When you get close, it is another feeling, solemn, majestic, majestic and brilliant.

The building is very magnificent. Under the leadership of Quan Fubo, Nalan Zhenyue went to Fenglei Villa, but he had to report first, and Nalan Zhenyue was waiting outside, so Quan Fubo went in first to report.

After waiting for about half an hour, Quan Fubo hadn't come yet, and Nalan Zhenyue raised her brows slightly.

She decided to walk around, she didn't enter Fenglei Villa, she just waited outside.

There is a forest outside, and there are monsters in the forest, but they are all monsters with no attack power.

Nalan Zhenyue didn't go too far, as long as Quan Fubo came out, she would feel it too.

Just at this moment, a figure appeared, not far ahead, an old man who came out from the path, leaning on crutches, with one hand behind his back, his back bent.

Looking around on the ground as if looking for something.

The old man didn't look at Nalan Zhenyue, but suddenly said: "Young man, help me!" The old man's voice was a little hoarse, was he calling her?

Apart from Nalan Zhenyue, there was really no one else around here.

Nalan Zhenyue walked over, "Need help?"

The old man said without looking up: "Help me find a five-star grass..."

Five Star Grass is a kind of medicinal material. This kind of medicinal material is very special. It looks like ordinary grass. It is almost difficult to distinguish it unless you touch it carefully with your hands. Moreover, ordinary pharmacists can't tell it apart even by touching it. This five-star grass can refine medicines, but there are very few medicinal materials that can be fused, and several medicines cannot be refined.

Nalan Zhenyue didn't say anything, and immediately squatted down and looked around carefully. It doesn't mean that there are no five-star grass in this kind of place. The place where five-star grass grows is more miscellaneous. Only where there is grass will there be five-star grass. grow.

It's just hard to tell.

Many small vendors who set up stalls like to collect these grasses, hoping to find the existence of the five-star grass that came out today. Even if they don't, they will use these ordinary grasses to fool people who don't understand.

Nalan Zhenyue looked at it again, but she really couldn't see it. She touched it with her hand, following the direction where the grass was blown by the wind.

The old man looked at Nalan Zhenyue, and said slowly: "I've been searching for a long time, but I can't find it. This five-star grass is really hard to find, but there are five-star grass here..."

Nalan Zhenyue didn't listen to what the old man said later, but slowly felt it.

But when she felt something was wrong, Nalan Zhenyue paused her hands, and then accurately grabbed a grass, and picked it out in the next second, even the roots were intact.

"Boy, did you find it???"

Nalan Zhenyue felt it carefully again, and it was indeed the five-star grass.


The old man collected the five-star grass, and Nalan Zhenyue was about to go back to Fenglei Villa, but the old man stretched out his hand to hold Nalan Zhenyue, "Young man."

Nalan Zhenyue turned her head to look at the old man, the old man raised his eyes, his eyes curled into slits with a smile, he was already hundreds of years old, but his smile was kind.

"Young man, don't go, help me find it again!"


Nalan Zhenyue helped the old man find the five-star grass again. After searching for it once, the rest was easy. In less than 10 minutes, Nalan Zhenyue found a lot of five-star grass. What she didn't notice was that the color of the sky Slowly it became overcast, and dark clouds came out.

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