(' After staying with Lin Yuqing for a while, Xu Junran checked the time, and sat in the bullock cart that went to the county town to sell mountain goods, and walked slowly towards the county town.

But at this moment, when the sun was shining in the sky and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, the meeting room of the Wude County Committee was filled with smoke.

Officials like to smoke. This is a habit. Maybe it is because of thinking about problems. Whenever there is a meeting, the leaders all over the place will have cigarettes in their hands, regardless of whether it is cigarettes or dry tobacco. Big guys say what you say. While talking, you are also smoking cigarettes one by one. It seems that if you don't smoke, it is not easy to study.

Originally, there was going to be a secretary's office meeting, but Yan Wangsong, the secretary of the county party committee, changed his mind and proposed to hold a standing committee.He is the head of the county party committee, so he naturally has this power.Although the other Standing Committee members didn't know what was going on, they could only rush from their respective posts to the county committee.

At the beginning of today's standing committee, Qin Guotong, the executive deputy county magistrate, fired the first shot with high spirits.

"Old Secretary, County Mayor Yang, the county has seized many unlicensed small businesses and hawkers in the past few days. They have greatly disrupted the economic development order in our county. I think they should be dealt with seriously!"

He came today with a sigh of relief. No matter what, he must let the Standing Committee make a decision to severely crack down on the behavior of small businesses and peddlers.

Qin Guotong knew very well that Yan Wangsong, the old secretary, hated all this the most. As long as he showed a firmer attitude, he would be able to win Yan Wangsong's support.At that time, as long as Yan Wangsong makes a decision to crack down on small merchants and peddlers, it will be like digging a hole for himself and falling into it.

He got the news from Secretary Zhang of the Municipal Party Committee that the country is planning to vigorously promote the individual and private businesses. By then, Yan Wangsong, an old bone, will have to get out of office, and he will have a chance to compete for the throne of the county party secretary.

As for Yang Weitian, although Qin Guotong didn't take it lightly, he was quite relieved. Yang Weitian was not a fool, and at this time, being wise and protecting himself was the most important thing.The reason why I dared to design Yan Wangsong was precisely because someone from the municipal committee hinted at me, otherwise Qin Guotong would not have the guts to deal with Yan Wangsong who had been entrenched in Wude County for decades.I believe that Yang Weitian should have also received the warning from the person behind him, otherwise Yang Weitian would not have remained silent when he sent Cheng Hongda from the Public Security Bureau to arrest him.

The right time, place and people are all on my side, as long as Yan Wangsong expresses his opinion, it is tantamount to stepping into this game, and he will definitely die!

After Qin Guotong made his statement, Bai Baiyou, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the County Disciplinary Committee, frowned and said, "Secretary Qin, you can't say that. These small merchants and hawkers are just taking out their own things to exchange for food tickets, cloth tickets, etc. There is no need to pay for it." Are you online?"

Tianyou was a demobilized soldier, and he belonged to no one's faction in the Standing Committee of the county party committee. He had always been a model of sternness and selflessness.

In the 70s and [-]s, the functions of the county party committee and the county government were completely lost, and the work in the county was mainly performed by the revolutionary committee, not to mention the discipline committee and other departments, which completely lost the role of inner-party supervision.It was not until after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee that the functions of various departments of the government party committee were gradually restored.

But now at this time, the Disciplinary Committee has just resumed work. Tianyou is a cadre from the provincial capital. I heard that he has a deep relationship with a certain leader of the Provincial Disciplinary Committee. Several leaders are quite afraid of this cold-faced secretary.

Qin Guotong's expression changed. It was obvious that he was extremely afraid of Tianyou, but at this time he was very confident. On the one hand, it was because he had the support of the big shots in the city, and on the other hand, it was because he had already talked with Yan Wangsong yesterday. After the report, in his report, those small businessmen were portrayed as a group of lawbreakers who tried to use capitalist means to seize national property. In Qin Guotong's words: "If these people are not arrested, the people will not be angry! "

God knows where his so-called "popular anger" came from.

After pondering for a while, Qin Guotong winked at his good friend, Propaganda Minister Shen Yongyong. Shen Yongyong is the son-in-law of the Qin family village. Allies helped.

Shen Yongyong coughed, looked at Bai Tianyou, thought about his words before saying: "Secretary Bai, I think what Secretary Qin said really deserves our attention. Now the central government has not yet decided on the way of self-employment under the planned economy. A clear conclusion has not been clarified in various documents, and even the special economic zone is only tested in a few areas. If our Wude County allows these individual traders to act at this time, wouldn't it become an old society? Is it the kind of businessmen walking all over the place?"

He is also a smart person, knowing that the old secretary Yan Wangsong hated the old society the most, because he came from a bitter background, and he hated the capital that exploited farmers the most.

Sure enough, Yan Wangsong frowned, although he didn't speak, his face was slightly gloomy.

Shen Brave decided to strike while the iron was hot, and continued: "If you want me to say, for the small traders who appeared in our county, I think we can properly educate them, confiscate their illegal income, and make them promise not to make the same mistakes in the future, but We must use various means, including publicity and education, to let the people in the county understand that we must unswervingly follow the road of socialism!"

If Yang Weitian hadn't known the conspiracy behind them long ago when he said such righteous words, he would have even shouted.

However, Bai Tianyou was a little reconciled. Although he didn't know what kind of tricks Qin Guotong was playing, but relying on the soldier's intuition and sense of justice, Bai Tianyou felt that it was just selling some vegetables and fruits produced by himself, so there was no need to go online like this. , The era of class struggle as the key link has passed. In today's society, it is real to let the common people have enough to eat.A poor county that relies on state relief every year to get through the spring famine, what messy ideological issues are there to consider?

Of course, this kind of thinking is just in his mind. Although Tianyou is upright, he is not stupid. The thought in his heart, in the past, was a rebellious statement and would be criticized, even now Under this situation, it is better to be more cautious before all the forms are clarified.

As for Qin Guotong, Bai Tianyou was very cautious. This person started his career by rebellion, and he was able to get into the ranks of cadres because he had some relationship with the main leaders of the municipal party committee. Don't offend the villain.A gentleman can bully him, but a villain can't afford to offend him.

The way of officialdom is to only plant flowers and less thorns. Unless it is a last resort, they will not fight each other and never die. Therefore, Tianyou can only express his opinions and then keep silent. After all, the old secretary Yan Wangsong has not expressed his position yet. If I talk too much, it will make him unhappy.

Most of the other members of the Standing Committee shared this attitude, even including Li Dongyuan, a hard-core strict faction, who did not express their stance. Everyone knew that the final decision on this matter must be in the hands of the old secretary. It is useless for people to speak.

All eyes were on Yan Wangsong.

Yan Wangsong didn't speak all the time, just smoked his own cigarette silently, one puff after another, the thick smell of smoke soon permeated the entire meeting room, because the smoke is more pungent, and some people who are not used to smell it, I couldn't help coughing, and made a burst of sound.

Stretching out his hand, he took the last puff of cigarette beautifully, and put the cigarette on the table. There was an ashtray on the table. It was said to be an ashtray, but it was actually a can bottle half filled with water. This was Yan Wangsong's idea, save it In case the smoke is not extinguished, and something is scalded, after all, there are not many items now, and money is tight in the county. If something is worn out, there is no money to repair it.

"I said County Magistrate Yang, you are highly educated, tell me, what kind of behavior is this small businessman?"

Yan Wangsong's first sentence made everyone slightly stunned, because he didn't ask Qin Guotong, but brought the topic to Yang Weitian.

Could it be that the old secretary wanted to trouble County Magistrate Yang?

All the Standing Committee members had such a thought in their minds, but the expressions on their faces and thoughts in their hearts were different.

People like Qin Guotong and Shen Yongyong were very happy, they hoped that Yan Wangsong would have a conflict with Yang Weitian, so that they could fish in troubled waters.

But Bai Tianyou and the others were a little puzzled. After all, the old secretary was highly respected, and the county magistrate Yang was dedicated to his work. They didn't want to see the two party and government leaders clash. Focus on developing the economy of Wude County.

As for Li Dongyuan, his face was full of surprise and confusion. As Yan Wangsong's confidant and Xu Junran's elder, he had heard Xu Junran say with his own ears that there was no misunderstanding between Secretary Yan and County Mayor Yang, and the two cooperated. very nice.And Xu Junran's appointment and some other things also made Li Dongyuan faintly feel that Xu Junran was right.But at this moment, Yan Wangsong actually led the incident provoked by Qin Guotong to Yang Weitian, why?

Just when everyone was very curious, Yang Weitian thought for a while and said: "I think this matter seems to be a little overdone, what do you think, old secretary?"

Yan Wangsong nodded unexpectedly: "Yeah, I also think it's a bit too much, not only it's too much, but also a dog meddling with a mouse!"

After finishing speaking, Mr. Yan Wangsong turned his head to look at Qin Guotong, raised his eyes and asked, "Qin Guotong, let me ask you, what is the mission of the Public Security Bureau?"

Qin Guo stayed in the same place, and before he could answer, Yan Wangsong asked himself and answered: "If you want me to say, this Public Security Bureau is to protect the common people from being violated by criminals and to protect the interests of the masses. But look at these people under Cheng Hongda. Isn’t it putting the cart before the horse if you don’t catch the criminals and keep your eyes on the vegetable sellers and groceries sellers?”

A cold light flashed in the old man's eyes: "Secretary Qin, what do you think?"

At that moment, Qin Guotong felt as if he was being followed by a tiger that had just opened its eyes after taking a nap!

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