Powerful and romantic

Chapter 717 The Truth

Central Party School?

Xu Junran was stunned by Duan Shijie's words.Regarding the fact that I went to the Central Party School to study, I mentioned it to Cao Junming before, and Fang Zhongyuan should also know about it, but Xu Junran never thought that this matter would progress so quickly.It's only April of the XX year, and I'm already ready to let myself go to the party school to study. You must know that according to Xu Junran's plan, he doesn't plan to go to the capital until the end of the year.

That being the case, Xu Junran couldn't sit idly by for Guo Pengfei's project.

Xu Junran came out of Duan Shijie's office, rested in the city all night, and rushed back to the county early the next morning.

Back in the county, Xu Junran received a report from Li Sumei. The county government had informed the China Merchants Bureau that they were going to formally sign the contract at two o'clock this afternoon.

There are less than five hours left!

Xu Junran understood that the time left for him to stop this matter was getting less and less.

But under the current situation, Xu Junran has no other good way to stop this matter. He can only sit in his office, smoke silently, and wait for Cao Junwei's call. Under the current situation, all hope is lost. It's on Cao Junwei's side.

At eleven o'clock at noon, Liu Huaqiang hurriedly came to Xu Junran's office to report that the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee had sent reporters from TV stations and newspapers to Incheon County to report on the signing ceremony, and they had already arrived at the county government.

Xu Junran's brows were furrowed into a Sichuan shape, and he remained silent for a long time. Today's matter is really too difficult. If he is not careful, not only Incheon County will suffer huge economic losses.Even his official career will be stained.

"Secretary, the county government has already called, please go to the signing ceremony."

Standing in front of Xu Junran, Liu Huaqiang said cautiously.He naturally knew what Xu Junran was embarrassing. He knew that once the contract was signed, there would definitely be problems, but no one believed the secretary's judgment. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

listened to him.Xu Junran didn't say a word for a long time, and after a while, he shook his head and said, "Wait, wait..."

Seeing Xu Junran's embarrassing appearance, Liu Huaqiang hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but said: "Secretary, anyway, it was the county magistrate's request to sign the contract, otherwise, you can go and have a look..."

Although he didn't finish his words, the meaning was already obvious. Since Li Bin, the county magistrate, wanted to achieve political achievements in this investment project, then Xu Junran simply didn't care whether it was true or not. He, Li Bin, wanted to court death, and others What's the use of stopping him?If you stop him from committing suicide, he will think you are trying to take away his achievements.Instead of doing this, it's better to let it go and watch that guy kill himself.At that time, if the liar really takes the money and runs away, let's see how Li Bin ends up.

In all fairness, Liu Huaqiang would only say these words in front of Xu Junran. If it were someone else's words, Liu Huaqiang would definitely not be so troublesome. After all, saying such things in front of the leader is actually somewhat overreaching.

To know.Under the official position, in most cases, individuality is not needed, and it is repulsive to stand out from the crowd.But sometimes, you have to have personality, otherwise how can you be found to reuse you?A person with a complete personality has the basic ability to adapt to the environment and suit different roles.Sometimes you need to be assertive, and sometimes you need to be restrained.Talking to leaders is actually risky: many times, leaders will selectively listen to what you have to say.If it is the information you want to know, you will listen to it and take it seriously.If what you say is what he doesn't want to hear, the leader will selectively ignore it.Sometimes, if you say something that disgusts the leader, it will attract opinions and ideas about you.Change your impression.

People often say that it is difficult to be an official. This is not a joke. Others only see the scenery of being an official, but they don’t know that in the officialdom, every word and every action must be made after careful thinking. Otherwise, even just saying a wrong sentence may change a person's fate.

After hearing Liu Huaqiang's words, Xu Junran couldn't help sighing.

Just like what Liu Huaqiang said, Li Bin's current behavior, in his own opinion, is undoubtedly seeking his own death. If he doesn't stop him, the loss of several million will be small, and his political career in Li Bin's life is completely over. Well, if something like this happened, if he was not held criminally responsible, his ancestors would burn incense.And once something like that happened, the secretary of the county party committee could easily say that Li Bin's willful actions caused the situation today. Not only would he not be responsible, he might be praised for his adherence to principles.

In Liu Huaqiang's view, that is the best result!

It's just that Xu Junran couldn't tolerate such a thing happening. Li Bin's future was small. Most importantly, Xu Junran couldn't watch the money being taken away by Guo Pengfei, but turned a blind eye to it.In Xu Junran's dictionary, some things can be done, but some things cannot be done.

"Forget it, old Liu, keep an eye on it, and tell me if you have any news." Xu Junran gave Liu Huaqiang a wry smile.

After hearing what he said, Liu Huaqiang knew that Secretary Xu must have made a decision, so he nodded and turned to leave the secretary's office.

As soon as he left, Guan Bo hurried to Xu Junran's office.

"Secretary Xu, County Magistrate Li has put in a lot of effort this time, and even invited the media from the city..." Guan Bo said to Xu Junran with a wry smile.

Xu Junran smiled, but did not point out this matter. Guan Bo is envious of Li Bin now. When the truth of the matter is revealed, he will know that the bigger the momentum, the worse Li Bin's end will be. After all, such a big If the fraud case was revealed, a scapegoat must be found, and Li Bin happened to be one of the best candidates.

Seeing Xu Junran's noncommittal look, Guan Bo thought that Xu Junran was a little angry, so Guan Bo didn't dare to say anything more, and after chatting for a while, he left Xu Junran's office.

At about twelve o'clock, Li Sumei also came to Xu Junran's office: "Secretary Xu, just now the county magistrate Li asked me to inform everyone that the secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor Bei are now walking from the city to our county. At three o'clock, all the county government personnel above the deputy department level must go to the government auditorium to gather. As soon as the leaders of the municipal party committee arrive, they will sign the contract immediately." After Li Sumei finished speaking, she stood quietly in front of Xu Junran for a while, watching Xu Junran didn't have anything to say, just smiled and walked out.

Xu Junran sat silently in the office. He knew that Li Bin was trying to build momentum for himself. The leaders of the municipal party committee and the government, TV stations, and newspapers made various publicity. The reputation naturally spread to the whole city.

"Oh, what a pity..." After a long time, Xu Junran sighed and said helplessly.

It would be fine if Li Bin didn't make such a big show, but the more he did it, he found a dead end for himself.

At this moment, the phone on Xu Junran's desk rang.

Xu Junran quickly answered the phone: "Hi, I'm Xu Junran."

Cao Junwei's voice sounded over the phone: "Jun Ran, we found it."

Xu Junran was taken aback, and quickly asked: "Brother Wei, how is the situation?"

Cao Junwei laughed: "You boy, brother, I'm going out, is there anything else I can't do? Your second brother asked someone to check, and found that this Guo Pengfei is a liar. This guy lost money doing business in Lingnan After taking hundreds of workers' wages and running away, he traveled around and deceived many people. The address of Watson Company in Lingnan was rented by this guy. I asked, he was here at the beginning I spent a lot of money, rented a venue, and invited people to dinner, and I heard that I fooled a son of a senior official of your Lingnan Provincial Party Committee."

Xu Junran was overwhelmed with surprise: "Are you sure?"

Cao Junwei nodded: "Don't worry, the Public Security Bureau here in Lingnan has already registered that guy, and he can't be caught by hunting around. I showed them the photo you gave me, and the comrades in the Public Security Bureau confirmed that this guy is The person they are looking for has already set off to go to your Songhe province to arrest them."

Xu Junran's brows finally eased: "That's good, don't worry, I will definitely control people here."

Cao Junwei briefed him about the situation in Lingnan, and then hung up the phone. According to him, the Lingnan Provincial Public Security Bureau and the Pengfei City Public Security Bureau have formed an arrest team and set off from Lingnan to arrest people. Yes, but because of the long distance, it may take more than a week to reach Danjiang City.Moreover, the Public Security Department of Lingnan Province has notified the Public Security Department of Songhe Province, hoping that they can cooperate to solve the case.

But for Xu Junran, this is enough!

"The Public Security Bureau? I'm Xu Junran!"

After putting down the phone, Xu Junran dialed the phone to the office of Zhang Xibin, Director of the County Public Security Bureau.

Zhang Xibin was slightly stunned: "Secretary, what instructions do you have?"

Xu Junran said in a deep voice: "Comrade Zhang Xibin, now I have an important task for you."

Zhang Xibin was stunned, and immediately understood that something important had happened, otherwise Secretary Xu would not have spoken to him in such a tone. He hurriedly said seriously: "Please give instructions to the secretary, I will definitely complete the task."

Xu Junran said slowly: "It has been found out that Guo Pengfei and his party who came to our county for investigation recently are fraudsters wanted by the Lingnan police. I request you to send someone to monitor Guo Pengfei and his group immediately. However, in order to avoid alarming others, You need to keep this matter a secret!"

At that moment, Zhang Xibin felt as if a deafening thunder sounded in his ears!


Today is the Spring Festival. Chenguang here wishes all my friends a prosperous and prosperous Year of the Horse, success and success. Please continue to support this book. I implore everyone to subscribe, after all, subscription is the foundation of a book.

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