Powerful and romantic

Chapter 734 I hope your heart is like mine

Xu Junran was lying in his house, he was waiting, waiting for Xie Bingxin to come to him.

There was a knock on the door, Xu Junran stood up and opened the door, and saw Xie Bingxin standing outside the door, wearing a red dress, bright and moving, passionate.

"Xie Bingxin, why are you here?"

"Can I not come? You guy, you have caused a great disaster. If I don't come again, won't I have to wait for you to get out of prison before I can marry you?"

Xie Bingxin glared at Xu Junran, his charming appearance made Mr. Xu almost not howl.

Since the incident at Yesejiu, Xie Bingxin's attitude towards herself has undergone an absolutely unbelievable change. From the original cold to almost inhuman and cold-faced princess who refuses people thousands of miles away, she has become Nowadays, she is a charming woman who shows a shy look from time to time.Such a change made Xu Junran's little heart beat wildly even after seeing countless beauties.

"Hehe, Miss Xie, you're not." Xu Junran glanced at Xie Bingxin in surprise: "You want to marry me so anxiously."

"You're still laughing." Xie Bingxin's tone changed immediately. Seeing Xu Junran's calm and calm look, she was really a little angry. After all, this matter is getting bigger and bigger, and now there are already people In other words, Xu Junran is an enemy of the bourgeoisie that hinders the development of China.If Grandpa Sun hadn't made a statement all along, I'm afraid Xu Junran would have to go to jail and become a prisoner in a short time.

"Don't worry." Xu Junran said to Xie Bingxin with a relaxed smile, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Now he cannot give any guarantee to Xie Bingxin.I can only comfort Xie Bingxin in this way, after all, Xu Junran is not sure in his heart whether his arrival will be like a butterfly waving its wings.It has an unpredictable effect on the whole history.

Xie Bingxin's parents also served in the ministries and commissions, so they were naturally politically sensitive, and it was immediately apparent that Xu Junran didn't pay much attention to this matter.

"Xu Junran, tell me the truth, did someone instigate you to write it behind your back? Could it be that it was really Grandpa Sun..."

Xie Bingxin hadn't finished speaking, but her face turned pale.If it's the situation she thought of, I'm afraid Xu Junran will have to face it next.It will be a storm beyond anyone's imagination.

Xu Junran looked at Xie Bingxin's pale face dumbfounded.Softly said: "Bingxin. Where are you thinking?"

It seems that he has to give Xie Bingxin a reassurance, otherwise she will continue to think about it like this.Maybe some weird conclusions will be drawn.

Xie Bingxin's beautiful face was full of anxiety at this time, her big eyes looked straight at Xu Junran, expecting him to give her a satisfactory answer.

"Why, you don't have confidence in me?" Xu Junran smiled and asked Xie Bingxin.

Although the expression on his face was relaxed, he was also slightly anxious in his heart.After all, even Xie Bingxin knew about this matter, which means that his article may not only have caused discussions in the high-level and theoretical circles, but may have become a signal among the major factions in the capital.

"Brother Xu, you are really messing around this time! Don't you know that people outside the capital are now spreading rumors that Grandpa Sun saw him retreating, and hoped that Grandpa Huang would retire with him."

Although Xie Bingxin was annoyed by Xu Junran's current attitude, she still told him the news she found out.

Xu Junran's face changed suddenly, and then he showed a smile, and let out a long breath: "Hehe, Grandpa Huang should also retire, the older generation like my grandfather and the head of the Southern Tour have all retired, does he still want to be a lifetime?" Chairman?"

In today's Chinese political arena, although the old cadres are still in control of the overall situation, at least on the bright side, it is the third generation of leading collectives that are in power.Only the old man of the Huang family is still in his position.It is also precisely because of this reason that the Huang faction is very powerful in the entire Chinese political arena, especially in the army, and it is even more popular.The words of the so-called Prime Minister of the Sun family, the Huang family, were not in vain. What's more, Mr. Sun is now preparing to retire completely to make way for his son, while Mr. Huang is seeking to be re-elected as chairman.

But at this time, Xu Junran's article popped up, criticizing Mr. Huang's political views almost without naming names. I am going to retreat, and I am going to pull my old comrades to retreat together.

"You, what are you talking about!" Xie Bingxin said anxiously, "Don't you know that your second uncle was named and criticized at the Politburo work meeting yesterday?"

"Really?" Xu Junran raised his eyebrows and asked Xie Bingxin in surprise.

Xie Bingxin nodded: "What my second uncle said is not wrong. At that time, Grandpa Huang named your second uncle's name and severely criticized him for being in charge of the work of Jiangnan Province, saying that the reform and opening up work in Jiangnan Province has been stagnant in recent years. state."

Xie Bingxin's second uncle is a bureau-level cadre of the General Office of the Central Committee and a well-informed person. Since it comes from his mouth, it seems that it is true.

After confirming this, Xu Junran clapped his hands together and laughed loudly: "That's great!"

He was really happy. Since Huang Lao named and criticized the second uncle, it meant that the Sun family and the Huang family were completely on opposite sides. If so, the Sun family should not be implicated when that big event happened.Even the reformist hat of the second uncle was taken off, which is really a great thing.

The most important thing is that now that he has turned his back on the Huang family, Grandpa must choose whether to stand with the big boss of the Eastern Anhui faction or the head of the Southern Tour in the face of the increasingly powerful forces of the Yellow faction.But no matter how Elder Sun chooses to stand in line, the final result will not be bad.

You know, even reformists.There are also radicals and moderates.

The Huang family, on the other hand, belongs to the radical faction now.

Once the news of the drastic changes in Eastern Europe is confirmed, the Yellow Faction, which has been advocating that China should learn from the Soviet reform model, will suffer a brutal blow.Xu Junran remembered it clearly.The originally powerful Huang family collapsed before the 90th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. If it wasn't for Mr. Huang's health, he survived until the end of the [-]s and died peacefully after exhausting all his old comrades. The yellow family, which has made many enemies, will be completely eradicated.

Even under Huang Lao's protection, the Huang family's power in the military was completely uprooted.

Since he has such confidence, Xu Junran is naturally not worried about the outcome of the Sun family's quarrel with the Huang family.It's a political thing after all.To put it bluntly, it is a knowledge of standing in line.It's good to stand in line.For a family in the officialdom, it is undoubtedly a success.

Xu Junran celebrated happily, but Xie Bingxin turned pale with anger.In her opinion, Sun Zhen'an, the head of the Jiangnan Provincial Committee, was named and criticized after such a big incident. Doesn't that mean that the Sun family will go to war with the Huang family?

And the root of all these things is the article Xu Junran posted, but now he is still smiling because his real uncle has been criticized.If the guy in front of him was not his fiancé, Xie Bingxin really had the urge to kick him in the face.

"Xu Junran! I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

With willow eyebrows erect and almond eyes wide open, Xie Bingxin pointed to Xu Junran's nose and said coldly.

Xu Junran was stunned.Then he realized that Xie Bingxin had misunderstood her attitude just now.

Shaking his head helplessly, Xu Junran hurriedly said to Xie Bingxin who looked very angry and wanted to beat him up: "Miss, where are you going?"

"Don't even think about it. My uncle likes me so much. Even if my surname is Xu, I can still be considered a member of the Sun family. How can I be so happy because he is unlucky?"

Xu Junran said helplessly to Xie Bingxin, if he didn't give her an explanation for the current situation, Xie Bingxin would probably be very angry.

These few words made the expression on Xie Bingxin's face seem to ease a lot, but she still glared at Xu Junran and said, "Then what was your attitude just now!"

She was not stupid, and it could be seen that Xu Junran's ecstatic expression was definitely not fake after hearing that Huang Lao criticized Sun Zhen'an by name.

Xu Junran smiled slightly: "Bingxin, how do you know that my second uncle was criticized by Huang Lao, which is a bad thing for the Sun family?"

Xie Bingxin blurted out: "Who doesn't know, although your uncle is not close to the Huang family, they are all staunch supporters of reform, now..."

Before she finished speaking, Xie Bingxin froze for a moment, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

From the beginning to the end, everyone ignored a very important issue, that is, before Xu Junran published that article, although Sun Lao had always been a centrist, Sun Zhenan was a radical reformist through and through. The walk is not very close, but in many ways, everyone will feel that Sun Zhenan and the Huang family are related. This is one of the reasons why Sun Zhenan's appointment as the head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee is very popular. After all, there are two major factions. Support, it is actually not too difficult for him to sit in this position.

But now, an article by Xu Junran completely separated Sun Zhenan from the Huang family.

Could it be that this is Xu Junran's purpose?

She was right, this was one of Xu Junran's goals.After returning to the capital, Xu Junran suddenly discovered that the Huang family's political views had changed from conservative to radical. Taking advantage of the reform and opening-up banner, the power of the Huang family expanded to a point even stronger than that of later generations. Xu Junran was even more Unexpectedly, the second uncle, Sun Zhen'an, has become a banner of the reformists because he started construction in Jiangnan Province according to the economic development plan he planned for him.

For Xu Junran, this is undoubtedly a fact that makes him very worried. After all, everyone knows the truth that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. If there is a dispute, he will immediately become the target of public criticism.

Therefore, Xu Junran simply sent the article that was originally intended to be published only within the party school to Huaxia Daily for publication, and his ultimate goal was to separate Sun Zhenan from the reform radicals.

Xie Bingxin is not an idiot, he can be valued by Mr. Sun.How could a woman who was specially engaged to the Xie family and hoped to be a virtuous wife-in-law for Xu Junran be a blank piece of paper that didn't understand anything?

Having figured out Xu Junran's purpose, Xie Bingxin suddenly felt.I can't see through the man in front of me.

From the first time we met, Xu Junran felt like a bottomless deep sea. Everything he did seemed to have a strong purpose. Compared with his dandy, the Xu Junran in front of him always gives people a feeling of inscrutability.Originally, I thought I had seen through his thoughts, but after careful consideration, I always found something different in it.

"Brother Xu, you are becoming more and more difficult for me to understand."

After a long silence.Xie Bingxin said to Xu Junran slowly.

Xu Junran laughed.Seriously said: "Xinxin. You believe in me, and I will definitely make you proud of me in a short time. No one will laugh at you anymore that you are engaged to a mud leg."

He knew that countless people in the capital circle had a disdainful view of Xie Bingxin's marriage with him, thinking that the old Sun family was bullying others, and forcibly assigned Xie Bingxin, a famous beauty in the capital, to him, who had come to the Sun family from the countryside. The relatives on him, after all, no matter how talented Xu Junran was, in the eyes of outsiders, he was nothing more than a rural man who was lucky enough to be taken care of by the bosses of the Cao family and the Sun family.

Originally, Xu Junran did not agree with this marriage, largely because he did not want to implicate others.

He is very clear.I will definitely take a different career path in the future.

Compromise and exchange, this is the basic rule of officialdom.

Nearly half a century of life experience in his previous life, as well as seeing the ups and downs of the circle in the capital, made Xu Junran understand a seemingly simple truth that contains the true meaning of officialdom.

If you want to go further in the system, it is not enough just to have a strong background, you must also have strong enough political wisdom and personal ability, especially personal ability is an important factor to measure whether an official should be promoted, and this What is reflected in personal ability is the word of political achievement.

And another thing that cannot be ignored is to know the rules!

Understand the rules in the officialdom!

Xu Junran heard a saying in his previous life, which is called unspoken rules to do things, and clear rules to punish people.What I said is that no matter how capable or background an official is, if he wants to stay in the officialdom, he must learn to abide by the rules and abide by all kinds of rules, both on the surface and secretly.Otherwise, even if you have a background of Tongtian, if a cadre is rejected by the cadres of the entire region, this person will not be able to display his abilities.

In Xu Junran's previous life, he has seen too many such things, and some people's backgrounds are even better than his own, and he can't find out much now.As a result, after rampaging at the grassroots level below, he had to leave sadly. If he was lucky, he could return to the ministry to spend the rest of his life. If he was unlucky, he might even leave the officialdom in disgrace.

And Xu Junran is very clear that he is only a department-level cadre now, and he is not considered a senior party leader for the time being. If he wants to make achievements after becoming a department-level or ministerial-level cadre, he must break many rules.At that time, it was precisely the time when people were most likely to be criticized.After all, if a young leader rashly breaks the rules of a certain place, it will definitely arouse dissatisfaction from everyone, and even Sun Lao and Cao Lao may not agree with him doing so.

But what if, before that, I became a theorist of reform and opening up?

Xu Junran can even imagine that as long as he can get out of this turmoil again and leave an impression in the hearts of the high-level bosses as an enterprising young man, no matter what he does in the local area in the future, in these In the eyes of the elderly, I am afraid that they are all exploring reform and opening up.

After all, today's Xu Junran boldly predicted that the reform and opening up of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe would inevitably fail, and put forward the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the article.Crossing the river by feeling the stones, this sentence was put forward by the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee. Xu Junran believes that those old people who are in the top ranks actually have differences on how to develop China's economy, otherwise there will be no such thing in the previous life. With so many changes and such debates, I am afraid that it will not really subside until the mid-90s.

For him, now is the best time to accumulate fame!

Regarding his future, Xu Junran already has a clear plan.

"Brother Xu, I just hope you are safe and sound." After a long while, Xie Bingxin said softly with slightly red eyes.

Xie Bingxin was undoubtedly very touched that Xu Junran could say such words.

As a woman, a woman who grew up in a political family, Xie Bingxin knew very well that the marriage between herself and Xu Junran was largely a political marriage.But now, for the first time, Xie Bingxin felt a palpitation, an urge to hug the man in front of him.

"Okay, don't do this." Xu Junran stretched out his hand and stroked the strands of black hair on Xie Bingxin's forehead, and said softly, "Anyway, I'm fine today, let's go have dinner, shall we?"

Xie Bingxin nodded unexpectedly softly: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Women only become like this when they fall in love, because they don't need to think too much about things in front of their lover.No matter how cold Xie Bingxin was before, or how much she hated Xu Junran, now she finds that she has begun to really like this man.

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