On the second night, the wine table was full of smiles, surrounded by a group of college classmates. Everyone knew that Xu Junran was doing well now, so when they received his call, they all agreed.Of course, those who are well-informed already know that Xu Junran is no longer what he used to be, so they are naturally more willing to make friends with him.This is not to say that they are snobbish. In fact, if Xu Junran does not do well and comes to the capital to ask them to do something, these people will not refuse, but that is to use the friendship between each other in college, not to Take what you need like now.

Friendship is a thing, every penny used is one penny lost, but the benefits are not like this, because the benefits are mutual.

Xu Junran invited all men today, including Qian Hua who worked in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Xiao Dashan who worked in the State Planning Commission, Dong Jianguo from the Ministry of Commerce, and Jiao Wenyou from the Ministry of Civil Affairs. They were all people who had a good relationship with him in school , After more than a dozen old men warmly embraced, they began to reminisce about the days when they were in school. From time to time, some people mentioned embarrassing things about someone in school, which naturally caused the whole table to laugh.

Xu Junran sat in the main seat, with Du Wei and Chu Wentian next to him. The Secretary of the Donghai Municipal Party Committee that Chu Wentian followed was still studying in the capital, and he had no intention of going back, so this time Xu Junran invited guests to dinner, he did his part to hurry. over here.

Seeing that the people around had almost arrived, Chu Wentian said to Xu Junran, "Xiao Liu, ask someone to serve the food, and almost everyone is here."

Xu Junran glanced at it, nodded, turned around and said to the waiter standing behind him, "We're all here, we can serve the food."

Today he invested his money. Although he has a good relationship with these classmates, many of them have not seen each other for several years. Since he asks someone to do something, he must show sincerity.Although there is no need to give gifts based on everyone's relationship, but the job of saving face must be done well.

Unexpectedly, Xu Junran's voice just fell.Dong Jianguo, who was sitting next to Du Wei, said, "Lao Liu, wait a moment, there are still people."

Xu Junran is the sixth child in the dormitory, and all the classmates call him that. Even after graduating now, the big guy hasn't changed his habit.He didn't have any ideas, he thought it was good, at least it sounded very close, and it made Xu Junran feel as if he had escaped from the sinister officialdom.

"What's the matter, Da Dong? Who else is there?" Du Wei was taken aback.also asked strangely.

Xu Junran looked at Dong Jianguo suspiciously: "Old Dong, all the people I invited have arrived. Tell me, who else in our class is in the capital that I didn't call?"

Except for Zeng Wenqin and Cao Junming, the male students in the class are out of town, and the rest are basically either going abroad or staying here. Xu Junran really doesn't feel that anyone is left behind.But this matter has to be confirmed, if anyone is really left behind, that's not good.After all, it is a classmate.

Dong Jianguo smiled: "You boy, you just know how to invite male students, and you don't care about the girls, right? This morning, Ye Cunxin went to our department to do business, so I stopped by to see me. When I was talking about you, I just said it casually." Let her come with you for your treat in the evening."

Ye Cunxin is also a classmate of Xu Junran and his class, she and Tian Yu are good friends.Therefore, after graduation, she basically had no contact with Xu Junran.

Xu Junran frowned after hearing Dong Jianguo's explanation, to be honest.He wanted to invite female students, but he was worried that it would be inconvenient to spread the matter to Tian Yu, so he simply invited these male students, but Dong Jianguo notified Ye Cunxin. If Ye Cunxin called Tian Yu over, wouldn't she die of embarrassment?With a wry smile, Xu Junran shook his head at Dong Jianguo and said, "Old Dong, aren't you embarrassing me? A bunch of gentlemen, what are you calling a woman for?"

Dong Jianguo smiled and said: "You guys, we are all classmates, what's the difference between a man and a woman? He just caught up, so how can he not be called? Besides, what happened to a group of old men? There is a girl The lively atmosphere is just right, and our party is also interesting. Red flowers have to be matched with green leaves. You, Xu Junran, are not called female students when you hold a party. What's the matter, what do the girls in our class think when it is spread?"

Xu Junran was helpless for a while, before he could speak, Qian Hua, who was working at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, sneered: "Dong Jianguo, your uncle, you continue to pretend! Try to pretend! Xiaoliu doesn't understand, I don't understand?" You had a crush on Ye Cunxin when you were in college, and now you are working. She happens to work in our Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and has frequent contacts with your Commerce Department. You took this opportunity to be close to the water and chased her for several years? How dare you lie to me? , Brothers, everyone said, should this kid be punished for drinking!"

The two of them lived in the same dormitory when they were in college, and they had bunk beds. They had a good relationship and could wear a pair of pants, so everyone believed what Qian Hua said.Seeing Dong Jianguo's face, Xu Junran knew that he had been fooled by this guy, and he glared at Dong Jianguo angrily: "Old Dong, you are wrong, I won't tell you about fooling me, but you are still cheating me, you are not righteous, you are not righteous."

Dong Jianguo laughed, Qian Hua's words were of course correct, but he also knew that Xu Junran would not be really angry, looked around, and he took out his big brother: "Oh, this woman is really, how many times is this?" It's time, why don't you come? I'll call to remind you, it's really troublesome..."

Qian Hua rolled his eyes: "This guy's ability to play tricks has not changed in more than ten years."

Xu Junran and others also laughed, this is not a big deal, since it is related to Dong Jianguo's lifelong event, Xu Junran didn't care.After all, Ye Cunxin is also her classmate. Although she is a little embarrassed because of Tian Yu's relationship, she still has to deal with each other.

Seemingly knowing what Xu Junran was thinking, Chu Wentian lowered his voice, and whispered in Xu Junran's ear, "It's nothing, Old Dong has no malicious intentions."

Xu Junran nodded: "Third brother, don't worry, I know."

The reason why Chu Wentian said this was because he was afraid that Xu Junran would misunderstand Dong Jianguo and deliberately embarrass him.After all, when it comes to this matter, if Ye Cunxin talks about Tian Yu, Xu Junran will naturally lose face.

Xu Junran didn't pay much attention to this matter, he was no longer that youthful age, some things might have been valued ten years ago, but now, he just laughed it off, experienced too many separations and reunions, the ups and downs of the officialdom, Xu Junran felt that his heart was a little old, at least he didn't have the feeling of waving Fangqiu and pointing the country like before.

People are like this, sometimes they have experienced many things, and they see many things more indifferently.

Dong Jianguo took out his big brother and dialed the number. Unexpectedly, after a while, he put down his big brother with a wry smile and said, "You actually hung up on me, this woman, oh..."

Before the words were finished, someone at the door of the private room said, "What if you hang up? Dong Jianguo, do you have any comments?"

Following these words, two figures walked in from the door. The woman in front was the one who spoke just now. She looked at Dong Jianguo and smiled and said, "I said Dong Jianguo, don't you know that women are born late?"

Hearing this voice, Xu Junran laughed, this Ye Cunxin really hasn't changed, she was such a little chili in college, and she still sticks to me now, it is Dong Jianguo's temperament that can bear her temper.

Smiling, Xu Junran stood up and said, "I'm talking about Ye Cunxin, it's been more than ten years, why are you still the same as before, you don't forgive others when you benefit, be careful not to get married."

Ye Cunxin looked up at Xu Junran, and snorted: "Xu Junran, I haven't seen you for a few years, and I don't even call my sister anymore. You are too embarrassed to bully me as soon as we meet! Besides, I ask you, you invite classmates Why didn't you notify me when we were eating? What's the matter, don't you look down on me?"

This woman was aggressive and tight when she was in school. The women who came out of Xishu are like this. They have a more straightforward personality. Clearing that she was dissatisfied, she simply smiled and said, "I said Sister Ye, don't pick on me. How dare I forget you, old man. It's just that I just arrived in the capital the day before yesterday, and I didn't take the time to contact you. Too many people, sorry for not contacting you, sorry, I will invite you and Jianguo alone another day, okay?"

Ye Cunxin blushed, wrinkled her nose and said, "Just ask me, why do you invite Dong Jianguo? Besides, I'm so young, I'm still an old man, an old man!"

Dong Jianguo didn't care at all that he was belittled, and smiled very dog-leggedly: "Not old, not old, Cun Xin looks like you are 20 years old."

Xu Junran rolled his eyes, this guy is too immoral, he really is a guy with the opposite sex but no humanity.

This is not over yet, Dong Jianguo simply stood up and pulled his chair away and said, "Cun Xin, you sit here."

After finishing speaking, he said to Jiao Wenyou beside him, "Old Jiao, change to another place..."

Jiao Wenyou was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Dong Jianguo who was chatting enthusiastically with him just now and scolded with a smile: "Dong, you have the guts, you forget your friends when you see sex!" Having been friends for more than ten years, Dong Jianguo's thoughts are among friends It was no secret for a long time, although Jiao Wenyou scolded him, Jiao Wenyou still got up to make room for him.

Dong Jianguo chuckled, and said to Ye Cunxin, "Sit down, Cunxin."

Ye Cunxin glanced at Dong Jianguo, she also understood Dong Jianguo's thoughts, the two of them have been flirting for so many years, but seeing this guy being accused of emphasizing sex over friends but not ashamed but proud, she simply Ignoring him, he turned to Xu Junran and said, "I said, Xu Lao Liu, don't pick good things to say, I guess you can't think of my sister and me these years. But you won't even forget us Xiao Yu? "(to be continued...)

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