Powerful and romantic

Chapter 874 Complaint

The first thing Xu Junran did when he returned to his residence in the municipal party committee compound was to take out his bank card from the cabinet, withdraw money from a nearby bank, and hurried to the restaurant.He didn't want to be misunderstood that he was a bastard who disappeared after eating the overlord's meal and not giving money to play.

Many people in this world think that they can sit back and relax as long as they do bad things without being found out, but they don't know that many times people not only have to live in the eyes of others, but also live in their own conscience.

In Xu Junran's view, even if people don't need to have an overwhelming sense of justice, they must at least be worthy of their own conscience in doing things.It's like seeing a thief who may not dare to shout out to be brave, at least it can remind everyone to pay attention to their own things.When someone is knocked down to the ground, you may not dare to help him up, but at least you can call 120 for emergency services.

Sometimes the kindness others give you, according to the most basic conscience, must be worthy of their trust.

Xu Junran felt that he should be worthy of the trust of the proprietress of the restaurant.

When I returned to the restaurant, it was getting late. As soon as Xu Junran entered the door, he went straight to the counter, took out the money he had just withdrawn and put it on the counter: "No [ding^dian^novel][], I'll give you the money." Xu Junran said to the proprietress.

The proprietress raised her head and looked at Xu Junran in surprise: "It's pretty fast."

To be honest, she was prepared before that Xu Junran would be gone forever, but unexpectedly, after a while, Xu Junran actually sent the money back.

"Thank you just now."

Xu Junran smiled and said to her.

The proprietress nodded, she was not polite, she picked up the money on the cabinet and put it away, she said to Xu Junran: "You are quite interesting, I will come here often in the future, and my sister will add more food for you."

Xu Junran heard that she was only a few years older than him, but she had an old-fashioned tone.I couldn't help but burst out laughing.This woman is really interesting.

Without saying anything more, Xu Junran turned around and left the restaurant.

Early the next morning, when Duan Wenxuan went to work, he was full of energy. Last night, his wife chatted with him for a long time. Both of them felt that Xu Junran would be a turning point in Duan Wenxuan's career. The future of this Secretary Xu must be limitless.

"Secretary, this is today's newspaper." Duan Wenxuan put things on Xu Junran's desk.Said to Xu Junran.

Xu Junran nodded, picked up a newspaper and read it.

Duan Wenxuan paused, and said to Xu Junran: "In addition, the materials you asked me to prepare, Secretary, have already completed part of them. Would you like to take a look?"

Xu Junran was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Wenxuan's work efficiency was so high. He just asked him to prepare and get some materials from the unit he was in charge of over the years.He actually had a clue overnight, it seemed that he had chosen the right secretary.

"Okay, put it down, I'll take a look later." Xu Junran said with a smile.

Duan Wenxuan respectfully put down the materials he had prepared all night.Only then did he retreat outside the door, and before going out, he helped Xu Junran close the office door.

Sitting in the office, Xu Junran spent a whole day looking at the materials prepared by Duan Wenxuan.It must be admitted that Duan Wenxuan has put in a lot of effort, and I'm afraid it took a little effort to collect these materials.Not only the changes in organization and personnel of units over the years, but also the current situation and general situation of each unit.Of course, Duan Wenxuan was very smart not to add his own personal feelings. After all, as a secretary, he knew very well that what the leader needs is to collect information by himself, not to let himself give opinions.

In the evening, Xu Junran put down the thick stack of materials with a serious expression on his face.

The situation in Nanzhou doesn't look so good!

This was the first thought in Xu Junran's mind.Although Nanzhou's economic development has undergone a major change in recent years from the data, the problem is that behind such a rapid development, many social and economic problems have been covered up. In other words, under the leadership of Duan Xiquan The Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government pay one-sided attention to the development of the economy, ignoring the construction of spiritual civilization and many other aspects.

From the information Duan Wenxuan provided to him, Xu Junran was keenly aware that there were serious problems in some departments.Taking the industrial and commercial sector as an example, Nanzhou's economic development speed ranks among the top three in Jiangnan Province, but what about taxation?Among the entire Jiangnan Province, Nanzhou's national tax payment ranks second to last.In addition, although Nanzhou's per capita income has increased to nearly 1000 yuan in ten years, the number of poor people has not decreased, and there are even three provincial-level poverty-stricken counties.

what does this mean?

It means that although Nanzhou's economy has developed, it is only a good-looking gross national product. The common people do not get any benefits, the country's tax revenue does not increase, and only a few people really benefit.

"Shuoshu or moth?" A cold smile appeared on the corner of Xu Junran's mouth. He wanted to see what was hidden in Nanzhou.

And at this moment, not far from Xu Junran's office, in the office of Duan Xiquan, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Xiquan, a member of the Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee, is looking at Qian Yunlu, the Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of Organization, who is sitting opposite him with a smile on his face. .

"Old Qian, don't be so angry." Duan Xiquan smiled and knocked on the table in front of him.

Qian Yunlu's face was full of anger: "Secretary, tell me, is this Secretary Xu going too far? Even if there is something wrong with Qian Ning, he will not say that he will discipline my son for me in front of so many people." if?"

Speaking of which, he didn't mean to trouble Xu Junran on purpose, it's just that there is no wind without waves, many good things do not go out, and bad things spread for thousands of miles. As soon as he went to work today, he heard people talking about his son's conflict with Xu Junran yesterday. He didn't take it seriously, but for some reason later, when he heard about Xu Junran, he even said that he would discipline his son for him, which made Qian Yunlu, who had had a little wine at noon, burst out angrily, you Xu Junran Although I am a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee like me, I am so arrogant as a newcomer, and I don't give me any face. Isn't it a bit too much?

Of course, although he was very angry in his heart, Qian Yunlu hadn't lost his mind. He knew very well that if he quarreled with Xu Junran because of Qian Ning's incident, he would not be the only one who would be ashamed, so he simply went to Duan Xiquan's side complain.Anyway, the two are old partners who have known each other for many years. Qian Yunlu felt that Duan Xiquan would choose to stand by his side no matter what.

But what he didn't expect was that after listening to what he said, Duan Xiquan didn't seem to join him in condemning Xu Junran.

"Old Qian, what about you, don't get excited yet." Duan Xiquan said to Qian Yunlu with a smile, stood up and poured him a cup of tea himself.

Qian Yunlu took a sip of the tea angrily, and then said to Duan Xiquan: "Secretary Duan, tell me, is this Xu Junran going too far? Comrades in a team can't tell me anything, and they insist on To trouble our family, Qian Ning, is he too arrogant?"

Hearing what he said, Duan Xiquan smiled slightly, tapped his fingers on the desk lightly, and said after a long time: "I'm talking about Lao Qian, do you think your family, Qian Ning, has nothing wrong?"

Qian Yunlu was startled, but before he could explain, Duan Xiquan shook his head and said to him: "Although I haven't been too involved in your personal affairs these years, I have heard about the things Qian Ning did. In all fairness, Don’t you have any responsibility, old money?”

The two have worked together for many years, for example. Qian Yunlu knew Duan Xiquan's temper very well. He knew very well that being able to make Duan Xiquan speak like this showed that Secretary Duan's attitude was not on his side at this time, that is to say, On this matter, Duan Xiquan is on Xu Junran's side.This conclusion made Qian Yunlu suddenly have an ominous premonition.

Having been immersed in officialdom for many years, Qian Yunlu would not be that kind of useless idiot if he was able to get to where he is today. He knows Duan Xiquan's character well, and of course he knows that his old superior is not a good man and a faithful woman. Known to be domineering and independent, but he can treat him with such a cautious attitude, it seems that Xu Junran, Secretary Xu, is not a simple person. (To be continued..)

ps: The child has a fever for the past few days, all kinds of mental and physical exhaustion

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