Powerful and romantic

Chapter 731 That Familiar Smile

"Let me tell you, don't you stay and have a few words with Xie's girl?" Cao Junwei said with a smile to Xu Junran while starting the car.Although he had a very good personal relationship with Lin Yuqing, he also understood that this kind of family marriage was not just a matter between Xu Junran and Xie Bingxin, and he couldn't afford to put on a face with Xie Bingxin.

Xu Junran shook his head but did not speak, leaning on the co-pilot's seat, wondering what he was thinking.

Xie Bingxin is too proud of this woman. This is Xu Junran's first impression of her, so Xu Junran doesn't agree with the marriage with Xie Bingxin. Although he can't resist, he doesn't intend to get too close to Xie Bingxin, just treat it as an exchange .

What Xu Junran had to consider now was the thesis he was about to publish in the party school.

A few days ago, the party school required students to submit a paper on the current disputes in the ideological field. Xu Junran was keenly aware that this was an opportunity.

"Viagra, tell me, what will happen if I submit my paper to Huaxia Daily?"

Xu Junran suddenly said to Cao Junwei.

Cao Junwei was stunned: "Thesis, what thesis?" He didn't know about this matter. In the past few days after returning to the capital, Cao Junwei only socialized with his former friends and dealt with some business matters. How could he find time to inquire about Xu Junran's thesis? , now hearing Xu Junran's words, I can't help but feel a little baffled.

Xu Junran talked about the content of his thesis, and finally said to Cao Junwei: "How is it?"

Cao Junwei had a wry smile on his face, and he spoke after a while: "I said brother, why are you doing this? Even if I don't understand politics, brother, I also know that once your article is published, it will definitely cause an uproar. Maybe, It’s going to be both sides.”

Although he is a dude.But he is not stupid. Not being proficient in political matters does not mean that Cao Junwei does not know anything about this aspect. If the article Xu Junran said is really widely reported, it will definitely push Xu Junran to the forefront His position has become the target of public criticism. If he is not careful, Xu Junran's current position may be overthrown in an instant.It may even be beyond redemption.

Against bourgeois liberalization ideology.Adhere to reform and opening up unswervingly.Adhere to the economic construction as the center, adhere to the four basic principles!

Just these few points, Cao Junwei thinks.Xu Junran might be doing something thankless.

Hearing Cao Junwei's words, Xu Junran sighed, he knew that what Cao Junwei said was not wrong, sometimes things are like this, no matter whether you know this world or not, this world will not let you, even if you endlessly When you fall to the bottom, even if you think you are innocent, you are really wronged to death.No one understands your thoughts.

However, in this world, there are always some things that need someone to do.

Although there are tens of millions of people, I am going.



Ten days later, the office building of the Central Party School.

As the highest institution for China to train high and middle-level leading cadres and Marxist theory cadres in rotation in China, the scale of the Central Party School is second to none in the entire capital and even in China.To use an analogy, people say that the world's martial arts came out of Shaolin because of Shaolin Temple's status as the leader in martial arts, so the Central Party School's status in the hearts of Chinese cadres is equivalent to Shaolin's status in martial arts.

In the conference room on the ninth floor of the office building, the atmosphere inside was very serious.

Xu Junran was sitting at the end of a round table. Opposite him was a group of serious men and women wearing glasses, including Feng Zicai, his mentor and the person in charge of the training class for department-level cadres at the Central Party School. At that time, Feng Zicai, the vice-principal of the party school, had an uneasy expression on his face.

It has been a week since the last fight in wine.As Xu Junran expected, his article caused an uproar immediately after it appeared in the newspapers. Among other things, this article directly pointed to the intensified bourgeois liberalization in China and the imminent changes in Eastern Europe. In the eyes of many people, the prophecy is just crazy talk and nonsense. If it wasn't because someone found out Xu Junran's identity, I'm afraid the Central Party School would expel Xu Junran immediately.

Even so, when Xu Junran was leaving home in the morning, he also received a call from his second uncle, Sun Zhenan, who happened to be in the capital for a meeting, and he scolded him once, saying that he was so stupid after reading for a few days that he dared to talk nonsense Write it in the newspaper and ask him to explain it to Mr. Sun today.

Before that, Xu Junran had to face the leaders of the Central Party School and the Central Propaganda Department.

These leaders looked at the helplessness on Xu Junran's face. They naturally knew that the articles Xu Junran wrote before were all advocating reform and opening up. To put it bluntly, this guy should be a staunch supporter of reform and opening up, but why did he suddenly change course? , has become an opponent of reform and opening up?

In their view, Xu Junran's opposition to bourgeois liberalization is to oppose reform and opening up!If it weren't for this guy's special status, I'm afraid he would have been dealt with already.

What really made them difficult was Xu Junran's editor's note.

Oppose the idea of ​​bourgeois liberalization, adhere to unswerving reform and opening up, adhere to economic construction as the center, and adhere to the four basic principles!

It is not an exaggeration to say that what Xu Junran mentioned in the editor's note involves the issue of the political line, especially in today's circumstances, the root cause of the former supreme leader's resignation a few years ago is because of what he proposed at the time. He put aside all controversies in the ideological field and devoted himself to developing the economy, resulting in the so-called bourgeois liberalization.

As for that matter, Mr. Sun was always opposed. To be precise, Mr. Sun, like the leader of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, held a conservative attitude towards reform and opening up.In their view, no matter how reform and opening up is done, it cannot be separated from the scope of socialism. This is the bottom line that must be observed.

However, no matter what you think in your heart.Sun Lao has never expressed his position in public!

But Xu Junran's article suddenly appeared in the capital, as if it had exploded.

Not only because his article was published on the internal reference of the party school, but also because Xu Junran submitted the article to Huaxia Daily.It was published in Huaxia Daily.As for that article, many people have read it. It has rich theoretical foundation and extremely sharp writing skills. If Xu Junran's identity had not been found out later, many people in the capital's media circles were already planning to have a good time with this little-known brat in the newspaper. It's been a debate.

Who is Xu Junran?The direct descendants of the Sun family in the capital, the younger generation valued by the two elders.No one believed that Xu Junran would have written that article for no reason, in other words, if it hadn't been for hearing certain signals in the family.He is a department-level cadre.Can something like this be written?Some even doubt it.Was this article really written by Xu Junran?

Could it be the old man of the Sun family who has been dormant for many years.Finally showing your strength?But this time, he joined forces with Elder Cao, who also had a high status in the party.

All kinds of speculation made many people sitting in this room today feel drums in their hearts.

"Comrade Xu Junran, do you know what you write and what it means? How did you come up with such an irresponsible argument?"

The person who spoke was a vice-minister of the Central Propaganda Department, who dispatched cadres at the vice-ministerial level to intervene in this matter.It can be seen how huge the response Xu Junran's article aroused.

Xu Junran listened to the deputy minister's question, shrugged and said: "Minister He, I know what I wrote, and I wrote the reason in the article, and the evidence on it can be found, you can go to Investigate."

After a pause, Xu Junran said bluntly: "The thing about opposing bourgeois liberalization is very necessary in my opinion. It is correct to insist on economic construction as the center, but we must ensure that the development is A socialist economy, not a peaceful evolution by some Western government."

He is very clear that the attitude of the whole country in the ideological field is to develop the economy.The leader who stepped down said that it was because he did not have a strong sense of precaution against bourgeois liberalization, but in fact, in the eyes of truly smart people, no one would know that he only touched the interests of some people.You must know that around [-], most of the children of the central leaders at that time had begun to use the political influence of their parents or families to quickly respond and practice the so-called slogan of "let some people get rich first". The son of a bureau member relied on his father's power of life and death in the news and publishing industry to amass money crazily under the guise of Huang Zi, who runs a magazine.The final result was that the supreme leader personally ordered to be arrested in the Forbidden City.

In the words of a certain big man to his family: "This man is not recognized by his relatives, and he is not afraid of anything. If you accidentally fall into his hands, there is nothing I can do."

Therefore, Xu Junran’s focus in his article is not to oppose bourgeois liberalization, but to develop the economy on the premise of adhering to the socialist line.

Even so, in the eyes of outsiders, this is also a signal!

An extremely dangerous signal!

The descendants of the Sun family, the grandson of Mr. Sun, published such an article on Huaxia Daily, what does it mean?

Although it has not been long since he took the throne today, from the point of view of his line, he is a bit conservative. He has stated on different occasions that he will carry out economic construction under the banner of socialism.On the contrary, the old man of the Huang family has said many times recently that the pace of reform and opening up should be greater, and don't look forward to the future.

Huang Lao vs. Sun Lao, the two big men with outstanding achievements and great power in the party, their current status in the party is second only to the leader of the southern tour who is hidden behind the scenes.

Could it be that a storm is about to break out in the capital today?

Officialdom is like a game of chess, the pieces of the chess pieces are mutually reinforcing and mutually restricting, and the powerful relationship changes according to the situation.

These people sitting in front of Xu Junran today are not only chess players, but also chess pieces.

"Comrade Xu Junran, your article..."

The editor-in-chief of Huaxia Daily looked at Xu Junran considering his words. He really didn't dare to speak. After all, no one knew whether this article was written under the instruction of the old man behind Xu Junran.If it is what the old man meant, what does that mean?He came here today because he was dragged here for a very simple reason.If Xu Junran's article was only published on the internal reference, it would be fine, but it was also posted on the Huaxia Daily, which naturally meant that.There must be people in Huaxia Daily who support his views.

In the fight between immortals, the best choice for mortals is not to participate, but to stay far away, so as not to be affected by the spells of the two bosses.

So Xu Junran knew very well that the final result of this seemingly massive denunciation meeting must be nothing.

"I'm sorry, I have to go home to accept inquiries from the elders, leaders. I will hand in the review later. Yes. That's right. I'll take a month off."

stand up.After glancing at the stunned leaders, Xu Junran turned and left the office. He had more important things to do.No time to grind your teeth here with these people.

Walking out of the conference room, Xu Junran suddenly felt a little lost. This feeling of not being understood is really not good.But no matter what, he can't just watch some things in Huaxia step into the abyss step by step. He knows how many talents have been lost in the officialdom due to the struggle in the early 90s. He hopes that this reminder of his can reduce some losses due to political struggles.

Came outside the Central Party School.Standing on the steps, Xu Junran raised his head, looked at the blue sky, narrowed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Others laugh at me for being crazy, but I laugh at others for not being able to see through!" Tang Bohu's poem sang from Xu Junran's mouth, but at this moment, it has a different flavor.It has to be said that the loneliness of the reborn person cannot be experienced by others. In the previous life, he watched many things happen, but he was powerless.In this life, Xu Junran will never let the tragedy happen again.

Before the words finished, someone behind Xu Junran laughed: "I said Chief Xu, I didn't expect you to be in this mood?"

Xu Junran turned his head, and saw a pretty figure standing there not far behind him, it seemed that he was a little anxious when he walked over just now, at this time the face of that person was flushed, as cute as an apple .

The woman is in her early twenties this year, with a tall figure comparable to a model's proportions, she can be called a nine-headed beauty.The girl is wearing a simple white off-the-shoulder cashmere sweater. Her snow-white shoulders show a round luster in the sun. Her black hair is tied behind her head. Her delicate face is even more glamorous and not bewitching. The type who couldn't help paying attention.

If it is placed in later generations, she will at least be a goddess at the same level as Du Niang, and she is definitely the best candidate for otaku fantasies.

Xu Junran looked at the other party in a daze: "Yuan Xiaoyue! Why are you here? Did you come here specifically to find me?"

The person who came was the little girl Xu Junran met in Jiangnan, that is, the Yuan Xiaoyue who almost became his wife in the previous life.Of course, Xu Junran did not stay in Jiangnan Province in this life, which naturally changed the different fates of the two people.

Yuan Xiaoyue gave Xu Junran a blank look unexpectedly: "You, I heard that you have changed a lot, why are you still so glib, no wonder you will be criticized by the leaders."

I have to say, being glared at by such a beautiful woman, Xu Junran lost his mind for a moment because of the coquettishness of that moment. I haven't seen this girl for several years, but now she is becoming more and more charming. If this woman were placed in ancient times, she would definitely be at the level of Chen Yuanyuan and Baosi. Disaster.

"I'm talking about a little girl, but you can't say that. I'm from your uncle's generation. Are you gloating at my misfortune?" Xu Junran smiled and teased Yuan Xiaoyue.When he was in Jiangnan Province before, he could naturally feel Yuan Xiaoyue's affection for him, but he still couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, and in this life, he and Yuan Xiaoyue's father were equals, so naturally Also broke that mind.Later, I found out that Yuan Xiaoyue went to the capital to go to university, but I didn't expect to meet her here today.

Xu Junran's words made Yuan Xiaoyue speechless for a while. She heard that he had been criticized, so she came here to take a look. She didn't expect this guy to be ungrateful. It's really disgusting.

"Xu Junran! If you are so annoying, I will ignore you." Yuan Xiaoyue stomped her feet, very dissatisfied, and said a little coquettishly.For her, Xu Junran was the most brilliant brilliance when she was young. As she got older, her girlish feelings gradually evolved into a kind of love from the bottom of her heart. She knew that the gap between herself and Xu Junran was too big. So I worked hard to study in university, and after graduation, I was assigned to work in the Central Propaganda Department. After all, college students in the 80s are very popular, especially beauties like Yuan Xiaoyue, who are being snapped up by various units. In recent years She can be regarded as going smoothly in the Central Propaganda Department, otherwise she would not be qualified to come to the party school today.

Speaking of it, there was no conflict between the two of them, it was just that Xu Junran had gradually alienated her relationship with Yuan Xiaoyue in Jiangnan before, and at that time, Yuan Xiaoyue also felt like an ugly duckling, so naturally she wouldn't say much What.Now that the ugly duckling has become a swan, he naturally has a different idea.

"Hehe, I'm not joking. I said, little girl, why are you here? Doing business?" Xu Junran smiled and asked Yuan Xiaoyue in surprise.For him, Yuan Xiaoyue was still a child more often, which was a matter of mentality.

Hearing Xu Junran's question, Yuan Xiaoyue couldn't help but glared at Xu Junran: "You, don't you know that I'm assigned to the Central Propaganda Department? I heard this morning that a bold guy was about to be criticized at a meeting. When I heard the name, I thought it was the same name, but when I saw the person, I found out that it really is you!"

After a pause, she said worriedly, "You, won't you cause trouble again?"


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