After the secretary's work meeting ended, the results quickly spread in the official circles of Nanzhou City.

Strictly speaking, there are no secrets in the officialdom. As long as there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there is a network of connections. Many things can be guessed in the eyes of those who are interested in the truth even if they just mention it casually. What's more, Duan Xiquan The head of the municipal party committee had no intention of keeping it secret at all. With his intentional or unintentional hints, the results of the secretary's office meeting were quickly spread.

Among them, the most shameless person is naturally Qian Yunlu, the deputy secretary in charge of organization and personnel, while Ye Yuan is a little better, and the one who stands out the most is Xu Junran who came out halfway.

"Secretary Xu, thank you very much."

As soon as He Yuanzheng got the news, he rushed to Xu Junran's office to report.This is an attitude. Since Xu Junran was able to win the post of head of Luzhong District for himself, He Yuanzheng certainly knew what he should do.

Scholars die for their confidants, and women are for those who please them. Although the truth for thousands of years is a bit exaggerated, He Yuanzheng is very clear that from today onwards, his official career in Nanzhou will be completely tied to Xu Junran .It may be exaggerated to say that Xu Junran died, but as long as Xu Junran is still in office for a day, there is no possibility of changing his family. After all, the most taboo in the officialdom is the generation towards Qin Muchu.

He Yuanzheng is not a capable and ambitious person, but he understands a truth. Once you have made a choice for many things, you must stick to it to the end.

Of course, Xu Junran didn't know what kind of changes he had made in He Yuanzheng's mind. Seeing He Yuanzheng with a flattering smile in front of him, Xu Junran shook his head calmly: "You don't need to thank me, what you have to thank is the organization trust."

It is said to be organizational trust, but both Xu Junran and He Yuanzheng know exactly what it means.

He Yuanzheng said to Xu Junran seriously: "Secretary Xu, don't worry, I will definitely remember your words."

The two talked again.He Yuanzheng was naturally grateful to Xu Junran, and Xu Junran didn't say much, and asked him to understand the situation in Luzhong District and not to let himself down.

After He Yuanzheng left, Xu Junran sat in the office by himself, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, walked slowly to the window, looked at the sky outside, and took a deep breath.

Anyway.I finally opened up a situation in Nanzhou City. Although Duan Xiquan was used as a gun once, Xu Junran did not regret it. He cooperated with Duan Xiquan to get what he needed. To put it bluntly, it was a tacit understanding between the two.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door, Duan Wenxuan walked in, and said respectfully to Xu Junran: "Secretary Xu, Director Li of the Municipal Party Committee has informed you that you are invited to attend a foreign event tomorrow afternoon."

Xu Junran smiled.Nodded: "Understood, you arrange it."

Obviously, this is Duan Xiquan's reward for himself, after all, at today's meeting.I was like helping Duan Xiquan repel the attacks of Qian Yunlu and Ye Yuan.After all, Duan Xiquan took advantage of Xu Junran today. In order to appease Xu Junran and the people behind Xu Junran, he had to make some concessions.And letting Xu Junran participate in the foreign affairs activities that Duan Xiquan, the secretary of the municipal party committee, should have participated in was an acknowledgment of Xu Junran's status.

"Secretary, the leading comrades of several units have just called. They want to report to you."

After hesitating for a while, Duan Wenxuan whispered to Xu Junran. It can be seen that he should have answered a lot of calls just now. After all, if the affairs of the secretary's office meeting spread to the outside, He Yuanzheng would come to him to report to him if he got the benefits. Other interested people If you also want to improve, you will naturally know how to choose.

But Xu Junran didn't want to see them at this sensitive time. After all, many things had to be done in moderation, and he had already benefited, so there was no need for extra complications.

Thinking of this, Xu Junran shook his head, and told Duan Wenxuan: "Just say that I have arrangements for the last two days, and let them come back in two days."

Duan Wenxuan nodded in agreement, turned and left Xu Junran's office.

It was getting dark soon, when Duan Wenxuan came to ask Xu Junran what his plans were after get off work, Xu Junran waved his hand: "You get off work, I will go out for a walk by myself."

Duan Wenxuan nodded, thought for a while and asked, "Secretary, can I leave the car for you?"

As the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Xu Junran naturally has his own car. Duan Wenxuan takes the driver to pick up Xu Junran when he goes to and from get off work.Hearing Duan Wenxuan's words, Xu Junran laughed and waved his hands: "No, no, I'm just walking around."

Leaving the municipal party committee compound alone, Xu Junran strolled on the streets of Nanzhou. Although Nanzhou in the 90s was not as developed as the coastal cities, it was relatively prosperous thanks to the hard work of the team headed by Duan Xiquan for so many years.

However, this superficial prosperity cannot conceal the abnormal state of Nanzhou's economic development.

Sighing, Xu Junran suddenly felt that his future work really had a long way to go.

"Yo, isn't this Brother Xu?"

At this time, a very unexpected voice sounded in Xu Junran's ear.

Xu Junran turned his head, his face suddenly full of embarrassment, it turned out that it was the hotel proprietress who appeared in front of him.

"Hehe, that, hello, hello." Xu Junran greeted helplessly.

If there is anyone Xu Junran in Nanzhou feels embarrassed to face, this is him. Xu Junran has lived for so many years, and he has never encountered such an embarrassing thing last time.

However, this mature and glamorous boss didn't care much about Xu Junran's embarrassment, and smiled and said, "Why, didn't you bring your wallet to eat today?"

Xu Junran was startled, then raised his head to look, only to realize that he had been standing in front of the restaurant for a long time, he blamed himself for being lost in thought about the things in the city just now, he smiled helplessly, and was about to explain, the proprietress had already photographed Patted Xu Junran on the shoulder, pulled him and walked inside: "Don't worry, I trust you, it's fine to deliver it next time without a wallet."

Xu Junran couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking that his image was completely ruined in the heart of this elder sister.But after thinking about it, I was really hungry, so I didn't resist the other party's invitation, and walked into the restaurant.

"What's your name?" Xu Junran smiled helplessly as he watched the other party help him order food, and asked the proprietress.

The proprietress smiled: "My surname is Zhang, you can call me Miss Zhang."

Xu Junran nodded, and didn't say anything else. They exchanged light words and deep words. They met by chance, and the other party was a beautiful woman. Xu Junran didn't want to cause any trouble.

But it's a pity that he doesn't want to make trouble, but trouble always finds him. (to be continued..)

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