Powerful and romantic

Chapter 829 Mud

In the officialdom, observing words and demeanor is a skill that a cadre must learn.If you want to survive in the unpredictable officialdom, if you can't learn to figure out the leader's intentions and observe the attitudes of the people around you, then it is simply impossible.

Xu Junran is very clear that Chen Junru's consolation to him is actually a kind of persuasion. The reason is very simple. He is Fangzheng's valued secretary, and Chen Junru, the secretary general of the provincial party committee, has decided to rely on Fangzheng after a series of games some time ago. Yes, so he was on his side. To be precise, people reminded him only because of Fang Zheng's face.As for Jiang Shan, the former secretary, provoking him so directly, it must have been intentional, otherwise his words would not have been sarcasm, this is the difference between people.

In the general office of the provincial party committee, if Xu Junran really made enemies in these short few months, it could only be Jiangshan.This has nothing to do with Xu Junran's behavior style, many things are beyond his control, the ending is there from the beginning, no one can choose.It's as if the principal and deputy are natural rivals, which has become an iron law in officialdom.If a cadre wholeheartedly follows the principal, in the eyes of the deputy, he will naturally become an enemy.They took this person as an "accomplice", not a sacred "staff" in the eyes of others.Even though this person was respectful to them and never had any dark purpose, it still couldn't stop them from drawing him to the hostile side.

In the same way, Xu Junran is Fang Zheng's person now, so how could Jiang Shan, who is a supporter of Jiang Fangzhong, regard him as a friend?

In fact, in the officialdom, if you want to be everyone's friend, it is impossible.No one would be so stupid as to give up the good relationship with the principal, and deliberately try to get close to the deputy. Who can give up the basics?Only a madman would choose that.

Of course, in the integrated one.The relationship between Jiangshan and Xu Junran is not the same as the relationship between the principal and deputy. Xu Junran robbed Jiangshan of the secretary's throne, which is actually similar to the principal who robbed the chance of promotion from the deputy. Jiangshan's hostility towards Xu Junran stemmed from his first When I arrived in Jiangnan Province one day, it existed.

What Xu Junran didn't understand was, where did Jiang Shan get the news that he was in trouble?

Although he has not worked with Jiang Shan for a long time, Xu Junran believes that Jiang Shan is not the kind of person who can act rashly if he can achieve his current position in the provincial party committee compound.That is to say, there is no definite bad news about yourself.Jiang Shan would not show gloating on his face, he is also a scheming person, this has been the case since Xu Junran started working at the General Office.You must know that in the recent period of time, Jiang Shan has always been tampering with the work of the General Office.Li Siqi once satirized Jiangshan vividly, saying that he was like a flea, afraid that Xu Junran would not have an accident, and if Xu Junran had an accident, he would be happier than himself when he was promoted, and couldn't help jumping up.

Such a person.Xu Junran knew that as long as he had the opportunity, Jiang Shan would not be able to throw stones at him.

But Jiang Shan's expression when he spoke just now flashed repeatedly in Xu Junran's mind, and he was very curious.Where did Jiang Shan know about the report letter?He believed that since Chen Junru would show himself the report letter, it meant that his idea was to suppress this matter.As for the Disciplinary Committee, since the report letter has been handed over to Secretary Fangzheng.Then it is even more impossible for someone to leak this news, which Xu Junran still believes in Fang Zheng.

So, where did Jiang Shan know about it?

Think of this question.Xu Junran suddenly felt that maybe this was a clue.

Perhaps, he is about to face another big storm in his life, but Xu Junran is not afraid, he knows that this is a difficulty that he must overcome.

The office is the knowledge about the position. If you want to get the approval of your boss, you must find out your position.In the office, the biggest taboo is not being able to find your own position. If you are not sure about your position, you will run around like headless chickens, which is annoying.To find the right position, the knowledge here is so great that you can't finish it in a lifetime.

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Xu Junran understands his current position, so he knows even more that Fangzheng needs him now, as long as he doesn't give others a chance to catch him, Fangzheng will protect himself no matter how much sewage others throw at him.The reason is very simple. As the secretary candidate hand-picked by Fangzheng, Xu Junran is his face, the face of a top leader of the provincial party committee. Is it so easy to be beaten up?

Chen Junru was very smart to see this, that's why he suppressed the report letter sent to the general office, but Jiang Shan obviously didn't understand it, so he was gloating.

While Xu Junran was sending the documents to Fangzheng, Chen Junru and Jiang Shan were also having a conversation in his office.

"Secretary-General, there have been a lot of gossip in the office these days."

Sitting in Chen Junru's office, Jiang Shan said respectfully.

Before, because Chen Junru admired him very much, Jiang Shan often went in and out of Chen Junru's office, and naturally it was an excuse to report work and the like.

Chen Junru frowned, glanced at Jiangshan but didn't speak, he was very clear about Jiangshan's purpose of coming to see him, naturally it was because of Xu Junran's recent turmoil, but at this time Chen Junru was different from what he thought a while ago, in his view Come on, Jiangshan's approach is undoubtedly seeking his own death.

There are many things in the organization that you can only have ideas, but you cannot have opinions.Because everything in the agency is decided by the top leader.If your opinion is not the same as that of the top leader, you'd better not think about it, let alone say it, and it will easily cause problems; the slightest is that the top leader is unhappy, and the serious one is that the top leader can't tell when to wear your shoes.This is when your opinion is different from that of the top leader. If your opinion is the same as that of the top leader, it is useless for you to say it, because the right will always be the top leader, and the truth will always be the top leader.

In other words, before Fangzheng did not express his opinion on Xu Junran, it would be useless for anyone to express his opinion on this matter.

If it were a month ago, before Chen Junru decided to turn to Fangzheng, he might choose to make some fuss about this matter, deal with Xu Junran, and then attack Fangzheng's prestige of the provincial party committee.But now that he has decided to lean on Fangzheng, Jiang Shan chooses to sow discord at this time, which actually makes Chen Junru dissatisfied with him.

Changes in the attitudes of people in the officialdom towards the same matter are often determined by their positions.

Jiang Shan's provocation this time chose the wrong timing. (To be continued..)

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