Powerful and romantic

Chapter 99 Murder Cases

(' (Tonight at 12 o'clock, that is, in the early morning of April [-]st, brothers, we are ready to guarantee the monthly pass and subscription!)

"How did you come?"

When seeing Xu Junran appear at the door of his office, Li Dongyuan looked surprised.

Xu Junran laughed: "Uncle Six, I don't like to hear you say that. What's the matter, I'm not welcome?"

Li Dongyuan patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and walked in first.Xu Junran followed behind him, turned around and closed the door.

At this time, there is no secretary or anything like that. A leader like Li Dongyuan either cleans up the office by himself or finds someone in the county party committee office. He just finished the standing committee meeting today, so he didn't bother to clean up.

Xu Junran was not polite, so he simply poured himself a glass of water, and poured another glass for Li Dongyuan, before sitting across from Li Dongyuan's desk.

"I heard that you have gained a lot from this trip to the capital?"

This is the most frequently asked sentence by the elders to Xu Junran recently, and he has explained it to others more than once, and now Li Dongyuan asked again.

Xu Junran nodded with a smile, introduced the situation in the capital to Li Dongyuan, and finally said, "Where is Brother Huzi?"

After he came back, he didn't see Li Yifeng in the town, so he asked this question.

Li Dongyuan took a meaningful look at Xu Junran: "I don't know what kind of flamboyance, I insisted on clamoring to go to the army, and I managed to ask him to join the army."

Although he didn't know what was going on, but his stubborn son suddenly asked to go to the army to receive training, which made Li Dongyuan happy and a little puzzled, but no matter how he guessed, this matter must have something to do with Xu Junran, after all Everyone knows that Li Yifeng's temper is so violent, except for Xu Junran's words, even his own father's words, this guy dares to discount from time to time.

Xu Junran didn't hide it from Li Dongyuan, nodded and said: "It was my suggestion to Brother Huzi to let him serve in the army. He is always wandering around in the county, fighting with people every now and then. Sooner or later, something will happen. .At that time, no one may be able to keep him."

Li Dongyuan was taken aback for a moment, keenly aware of the hidden meaning in Xu Junran's words, and asked in a deep voice: "You mean to say that the higher up wants to..."

He works in politics and law, and has been a policeman for half his life. Although Xu Junran's words are not so obvious, the meaning inside and outside the words seems to imply that the upper echelons will carry out a major rectification of social security, like Li Yifeng. A person who hangs around on the street and causes troubles must be in bad luck, and he may not even be able to protect him by then.

Xu Junran nodded: "When I went to the capital, the capital is currently cracking down. A few hooligans who molested women in the street were held down by a group of soldiers and beaten violently. I heard that it is conservative and estimated that they will be sentenced to more than ten years. If it's serious, it might be shot!"

Li Dongyuan's face suddenly became ugly, he didn't expect such serious consequences.He is very clear about the virtues of his son. In Wude County, Li Yifeng can be regarded as a bully in the county. He is also called the "Three Tigers" along with Cheng Hongda and Qin Shousheng. It's not really a disaster for Xiangli, it's just that I like to fight.

"Jun Ran, are you joking?"

"Uncle Six, why would I make fun of this matter?" Xu Junran looked at Li Dongyuan, lowered his voice and said, "In less than a year, the country will launch a crackdown nationwide."

He wasn't lying. If Xu Junran hadn't miscalculated, Cao Junming should have sent another article up at this time. It was specially prepared by him for Cao Junming. For criminal incidents, Xu Junran's purpose is very simple. The earlier the crackdown is started, the earlier certain criminal incidents will not happen. Otherwise, the more vicious incidents there will be, the more people will be hurt.

In all fairness, although there were mixed reviews and praises for the crackdown in the previous life, it was somewhat suspected of overcorrecting.But it did produce a lot of effects. As for the problems that occurred later, there were some deviations in the actual implementation process.After all, who is to say that serious criminal offenses should not be cracked down hard?The problem is that following the past way of doing sports can easily lead to various deviations.Since the spearhead of "strike hard" is aimed at serious criminal offenses and the purpose is to maintain social stability, it is easy to reach a consensus among the top leaders of the party.The public security organs are even more encouraged, thinking that they can let go of their hands and feet and do a big job. At the beginning of the "strike hard" campaign in 1983, more than 108 million people were arrested across the country in just three months.Under this high-pressure situation, social security improved for a while, so at the initial stage, most people held a positive attitude towards "strike hard".However, with the introduction of a series of extraordinary measures, the bottom line of the rule of law has been greatly broken through, and its negative effects have been highlighted.Initially, according to the inertial thinking of "excessive correction", people also felt that some excessive actions in "strike hard" could be forgiven.Later, "strike hard" became the norm, and the majority of police officers were dragged down to extreme fatigue, and the effect of deterring crime gradually weakened.

And what Xu Junran hopes to do is to use his own power to change this result.

That's why he wrote the article on the current national security situation and asked Cao Junming to sign it for publication. He also had an in-depth talk with Cao Junming after he left the educated youth in the capital. During the conversation, Xu Junran told Cao Junming about himself After "analyzing" some situations, one thing was finally confirmed, that is, if Cao Junming can seize the current opportunity, it is entirely possible to become a highly valued senior cadre in the party.

In Xu Junran's words, Cao Junming is the person he knows who is most likely to be in a high position. If he can help him, it is tantamount to helping himself.

Originally, Cao Junming was somewhat reluctant. After all, in his mind, Xu Junran was his little brother, and it would be best if he could help him become famous. However, after Xu Junran analyzed the stakes in detail, he gave up on this idea. .Just like what Xu Junran said to him, if it was just the article on economic construction, it would be fine, and if the article on public security was written by him, Cao Junming, no one would say anything, only Cao Junming. Junming's family has a long history, but if he puts Xu Junran's name on it, it will make people wonder if Xu Junran was ordered by others.After all, speaking of it, an ordinary rural college student with no roots and no bottom, who hastily expressed such an opinion, must make people wonder whether he has some purpose.

So in the end, Cao Junming agreed to Xu Junran's suggestion.

Although Li Dongyuan didn't know where the news of Xu Junran came from, he also knew that the current social atmosphere was indeed not right. These young people were too energetic, and the lack of education made their behavior a little unscrupulous. stand up.

"I'm afraid it's not just because of Huzi that you came to see me today?" Li Dongyuan glanced at Xu Junran and asked.

Xu Junran chuckled: "Uncle Six is ​​still smart, I really need you."

Li Dongyuan nodded: "Tell me, what do you want Uncle Six to do for you."

Xu Junran stood up, walked to the door of Li Dongyuan's office and looked at the door. After making sure that there was no one outside, he turned around and sat down on the chair. Looking at Li Dongyuan, he asked seriously, "Sixth Uncle, what can you do about the case you handled back then?" Can't tell me."

"The case?" Li Dongyuan was slightly surprised and asked in confusion.

With a calm face, Xu Junran stretched out three fingers and said: "Yes, it is the case three years ago, the so-called murder case you told me about."

The moment he finished speaking, Li Dongyuan's expression changed.That feeling was like falling from the highest point of life to the lowest point all of a sudden. Xu Junran even felt that when Li Dongyuan heard that he told about the case, his whole spirit felt a little sluggish.

The so-called fight and murder case three years ago was only heard about by Xu Junran after he returned from university. Back then, a strange case happened in a village on the outskirts of Wude County. The victim was a blind wanderer in the village named Chen San. Pao, because there was a conflict while playing cards with others, and a fight broke out.The four big men fought together, Chen Sanpao was injured on the head, and then went home, but died the next day.This matter spread throughout Wude County for a while. As the director of the County Public Security Bureau, Li Dongyuan must have personally intervened in the case, and immediately arrested the three suspects who had fought with Chen Sanpao.

After interrogation, Li Dongyuan believed that the three suspects had no motive to kill Chen Sanpao, so he asked the county bureau to release them.

As a result, he was still in the process of solving the case, but Cheng Hongda led people to arrest the three people Li Dongyuan had released earlier. After some interrogation, one of them confessed that he was the one who returned to Chen Sanpao. After that, they sneaked into Chen Sanpao's house and killed him.

This matter can be said to be big or small. If it is placed in later generations, it is nothing more than that the criminals are too smart and have hidden the investigation from our police officers.But at that time, especially under the impetus of some caring people, it was quickly rendered as Li Dongyuan's incompetence, and he failed to distinguish the criminals. It's an unsolved case.

As a result, Li Dongyuan was dismissed from the post of chief of the County Public Security Bureau and replaced by Cheng Hongda.If the old secretary Yan Wangsong hadn't personally gone to the municipal party committee to make a statement, Li Dongyuan might have been removed from the standing committee of the county party committee. After all, he was labeled as dereliction of duty at that time.

This matter is Li Dongyuan's taboo, and no one dares to mention it in front of him.But now, Xu Junran suddenly mentioned this matter, which made Li Dongyuan feel a little strange.

"Jun Ran, what exactly do you want to say?"

Looking at Xu Junran, Li Dongyuan showed a puzzled expression on his face.

On the other hand, Xu Junran smiled lightly and said calmly: "Uncle Six, it's very simple, I want to reverse the case for you!"

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