Li Zhongyuan was actually somewhat puzzled by Ye Yuan's words. He didn't understand what Ye Yuan meant when he said such words to him. Could it be that Mayor Ye planned to use this matter to make a fuss?

After hesitating for a while, Li Zhongyuan agreed. Although Zhou Jian, the director of the city bureau, hadn't rushed over yet, Li Zhongyuan knew very well that he was not qualified to disobey the mayor's orders as a small deputy captain of the criminal investigation team. Opinion. △¢Apex Novels,

However, Li Zhongyuan always felt that something was wrong with this matter, and he didn't know exactly what was wrong.

But at this time, Xu Junran did not return to his residence, but asked the driver to drive the car to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. His idea was very simple. Since Duan Xiquan was not in the city and Ye Yuan's attitude was very strange, then he had to Keep an eye on this matter.

Since something like this happened, a task force must be set up.

Sure enough, less than half an hour after Xu Junran arrived, members of the special case team from the Municipal Legal Committee and the Public Security Bureau all gathered at the Public Security Bureau. What surprised Xu Junran even more was that Ye Yuan also came.

Not only that, Ye Yuan came here together with Zhou Jian, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the two of them had been talking in a low voice, and after seeing Xu Junran, Ye Yuan seemed to show a strange smile, and then changed the topic .Obviously, there are some things he doesn't want Xu Junran to know.

Thinking of this, Xu Junran couldn't help feeling a little bit of doubt in his heart, but also a little bit of vigilance.It seems that Qian Yunlu's case is not as simple as it appears on the surface, and he has to be more careful.

In all fairness, Xu Junran is really a little doubtful about this matter. You must know that he has just reached an alliance with Duan Xiquan, and intends to deal with Qian Yunlu and completely lift the lid of Huangyang County, but he has not had time to do it. As a result, Duan Xiquan is now Went to the provincial capital to see a doctor, but Qian Yunlu was killed and slaughtered at home.Could it be that there is some big secret in it?

"Secretary Xu, you're here." Seeing Xu Junran, Zhou Jian hurried over to salute, and said politely.

Xu Junran nodded: "I was a little worried after I went back, so I came here to take a look. Director Zhou, how is the arrest work going?"

He didn't hide anyone behind his back, he just asked Zhou Jian directly in front of Ye Yuan.This is an aboveboard matter, there is nothing to be ashamed of, Xu Junran doesn't think there is anything inappropriate about what he did.

Zhou Jian hurriedly reported to Xu Junranhui: "That's it. I have already communicated with the comrades of the Political and Legal Committee, and we have formulated several sets of arrest plans for this vicious case. Please rest assured that the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee will definitely be in the shortest possible time. Catch the criminals within a short period of time, and return the people of the city to a bright and clear sky!"

Xu Junran nodded: "This matter must be resolved as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he smiled slightly at Ye Yuan behind him: "Mayor Ye, what do you think?"

Ye Yuan made a haha, nodded and said: "I agree, the impact of this matter is too bad. The city bureau must try to catch the murderer in the shortest possible time!"

The two leaders of the municipal party committee who were present said so, and the cadres of the Public Security Bureau naturally did not dare to neglect, and quickly assembled several action teams, preparing to search and arrest all important traffic intersections in the city.

Zhou Jian is also a vigorous and resolute person.The people under him were divided into eight groups, and they were going to lead the team in person to search for criminals in the direction of Houshi Mountain where criminals were most likely to appear.

Seeing Xu Junran and Ye Yuan get into the car, Jiang Guoping, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, said cautiously to Zhou Jian: "Director, otherwise I will lead the team, and you will still sit in the bureau..."

After all, this kind of thing is still dangerous. You must know that the two criminals have guns on them.If something happens, it will definitely cause casualties.Jiang Guoping is Zhou Jian's confidant who was single-handedly pulled out. The reason he did this is largely because he is worried about Zhou Jian's safety.

Zhou Jian chuckled: "Old Jiang, I appreciate your kindness, but I have to go to this matter myself."

Jiang Guoping was a little puzzled. After all, there had been major criminal cases in Nanzhou before, but he had never seen Zhou Jian act so positively and seriously. Where did the sun come out today?

Zhou Jianyu said earnestly to Jiang Guoping: "Lao Jiang, I am a party member and the director of the Municipal Bureau. This matter has such a bad impact. As a leader, if I can't lead the way, how can I be worthy of the national emblem on our heads?" What's more, even Secretary Xu and Mayor Ye are on the front line in person, so what should I fear?"

Jiang Guoping understood it all at once. After a long time of trouble, it was still because of the leaders in the city. Although he didn't know what kind of medicine Mayor Ye and Secretary Xu sold in the gourd, both of them could not be offended by themselves. Jiang Guoping simply stopped talking, and led other action teams to search for the criminals.

What would be the result of certain institutions going all out?

Nanzhou tonight answered this question!

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and police cars with flashing lights shuttled between the cities. All the major traffic arteries in Nanzhou City were full of armed police officers.The order these people got was that the criminals had weapons in their hands, and if they resisted arrest, they could be shot dead on the spot!

Under such circumstances, Zhou Jian personally led nearly 300 armed police and special police to surround Houshi Mountain.This is the closest place to the outside of the city, and most importantly, it is the closest to the place where Qian Yunlu was killed, and the terrain is particularly complicated.

Xu Junran and Ye Yuan's car also parked nearby, and Duan Xiquan hadn't appeared yet, Li Zhaoming sat in Xu Junran's car.

Other leaders in the city are also supervising the hunt at various important locations at this time.

Monkey Rock Mountain is a famous scenic spot in Nanzhou City. Not to mention the beautiful mountains and rivers, the terrain is also full of mountains and forests. Although the altitude is relatively low, the terrain is very complicated. It is possible to get lost during the day, let alone at night.After analysis by criminal investigation experts, they suspected that the criminals were likely to hide here and wait for the calm before trying to get out of the city.

Seeing Zhou Jian leading the team to assemble, Xu Junran thought for a while, and said to Li Zhaoming: "Director Li, tell me the truth, where did Secretary Duan go?"

He is really a little strange, Duan Xiquan has such a strong personality, and there is no news about such a big incident. This is not his style at all.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Li Zhaoming's mouth, and he said helplessly to Xu Junran: "Secretary Xu, at this point, I can only tell you the truth, Secretary Duan..."

After speaking, he told Xu Junran about the situation, including Duan Xiquan's physical condition. Finally, Li Zhaoming said with red eyes: "Secretary Duan didn't feel well yesterday, so he went to the provincial capital for an examination. The doctor over there Let him be hospitalized. This matter was originally planned to be announced by the Provincial Party Committee, and Mayor Ye was temporarily in charge of the work. But such a big thing happened, and there is no time to talk about it."

The expression on Xu Junran's face has changed from shock to sadness. He never thought that the truth of the matter would be like this. No wonder Duan Xiquan had such an abnormal reaction. It turned out that he knew that his time was numbered.

Sighing, Xu Junran rubbed his temples with some headaches, the current situation is too complicated.

Duan Xiquan was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital, Qian Yunlu was shot dead, and Ye Yuan was in charge of the work. That is to say, once the raid is over, the people sent by the provincial party committee should arrive in Nanzhou City to announce the matter. What should I do then? ?

Thinking of what Sun Zhenan said to him on the phone before, Xu Junran finally understood why Sun Zhenan would talk about Duan Xiquan, he knew.It's just that there was a mistake in the two people's words. Xu Junran thought that Sun Zhen'an knew the inside story, but Sun Zhen'an felt that Xu Junran should already know.

"Secretary Xu, Secretary Duan told me that I have something to discuss with you." Li Zhaoming suddenly said something to Xu Junran at this time, which made Xu Junran stunned.

"Secretary Duan said that?" Xu Junran asked in disbelief.

He was really surprised. Could it be that Duan Xiquan planned to entrust his troops in Nanzhou to himself?

You must know that this is not an ordinary entrustment. Duan Xiquan's physical condition determines that he has no way to return to the political arena. That is to say, he has entrusted Xu Junran with all his painstaking efforts in Nanzhou for so many years.

Xu Junran took a deep breath. He felt that the burden on him was heavy. He understood and understood why Duan Xiquan made such a decision. He clearly placed his expectations for the city on himself.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not disappoint Secretary Duan."

Xu Junran said to Li Zhaoming word by word.

After saying this, Xu Junran opened the car door and stepped out of the car, walked to Zhou Jian's side, and asked in a deep voice, "Comrade Zhou Jian, how are you getting ready?"

Zhou Jian was stunned for a moment, raised his head to look at the dark night sky, then looked at the Monkey Rock Mountain opposite, and said to Xu Junran: "Secretary Xu, it's like this, it's still early in the morning, and it's difficult to search the mountain at night. The idea is to start searching the mountains at four or five o'clock in the morning, and try to solve the problem in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, after dawn, the masses will start to go to work, and the flow of people will increase, which will be even more unfavorable for our search and arrest work. "

Xu Junran nodded, glanced at Ye Yuan who also got out of the car when he got out of the car, and said word by word: "Let me ask you, how long will it take to catch the murderer in this case?"

Zhou Jian was startled, hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't know about this, because we analyzed that the murderer is most likely hiding here, so we..."

Xu Junran waved his hand: "I don't listen to your reasons, I just want the result!" (To be continued...)

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