Many times, one sentence in the officialdom can make people ponder for a long time, and more powerful people can often analyze the true meaning of a sentence through a few words.Just like the current Li Zhaoming, Duan Xiquan only said to pay attention to three words, and he realized that his attitude towards Xu Junran might have to be changed in a new way.

In other words, Li Zhaoming knew very well that Duan Xiquan might know Xu Junran's true background, that's why he chose to let Xu Junran go, or in other words, his attitude towards Xu Junran was so weird.

It's just that Li Zhaoming still didn't understand, who was standing behind this new Secretary Xu?

Looking at the frown of his old partner, Duan Xiquan naturally knew that Li Zhaoming was drawing circles in his heart, but he was not going to point it out.Although Secretary Sun of the Provincial Party Committee has never talked to him, Duan Xiquan doesn't think that once this Secretary Sun knows that someone has attacked his nephew, he will treat it as if nothing happened. Think about the problem, but Duan Xiquan doesn't think that in this case, Sun Zhen'an will let it go.

"Secretary, let's see, do you want me to accompany Secretary Xu to the countryside for research?"

After pondering for a moment, Li Zhaoming said solemnly to Duan Xiquan.Although he couldn't figure out the details of Xu Junran, he still felt that he should be careful about this matter.

Duan Xiquan smiled: "If you have time, I think it's fine."

He didn't object to Li Zhaoming getting in touch with Xu Junran more, after all, Duan Xiquan couldn't get too close to Xu Junran because of his status.But if Li Zhaoming could send a signal of goodwill to Xu Junran, he wouldn't mind.

Xu Junran didn't think about it either, and went to the countryside to investigate by himself.It actually alarmed Li Zhaoming, and when he saw Li Zhaoming appearing in front of him leading a group of people from the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, he was also taken aback.

"Director Li, who is this?" Xu Junran asked Li Zhaoming in bewilderment.

Li Zhaoming laughed: "Secretary Xu, don't you want to go to the countryside for research? I happen to be familiar with the situation in the various districts and counties below our city, so I will accompany you there this time."

When he said these words, Xu Junran's heart moved.He smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will trouble Director Li."

Each got into the car.Xu Junran sat in his car with a meaningful smile on his face.

He's not an idiot. Although he doesn't know the reason why Li Zhaoming did this, he can be sure.At least the man sitting on the top of the municipal committee building now probably knows a thing or two about his background.

Xu Junran was very wary of Duan Xiquan. After all, Secretary Duan had been able to stand in the Nanzhou political arena for many years, so he naturally had his own uniqueness. He was new here, so he could offend anyone, but he must not talk to Duan Xiquan. Going to the opposite side, after all, the secretary of the municipal party committee in this era is tantamount to representing the leadership of the party.If it is spread that a cadre is at odds with the top leader, it is tantamount to showing that this person is a person who refuses to obey discipline and is not good at uniting the team.Although he has an uncle who is the top leader of the provincial party committee, Xu Junran knows it very well.What I need today is political achievement and a low profile.

"Secretary, what should we do?"

As the car moved forward slowly, Duan Wenxuan asked Xu Junran in a low voice.He didn't expect Duan Xiquan to send out Li Zhaoming, the director of the Municipal Party Committee Office. You must know that Li Zhaoming is known as a big housekeeper in the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. His appearance largely represents the meaning of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary. That is.Duan Xiquan was not dissatisfied with Xu Junran.

Originally, Duan Wenxuan had heard that Qian Yunlu had gone to the secretary's office, so he thought that even if Duan Xiquan took Xu Junran, he could do nothing.But I definitely couldn't run away and reprimanded him, but I didn't expect that this matter would disappear as if it had never happened. This made Duan Wenxuan who thought there would be a storm, but at the same time, he had a new feeling for Xu Junran's energy. understanding.

Hearing Duan Wenxuan's words, Xu Junran chuckled: "Don't worry, just do the research according to the plan."

He didn't care anyway, since Duan Xiquan was willing to show kindness to him, Xu Junran didn't intend to reject people thousands of miles away, and he wouldn't hit the smiling face with his hand, not to mention that he was still the director of the municipal committee office, even though he was ranked among the standing committee members of the municipal committee The last one, but Xu Junran is very clear that beating a dog depends on the owner, Li Zhaoming is not here to find fault, of course he wants to give Duan Xiquan this face.

With this kind of mental preparation, during the next week or so of investigation time, it can be said that the guests and the host enjoyed themselves. Every time I went to a district or county, there was Li Zhaoming, the director of the municipal party committee office who was familiar with the situation. Naturally, Xu Junran, the new deputy secretary, did not dare to neglect. He entertained him politely and respectfully, and reported his work in detail. As for whether the content of the report was true or false, Xu Junran did not care, nor did he I plan to go deeper, many things are not necessarily true when you see and hear, sometimes the shadows behind the neon lights are really moving.

One day in mid-October, Xu Junran came to the compound of the Municipal Party Committee as usual, and as soon as he sat down, Duan Wenxuan walked in with a pile of documents.

"Do you have any plans for today?" Xu Junran asked Duan Wenxuan. Since he went to the countryside with Li Zhaoming to investigate some time ago, he did not do anything special. Except for visiting and inspecting the unit he was in charge of, most of the time he In terms of research materials, most of the Standing Committee chose to abstain from voting, or simply voted with the crowd, giving people the feeling that they did not have the slightest sense of vigor.

Duan Wenxuan lowered his head and said cautiously: "Secretary, at ten o'clock in the morning the Standing Committee will discuss the candidate for the head of Luzhong District."

"Luzhong District?"

Xu Junran thought for a while, and the information about Luzhong District flashed in his mind, and he nodded: "I see."

After Duan Wenxuan left, Xu Junran put the pen in his hand away, and his face became more and more serious.

After this period of understanding, Xu Junran has a new understanding of the situation in Nanzhou City. Although Nanzhou's economy is developing rapidly, the situation of gang formation among the cadres is also very serious. According to Xu Junran's understanding, the mayor of the municipal government is definitely not as harmless as he seems. Besides, Qian Yunlu, the head of the municipal party committee organization, is also considered a powerful faction. , but in fact it is also because of his high personal prestige.

As for the candidate for the mayor of Luzhong District, the main reason is that the previous mayor of Luzhong District was shuanggui due to corruption, and there is an urgent need for a new district mayor to preside over government work.As the third largest district under the jurisdiction of Nanzhou City, Luzhong District has naturally become the target of competition by various forces.

The mayor Ye Yuan and the head of the Municipal Party Committee Qian Yunlu insisted on their own opinions, and they were all recommending people from their own side. Even Duan Xiquan also proposed a candidate. The three sides discussed several times at the secretary's office meeting but failed to reach an agreement. Candidates are still difficult to decide.

At this time, the secretary's office meeting is much more important than the standing committee, because each deputy secretary is a member of the municipal party committee's standing committee, and the things that are usually discussed at the secretary's office meeting are basically just a formality in the standing committee.

"It seems that there will be a result today."

Xu Junran glanced at the documents on the desktop and muttered to himself.

Obviously, since Duan Xiquan brought the matter that had not been thoroughly discussed at the Secretary's Office Meeting to the Standing Committee for discussion today, it showed that he had lost patience and was unwilling to continue discussing with Ye Yuan and Qian Yun about this matter. What kind of tongue-in-cheek, he planned to use his status as the secretary of the municipal party committee to make a final decision with the majesty of the top leader.

With an inexplicable smile on his face, Xu Junran made a decision. It seems that he has to show his strength today.

The Standing Committee was soon held in the large conference room of the Municipal Party Committee. Apart from the Standing Committee members of the Municipal Party Committee, only the cadres from the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and Fan Zhongtian, Secretary of the Luzhong District Party Committee, attended the meeting.

After making a simple opening remark, Duan Xiquan quickly brought the topic to personnel issues: "Next, let's discuss the personnel arrangements in Luzhong District."

A cold light flashed in Xu Junran's eyes. He knew that the real key was coming to her. (to be continued)

ps: Recently, my child has a fever and pneumonia, which almost killed me. Children are really difficult to take care of, especially children with cerebral palsy like my son. Others may only need injections and medicine for colds and fevers. Our family does not even need treatment. Delay, alas, all kinds of helplessness

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