Powerful and romantic

Chapter 85 Each has a scheming!

(' "Xiao Xu, let's take a step to talk."

Yang Weitian glanced at Tu Wenyong, and whispered to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran knew that he must have something important to tell him, so he nodded at Tu Wenyong, and followed Yang Weitian to a secluded corner of the office.

"County Yang, I heard that many things happened in the county?"

Before Yang Weitian could speak, Xu Junran spoke first.

Yang Weitian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly, nodded and said, "It seems that you have heard about it, the Public Security Bureau is playing the piano randomly!"

Xu Junran was immediately surprised. It seemed that Yang Weitian already knew what Cheng Hongda and Qin Guotong had done, but why couldn't he do anything about it?You must know that he is the top leader of the county government. Although the status of the party committee is far higher than that of the government, Yang Weitian should not be helpless in the face of Cheng Hongda, the director of the county public security bureau who is not a member of the standing committee.

But he definitely wouldn't ask Yang Weitian directly, after all, the relationship between the two of them is not that far, so it must be a bit abrupt to ask.

So Xu Junran simply pretended to be confused and said, "County magistrate, is this an order from you?"

Yang Weitian glanced at Xu Junran, shook his head and said, "How could I give such an order?"

After a pause, he said, "This is an order from the Municipal Bureau."

Xu Junran was stunned for a moment, an order from the Municipal Public Security Bureau?

Immediately he looked at Yang Weitian, it was obvious that Yang Weitian hadn't finished speaking, there was still more to come.

Sure enough, Yang Weitian went on to say: "Secretary Cheng of the Municipal Legal Committee used to be the director of the Municipal Bureau, and he and Secretary Zhang of the Municipal Committee are old comrades in arms."

Xu Junran immediately understood what was going on. Wude County is a county under Quanzhou City. Although Xu Junran was not very clear about the situation in Quanzhou City, he knew some details.Zhang Jingmin, secretary of the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee, and Cheng Junqing, secretary of the Municipal Legal Committee, belonged to the same faction. It was no secret in the official circles of Quanzhou that they fought well with the mayor Zhu Yiqun.

And Yang Weitian was Zhu Yiqun's former office director.

"County Yang, what do you mean, this matter is the meaning of the city?" Xu Junran asked Yang Weitian tentatively.

Yang Weitian smiled wryly, nodded and said, "I don't know if Secretary Zhang of the Municipal Party Committee meant it, but Deputy County Chief Qin has a good personal relationship with Secretary Zhang. He also approached me and said that the direction of the wind has not yet been determined. De County still has to implement the previous policy of the central government, and fully develop the state-owned economy and the collectively-owned economy. As for the individual and private economy, he believes that this is a manifestation of taking the capitalist road, and it must be severely cracked down!"

When he said this, Xu Junran's expression turned a little ugly.

If Xu Junran's memory is correct, what happened this time should have been set by Qin Guotong for Yan Wangsong, and the municipal committee didn't give any instructions about it. The reason why he said that was nothing more than wanting to push Yan Wangsong to the foreground. Let Yan Wangsong bear the reputation of hindering the development of the individual economy, and then take this opportunity to let Yan Wangsong step down after the central government issued a document.

It's just that in his previous life, Yang Weitian kept silent and watched Yan Wangsong being tricked by Qin Guotong.

But in this life, what Yang Weitian said just now was clearly a reminder to himself.

"County magistrate, don't worry, I know what to do about this matter." Xu Junran said to Yang Weitian with a serious face.

He knew that Yang Weitian probably said these things to himself because it was inconvenient to come forward directly.After all, compared to his relationship with Yan Wangsong, Yang Weitian was a bit embarrassed. Politically, he and Yan Wangsong did not belong to the same faction, and their political views were even slightly different. Moreover, his backstage didn’t like Yan Wangsong, maybe One of the group of people who hoped that Yan Wangsong would step down, so Yang Weitian's position was really not very good.

And the reason why he told Xu Junran this, Xu Junran also understood.

It seems that in this life, I have acted as a buffer between Yang Weitian and Yan Wangsong, so that the relationship between the two is not as tense as in the previous life.

"If you don't come back, I plan to have a good talk with the old secretary in the next few days." Yang Weitian smiled wryly and nodded to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran nodded, bid farewell to Yang Weitian, and ran directly to Yan Wangsong's office. No matter what, he must stop this matter.

Reaching out and knocking on the office door three times, Xu Junran took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Come in."

Yan Wangsong's angry voice came from inside.

Xu Junran stepped in and saw Yan Wangsong and Qin Guotong sitting on the sofa in the office at first glance.

Obviously, the two of them were discussing things before.

The conversation was interrupted, Qin Guotong's face was not very good, but Yan Wangsong stood up happily when he saw Xu Junran: "I'm back, Junran."

Xu Junran nodded and said respectfully, "Old Secretary, I'm back."

After speaking, he said to Qin Guo again: "Secretary Qin, hello." No matter what, even if he doesn't like this guy anymore, the rules in the officialdom must always be followed. Also pretend to be nonchalant, this is the basic quality of an official.

Qin Guotong naturally understood this truth, smiled slightly, nodded in style and said, "Secretary Xiao Xu's trip to the capital is going well this time?"

The fact that Xu Junran went to the capital was not a secret, nor did he intentionally hide anything.What's more, he took Lin Yuqing with him. Even if he wanted to hide it from the people in Wude County, it was impossible. The work at the grassroots level in rural areas is like this. If there is any trouble, it will basically spread throughout the county in less than two days. up.

Of course Xu Junran would not show weakness in front of Qin Guotong, he nodded confidently and said, "Please worry about Secretary Qin, everything is going well."

Yan Wangsong, who has been immersed in officialdom for decades, can naturally see the secret war between the two, and he also knows that Xu Junran doesn't like Qin Guotong.After all, one of them was born in Li's Town and the other in Qin's Village. They could be regarded as feuds. If it wasn't for the state's appeasement after liberation, they would probably have fought dozens of times.

Coughing, Yan Wangsong said to Qin Guo: "Old Qin, I think so, what you said, we will discuss it at the secretary's office meeting tomorrow, and I have something to talk about with Secretary Xiao Xu, let's talk about it tomorrow. "

Qin Guotong glanced helplessly at Xu Junran, obviously dissatisfied with him interrupting his conversation with Yan Wangsong.But Yan Wangsong said that, so he couldn't say anything more. He nodded slightly and said to Yan Wangsong: "Old Secretary, I have explained my thoughts to you. Please think about it carefully."

After speaking, he turned and left the office.

Yan Wangsong personally sent Qin Guotong to the door, then turned around and asked Xu Junran, "Tell me, what's going on in the capital?"

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