Sun Zhen'an's arrival surprised Xu Junran. In all fairness, he never thought that Sun Zhen'an would rush to Nanzhou from the provincial capital. You must know that he is the top leader of the provincial party committee. What kind of reaction no one will know. ⊙Apex novels,. After all, the relationship between myself and Sun Zhenan is not a secret among the high-level officials in the south of the Yangtze River. .

This is also the reason why Xu Junran didn't go to the provincial capital easily and was unwilling to use Sun Zhenan's relationship.

Under the melon field, there will always be someone who is willing to use this matter to do something, even if it can't shake the Sun family's position in the south of the Yangtze River, at least they must disgust themselves.

Xu Junran doesn't want to be the butt of jokes and talk in other people's mouths. Now he is more concerned with how to do some practical things.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Xu Junran made tea for Sun Zhenan himself, and then he sat down and asked, he was really a little surprised, how did Sun Zhenan arrive in Nanzhou unexpectedly, and he still quietly did not disturb anyone.

Sun Zhenan smiled slightly: "Why, do you find it strange?"

Xu Junran nodded honestly: "I thought you would wait a while for me to go to the provincial capital."

Hearing his answer, Sun Zhen'an laughed, took a sip of water from the teacup in front of him, and then said to Xu Junran earnestly, "I might be leaving Jiangnan soon."

"What?" Sun Zhen'an's words surprised Xu Junran immediately: "You want to leave? It doesn't mean that it will be at the end of the year..."

He was indeed a little surprised, because according to his discussion with Sun Zhenan, Sun Zhenan had said before that he would be transferred to the central government at the end of the year, but he did not expect to leave early so soon.

Thinking of this, Xu Junran frowned involuntarily. Things in the officialdom have never been so simple, and things that were originally planned have changed suddenly.Either there was a problem in Jiangnan, or there was some unusual change in the upper echelon, which made Sun Zhenan's transfer have to be carried out in advance.

"Uncle, is there something wrong?" Xu Junran asked Sun Zhen'an with a serious face.

He believed that Sun Zhenan would definitely not hide it from him, and if there was any problem, Sun Zhenan would definitely tell him the whole story.

Seeing Xu Junran's reaction, Sun Zhen'an nodded in satisfaction, a man in the officialdom.The most important thing is not only ability, but also a keen political sense. If Xu Junran still looks ignorant after this kind of thing happened, that would be the most worrying thing.And obviously, this nephew of his is definitely not that kind of idiot.

"You, don't react so strongly." Sun Zhenan laughed and said to Xu Junran: "It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing."

"Good thing?" Xu Junran raised his eyebrows.I became a little surprised, it seemed that I was thinking a little pessimistically, could it be that Sun Zhen'an raised the adjustment this time.What good will it do?

Sun Zhen'an continued: "There are indeed some problems with Jiangnan's incident this time. However, I have reported to the central government before, and the central government has already sent people down to investigate this matter. Don't be soft on your Nanzhou problem. If you should be arrested, you should be arrested, and if you should be killed, you should be killed. The provincial party committee and the provincial government will fully support your work."

After finishing speaking, he tapped lightly on the tea table with his fingers, and said lightly: "The term will be changed next year. The above means that our family should work harder this time. Your uncle can't do it. The third child's qualifications are not enough. Not enough. So, I want to go up!"

Xu Junran's body trembled, he understood the meaning of Sun Zhen'an's words, which clearly meant that the faction the Sun family belonged to would make efforts during this change of office to push Sun Zhen'an to the top.

The things involved here are definitely not something that can be described by simple factional struggles. There are all kinds of wrestling, and even invisible deals and compromises. Xu Junran suddenly felt that he might never have really understood the real high-level struggles.

"Second Uncle, this matter..." After a little hesitation, Xu Junran opened his mouth to say something, but he never spoke.He understands that this matter cannot be diverted from his own thoughts.Since Sun Zhen'an was promoted by several families to be the superior, the Sun family must have great benefits. Even if there is a risk, Sun Zhen'an has no way to retreat.

"Hehe, I understand what you mean, don't worry, I have a measure." Sun Zhen'an glanced at Xu Junran, and said with a smile: "It is initially settled, I may first go to the central government for a while, and then go to the Pearl, and then I will consider it." Other questions."

Xu Junran let out a sigh of relief. He knew the future direction of history very well. He knew that there would be no place for the Sun family to intervene in China in the future. Xu Junran was very clear about how powerful that person's faction was.The reason why the Sun family was made to rely on Jinshang while the old man was alive was to preserve the blood of the Sun family.Now once the Sun family falls to the conservatives, something really big will happen.

"I know your worries, don't worry, I have reported to Chief No. [-] before. He has no objection to this matter." Sun Zhen'an smiled and said to Xu Junran: "Our family will not do things at both ends of the first mouse, since If you clearly support reform, then you will stick to it. This time, the purpose of several old men pushing me out is also very simple. Since you want to support reform and opening up, then show a real attitude. If I go to Mingzhu, I must do it there. Alright, make it stronger!"

Xu Junran nodded, since Sun Zhenan said so, he was relieved.The most taboo in politics is the two ends of the head and mouse, towards Qin and Muchu. Although people often say that those who know current affairs are heroes, after all, people have their own careful thoughts, and no one will rest assured of a family that often changes families.It’s as if Cao Cao knew that Lu Bu’s strength was super high, but he still chose to kill Lu Bu in Baimen Tower. The reason was that Lu Bu’s reputation as a domestic slave made him unable to believe that the other party would never leave him when he was in danger. You know, sometimes the enemy is not scary when you face each other, but the most terrifying thing is the knife stabbed from behind.

"After I leave, the situation in Jiangnan may become more complicated." Sun Zhen'an looked at Xu Junran, and said earnestly: "Be careful in your future journey."

Xu Junran nodded. He knew the meaning of Sun Zhenan's words. Since the Sun family gained something, they must lose something. The impermeable Jiangnan that they managed in the past may be mixed with some other factions Power is coming.This is probably why Sun Zhenan came to see him today. (to be continued..)

ps: resume update, one chapter per day

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