Liu Huaqiang has always done it [-]% seriously.On the day Xu Junran gave his order, he contacted his confidants in the county government and closely watched the movement of the county government.He got the news today, so he hurried to report to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran nodded, put down the newspaper in his hand, stood up and said to Liu Huaqiang, "Call the car, and you accompany me to the county government."

As he said that, he showed an indifferent expression: "Let's meet this big boss from Lingnan for a while! Humph!"

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